
I recently visited stormfront. I just wanted to give it a try.

Turns out is not much better than Sup Forums.

Internet politically incorrect communities are full of people who just want to boost their ego or role play to fullfill their needs.

Almost nobody is serious, nobody is willing to do real sacrifices. And they can't even realize how phony they are.

There are a few idealistics like me, but I can count them with the fingers of my hands.

I guess the mass will always be the mass, and the only way to do real changes is to "trick" them. We will never be able to bring them up.

Kinda sad, but such is reality.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice blog bro

The majority of people, whether left wing or right wing, are sheep.

Always has been and always will.

It makes sense though if you stop seperating us so much from the animals. Every animal that live in groups have thier leaders and followers.

This place is satire, mostly full of the only true neutral people left in society.

Well, the kike mods here just deleted the inner city school teacher thread... so there's that.
Fucking Jews.

Forgive me for sliding all the other important threads.

the issue is that stormers take it all so seriously
if you went there and started a shitpost, you'd get aggression and legitimate points to support their argument.
here you'd just get called a cucka nd have your flag mocked.
Sup Forums is not here to promote any real ideals like storm front seems to be. we're here to have a laugh with a political theme.


you want
daily stormer
or pic related

kikes and commies will counter-signal this

Sure, most of them are idiots. You need to get the well educated.

Not really. I am not a national-socialist

My purpose in life is to protect europe from the multicultural project and preserve its racial and cultural heritage on all its forms.

But I think that a socialist authoritarian state is not the way.

This looks to be the truth about the vast majority of neo nazis, unfortunately. The neo nazi movement is filled with drunks and drug addicts and outcasts with no ideological clarity and attachment to national socialism. My hope is that with the forced globalism happening in Europe, Nationalism gets pushed more into the mainstream.

read more about it
socialist was a convieniant name.

it is the third path.


good explanation

good luck brother

Sup Forums Sup Forums is nothing like stormfront, it's just so for the last month or two as 8ch stinkers trash it with their nazification "psyops" for shillarys shekels

>Almost nobody is serious, nobody is willing to do real sacrifices.
You sound like you walked in there trying to talk about direct actions or breaking the law. You realize very fucking website you listed is based on servers in countries with hate laws, anti-terror laws, and predatory governments that mass surveil their populations? And you what, wanted to talk about driving out refugees using violence? Well done moron, everyone probably ignored you like the COINTELPRO shill you are. Learn to fucking organize and communicate privately you collosal faggot. Stop demanding that shit public forums supply you with a framework for this. Stop being useless.
Same to you.
Obvious LARPing cancer or autism.

>serb makes this same post over and over
Still trying to figure out if you're a kike or a mudslime.

>Still trying to figure out if you're a kike or a mudslime.

you can't figure how to wipe your ass you filthy jewish servant

>trying to talk about direct actions or breaking the law

You came up with that yourself. The first sacrifices are done in your daily life.

Speaking out your mind, as I do, is already a damnation to ostracism, which very few are willing to take.

I lost almost every friend and most of my own family is against me.

Start there.

>Obvious LARPing cancer or autism.

You know nothing about me, my life, or how serious I take this. Everything I do in my life is focused on this.

I am not going to lie, I often think I am going too far, but I need to be honest to myself.

You know it brother, it's the truth.

Stormfront is a cesspool without purpose, just bullshit, Sup Forums is better in that it affects the public without being a strict being so to not enlist an OTHER response.

correct the record shill

going to any designated "white nationalist" site is 100% lead by Jews, go about your own business or in here where shills post freely and it isn't organized in a structure.

actually ctr pays for Sup Forums nazification, stinker

further the interests never under an organization, always free and not under authroity of a possible Jew/Jew agent.

>going to any designated "white nationalist" site is 100% lead by Jews, go about your own business or in here where shills post freely and it isn't organized in a structure.
pretty much this, all "nazi" organizations are jewry

Sounds like you've figured out the humanity. Good luck riling up the masses.

the real question is; if you liked peanut butter, would you eat it?


It's this really elaborately retarded ad hoc plan, yannow?

Kinda, but I still don't want Muslims and illegal Mexicans coming into our country, nor do I want more restrictions on guns.

already went to stormfront couple years ago

it's exactly the sort of right-wing people i dont need to interact with
im glad they're contained there.


>discussion on a non-user forum

>Sup Forums is not here to promote any real ideals like storm front seems to be. we're here to have a laugh with a political theme.

I really do think Sup Forums is the funniest place on the internet. we mock the PC left and eviscerate them. And its hilarious

I don't get why stormfront requires that you make an account just to post

Sorry to hear that my friend.

It has the reputation for a reason.

It's not an image board, it's that simple.

>full of people who just want to boost their ego
>There are a few idealistics like me, but I can count them with the fingers of my hands.

yeah, you are awesome! your ego is super!

>what is every forum ever across the entire internet

whadda you know zika faggot, it's not like it's been already used by media
>Critics erupted with complaints that the graphic evoked anti-Semitic imagery and the >Trump campaign refused to answer questions about the tweet even as reports emerged that the image had been posted to an anti-Semitic, white supremacist message board 10 days earlier.

Ah yes the whole board is slide threads, so what's one more right?

>Almost nobody is serious, nobody is willing to do real sacrifices.

let me guess, you're a cockburglar who wants white nationalists to perform violent actions that will help the left and harm the right? Kill yourself posthaste.

My man, anyone who actually falls for "bad by association" doesn't count as a human being.
Anyone who doesn't immediately point out the fallacy is also a complete faggot.

Except it's not about me, but about what I did and what I am willing to do.

If I cared about myself, I would have choosen a different path in life.

And that's the problem. Most of you will never sacrifice everything for an idea. I already did.

It's a simple concept: I care about the idea, and not about myself. I am nothing but a piece on the table, I worth nothing if I am not useful for the game.

That is interlaced with my concept of honor and immortality, but that's another story.

Never said that, read

This can only come from a belief in God, you are no longer drugged and drunk but are walking on a road.


you do realize that your personal idiotic views of who does or does not count as human are completely irrelevant when asserting damage to vote count

>This can only come from a belief in God

I think I know why you say that, but my phylosophy works out without the need of a god.

But yes, you can consider it a religion, since it is based on an irrational doctrine (I passed through nihilism and reached irrationality after a rational process, as contradictory as it sounds)

But what kind of insanity drove no one to fucking say "The fact that it was said by a racist does not devalue the damn fucking point".

>I guess the mass will always be the mass, and the only way to do real changes is to "trick" them. We will never be able to bring them up.
That's it. The majority is always stupid

>This place is satire

Sure thing, rabbi

ok, now you're implying kike media is actually rational, objective and analyzes facts without prejudice
i wonder who's behind this post

You;re right user. Step up and start the race war. We're all behind you

>start the race war

This is not a war between races. It's a war between those who want to preserve diversity and those who don't, between those who have a spiritual side and still consider sacred a lot of things, and those who don't.

And I already started that war. Me and many others.

But most of you didn't.

You should get politically engaged in parties that support your ideas.

I'm pretty sure you won't change the world from your computer shitposting on a messageboard. It's good to get some ideas and stay up to date with regard to certain things but political action is mostly done IRL.

Tell me something I don't know.

Maybe you should read what I said, I am active on my daily life and everything I do is focused on my ideas. I sacrificed a lot of things for them (almost every relationship I had for example).

What is the problem, then?

I just go on my own calling out everyone around me and trying to "reprogram" them in the most posistive way I can. Of course they are so brainwashed that I barely have any impact on them.

Doing so I have daily death threats from anti-fascists and someday I would probably end stabbed, but at this point I don't care anymore.

Why I don't gather with other people like me?

The answer is simple: There are no people like me here, at all. Spanish nationalists are TOTAL idiots.

So I rely on the internet for my friendly "social" interactions with similar people, but even on the internet I get dissapointed.

Of course I made some contacts in France, Poland, and Italy with similar people, but as I said, I can count them with the fingers of my hands.