I'm Mexican, born and raised in a border city and I think Illegal Immigration ruined this town, so I completely understand if you want Trump to win which will probably happen. Go Trump!!
I'm Mexican, born and raised in a border city and I think Illegal Immigration ruined this town...
Also, AMA if you want.
I don't think your opinion is atypical of Mexicans on Sup Forums at least, most of the Mexicans I've talked to on Sup Forums tell me they believe Trump is a better option than Hillary
I agree and I am Mexican as well
My neighboring city is a dump with illegals
Not only does it fuck the city but it's in humane and criminal to rent out shacks with no running water
It's the like the grapes of wrath here in southern Cali
Also what is the superior breakfast?
Chorizo and egg or chillaquilles?
I was in Matamoros a few weeks ago, and people were complaining about big groups of "cerrotes" from Central America being kept in town by coyotes while they raised money to pay for their trip across the border.
And they raised that money by theft, working for cartels, etc.
Chilaquiles, Chorizo gives me a horrible heartburn. Also, I don't eat pork or beef.
We have invasiones here, you know people squatting or whatever it's called. People just decided to build improvised house out of shitty materials on private lands. After it went out of control the local government allow them to stay there. The result is fucked up neighborhoods on uneven terrain. without any sense of infrastructure.
If only we could have a Trump mayor here, whatever, there's not much that can be done since this is still Mexico and they're not illegals here.
How well could a gringo live in say Acapulco or La Paz on $1,500 USD a month? Maybe Ensensda for a quick getaway back to the states if shtf?
I actually think that if Trump gets his wall, it would be great for both our countries in terms of economics.
I can see it now, Trumpland Border Tours and Carnival
Would you work hosing vomit off of rides if it meant you get American citizenship 15% off?
Would Trump getting elected help Mexico?
This mexibro.
I'm Shia Muslim, born and raised in Texas and I think Sunnis ruined the world, so I completely understand if you want Trump to win which will probably happen. Go Trump!!
I also live in a border city and I support the wall. Please Trump, don't fail us.
I don't know about those places but tourist areas tend to be expensive. We have San Carlos in my state (Sonora). Many retired Americans live there, it's mostly an unknown destination for tourist (Except for the ones from Arizona perhaps) and the beaches are clean. I think Jan Brewer owns property there. It's also much less expensive that the areas you mentioned. Google San Carlos, Sonora to see pics.
Sure, I mean I can already travel to the US but citizenship would be very nice actually. But I don't think the wall is possible at least here. It's mostly private land, and it's ridiculously uneven terrain.
You do realize most of the smart Mexican Americans come to apple valley, Pennsylvania. And this is coming from a White Alpha Male. But if you act like a nigger you're done for.
Mmm maybe? Mexico and US relations would have to be re negotiated but it's possible.
I don't need your approval, you fucking taconigger.
Quit trying to Hijrah the beanerfags thread and make your own Muhammad!
(for those who don't know, 'Hijrah' = Jihad by migration.)
Yes, it is an actual doctrine of islam.
stormniggerkike just fuck off.
The equivalent of niggers would be Mexicans from Oaxaca, Guerrero and Chiapas. Also, the ones form Sinaloa hat have a narco complex, we call them "buchones", they dress flashy, knock off designer clothes and very uncultured in general.
I would but I already have too many threads :/
Legally immigrate and join the party.
protip: when being granted citizenship, you're """required""" to surrender all other passports for destruction. in practice, all they can do is ask you politely for them
I don't think I can. I have a border crossing card, I cross almost daily because I go to run and it's nicer there. Fun fact: My great grandfather was Italian American, a WWII veteran but decided to marry and have kids here.
I've only ever met two Mexicans in my life.
A posh lass at work, she a rich lass. And a very poor bloke I shared an apartment with when I lived in Spain. He had no money. Fucking nothing.
I made sure he had shoes, clothes and food. I am still in touch via e-mail. My girlfriend was very motherly to him. He came in winter and people think Spain is always warm and sunny.
It gets very cold in winter.
My friend is from "Aguas Calientes". It's in Mexico somewhere. I'd love to visit Mexico, but I spend my coin on visiting my family in New Zealand.
I didn't know that. I know people with dual citizenship here. My mom said she wanted to gave birth to me in the US, paying for all of course but my father didn't want to. What a jerk.
Listen to me homie. When you come to America, you bring nothing to it. Where you came from means nothing because you're now American. Your best bet is to surround yourself with White people, Pennsylvanians. WE have a job to do and thats grow fruit. Mainly apples. Stay away from the city life.
it's a lot harder to emigrate to the U.S. if you're already established somewhere else. the #1 way is to attend college here, the #2 way (no pun intended) is to work at MS/Oracle in CA. the #2 way is popular with indians so I hope you know java and have a better accent
My plastic explosive sences are tingling
Aguascalientes is in Central Mexico, it's a colonial city I think.
Hahahah I'm not a Muslim, I drink alcohol.
I can't stay in the USA for more than 6 months, it would be illegal.
Become a man like I did and join the MARINE CORPS. Prove me wrong spic.
I can't join the Marines, you need a green card for that.
>be a subhuman
>join the subhuman corp
Spanish blood takes pride in not being a slave.
I feel you but it's only 4 years and it's worth it in the end.
your straight dude, thats alot of pesos
Yeah given that it's almost 19 pesos for a dollar now.
That's nice of you to say, Jorge. But you know you will still have to stay on your shithole side of the wall. Maybe if you volunteer your time to help build the wall then maybe Lord Emperor will show mercy and allow you to come here. So for right now just have to stay where you're at.
I don't mind, the wall would be a deterrent for more southern Mexicans and southern Americans to come to my town, that's good enough. I can always marry an American girl or guy to get a green card, I can legally cross anyway.
Thanks for the info. I know very little about Mexico.
I like Mexican Spanish. I speak Castellano; European Spanish and Catalan. I used Catalan more as I lived in the Pyrenees. It's easy to pronounce for English speakers. Cuban Spanish is easy for me. It has a rhythmic sound.
English is a syllable timed language. We put emphasis on the penultimate syllable usually. If you speak French, then each syllable has exactly the same weight.
American English and British English are almost the same.
why the fuck do we have IDs now????
To stop samefagging?
for how long have you been gone user?
I wish I had a British accent.
of fuck you meant different ID
>I don't eat pork or beef
t.Muhammad Sanchez Selim
Nooo I was raised Catholic, I'm an atheist now, I would never convert to Islam.
ok. Here's your hat.
Cool. I was just testing you, Mexibro. We need more human beings like yourself here. Screw that shithole and just hop border right now. I know a nice Hillary supporting couple that would put you up in their newly remodeled basement. They actually got it remodeled in hopes they could one day house a refugee family down there.
Yeah I can be their Mexican Butler or something.
how are you typing in english? the average mexican, in mexico, can't speak english to save their life.
Because I'm right next to the USA, been crossing a couple times a week since forever and I went to private schools probably. My English is still not perfect.
lmao u wot.
>I'm Mexican born and raised
>On the border is where I spent most of my days
>Chillin out maxin relaxin all cool
>found out my best friend's cousin is a drug mule
>when a couple of illegals who are up to no good
>started making trouble in the neighborhood
lol are you serious? Virtue-signaling liberals are so pathetic. Fuck Hillary and fuck rapefugees. At least beans are technically westerners and assimilate better.
Much better food too.
You don't need to be their butler, they will wait on you hand and foot. I'll just bring some cervesa and tacos and we can chill and watch soccer.
How hard is it to find a lighter skin Mexican girl, that isn't a gold digger -- oh, and that isn't hardcore Catholic?
Why? There are many British accents. I have a north Yorkshire accent. My wife has an east highlands Scottish accent.
There's standard English, which I use for job interviews and making formal phone calls. Etc.
But I use dialect mostly. I don't think you'd understand it. The vocabulary and grammar are not like standard English. I use dialect with my wife and kids. My mum and friends.
Here it's easy, except for the hardcore Catholic part maybe since most Upper class people are very Catholic.
I don't know it sounds cool. I didn't know there were different British accents until I heard how different the servants in Downton Abbey sound from the Aristocrats.
Dead serious. These asswipes even have a 1 year old that would most likely get raped by a rapefugee family. I can't wait for them to be enriched.
Rapefugees kek
So.. I'm guessing the average Mexican girl, won't put out unless I put a ring on their finger?
Average yes they would, more if they think they have a chance for a green card.
It would be more difficult if you want a girl from an upper middle class upbringing, but there's a better chance she would be light skinned.
of course he is, he may troll everyone mercilessly, but damn hillary is lucifer incarnated.
god, it'd be awesome, a trump-like dude with the will to fuck u´p degenerates, cartels and wipe out anything related to socialism...
You're a good guy.
this so much
Thank you sir.
Where are you from?
I don't get it.