Climate Hoax

I get that co2 has a warming affect, but can anyone prove that it's catastrophic? No.
Man-made Climate Change is the most blue-pilled idea that exists.

Other urls found in this thread:

CO2 does not cause any warming.
Stable increase in CO2 levels does not match unstable increase/decrease in temperature at all...

SO2 levels may cause warming and may cause cooling, depending on regime. (if interested, search for in some archive - it's not there now but was there some time ago and was really good... )

Solar output change causes climate change mostly, but (((scientists))) are denying it, because their employers cannot tax solar output...
(on attached picture: planet function, that allegedly influences solar output (on sub-percent level), compared with global temperature reconstruction for last 2000 years... Also note, that warming runs in cycles...)

And not least: warming also causes CO2 levels growing, by changing solubility of CO2 in oceans...

>I get that co2 has a warming affect,
That's not really proven especially with the very low concentration we are dealing with (it's just ppm after all).
What's proven on the other hand is that the solubility of CO2 in water is temperature dependant and the oceans release tons of CO2 if it gets warmer.
Really makes you think!

Also remember that the continent you are living on has been frozen over with a 1000 mile ice shelf some 10000 years ago and all that thawed away without anyone driving a SUV.
So these kinds of "catastrophic" climate changes are just natural.

> Groups get gov. funded grants to keep doing the same studies every year
> Billions of dollars to groups to keep giving liberals political fodder about climate change
> All call for something to be done
> Keep doing the same studies every year to tell people climate change is real
> Not telling the gov. to keep the billions to plant trees and make a difference instead of funding the same studies every year

It's all bullshit. The day that the "scientists" and groups reject the money or actually put it towards changing things is the day I will care about climate change. But getting blank checks every year to say there is a problem, the same shit every year without taking a stand is just political greed.

Rather 1mile than 1000, but still.

Yeah global warming and climate change are both complete and utter bullshit.

Even the IPCC report from 2014 admitted that there hasn't been any warming since 1990 and that earth has been cooling since 2004. The hilarious part, of course, is that the conclusion and abstract both stated that man-made climate change will kill us all.

We're also entering the Maunder Minimum, which always coincides with mini ice ages.

Polar bears and wolverines are moving South, not because their habitat is melting, but because its been too fucking cold in the arctic.

South Pole has broken records for the last several years with ice surface area. North pole has record ice thickness.

How these fuckheads managed to convince almost everyone that CO2 (PLANT FOOD) will kill us all is beyond me.

Can't wait for the new ice age. Whitey isn't made to live under fucking 30°C summers (if you are from Tenessee or some kind of other hell, sorry for you).

It wont kill us any time soon.

the problem with global warming is the risk to our biodiversity. The annihilation of thousands of species that are unable cope with the change in tempurature or atmosphere, may not be "bad" per se, but it sucks if we run out of wild emperor penguins or polar bears because they get too hot.

>I get that co2 has a warming affect


What part of "ice age now" don't you understand you brainwashed faggot?

We have a natural extinction rate of about 1000 species per year, you don't give a fuck about them (most of them are creepy crawlies anyways) :^)

>Even the IPCC report from 2014 admitted that there hasn't been any warming since 1990 and that earth has been cooling since 2004.
>July 2016 was reported as the hottest July ever recorded



Right. It's not really "good" or "bad".

But everyone likes cold water penguins and wants them to stick around.

Where is the proofs

Hottest summer this year was 32°C, last summer was in the 40s for a few days. Checkmate! Try to explain that without god.

They alter the data from previous years, and cherry pick data from certain weather stations.

Obviously a weather station on top of an airport without any greenery around, and surrounded by hot asphalt, in zero shade, is not going to give an accurate reading of temp for that latitude and longitude








Fine with it. I'm just saying it's not relevant either way.

So many good arguments in this thread that I'll never remember.


Global record
So how much is Shell paying you to shill like this?
>Obviously a weather station on top of an airport without any greenery around, and surrounded by hot asphalt, in zero shade, is not going to give an accurate reading of temp for that latitude and longitude
And obviously NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are not stupid enough to make a rookie mistake like that

Seriously all the edgy retards who claim we should just let Schlomo Inc keep dumping shit in our water supplies and atmosphere are good goys to the extreme.

Temperatures have already risen by 1.5 degree celcius which Obongos meme summit said would be the goal to keep under.

Due to the delay in climate effect we are most probably at current levels already going to hit 4-8 degrees celcius the next decades.

You think the current migration from shitskin countries is bad?

Just wait for the huge exodus the next decades due to draught / ocean current changes / sea level rising.

We're talking a billion shitskins at US / European borders.

Good-bye white race.

>articles are proof

No show me the data


The graph without labelled axes.
Very convincing.

Simple, use a Pascals wager to analyze this. Pic related.

If we don't clap our hands 3 times every Tuesday will the world end? Apply. Retard.

How is climate change civilisation destroying preventable, but "civilization goes on" if not preventable?

> Doesn't thank the cult of the Tuesday hand clappers for saving the world every week

Gas yourself.

Increased co2 does nothing but make plants megahuge and strong

>letting out the secret
a fucking leaf

Polar bear population is rising, not falling.

If climate change is a hoax, why are all climate deniers all big businesses and jews?

When did Sup Forums become so bluepilled?

jews want to live too, they wouldn't harm themselves

man made climate change is a meme

>implying there won't be a resource war with global average temp at +4C
> Still waiting for Greenhouse - A Lukewarm View of Global Warming
(Note, that CO2 levels are stable rising, while temperature does not.)

About hottest last july -- fairy tales, that pay well, a propaganda...

They're not. They're well-respected meteorolgists, biologists, geoclimatologists, and historians who can only publish in secret, anonymously, for fear of losing funding or even their jobs.

Grant funding in the US is not awarded to anyone who goes against the fanatic religion of climate change

Why do you think they call people who tell the truth "deniers" or that you have to "believe" in climate change. It's the same religious propaganda forced down your throat by religious leaders of all flavors.

I like to think it's just a small dedicated group of circle-jerkers and trolls.

co2 does cause warming

co2 increase is largely man made

it's not the sun

Look at the economy, society, etc.

It's the co2 man.

What's the metaphor for a bunch of retards sitting around having an earnest discussion about shit they know nothing about?

Because whatever it is, it applies here.

My only regret is that I lack the energy to post this from a proxy with a US flag so that I can reply with my Australian flag and say that the metaphor is called US politics, but I want you all to be aware that the opportunity was there.

The reefs die > the fish die > the birds die> the trees die > we die.

Not one single person ITT has provided ANY evidence that global warming is real.


Daily reminder that global warming is a total crock of shit based on data manipulation.


increasing co2 in the atmosphere warms the earth
human activity is leading to an increase in co2 in the atmosphere.

seriously. just google either of these statements

Fuck cold water penguins. They're the niggers of penguins.

Oh wait that's the wrong data, here I corrected that data for you.

Just ignore that old data.... it was wrong for some reason.

Oops! looks like you missed the part in this thread where we already covered that CO2 has no impact on global temps.

reposted from :

and also see this:

how Antarctic drives climate...

> about shit they know nothing about?
Why do you think so?

you've covered no such thing.

co2 absorbs and re-emits IR. This can be measured in a lab and is observed on satellite.

>If it happens in a laboratory setting it must also be true for a a planet with it's own thermodynamics, weather, solar influences, large bodies of water, ionosphere, troposphere, and magnetosphere!

God damn you're gullible.

>because their employers cannot tax solar output...
why not?

What a bunch of sad idiots. Lmao I bet you trust your lying politicians with everything, meanwhile the ((((jew))) slips them that juicy lobby money. Hope you're all affected severely in the next 20 years when you see your shitty beliefs come crashing down to reality.

All them scientist truly just want your carbon tax for sure, and I mean the oil companies totally don't hold patents for renewable energy technology that could be mass produced cheaply to power the entire planet, nah that's just crazy talk.

Didn't the liberals predict Florida would be under water by now? Or is that just me?

A couple years ago when I was a libtard my honest reasoning for believing in climate change was that the scientists know the truth and that everything is proven and that crazy christian republicans are holding us back. I'm still not sure where I stand on it, but I know I can't make an exact opinion because I'm not educated enough.

i've been waiting for about 23 years for global warming to kill us all

Even scientists can be fooled

The entire premise of Global warming was based on Co2 increasing temps, and because of that, a cascade effect would take place, increasing global temps from other causes, like methane release, thanks to Co2.

Co2 right now, if it was doubled, would only cause a .7 increase in temperature. That's it. and to get to 800ppm of Co2 would be quite a feat for us right now.

Of course, all the models showing this cascade effect have been shown to be wrong.

don't let Sup Forums decide your opinion user


None of this affects the mechanism. If IR of a certain frequency hits a co2 molecule it will be absorbed.

Isn't the 20 year hold on temperatures proof that CO2 has already capped out it's potential for heating?

So you're saying the earth itself has absolutely no temperature regulating properties, with it's atmosphere and big oceans and lovely warm star and solar wind?

OK buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>Co2 right now, if it was doubled, would only cause a .7

Each doubling of co2 over pre-industrial levels gives an increase of 1.4C. Feedback comes in the form of methane release and the atmosphere holding more water vapour, both functions of temperature.

There is no '20 year hold'. The last 14 months have set consecutive temperature records. 9/10 of the hottest years on record have occurred since 2000.

ClimateGate fueled this way too much. How can you trust the UN IPCC after that? I'm sure there are effects just like the CFCs blowing a hole in the ozone layer, but scientific dishonesty ruins credibility.

>There is no '20 year hold'. The last 14 months have set consecutive temperature records. 9/10 of the hottest years on record have occurred since 2000.

What year were the last temp records set in? The 1930s?

Also temperatures have been static for 20 years. When if the models are even slightly correct it should have shown a constant and accelerating rise in temperature.

It really is. It's the only video on climate change that ever rly made me think.

The only greenhouse gas is water vapor. CO2 and all other carbon based gasses contribute negligibly to trapping any latent heat.

Believing in anthropogenic climate change is like believing in the tooth fairy at this point desu.

Coming to Sup Forums to discuss scientific concepts is like going to the zoo to ask the monkeys to solve derivative functions.

It's a place where a bunch of arm-chair, pseudo-intellectual, uneducated morons attempt to dissect extremely complex scientific concepts with infographics when they have little to no understanding of the actual ideas presented. It is a place where the edgiest of the Sup Forums contrarians congregate to discuss their denial of basic scientific concepts such as evolution, where people that believe the Earth is flat come to shitpost. Where every other day there's some faggot yelling about Yellowstone, despite not understanding anything about volcanology or the Yellowstone caldera itself.

It is a place where ignorance reigns supreme, make no attempt to reason with anyone on this board, just observe in awe the amount of massive stupidity and cognitive dissonance before you.

>American defending their habits of releasing methane in Walmarts

Every month for the past 14 has been the hottest on record. That is to say last june was the hottest on record until June 2016.

define Greenhouse gas.

Honestly Sup Forums this is embarrassing.

Do not attempt to reason with people here user, it's a lost cause.

Sup Forums is smarter than you, kid.

Obviously this place isn't for you. Go ask Bill Nye about it.

Dumping shit into water ways is not the same as trying to end fossil fuels, which are a far superior fuel source to alternative energies.

> it's a lost cause.
Then why are you attempting to reason with people here?

Are you stupid? Do you recognize the irony of what you just posted?

It's because your position is dishonest. You know people are reasonable here, but your feelings are hurt and you want everyone to storm out of the playground with you.

Just an example of science trying to extend its arrogance beyond its means again. The subject is very complex and the ideas/data will continue to change as this political agenda-driven idea fades from the public consciousness.

The part where everyone gasps at NOAA's r-squared value gets me every time

If you were open to reason you'd have looked into it. You've already decided. a few points have been raised ITT

>co2 is not a GHG
>co2 does not trap heat
>man isn't responsible for the increase in co2

All these are false.

>Can anyone prove its catastrophic

Yes. Yes we can, actually. Venus.

Done. Look it up for yourself.

Sometimes looking up and out there (The Universe) we learn a little bit about whats going on down here.

Venus is closer to the sun dumbass. Of course it's hot!


It was also a El Nino year

When was the last hottest month? What record was broken?

The points you raise are irrelevant. When you look at the measurements of temperature on the ground, the effect you're proposing doesn't appear.

>There are people that actually think that Mercury is hotter than Venus because it's closer to the sun

Mercury is closer than Venus.

July 2016.

>HARTFORD — July was the hottest month for global temperatures since scientists began keeping those records in the 1880s, and climate experts say it's another danger signal that has implications around the planet — including Connecticut.

>inb4 source, it was the top result for 'hottest month'

Al Gore pls go. The poster I replied to mentioned nothing about comparing venus to mercury. We were comparing Venus to Earth.


>what you said was painfully true so I post funny hat meme now

why is Venus hotter than Mercury?

Runaway greenhouse effect.

I wanted him to answer.

One has an atmosphere and one doesn't.

Comparing Venus to Mercury and comparing Venus to Earth is not in any way, shape, or form a viable scientific comparison to extrapolate conditions on Earth.

He wasn't going to.

I don't know where you're getting 1.4C from. If not accounting for feedback, it's fairly agreed on that a doubling of pre-industrial (typically from 287 to 574 ppm) would result in a 1C increase. Thus an increase from the current level to 800 would only provide an additional .7c increase. Hardly a cause for doomsday-esque concern.

My main point was that these feedback loops that were part of these doomsday scenario's simply have not happened. All the political action that's taken place, and will take place, it based on the notion of that cascade effect, where we would see a dramatic rise in temperature of several degrees, not just one. This has been shown to be false however. You can clearly look at satellite data and see that.


I got gave up at the states starting with M.

If the 2000+ are so fucking warm then why are all the records so old? If the world was warming in step with more CO2, shouldn't they be more like the 80s 90s and 00s?
Also by how much did this years' records break the old ones and when were the last 10 records set and by how much did they differ from the current record?


Can't you see the shit has become a religion?

Sure, work to reduce emissions. Try to take better care of ecology. Littering is a sign of a poor upbringing. Do all the obvious stuff as we are comfortably able (efficiency alone wipes out much of what offends you), but the hysteria makes for an uphill battle, user.


Are you trying to post, RAW FACTUAL DATA in this thread?! Buddy that's illegal in some EU countries, you better watch yourself.

RAW data... uh oh... raw data alone is now science. Not surprising in the least.