Imagine if Germany won WW1
Imagine if Germany won WW1
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Would gladly learn German and integrate immediately. Glory to the Vaterland
Do we get to wear those magnificent uniforms?
Do I exist
Would the Imperial era be longer if they were victorious?
Imagine if Germany didn't fucking start it, and an uncucked Europe tag teamed the US.
Fuck Krauts.
No ww2, no white guilt, europoean monarchies preserved. Would be much better than what we had because germany lost. Also Europe could have united against the soviets and cut the head of the communists before it was too late.
Low quality bait mate
Even if Germany had won the war Britain would have retained her independence. At worst, we would have lost some possessions overseas probably including Ireland. Had the war been lost in 1914 as it almost was during that period when nobody really knew how to fight properly, it may not have even come to that.
In both World Wars Germany's intentions towards Britain were relatively benign, and arguably a quick defeat in either war would have done us a great deal of good in the long run. Today the country would far more closely resemble its former glory even without the empire.
You'd have someones eye out with those silly hats.
Soviets would not have existed without wwi. Lenin was sent by the Germans to take Russia out of the war to get a final push in the west.
Well, germany and austria had long-standing plans to unite, which should have borne fruits at around 1920-30, resulting in a kind of "germanic european union".
The monarchs would still have severe sway in this union, but I'd wager they also would be slowly but surely phased out. Like almost everywhere.
Else, alternative history leaves open many things. Mostly new wars.
What would have been most likely true though, would be that russia would have not regained the stretches of "central european" land which where given to germany during the war, resulting in a severly weakend communistic russia.
Depending on when the German's won they might not even rise to power. The easiest way to imagine Germany winning, given their severe logistical and numerical disadvantages, is to picture a French collapse in 1914. There was one point during the opening months of the war that German troops were within sight of Paris while the entente forces were in complete disarray. Had the war been won at that time then the Eastern Front would not have had the time to develop into the slaughterhouse which it did, nor would it have destroyed the Russian economy.
Remember also that it was a desperate Germany who enabled the communist revolutionaries, providing transport for exiled dissidents and funds for campaigning.
Romanov rule in Russia might never have ended.
This thread was about what if germany won ww1 not what if ww1 never happened. And its true Lenin was a foreign agent at first but he slip out of control.
This, Germany even offered peace in 1916 (Your island was fucked due to submarines). But you refused due to US pressure. If you surrendered, then the US wouldn't get back all this sweet borrowed money. Your empire was never in any danger, Germany would have stopped support to Austria-Hungary if Britain officially declared support for France and Russia before the war. Even Foreign minister Grey stated 2-3 days before the war, that it will be avoided if the UK gives official military support to the Entente.... yet you didn't utter a few words and millions had to die.
Literally the whole point of Russia joining to WW1 was to lift up monarchy prestige and if we lost again nicholas II would be officially the worst monarch ever existed and revolution would have happened anyway
We would be colonizing Mars
Kaiser Wilhelm II and Nicholas II were good friends (and of course related). Would Russia have survived WW1 (or not even joined) and the marxists would have tried to start shit (like in 1905) then Germany would have send help most likely. This would have created a German-Russian alliance and France, Britain and the US would shit their pants.
They won it? Just spare a moment and read about a Germany main goal in this world conflict.
You do know that Germany was the one that sent Lenin there, right?
Pure despair
I can understand why some people think that germans were the good guys in WW2
but how the fuck does one justify them being good guys in WW1? Serious answer, there is literally no path i can take to come to that conclusion
>germany started wwI
just like how the US started WWII, right?
You do know that a single person with some money won't create a revolution right? Most of the money came with trotsky, including 300 or so revolutionaries send and sanctioned by the US president over canada to finland into Russia. The amount of money/Gold lenin received was negligable compared to that.
And you know who was Head of intelligence in Imperial Germany back then and had a big say in sending lenin? The Hamburg Banker Warburg, the ultra kike who's brother went to the US to be the "mastermind" of the FED. They made big money off of WW1 and both later became the directors of IG Farben (US and German branch), supporting the Nazis. The Kikes played everyone.
We would be fighting space bugs by now
Russia couldn't not join it, because people pushed for it and wanted to help our slavic brothers. If tsar refused to join, there would have been revolution. Also Russia was at that time already allied with France, and as far as i remember kaiser wanted to just 'divide the world between germany and russia' since times of Alexander III, and he offered alliance to Nicholas II and got his refusal, because France disliked Germany and Nicholas didn't wanted to hurt our relationship.
Daemn, what a retard our last tsar was after all, no wonder everyone just betrayed him in the end.
The Fench retard that has no knowledge of history, only a single picture explaining nothing.
If you had any clue about that time, then "mobilization means war" should mean a lot to you. At least it did to everyone in europe, especially France.
They were given all the blame for the war in the treaty of Versailles despite not even starting the war
>My only invasion plan of France involves violating the neutrality of Belgium, whom Britain has explicitly vowed to protect
>Lol whatever
Kraut escalated the Austria-Serbia war into a world war by invading Belgium, Luxembourg, then France. Learn history americunt.
They were definitely the driving force behind it.
Yes, to get Russia out of the war. Not to actually slaughter the Tsar's family (they and the Kaiser were related) and create a giant anti-monarchist, anti-capitalist powerhouse.
Well, hey, the Soviet Union after Lenin was good. A red fascist giant.
Monarchism is a deblistic ideology where you think that someone is entitled to rule because of sheer luck. While capitalism is just exploitation to make an elite even richer.
Your birth is hardly luck. It is determined by the properties and nobility of your soul (which can, at times, admittedly, be hindered by a sick body)
My country would have gotten its rightful clay back
They used them to headbash your scrawny British bodies.
What is that gif from
World would be perfect.
you fucked up yourself with the second balkan war tbqh
no the war should have been avoided. it was a sad mess that only helped the Jews
Yes and ww1 was our last chance to defeat the eternal serb
dont get me wrong I still honor our Habsburgian heritage and I'm all up for removing serbs any time but you brought your declayfication on yourself
shouldnt have been greedy famalam
It was a gamble. Also, do not confuse greed with nationalism.
We would be in a new belle epoque but with the German language as lingua franca. Remember, all of today's degeneracy comes from the globalist, merchant based English language.
Imperial Germany > Nazi Germany
fair point
Submarines were not as big an issue as they sound. They were bad, but it was nothing like as bad as it would be during the second world war.
While the British may have been able to somewhat deter the Germans by clearly declaring their interests with France, it is not obvious that that would have avoided Germany entering the war. Certainly Belgium may have been spared had the terms of Belgium neutrality been reinforced, but once the Russians start mobilising the Germans felt they had to go for the French (excepting some ridiculous guarantees). Maybe had Britain sworn to side against the aggressor in any future Franco-German wars that might have made you feel a little safer, but that's pretty crazy.
Victory was out of reach by the time they sent Lenin so the soviets would not have existed. If Germany had won they had won in 1914.
Remember that nobody thought that war would be so slow and bloody, they all thought it would work out something like the wars of the 19th century just on a grander scale. Since they (and almost everyone else on the scene) assumed that the war would be decided quickly and with decisive action, hitting first was everything to them.
The Germans had weird ideas about neutrality, probably originating from the chaotic mess of borders in Germany before unification. They were pretty used to taking armies through neutral territory. They were seriously expecting the Belgians to just stand aside and pick up a bill for damages when it was all over.
Interestingly von Moltke the Elder cautioned the Germans against any future wars in 1890 because he predicted that they would take too long and be too expensive.
>won WW1
meaning what exactly? Occupying Russia as far as to Vladyvostok? You think 70 million Germany should have occupied 40-million France and Idk how big Russia?
Greater Netherlands would be a thing