Last thread was deleted, I'm not original OP, I just clicked on his thread and noticed it had been deleted, literally 60 seconds after the last post
Last thread was deleted, I'm not original OP, I just clicked on his thread and noticed it had been deleted, literally 60 seconds after the last post
Other urls found in this thread:
Susan Berman
Post links to facecuck and linkedin
our government will prosecute me tho
Who can I email with this? I sent it to a couple of news stations.
She deleted her linked in
It's always those fucking Californians.
As I said on the last thread, try contacting someone from Judicial Watch. They're a conservative watchdog group that was formed during the Lewinsky scandal and pushed for impeachment on Bill.
They're up to there ass in Hillary's emails now but they may be able to tell someone where to go with this.
I also was youtubing shit last night and there was some network doing extensive investigative reporting of voter fraud from past elections.
Can't remember the name I'll have to try to seach for it.
She works at Medtronic
Contact them, day the investors are unhappy
Laws only apply to republicans.
Contact her employer too
Bumping for treason
>I didn't know what I was doing!
>{looks at her political affiliation}
>move along
Careful guys, Sup Forums mods were infiltrated by CTR and are banning people for talking about this.
So whats actually going on here.Is she pretending to register Nevadans but is actually taking that info back to Cali where it will be used to get wetbacks into polling places?
This isn't illegal though?
has anyone gotten anywhere with this?
did lord emperor trump retweet?
If you're working to register voters you have to be nonpartisan. It is illegal what she did
So how fucked is Hill dog if the reported cases of her shills committing voter fraud are in CA, NY and NV? 3 states I'd say are as guaranteed blue as as a CTR chuck's balls.
b u m p
hmmm can they actually do that?
I still dont get what shes doing.I have to register to vote thru a govt portal or at a county office such as the dmv.Some random nigger cant just take my info and register it for me.
Idk.thats what im trying to figure out.Are people giving her info that an official registration form would require?if so,wtf does she do with it?i cant even register to vote in a county i dont live in let alone another state.
Ill expand on that thought.So i registered last week online in pa.the only reason i was eligible to do so online is because i have a valid pa drivers license.they use the data tied to it to verify my identity and address.otherwise i would have to appear in person at a govt again,either other states are a lot more informal with registration processes or this broad is collecting private info for some other purpose.
How is she committing voter fraud? I don't quite understand.
She is violating Nevada law.
non-bipartisan voter registration
How likely is it that this will actually get any worthwhile attention and she is brought to justice? Democrats always get off with a slapped wrist.
Absolutely zero percent. Our government is beyond corrupt right now. Just the fact that Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton literally tells you everything you need to know. Either Trump wins or our country remains completely fucked forever.
contact her employer
im thinking of buying one share in the company, medtronic, she works for and complian to them
Depends on how many people contact the right offices,i suppose.they make a big deal in the vid over her being from a different state.that may piss someone off enough to react.but some people would have to actually report it.
Seriously Sup Forums....
>guy says anti-femenist thing
>feminists call his employer and gets them fired
>this bitch does some non-partisan voter registration
>get her to lose her job
shit is petty and you guys are fucking hypocrites
This is probably the easiest way to cause her wouldnt get her into much trouble but businesses usually have internet policies of conduct and even though she didnt post the vid,she is in it.i suspect she would at least have an uncomfortable meeting about it.
cuck off
supposed to be neutral when registering voters.
We need a gucifer2.0 type hero to do some keyboard ninjitsu to provide proof this bitch recieved money from the clinton campaign or one of it's known associates. Always follow the money.
And youre a cat fucking leaf.piss off.
The English Caliphate is so fucking cucked
still trying to help you not get cucked tho famalam
Do it you based being
have you sent a message?
difference is that its illegal under Nevada law to do partisan voter registration
Apples to oranges.
Voter fraud is in a totally different class than "someone said something I don't like".
>be me
>go to Home Depot
>voter registration table outside
>register to vote
>lady working table asks who I'm voting for.
>tell her Trump.
>she says "me too" and proceeds to tell me why she loves him so much.
So you're saying that's illegal?
the people in video had literal slogans and signs and shit , she works for the Democratic Party and HRC campaign. Shes not even from Nevada.
Different than your lady going "oh me too"
I don't know what it's like in The US, but in Canada, yes, that's very illegal.
How many illegals were in the parking lot looking to steal honest work from tradesmen?
Looking at it on pc here while i have thread on mobile...trying to make sure im sending it to the right place.i see something about ireland offices.just verifying proper address and finding the most direct route.also,keep it professional with an angle that your concerned about the company image.
>it's okay when we do it! because we're the good guys! You're just cishet/a cuck!
t. Pol and Tumblr
Heh...looks good.
>one thing is illegal
>one isn't
>ur totally the same!
why do you even come here?
Who /unironically a CTR shill/ here? Can't wait to vote for Hillary multiple times.
One must teleologically suspend the ethical when dealing with a threat like Trump
Kill her. Not exactly sure what is she doing, even after watching the video, but she is a democrat, and voting for Hilary, so just kill her. In fact start killing all people that want to vote for Hilary. Let the blood of traitors and retards flow.
> One must teleologically suspend the ethical when dealing with a threat like Trump
And this is how genocide starts.
In New York, you can't wear any political shirts with candidates names and what not.
>voter fraud
Some nig nog committed voter fraud were I live when Obama was running. They prosecuted her. She actually spent a year in jail if not more.
Kill this dirty kike
Flay her alive
What she done is dire
Set her on fire
Means people who register people for the federal elections push for hillary in the process.
Nah that is dutch not ashkenazi
About 20... I hired one to pull weeds. He wanted $20 for 1 HR of work. Told him I'd pay $10 and in exchange won't call ICE on him
Thx.. Makes sense if she's an actual shill
surely you at least clicked the video i linked
>The monkey waving at the camera at 1:08
Yuck. She's got that non-cougar vibe going on. The eyes and style of a woman longing for something more than her bland middle class existence.
is this in /cfg/ yet?
Guys,apparantly at least in California you can conduct partisan registration drives.if thats true for Nevada then we really have no case.
its not legal in the state of nevada
why do retards write/vocalize punctuation at the end of a sentence?
God damn Commiefornians.
Thank God, do an email too. Has anyone tweeted this shit to trump yet?
Or you know, someone can find her and kill her. She is a jew so she deserve to die, she is for HIllary so she deserves to die, she committed voter fraud so she deserves to die. Crush her skull with a sledgehammer.
shut up faggot sideways italy
Her face just screams "YES GOYIM, YESSSSS."
its a shame that "civilisation" lets these genetically weak people survive
if they are genetically weaker than you, then why are you their slave?
You w0T m8?
You know she deserves to die, to make an example of, and scare away other potential fraudsters.
w e w l a d
be a good nigger and lynch yourself
Drawn and Quatrered in my opinion
Possibly, but that's a parking violation compared to what this woman's doing. If she refused to register you, or threw away your registration information based on your party choice, it's a clear violation.
Calm your tits, Vlad. Save the impaling for some kebabs.
Only way to have that is linking her to the Foundation. Hillary will do the rest
Lol, we need to just annex canada already