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It should be a Portuguese colony, again.
Btw, how the Japanese treat Brazilian niggers?
No. Japan should have been nuked a few more times
Sure what ever. Just kill the hues and protect the aryans.
Go back Britain, Irinigger
I don't know if it would be good business. They will demand gold, buffz and itens and only export coliforms.
Can't make it any worse. Go for it
Yes pls senpai
Yes, maybe they can make South America Great For Once
sure, why not
set up a strawpoll nip
sure you guys need some new territory
You are already fucking moors!
I'm ready to embrace my asian overlords.
Why would you want them anyways? Colonize Indonesia and that shit you had before. It was better land.
>It should be a Portuguese colony, again.
>im sure it will work on the second try! check Angola and Mozambique
t. 1,00 U$/day chink slave
Why didn't embrace the Castillian overlords?
there is many japanese brazilian (5 million) ... !
That would be cool, I wouldn't mind it.
I don't think there are any advantages for Brazil being a Japanese colony, they're too far away and would be very disadvantageous for war. That's like asking India to be an American colony. It would be fit for Japan to colonize any nearby country tho nevertheless.
vote yes
I would do anything for my waifu's country.
brazil has the highest amount of japanese diaspora believe it or not
top kek
muh 5 gorillonz jeps
it already is
brazil has a massive japanese population. they all went over there after ww2
there are lots of mixed brazilian/japanese people too
i worked in brazil for a short time. there was jap/portuguese mixed girl in my team called adriana yoshimoto or something like that. she was fucking gorgeous
>wanting the BRniggers to integrate with based Japs
user you cuck.
Not even grorious nippon can save brazil now
Iberians are the best Europeans.
just imagine all mongrels going full of this kawai-shit. Some tentacle-loving nignogs in those fucking dirty favellas
>she was fucking gorgeous
BR/Jap genes mix usually gives pretty good results, the women tend to be very cute.
>From africa to an asian bee hive society
No thanks.
in the man in the high castle some of brasil is in Japan's hands
Lots of excellent Japanese/Brazilian JAVs too
No thanks. The majority of the German Reich would be shitskinned then. And spare youre "Germany is already shitskinned"-joke.
The guy didn't pay his lunch.
you want brazilians invading your country? that's what happened here, niggers from african colonies invaded
THere's only like 1 million Japs here
Never forget
Portu-bro, how can we save the Iberian people from niggers, tacos and mudslimes?
I wouldn't really mind desu senpai.
We have a massive everything population desu. Tons of japs up north in Manaus (go figure), tons of germans, italians, polacks, portuguese down south and tons of filthy africans and mullatos in the middle and the northeast.
you can't. portugal is africa and spain is commieland
just forget we exist
I forgot already.
Oh you wish.
But I am ethnicly Spanish, you must be saved, Portu-bro
>Olympic football
japs intigrated ainus, and Okinawan.
>Germany could bring 3 of their main
>Brazil could bring 3 of their main
>Muh Olympics is not official meme
Eh, it wouldn't hurt if you fags sent a couple people here, to spread your culture and to help us improve the place, maybe even put you guys in the government.
Japanese-Brazilian mix usually ends up in cute women, so that's definetely a plus.
But a colony is extremely radical, i think cooperation would be better for both of us.
Imagine how much you'd hate your parents/grandparents if you were a nip born in Brazil.
MFW you beat a third tier german team of teenagers and you SOMEHOW think this is redemption for world cup annihilation
Brazil has all the resources and jobs necessary it is only the failure of the African races that brings its poverty.
100% JESUS
Yes, I want to be a sex slave of a cute japanese grill
intigrated more like decimated hehe
Putin is the only one with the balls to colonise a country today
japs welcome
I need more street fighter opponents
argies and floripa fags fucking suck
PerĂº has a japanese colony. Is not nice.
As long as they promise to cleanse the Brazilians.
Yes, Japanese women need the Brazilian chourico.
This girl is Japanese/Brazilian so I wholeheartedly say yes, it should be a Japanese colony
The japs that I've known here are fucking rich, they are the LA jews.
i wanted to see the video but i am afraid woman to have dick
>implying Africans they didn't breed with are an example of what a pure European colony would be
Brazil's problem is Portuguese fucking slaves and aboriginals resulting in you faggots being half niggers. Brazil was a colony for resources not colonising. That was the mistake.
T. Favela druglord
The chink is right I need sauce so I can see if she's committing some tomfoolery.
This Canadian speaks the truth.
cam whore is geniva or something like that. Check /gif/.
one can only hope
don't worry m8's, she's a legit goddess
just take over all of south america
and then come and just take over america but leave the whites