23andMe Thread

>tfw just found out i'm part Anglo

kill me

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k, post address?

>tfw you just gave george soros your dna sample

I found out that I'm part Native American and 1% Mongolian.

>literally paying money to give away your DNA

shiggy diggy doo

Welcome to the genepool!

Disgusting mongrel. Your diluted and profaned Anglo Blood must be spilt.


its a genetic test, you have to pay for it

Question, faggot.

Is ancestrydna jewsourced?

Am adopted and wanting to know heritage.

Not even sure how i ended up with more anglo blood than German and french

Eastern European?

LOL you're not even white.

nice bait, i have blond hair and blue eyes

whiter than you'll ever be

>giving someone your DNA with a way to link it back to you

>You are now aware police have subpoenaed 23andme and they willingly comply

>You are now aware they will keep your sample unless you tell them not to

>You are now aware they get your genotype data in perpetuity

>You are now aware that if you find you determine you're at high risk for Alzheimer's from the rest, most insurance companies require you to report it. If you don't you are committing fraud


How much do these cost?

Which one is the most reliable?



welcome to the club, your first step is to kill an aryan

I'm already in the system, been arrested for beating the shit out of people I didn't like so who gives a fuck

this is not a nigger board. pls go.

Anything service that requires you to pay money for sending your DNA in an envelope with your name and address on it is a jewtrap for the silliest of goyims

I'm proud of the nigger in me.

Go squat and drink vodka loser.

can you dunk?

You disgust me.

23andme is Sup Forums-approved, but it's $200. Sometimes it goes on sale for $150. Ancestry is cheaper but has less content.

>1% British/Irish

I doubt it, faggot. Get over yourself

what is your ancestry in Western Europe? You barley have any English in you. Where is Africa are you from...show us your all!

>0.1% Ashkenazi
Get in the oven ya fuckin easy bake nigger


Swedish state has the DNA of every person born after 1975, what does this mean?

Well consider me trick'd.

So should I avoid uploading DNA info to other sites since I've already been gulag'd?

I've already sent DNA to ancestrydna because I was curious of my heritage (adopto fag) and now I'm trying to find birth family.

learn to take a joke fagget



It's all there. No African.

Learn how to spell faggot joke

Have you guys ever thought these test results to be fabricated? Like any pure Aryan person can have their information tampered to make it so they believe that their DNA carriers that of other races? What if they're tricking people into self loathing and in a way making them more inclusive? What if also bring false belief for anyone to appropriate culture like the KANGZ? It really makes me think.

Mine fits my own research pretty well. It's possible, though.

you can't not have African

Well, I don't. It says right there. No tab for African.

Sorry you're a mud

Who /nohomeland/ here

Yeah, because my test told me I'm 100 percent european without knowing anything about me.

How retarded can you be?

Do you drive?

You need to be locked up, potato.

I'm 6'3" Blonde Hair Blue eyes...total chad with a huge dick...I'm not pissed trust me.

Same brojito.

U circumsized?

yea...good thing too. I've had a lot of threesomes because the SJW lesbian who couldn't not fuck me wanted to share my perfect dick with her friends.

One of us. One of us.

>100% Euro
That's nice, most burgers here were like 0.2% jew or african.

When I was born and circumsized I'm sure I felt violated by jew doct.

Can't remember.

But my dick is big and looks great!

If circumcision was a jew tactic to make me feel helpless, it sure backfired.

My dick is fantastic.

Thanks judenrats!

I'm actually from Galicia, Ukraine

Was born there, my ancestry is mostly polish

Wow nice digits user.

>Neolithic farmers from the hear east joined Paleolithic hunter gatherers


That's a nice little euphemism for killed all the men and fucked all the women.

2.7% Sub Human

KYS, my man


I'm terrified of taking one of these, the Scottish part of my family has been in Canada a long time and I don't think I could live with myself if it ended up I had some native blood.

Why is this not the standard of beauty?

Indeed, I quite love square headed high cheeked thicc cromagnid women myself.

is 23 and me the best DNA test out there?
I want to take one but I don't want to take a shitty one.


I just want to send my DNA to non Jews.

the most important thing you want is your DNA to be sequenced
if you aren't sure about the results 23andme or another give you, or if you want to go deeper and maybe do interesting things like compare your DNA to ancient DNA, you can use the raw DNA data they give you and plug it into third party tools

pic related is the same Magdalenian woman but with an even qter reconstruction

Why the fuck not?

How far back do these things go?

500 years?, all that matters, prior to that everyone was stationary farmers.

unless you believe that we came from aliens then you are stuck with the fact all genetic lines lead back to Africa.

all the way.

>theory goes in my interests it is true
>theory goes against my interests it is not true
It was a hypothesis not a god given fact you nigger, FUCK OFF.

those in africa haven't been there since the big bang either, you could say the same about Erectus, the point of the analysis is to figure out if you have african specific DNA or if your DNA clusters with modern Europeans(or ancients as well)

>In the US
>only 1% American
Kill yourself.

I am in Europe.

If you are not British, you are not American.

the world was connected at one point. Continental drift is a real thing.

Give it to me straight Sup Forums how bad is it?

i think prussia would be your homeland for all intensive purposes

>0.1 (((unassigned)))

>.2% Sub-Saharan African
Ayy yo, hol up.


Master race, here. You all have been infiltrated ^_~

Honestly, how accurate is this shit? part Native American? honestly??

Which test m8?

ancestry (pic related).. with my parents from the heart of Lebanon, I'd have no connection to Native Americans.. I dunno

It also says East Asian

Am I white?

My test from ancestry came back 100 percent euro.

Its real, deal with it dirty blood.
