Bluepill Experiences

>Trump ad rolls in our TV
>Mom: "I hope he doesn't win"
>"Because he'll deport people like us."
>"I'm pretty sure he won't because we LEGALLY migrated into the U.S."
>"It doesn't matter if you're legal or not; he'll deport you because you were not born here. You have no right to speak to me in that tone because you know nothing."

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Still living with your parents".

I literally hate neets almost as much as gays, arabs and jews.

But he's a kid man.

>support the system that's killing you

There's no reason to be so salty, wagecuck. If you're smart you'd set up a network for people to go tactical NEET to bring down the system quicker without losing any standard of living.

Good photo, really makes my heart muscles cringe.

This Tbh fâm

I just got out of High School.

>hes not a neet

lol fucking plebs

i feel like this didnt happen

>be me in the car with my older brother
>talking about the Japanese
>I use the term "Jap"
>brother says that Jap is offensive
>tell him it's the same as calling a British man a brit or an American a Yankee
>tells me that "I just don't understand"

To believe or not to believe.
This happened ~20 mins ago to me.

You don't. The context is entirely different.

your mom is stupid, women are almost all entirely retarded and giving them the vote has ruined this society

>visiting with father's side of the family
>accidentally get into political conversation in the car with stepmother after she asks me if I'm voting for Trump
>throwing out redpills left and right, on hillary clinton, on globalism, on Islam and the current situation in europe
>she ignores all of that and tells me trump is going to destroy the economy, get the country into a war, going to destroy all our 'international relationships' and is a russian plant (and asks 'do you really want russia to run the country????')
>I counter all of those claims one by one and throw in more redpills about the proxy war going on with russia and how we fund and support ISIS, and how hillary wants to take out Assad like she did to Gaddafi
>ignores all that once again and tells me I sound like an 'angry white male' and tells me 'nationalism leads to wars'
>I tell her it's typically jewish international bankers behind most modern wars
>'you're antisemitic too now????'
>tells me she's done discussing this with me, tells me I'm going down a hateful path and I seem deeply racist
>just keeps repeating over and over 'YOU CAN'T FIGHT HATE WITH HATE, YOU CAN ONLY FIGHT HATE WITH LOVE' for the rest of the car ride

some of us are in college and we come home for the summer.

If you were a liberal you could say "actually mom I do have the constitutional right to say that to you"

Oh fuck, user. I feel bad for you after reading that. Especially since you have to go back.

do liberals even have a conscience?

>browse board full of racist posts
>nigger hate threads
>this rich guy runs for president, seems racist, everybody on the board loves him
>turns out he's a huge nigger lover
>everybody on the board still loves him
>kkk supports Hillary
>i'm with her now

indeed, every political discussion with a woman has left me shocked with how good they are at building an emotional wall against any logic or rationality, some will even criticize you for knowing more than them, 'ohhhh I'm glad you're so smart and well-informed, that's just great' and remain unfazed by any argument. ALL they care about is feeling trendy or like they're going along with popular consensus

Move out
Your dad is a cuck and your mom takes bbc loads
that makes you a beta-4-life
grab a gun and end it all now

my dad is dead

just tell your mom to fuck off then and voice your opinion, what's she gonna do?

>Hanging with friends
>Clubbing downtown
>Start chatting with some girl
>Says she only dates blacks
>Her last boyfriend beat her up
>"Well, that's what you get for dating niggas"
>Tell friends on the way to their house that black people should stop being little cry babies
>I'm hispanic btw
>Apologize to my half black friends, they really don't mind, the white dude is super offended though

Trump has been sued for not allowing niggers to live in his buildings

>talk about trump with nigger coworker
>ooga booga he raycisss doe
>tell him he literally hasn't said a single racist thing about black people
>chimpout in progress
>primal ape screeches about black lives matter and how he wants to punish victims instead of cops
>no, he just wants to restore law and order
>ape is almost nuclear now
>u is rayciss nigga I knew u wuz raycisss when I met you
>I haven't said a single racist thing to you
>he literally screams he a rayciss over and over again
>every other coworker starts laughing at how primal he is
>crocodile hunter shows up to tranquilize him

Have a redpill experience for a change
>start dating this French girl
>seems rather non-political and overall rather neutral and reasonable
>terror attacks in France happen
>tell her it's gonna be muslims every time while the media had no official statement regarding the identity of the perpetrators
>"We can't know yet, user..."
>be proven right again over and over again
>last year's shooting in Paris
>tell her it's gonna be muslims
>"If you're right again with this, consider me a racist from now on."
>meet her parents
>worried that they might be super blue pilled
>father turns out to be full Cyclon Ben mode
Feels so damn good.

It's weird but it actually is.

>dad talks politics
>"I don't trust Trump with Nukes"
>because he's "unhinged"
>because I think he's lying about how rich he is
>how so?
>you'll see, it'll be a landslide hillary victory
>no it won't
>texas will turn blue
>no it won't

>not immediately leaving the room anytime politics is brought up



Talking about politics is fun until someone gets extremely offended.

>ye olde anti-Brexit propaganda on Dutch TV
>Mom:"I hope those fucking Brits leave, they're the ones who have been profiting off of the EU"
>I explain how the EU regulations fucked both the English fishing industry and the Dutch steel industry, as well as the non-democracy happening there.
>dad actively goes out of his way to try and debunk the fishery argument, he claims that Britain sold their own quotas
>debunk his arguments with legislation and regulations from EU websites
>parents go full "muh economy"
>ask them if economic gain is worth non-democracy, alluded to hitler's rise to power (always effective on bluepilled people)
>Dad: "We can change the EU from within."
>explain that people with power are loathe to give it up willingly
>suddenly it's about unity against Russia
>explain that Russia can barely keep its own economy standing and is not a threat right now, and we have NATO
>Mom: "But I don't like that Farage guy, he's a racist."
>ask what race are Nige discriminates against
>already hammered it home that Islam is not a race, so they don't say 'muslims'
>subject is ultimately dropped
>I countered all their arguments and provided arguments they couldn't refute
>they don't change their minds

No user, that's when the fun really starts.

I lease a room for college that I pay for myself, but come home for summer m8ty

Libtards will go to extreme lengths of cognitive dissonance to keep their views

Well, I live with my mother until I get out of college, so I don't intend to piss her dumb Hillary-supporting ass off.

Holy shit thats my fucking aunt right there

You actually sound like a fucking idiot considering her first set of points were completely valid and are a legit concern for people who think Trump has a chance.

Don't mind , he is in a bad mood because he shat in mart again.

Talk to her, and while you're at it, Invite her friends who share her opinion.

She's scared for no reason at all. You guys are safe

Nice work.

Although if your flag was tipped 90 degrees to the left you probably would have lost that fight.

You can try all you want to force the red pill down but if they aren't willing to accept it nothing will change them. Let them live bluepilled lives if that's all they can handle.

>t. Mindestsicherungsempfänger

Heh. Your stepmom is a fucking potato.

Painting the kettle black, etc
You sound like an annoying fuck head
So is he racist or not?

>You have no right to speak to me in that tone because you know nothing
Well she has a point. On the other hand, Hillary hasn't even been elected yet and outspoken critics are literally being assassinated

>people in my facebook feed share anti trump stuff
>tfw have to contain myself to not call them out

i mean, they probably think Hillary is the better candidate and have never heard of Gary Johnson

Stories like these can help heal the damage in a man's heart.

Pot calling the kettle black

It's not that bad, the fact that my mother has realised the truth about the "religion of peace" is enough of a win on my end.

You can't go full Alex Jones on her, redpills are best administered subtly. Just dripfeed facts about Hillary's corruption in the DNC, the e-mail thing, as well as Benghazi and Libia.

Give them a truth bomb

>they don't change their minds


sounds like your mom needs to go back user

No just like we're not racist, he is smart enough to tell the difference between an upstanding citizen who just happens to be black and a filthy leach who believes he is owed something for an event that happened 200 years ago that never directly affected him.

call him a dink loving gook fucking zipperhead


You can live with your parents and be studying and/or employed. Are you retarded?

most be a horror to have a bluepilled family.

>keep in mind my mom thinks the holocaust, if it happened, was justified.
>tells me that I am a racist and anti semetic fir wanting to deport all jews and illegals from my country.

This is how I found out she just likes to disagree with someone just for the sole cause of starting a fucking arguement.

And guess what, she was born in Canada, go fucking figure, the leaf meme is real.

How redpill is your family, Dane?

>>she ignores all of that and tells me trump is going to destroy the economy, get the country into a war, going to destroy all our 'international relationships' and is a russian plant (and asks 'do you really want russia to run the country????')

>Legit concerns

Pick one.

"I don't want wars. I'll vote for the proven warmonger."

"I don't want Russia to rule. I'll vote for the one who gave Russia 20% of US uranium for donations"

"I don't want the economy to be destroyed, we'll vote the pay-to-play corrupt bureaucrat!"

Father is "Hitler did nothing wrong" level. Highly educated and unpleasantly redpilled.

My mother is more relaxed. She just do not like Slavs, Negroes, Arabs and brown people because of any number of reasons (they look funny). Anti feminist too.

and that goes for my brother too.

I am actually the moderate of the family as I am purely nationalistic and isolationist.

Not keeping the family unit together longer and assisting your parents financially while saving to buy your own home instead of paying rent as high or higher than a mortgage would be.

She sounds like she needs to be deported desu

You don't discuss things with women. You tell them.

Basically this.

I don't want to pay taxes that basically feed criminal non-whites, especially in a sanctuary state

She sounds like the trolls that used to grace the internet, having fun pissing people with arguing things you might not even believe or care about.

>start out loving Trump
>mom hates him because he looks ugly and arrogant
>over the months, I start hating Trump and what he stands for
>mom hears his comments on muslims and illegal immigrants and now loves him
>"but mom, we were illegal immigrants in Greece too at one point"
>"its not the same user"


>father turns out to be full Cyclon Ben mode
What did they mean by this???

Zyklon Ben

I'd just look at her with the most aggravated look of disgust + disdain I could muster. Twisted upper lip and showing teeth + slightly closing my eye lids.

But then again, I'm blessed with a non-shitty mother.

>a fucking leaf

Jesus Christ, your mom's retarded.

Maybe she should be deported.

What is wrong with you leafs?


liberals literally cannot separate reality from their fantasies or delusions. Thats why they sperg out so much and turn everything up to 11 over nonsense RACISM SEXISM HOMOPHOBIA SEXUAL HARASSMENT


They are all mentally ill. This is not bias, this is not a meme, it is the reality we live in. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

why would you post this?

t. landlord

Man what is wrong with you why are you even in this country
How the fuck did Canada become so pussified? We need a trump so pussies like you will flee to Europe or something

Well its not really in our best interest for Americans to elect a protectionist president

Also who knows maybe id like to work down south one day. Id like that process to be easy. No extreme vetting pls

I'd bang OP's mom, then promptly deport her.

>they don't change their minds


You planted the seed of doubt in them. It will grow in the next years, just wait and see.

Trump wants to deport people who were born here. Don't think you're safe.

>she hates trolls and shills ironically enough.

I just don't know man. Her whole fucking family loves to argue for no reason.

>her family members have the only people I know of that are unpaid hillary supporters.

At least she hates Shilldog

1. We came legally and after a very laborious process.

2. Don't act surprised that a Canadian wouldn't like Trump. We're pretty liberal folk

>It was real in my mind

The only reason it would be offensive is if you meant "jap" in a derogatory way because you see being a jap as something inherently bad.


Why are you using "we," you fucking immigrant?

I'm a Canadian citizen friendo ;)

Anybody could print a piece of paper that says Canada on it, doesn't mean anything

FBI found nearly 15,000 new Clinton emails, review likely to take months

Emails show Bahrain leader sought meeting with Clinton through foundation

Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton's 'People Have Been Trying to Pin' Email Scandal on Him

Hillary Clinton campaign to spend $80 million on more TV ads

Kek. Half of Sup Forums is ready to behead you and you dindunuffin

But it was in your best interest to elect a totally insane half faggot whose only "rationale" is [the current year]?

Are you fucking kidding me right now?

This board is for adults, kid.
*Tips Fedora*

My parents are low income workers who have benefitted immensely from Trudeau's child benefit expansion. He may be a muslim cock-sucking weedman but money is money.

I liked Harper too though

*Tips Bible*
kys Athesist Scum

>crocodile hunter shows up

Moving out when you turn 18 is a bad meme

Shit happens to me with my mother as well, but my mother (and I as well) stops talking before anything bad happens.

If you're not in college you shoud probably move out