How can something be both based and degenreate?

things like anime and DUDE weed are awesome, but degenerate.

what else is both based and degenerate ?

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its probably the only medium left that isnt under kike control

stoner culture is degenerate but weed like any other drug is ok in moderation

>like any other drug is ok in moderation
No drug is good in moderation. It's degenerate no matter how much you use it and I have zero respect for anyone that does.

>It's degenerate no matter how much you use it and I have zero respect for anyone that does.
I didnt realize that straight edge guys browse Sup Forums of all places

>any other drug is ok in moderation
Some drugs aren't okay in any amount tbqhwy.

True, but is weed one of them?
I never took it so I don't really know. It seems like a cheap painkiller suppressed by big pharma to me. Then gain those that consume it for "recreative" purposes need to gas themselves.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines

10/10 game

Fuck the Camarilla, Damsel best grill

Weed is pretty harmless regardless of the purpose in my opinion.

Drugs are disgusting and always degenerate.

Anime isn't owned or distributed by the kike, so degeneracy depends on whoever's writing the anime. There's some really redpilled animu and really degenerate animu.


Yeah, no. Anime and manga are the least degenerate forms of entertainment left.
>little to no niggers, and that's only when it's set outside of Japan which is rare
>no trannies, fags, LGBT shit AT ALL
>characters treat being a fag like a bad thing, the way it should be
>LGBT shit of all kinds is mocked. Acting like a fag or tranny is frowned upon
>no race mixing
>divorce is very rare
>mothers often stay at home and watch the kids while dad works
>kids study hard, get good grades, focus on school and clubs instead of drugs and sex
>friendship and relationships are often important, as well as inner strength. "Diversity" is never encouraged or even talked about

If you never do anything degenerate you're probably either really weak or dangerously autistic/insane.

Just know that getting drunk or high or banging women you're not married to.... or jacking off to a cartoon isn't something to be proud of and try to grow out of it/keep it to a minimum.

We all have our vices but we also all know what is right and wrong. Strive to be an ideal man, even if such a thing is probably a work of fiction.

Kek spotted the weeaboo.

Since when has anime been degenerate? It's LSD of enterntainment, expands mind every step you take.

One of the better cRPGs ever created, though requiring quite some patching to be really enjoyable. Troika generally made some of the best stuff story and world-building-wise, shame that between issues with funding, problem with deadlines and niche approach they went down.

Another little gem they've made and which now only gamers really into the genre know of.

lots of good opinions, but what about things that are both based and degenerate outside of weed and anime?

>Kek spotted Sup Forums's intended target demographic

Divinity Original Sin came out pretty damn well.

I don't get the weed thing, far as I've seen it really just makes people act like slow-minded retards, but apparently it's ok because they just act slightly retarded.
How is that based? It's straight up degenerate.
At least hallucinogenics can lead to some interesting thoughts.

Eh, anime in itself is hardly degenerate - it's just a medium. There's decent stories and there's shit - how bad it is depends on the titles, not the medium itself.

Same with movies and books. Some will expand your horizons, others aren't worth the material used in making them.

I never were really interested much in any drugs and when I tried stuff like weed or quality booze to verify it didn't change my mind. But soft drugs and alcohol again aren't degenerate in themselves, as long as used in moderation. The problem is, too many strong advocates are such because they are enamored in their poison and use it without moderation, which often results in retarded shit happening and the whole thing turning degenerate.

t. living in 2006

>Tentacles literally in vaginas.

If I fuck a 14 year old, shit is base because the pussy is tight and it is taboo. It is also degenerate.

I genocide the Legion in New Vegas every time and regret nothing.

t. dumb irishman who conveniently ignores mods blasting anime music in Sup Forums stickies, ignores a green-haired loli being the entire website's mascot, ignores all of the anime banners and advertisements, for the sake of his delusional "Sup Forums is a normalfag website" fantasy

moot literally gave the website to the father of anime imageboards, leddit. Lurk more.

I like playing as a girl and kneeling to the legion, because women are inferior and should bow.

I fear for Anime. They're coming for it. The Jews can't leave good things alone.

Anime is not degenerate, the hentai that comes from it is.

This guy sums it up pretty nicely.

I'd say incest. I'd argue it creates an extremely close-knit bond within families. Recreational incest should be legal.

>Keeps nigger population down
>Sacrifices children to Moloch to use his power to push liberal agendas.
It's not even good at keeping nigger populations down, but what else could we do about that short of a race war

>most boards have nothing to do with anime
>the most popular boards outside of Sup Forums have nothing to do with anime

sorry for triggering you tho leaf

I used to fear it too, but there's already a lot of material out there and we've probably got a good couple decades left even if they do get to it.

Gotta keep that Nordic race pure eh Bjorn?

Well, exactly. A little consanguinity doesn't hurt anybody when it comes to preserving ones race...But before the memes start rolling in: pic related.

Today Iceland taught me a word in my own language that I didn't know, and it was related to incest.

I love you guys.

I learned it from a Swede on Sup Forums.

I think think certain anime are ok if you don't go overboard. This goes for many things.

Okay, Tyrone. Let me explain to you why non-anime boards exist in the first place.

There was originally Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Sup Forums was for discussing anime and Sup Forums was for very much everything, but still had an emphasis on anime. Sup Forums started devolving into Video game general,s music generals, politics, and so on, but in the end, the people in said generals were still anime fans who wanted to discuss video games, music, television and so on with other anime fans. Sup Forums started getting clogged so bad that non-anime boards were made due to demand; These boards were not made for normalfags out outsiders initially. The earliest non-anime boards still carried a strong anime presence, and to this day there's an anime presence on nearly every board either in the form of mods shitposting, banners and ads, or animeposters.

The reason there's a lot of anti-anime posters on Sup Forums to begin with is because Sup Forums got retarded, started memeing too loudly and getting in the news, and started attracting edgy 12 year olds who wanted to be "elite anonymous hacker activists", annoying trolls who simply wanted to fuck around, or normalfags who just wanted to laugh. These crowds went on to attract even more and more people without being aware, or giving a shit, about what the website actually is to begin with, potato-kun.

There's a reason mods still ban and give warnings to people who shit on weebs too much, most of the staff is a tightknit group of weebs who just wanted to run a weeb website.

getting fucked in the ass

prostate orgasm and dry orgasm from anal sex are ridiculously good but 100% degenerate

normalfags and outsiders*

>blah blah blah history as if i dont know

The point is it's foolish to say most of Sup Forums's demographic is still mainly weebs. It's not the reason why to majority of people come here anymore, sorry to say

Never said its demographic is mainly weebs. Weebs are still Sup Forums's intended demographic.

weed is completely degenerate. There's not a single aspect of weed that's based.
Yes, its a mix of both. It cucks meme from breeding buts its completely immune from jewish control.
Some other things that are a mixed bag are:
classy and the liquid for true men, but in excess can be a casual force for degeneracy
can widen the mind and can make a man reach new intellectual heights but can also confuse people and led them towards degeneracy, especially fiction.
it devalues human life and lets women be irresponsible but it does combat blacks
allows for great communication and exchange of ideas but is a great distraction from more important and meaningful things
breeding grounds for intellectuals but has become a safe space for retards and Marxist idiots.

Here are some purely based things:
leads people towards the metaphyiscal and away from degenerate materialism
face it, all of today's problems come from allowing betas too much power
the most meaningful time of your life. As terrible as it is, if you attend it it'll change you forever, not that I encourage or am eager to participate in it
>classical music
the language of beauty

>no trannies or fags

What are bisho boys

What are crossdressers (seriously every other anime has one crossdressing character)

Genesis 1:29
>And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
What part of "every herb" is hard to understand?

How is it not blasphemy to forbid what God explicitly commanded?

>he's not eager to participate
The holy land won't take itself back, user.
>all of today's problems come from allowing betas too much power
M-m-mmaybe the betas are just biding their time and will come out and be chads once the uprising has begun, user.


Cannonball Adderley

Weed for medicine you stupid fuck
Just because shitlibs say it doesn't mean that it is automatically wrong.
Hemp is also good
Banned because of idiot cultists and dow chemical

Enjoy mind altering chemicals that drives off productiving just because you are not able to relax on your own and require help.
Basicly "relax-retarded"
As for anime , well everything can be degenerate , take a book for example do you consider Friedrich Nietzsche degenerate because Sandra Brown does some erotic novels ? nop...
Same problem is anime is just a form to present a story , some anime do have intresting philosphical problems about man and human nature, but then you have ecchi and hentai stuff or worse...
I mean why do people enjoy Eva so much , because it's has some deep shit in there about life, universe , fucking love.
And as for other mind altering drugs that are commonly used like coffee and alchool ... well the only real problem with them is abuse.
Drinking coffee increases your productivity but is not really good on the long run, as you keep have to take same dose just to keep up. But Small amounts from time to time may make yo life better.
Alchool is an amazing drug especially hard liqueur , which are amazing digestive and wine contains free radicals which can increase your life span. Drinking a small amount won't cause you to go ape shit or become an alchoolic.
Meaning alchool in small amounts does improve your life.
But weed ... just makes you lazy , maybe somewhat more creative , but creativity in arts doesn't really build better engines, you might say bla bla cancer and shit...
For real people I don't recomand weed , for fucked up people who have medical problems yes. But when you are fucked up how can you be based?
As for smoking nicottine , as alpha as it may look there are no benifits to smoking ... well maybe it helps digiestion a bit by bascily killing bacteria and maybe even prevent a cold...
But really what based person enjoys to waste his hard earn cash... I know it's his right to do as he will ,but it's just wasteful.

So it comes down to wasteful behaviour, Are you wasteful?

thanks for the input and i agree with you

Jefferson would have offed himself if he was told Americans would ban hemp of all plants
>Banned because of idiot cultists and dow chemical
Because of cotton and alcohol industry/mafia, actually.

The use of the flower was historically a minor part of hemp's utility (because historically, a potential drug user had the choice of legal alcohol, cocaine and opium, all far stronger substances than flower of hemp).

The main use was fiber. Hemp is a temperate crop that yields a high-quality fiber, which is useful not only for textiles but notably for smokeless gunpowder (flax is useless for it because it is waxy, and wood pulp yields short-chain cellulose).

By having the only temperate crop that could produce fiber on an industrial scale banned, temperate countries were made completely dependent on supplies of cotton, which was produced in USA and British colonies.

It's the same trick as with rubber monopoly and wars over access to rubber.

I've used it. It was comparable to alcohol I guess. Really not that great. Also it just made normal life intolerable but so do most drugs. They deplete your reserves and leave you high and dry.

>It was comparable to alcohol I guess
The morning after is not comparable at all though

>characters treat being a fag like a bad thing, the way it should be
>LGBT shit of all kinds is mocked. Acting like a fag or tranny is frowned upon
What? The amount of effeminate men in anime is ridiculous, especially the ones aimed at girls. While they're not necessarily explicitly gay, often the potential for them to be seen as gay by the audience who then indulge in shipping and fanart is through the fucking roof.

Legends of the Galactic Heroes.
The most based and redpilled anime I have watched.

I wish I had the image of the historian talking about the degeneracy leading up to the fall of Earth.


Degenerate Not Degenerate

Not Based