>Whites are a minority
Why can't white men breed ?
How does it feel to cuck yourselves slowly
Why do white people prefer not to have kids
Other urls found in this thread:
Cause i don't like kids, its a huge hassle and money sink
Because we cant all be welfare absorbing niggers with like 12 kids.
SAGE this trash!
Why not?
1. Shitty economy
2. Draconian marriage laws caused by feminists
3. Ridiculous relationship standards also caused by feminists
4. Little hope for the future
5. Shitskins having so many kids that even if we all became Mormon it wouldn't help if the border is left open.
If you want to raise white birth rates, you need to start by stopping open borders and addressing the economic and social barriers to young men getting married. 70% of men 18-34 are not married in the US, that is a huge problem.
If we want to stop MGTOW, we have to make its alternative seem viable, we can't just try and shame people in line. Especially since part of the redpilling process basically requires you to immunize yourself to shame tactics.
Then get out-populated white man.
Too busy wageslaving.
>mfw there won't be any white people around to provide gibs
Don't worry shitskins, I'm sure China will feed you lol
>Shill calling a legitimate post a shill
Fuck off leaf.
>Why do white people prefer not to have kids
Well for starters, it costs a fucking fortune and you need to be fully prepared financially and emotionally to raise a child.
And whites aren't niggers, we put effort into raising the child, we don't give up and walk out like a nigger does
>believing this
Nobody can look 10 years into the future let alone almost 1/3 of a century
White people are normal, and sacred. The rest of the world are rats. r-selection rats. You "out populate" whites, now what?
Why are the goyim so cucked?
Legitimate question. t. Jew.
My theory? God hates them now for some reason.
Why? Because they supported Pakestine instead of God's chosen, notice that Americans still have relatively high birth-rates.
Because men are becoming useless , yes being white and having higher IQ you start to think to much, In the past you were told you are a man stop crying like a little bitch and man up
Today men are emotional , they cry ... and womans don't respond well to weakness
Shit places were life is shitty , people to be more instictual , men are supposed to protect the womans from getting raped or killed, means that there is little room for weak men.
White men and japs have decresing birthrates because men have lots their balls , go look youtube with japanese womans complaining about how men are too gentle and too insecure.
When men are men , they breed. when men are pussied THEY DIE.
White man is enjoying too comfy life meaning he has no reason to man up ... this means men end up nu-males and beta cucks raising my wifes son at ages 28 and up
So instend of crying like a little bitch that life is shitty because of economics and feminist , how about you man up , get job , clean your shit , do some simple exercise and you'll see fucking womans jumping on you to be with you wanting you to fuck their brains out.
>look it up
>your country has a lower birth rate than China
Are Romanians really infamous for being pussies? I didn't know that.
this. Plus you don't go to another country demanding free money to support them. You make children if you can support them with your own work
This type of thinking is exactly the type of thinking that keeps us from solving the problem. This "Its simple, we'll just go fuck, hurr we're manly" idea.
While I agree men are becoming fucking pussies, its because the culture is feminizing them and the government is supporting it.
Going out and marrying a single mother who leaves you in three years because the divorce rate is fucking 53% and women initiate 70% of divorces with the most commonly listed reason being "emotional dissatisfaction" and she gets half your shit even if she cheated because of no-fault divorce, isn't a fucking solution, its just a good way to ruin your life.
Whites will be a huge majority on mars though
it is bouncing back
it will continue to increase as we meme it
I'm gonna need that pepe
Because we aren't low i.q animalistic rat shits that can't think of anything else to do in life other than exercise the most primitive of functions. We also understand things like infrastructure and overpopulation whilst niggers,arabs and rajjis will breed themselves into abhorrent life conditions and still keep going. After white people have gone the world will fall into nothing but shit.
I don't care anymore.
Let it all burn, the white intelligentsia will survive, robots will tend to their needs.
They will not hesitate to destroy any threats.
>White men and japs have decresing birthrates because men have lots their balls
Wrong it's because they through being smarter and more civilised have a greater understanding of the futility of life and have discovered alternative lifestyles that provide with with greater pleasures for the short time they are here. Naturally being a dumb romanian shit you can only attempt to understand things in the most primitive terms.
Because we look at places like Tunisia and see what utter shitholes they are.
I have 3 kids, I'm doing my part
Feels good, man.
Not having kids means I can work less without being a poorfag.
>/Thread his own reply
What kind of faggot are yew ?