13 year old Norwegian boy on his way to become a girl

13 year old Norwegian boy on his way to become a girl

His mother is very "supportive"

Why is this not considered child abuse?
What would happen if you slapped your child, like they used to do to teach them manners?

Slapping BAD!
Changing gender OK!


Other urls found in this thread:


It will kill itself soon enough

Jews win, ohh veyy

>tfw will never be a qt loli trap
>tfw not mentally ill and will never get my boipussy fucked by countless people for money

Look at the girl in the back. Who is that q.t.3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510

>tfw Hans looked it up

The boy is the first one I'd fuck.

>being sad while eating sushi


10/10 would fuck

proof thats a little dude

too cut

>narcissistic boy becomes girl to be even more narcissistic *kissy kissy *duck face *bussy papa
wew lad.

>Why is this not considered child abuse?
The world is twisted

do you think he takes it in the ass?

He's hot desu

Work on those muscles, boy.
You don't want to


>Why is this not considered child abuse?
You realize parents have done this to their kids way before right? Boys like experimenting with this kind of stuff. Kids these days just put everything online.

When I was 7 years old my mother would always bleach my hair and pluck my eyebrows, it hurt like hell but she said you need to suffer a little bit for beauty. And it's true.

Isn't this manifest destiny, the concept that America is pretty much founded upon?

I would never want to change my gender, but to me this seems like the definition of freedom.

Fuck you Ole, you made me into a charicature swede that want to be "so tolerant" with his boypussy

I don't get why this is a bad thing.

When is the last time you have spoken to a 13 year old?
Kids are fucking stupid and letting them cut their dick off might seem like a good idea when they propose it, but as a good parent, if you think real hard, you might see that it should be postponed until they are 18

This faggot will kill himself before he hits 30. Calling it now

I don't live to far from Norway. Is Norwegian difficult to learn? Are there many of these that live there?

Trips of innocent questions


Get your tonsils removed.

Let me guess, he was raised by a single mom?

I actually really like Sam Hyde

honestly thought he was just a meme but he pens a pretty tight paragraph when he wants to


they want to fuck him thats why. they all need tpo die.t

and her various boyfriends

i wouldnt doubt he has been raped at least 5 times

no, this is a complete nutcase. its even socially ok to laugh at these people...just like the cat-woman a while ago...because its just fucked up and retarded.


>fuck off, we're full

instagram /emmaellingsenn/

Based Serbia

>When I was 7 years old my mother would always bleach my hair and pluck my eyebrows, it hurt like hell but she said you need to suffer a little bit for beauty. And it's true.

Holy fuck I hope this is a joke.


No it's not socially acceptable. Just look at the outpour of support. She even was one of our stupid morning shows, look in related vids.

Just accept it, the cancer has arrived.

What about the father?

>inb4 what father?

Oh, I remember that guy. He was on a reality show about trannies. Wonder if the dick's intact.

>getting any kind of ENT treatment
u wot m8, don't trust anyone with a scalpel near my mouth.

That's because she's hot
No one wants to support those old sissies and ugly people don't deserve support

>child told men are evil his whole life by a lesbian or single mother
>child wants to become a female
>13 years old

Think of it this way, at least those "refugees" don't have to beat your sons, they can rape them like they rape your daughters.

Men gave women suffrage. Women gave men suffering.

Let Islam take over. It's not worth it anymore.

that kind of things happens when u have too many shekelz

>mother look like dyke
>father is low T beta with 0 muscle tone
>brother looks like effeminate faggot

Honestly not surprised desu senpai. We need a good World War to separate the wheat from the chaff. Too many genetic dead ends are reproducing.

I'm just going to say it, that's a top tier trap. My dick is hard.

I think like this:

Kids a the age like to imagine that they are characters, like heroes, spies, sportmen etc... then it comes the age that the kids must stop and wake up to reality and the parents must help them overcome that.

But instead of waking the kid the, the mom goes and say:

>Oh sweetie, wanna be a girl? Ok then, i'll take you to the doctor to make a hormonal treatment and cut your dick off xD

and then shit like this happen, also the lack of a good old beating, not torture, just a beating really.

No (him to the right):

So that lots of good men die like the last two world wars?

He's 13 years old you fuck

Not a trap, just a confused child.


Brazil may be shitty but at least they have some decent people like this guy (he's probably white)

Why dont you have a seat?

Hahaha I fucking love when white supremacists like this dude have a mental breakdown

I have no idea what the fuck he/she is saying in the video, how am I supposed to believe it is a boy? There's a friend of this person in another one of their videos that has a man voice that I'd believe is transgendered.

Y-Yeah... white.

Anyway, i think most of people here thinks like this. Heard some opinions that are basically the same.

Because suicide?

>He also cited a study that said transgendered people who have reassignment surgery are 20 times more likely to commit suicide than non-transgendered people, according to CNS News.


Google translate the comments maybe?
It's true though


He isn't a white supremecist, achmed

Machine translations are shit.

How can white girls even compete??!?!!

>Sam Hyde


I'm not gay nor pedo but come on now.


fuckin northern europeans

I was on a business trip and lemme tell you it was terrible. So many of these mentally ill trap boys just roaming the streets soliciting themselves. Will never go back again.

Reported to services - you filthy Mexicans.

Disgusting male genetics, his brother should cut his balls off too and become a tranny,

This desu. I want some of dat ripe boipucci before it becomes a blackened incontinent mess.

>fuckin northern europeans
lol that doesnt exist

you germanics arent european

Indoctrinated scientists say indoctrination of young minds is totally okay. Wew lad.

It was sad to watch. ;_;

you best not be talkin to me niqqa

>Basic grooming practices around the world
>Indoctrinating a boy to act like a twink

Not quite the same, but thanks for the input.

>>brother looks like effeminate faggot

Maybe such comments made him want to be a girl?

Who the fuck is masculine at that age? Jeeeez

My Mongolian brother has right on some level. However in the OP it's way more than experiencing.

He's 13. He probably doesnt even know what a vagina is.

>13 year old
why would a 13 year old child use all that fucking makeup?


he's on the news you fucking burger.
it's a dude

>ywn plunge you cock down his boipussy
Why even live?

>we have to wait 5+ year till there is porn of her

Oh just dump the fucking traps so we can all jack off and go home.

Because that's what he thinks a girl is...
pretty pretty pretty princess

Because her parents are a shit

>Can't consent to have one time sex
>Can consent to have his sex permanently altered

>13 year old trap
>wears chokers

I would fuck the shit out of that boipussy

NOT based Serbia

Is it possible to want off this wild ride but also stay on at the same time?

>Yes, don't bother fighting goy


He's 13 you sick fuck.

reported to barnevernet

Same, I want off but also live to see a world with no morality, and maybe even have some fun in it.

imma fuck that
hang me afterwards I have no regrets

A little old, but i bet her hole is still nice and tight.

Norwegian boy goes to puberty ro become women.
Norwegian has no men. Preparing for sandmonkey refugees.

There is no way that's a boy. Come on...Fuck science

I want to put my Jewish penis into her

yeah im starting to be 100% ok with this

>liberals creating cute traps and ushering in a new age where shemales actually look like girls
>a new age of shemale porn

thank you liberals, thank you.

Joel was right
