What was Gamergate?

What was Gamergate?

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Feminists going to the wrong neighbourhood

Just internet nerds being misogynists, don't look into it or you're sexist too

Roguestar was a lying scam artist and we should have listened to Maximumtacos and his weapons grade radar for the mentally ill

But in the end they won that battle, they took that neighbourhood

Ultimately those companies rely on profit, if they continually push their shit into it people will stop buying them in favour of stuff without their bullshit

More like

There was a minor scandal that made people ask "is there collusion and shit going on with game review sites? Is it all rigged and coordinated?" and the sites answered in unison "NO THERE FUCKING ISN'T, ALSO YOU'RE ALL NAZI MISOGYNISTS FOR ASKING!"
Then they spent a couple of years alternating between that and getting exposed for various shit.

One of the main women was proved to be a literal whore

Slut fucks 5 dudes. People start talking about it. Every website bans all conversation about it. "Gamers are dead lol". Nerds start a movement. Faggots and wymyn call them names.

A boring name for doritosgate

>slut cheated on boyfriend with a gaming journalist so he can shill her shit game
>Sup Forums gets assravaged at the lack of transparency in gaming journalism
>gaming journalist start the "gamers are dead" that further assravaged Sup Forums
>major shitflinging on both sides for several months
>gaming journalist sites lost credibility, sponsorships, readership, and most importantly money. Literally lose millions and some sites had to close down.
>any game created since then that get censored, pander to SJWs, or "localized" get crucified.
>SJW's still claim they won :^)

What is Google?

What does this thread have to do with any relevant contemporary political issue?

What exactly is a slide thread?

The SJW claimed some studios that are producing shit game after shit game

They also don't actually buy the games that pander to them so those studios will go under

Don't post that picture, it gives me Sup Forums harbour flashbacks

Gaming industry Media outlets who didn't have the monopoly they thought they did tried to push feminist drivel.

Their own audience called them out and destroyed them. There are still elements of faggotry there. But nothing like movies/comics/social media.

Why do you think they are all commies? Its because they are fucking broke because they can't leave mommy and daddys house without getting triggered into a panic attack.

You're asking for that image.

I have it.

u wot m8, they're all spoiled middle class who spend their parents money




propgaganda psyop veiled in some bullshit media drama to create MKultra style reactions from people suffering an identity crisis.

same shit different day

It was one group of people noticing some media/mfg collusion. When they asked questions about it, the rest of the big-dog media got involved to scream "THERE IS NO MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN. THERE IS NO CURTAIN. RACIST. ENTITLED. HOMOPHOBIC. MISOGYNIST."

The general media's reaction was the catalyst -- why the fuck would megacorps care about people bitching about game reviews?








Knowledge about the collusion was nothing new. It had been foaming to a head for years. People inside the industries were admitting to it. People outside the industries were just starting to listen.

The spark that started the fire that will soon engulf the world

This isn't twitter

>He doesen't know about the victory at Sup Forums harbor


A show about two groups of monkey throwing shit at each other and some people caught in the middle

The ironing

How should people react when their questions of "Are you even playing the video games before reviewing them?" are answered with "YOU JUST HATE WOMEN! YOU ARE A HATE MOB. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DEATHS OF WOMEN!"? from the mass media -- people that shouldn't even give a fuck.

It was a Mess.

I think you meant Pearl Harbor


Clearly you're only here for summer pahjeet

Maybe giving Sup Forums to Nagasaki kept it alive

a bunch of fucking losers getting all bent out of shape over some slut releasing a game but ignoring real world issues like corruption, bankers, kikes, muslims, open borders, racist niggers, sexist feminazis, and shit

At least spell it properly you dyslexic cumskin

In the end, FCC imposed some new rules on game review sites, and a large group of people that were demonized in the press were left pissed off about being slandered by a corrupt media, and the bubbling moves back below the surface -- while nobody figured out why the mainstream media blew the shit completely out of proportion. But that's one for the conspiracy folks.

I remember visiting during the chaos because if somewhat bled into the other boards, but I was not a regular of the board.

What sparked pol harbor?

zoe quinns pussy was rented out more than a u-haul

gamergate was soros testing hillary's election method

flooding the opposition with false flags that make your opponent discredited

they're flooding Sup Forums, the political meme database of the greatest information crossway and easiest to access, with shills. it's changing Sup Forums, for the worse.

we're more likely to outcast the posts we thought were normal on Sup Forums just 2 months ago. say hello to a liberal meme super highway.

Filthy fucking anglo scum. You call us Irish niggers but you are an abomination half breed of a nigger and a jew.

Jesus fucking Christ you people really do blame the Jews for eveything

it's all true
i bet they flooded you people in here without giving a single fuck what it would do to the meme machine

Soc jus mods wanting to ban or atleast radically change Sup Forums , moot being a massive butthurt that the entire site hated him for being a cuck cow towing to those scum

Fuck you and your meme machine

You want Meme? Then go to Sup Forums or /r9k/ and take your autism frog with you. Then perhaps we will finally be able to talk about politics

>the jew meme has been here since /new/
>Sup Forums got it's name because it was politically incorrect.

If you want to have your safe space, go back to pleddit where cucks like you belong

Jew meme can stay as that is related to politics, but the rest has got to go. To quote the man that you wank over at night
>You have to go back
>Sup Forums got it's name because it was politically incorrect
But it was still political dipshit.

I repeat, if you want memes then go to /r9k/ or Sup Forums because that's very cucked autistic retards belong

>kek doge hahahah so funny

no jack, the MEMES. the ideas that are filling our heads as a community.

examples of constantly memed ideas:
donald trump
ben garrison

you don't understand what Sup Forums can do if they take us over, it needs to be just enough of a shithole to scare out normies because this fucking website is dangerous


look at what Sup Forums did to ben garrison's career
imagine how much it has effected trump's campaign at this very moment
look at how much isis videos are spread

Oh congratulations you turned a man who had a point into a fucking shill

Good on you, maybe in time you turn him into a cocksucker for Trump.

>lets have no laughs
>lets not laugh our pain away

Go to a doctor and get that imbedded stick out of your ass

>Sven calling burgers cucked

>we should have listened to Maximumtacos
I thought you were warned to stop hanging out here, Aaron.

Then who should we vote for Sven? Hillary?

Go correct the record, some where else

Vote for Jill Stein because she is the only one who has anything resembling a brain in her head.

Sorry, how exactly? How did they do that?

Oh look, game studios are still making male-centric games.

Oh look, men are still by far the biggest consumers of video games.

They've changed nothing. Tokenism is never going to change the fact that video gaming is a male pursuit. Video game studios and publishers will continue to cater to their audience - men. Or they'll just lose them to a rival.

Zoe quinn is jewish

Yeah, it doesn't really look to me like GamerGate lost and the feminists won...

There's more backlash than ever against SJWs/feminism in gaming, and in society in general.

And to answer the OP question, it wasn't TRULY about ethics in video game journalism, but it wasn't (isn't? seems like it's still going on) just misogynists not wanting women to play games.

It was more about providing a counterbalancing force against all the forced social justice/feminism shit in games.

It did purge most of the social justice cancer on this site.

In that end thank kek for Gamergate because it forced the cucks in power to play their hand early for something that was really small and would have only started minor discussion here otherwise so thank God those retards blew it up like the tantrum throwing faggots

And we were left with you fucks. Who makes it impossible to talk about age of Empires, Battlefield 1, mafia 3, watch dogs 2 and even Civilization 6 to a certain degree

Oh joy

They are*

Absolutely fucking nothing

Waa don't critique my shitty cuck games

Another meme magic experimental ground area.


Why would you even want to talk about any of those shit games

>don't vote for trump he is a zionist shill
>vote for (((JILL STEIN)))


Sup Forums was always a cesspit

Land whale, you need to fuck off back to tumblr.

>erase debt
Worked for Hitler

Google it you lazy fuck.


Read this unbiased appraisal.

>And to answer the OP question, it wasn't TRULY about ethics in video game journalism

It absolutely WAS about journalism ethics, AS WELL AS the toxic feminism culture that DEFENDED a complete CUNT like Zoe Quinn, and the WAR on male centric video games as well

Men don't give a fuck if you make games for girls! Go ahead and do that! We just care about you fucking with our games!

That because people are rightfully pissed off about the racist revisionist history contained in Battlefield 1

I don't know the controversies of the other games

I think people will still buy Battlefield 1, but if they push the SJW thing further they are seriously going to sabotage their sales. That's just a fact. Especially when they're competing with a very similar game that people could buy instead

No the unbiased appraisal is here:


>taking what the displaced jews had for profit and returning the banks to the people instead of the jews.

He didn't erase debt. He erased what was causing him debt in the first place.

The eternal anglo strikes again.

He said they weren't going to pay reparations for WW1 and cancelled their debt to America

>But in the end they won that battle, they took that neighbourhood
What are you talking about? Gawker is even shutting down - it's a complete victory for the good guys.
Hemos pasado.

The answer to those "twitter revolutions" are the jews at Google working with twitter.

>even if this is true
>expecting your enemy to pay back gibs when not even your allies would do the same

Sup Forums hounding a solo literally who? "game dev" who was fucking journalists

It was part of the backstab of the Treaty of Versailles, the whole reason the nazis even came to power was because they had tied their economy to yours

That treaty was awful and punished germans harder than they should've

Fucking french, we wanted to let them off so we'd have a strong trading partner

The Pearl Harbor of SJW

Yet you elected churchshill

For shame

Chamberlain proved he was a cuck and we needed a war leader, we should have stayed out of the war, we would still have our empire

>1 post by this ID


> Every website bans all conversation about it.
I will never forget the scale of the lockdown.
Never thought I'd live to see that shit.

Gamergate was pretty much the Beta Version of the 2016 elections in the internet:

>A group of people dig deep and find out evidence that a certain Person of Interest has been implicated in shady dealings to boost their reach

>The group gets reasonably butthurt because they obviously can't leave that sort of shit fly, so they resort to making it trend so that people can see the corruption that lies underneath

>Person of Interest realizes their integrity is at stake and that the evidence proves their corruption, so it fabricates a gigantic Red Herring along with some neat False Flags so people can play along with their message. This message is obviously "THE OPPOSING GROUP IS SEXIST/RACIST/BIGOTED!"

>People fall for it and start believing that anyone opposing the Person of Interest is doing it because they're simply BUZZWORDS BUZZWORDS BUZWORDS!

>A few newfags take the bait and actually believe that's the reason the whole movement started, so they head on an epic quest involving shitposting, but this time without a purpose, ergo, making it harder for anyone to take the movement seriously

Admittedly the RACIST! sentiment would've remained against the group regardless of if those faggots had jumped in the bandwagon or not. The difference is that in Gamergate's case, the Person of Interest (Zoe Quinn and the other die-hard SJW Queens) nabbed themselves a nice pseudo-win, because regardless of where you ask about it, most people seem to believe that the main drive of GG was "Harassing Poor Strong Independet Wymyn".

Fortunately in terms of the elections, the lies are so big that many people are actually starting to realize that they can't be spoonfed bullshit for THAT long.