I'm the master race, prove me wrong

Am half Italian, whose side is 1/2 blue eyed vikings who migrated 1000 years ago to Rome and 1/2 brown eyed Roman Emperor material (Pope and fucking General in the family tree)
Am half French, Grandpa side has family members serving the count of Paris 1000+ years ago, and Henri IVth 600 years ago as cooks. Grandma is from the north where normans cross bred with romans.

Have brown eyes and brown hair

>Pol is mad
>Inb4 kek only blue eyes are white

>muh heritage

calm down ahmed

but what have YOU done little sister

Why isn't your flag white???

This is why I love our white race, no better bants on this planet

>Have brown eyes and brown hair
Better luck next time

Master race is in picture

You're about 30% nigger&jew (optimistically...) by your French and Italian sides. It doesn't matter who they served.

I doubt you differ from arabs aesthetically.

Get over it, mongrel.

NO, IM the master race

So you dip croissants in your spaghetti-o's?

... And you look like a Mongol invader, get over it fag

Well, i'm blonde and handsome. It's not my fault, that your ancestors mated with random, african influenced racial filth in mongrelized cesspools that Italy has always been and that France has become.

Both my grandmas are blue eyed blonds fucktard, wtf can I do if brown hair and hazelnut eyes are dominant genes ?

Plus if you have slits for eyes I hope you realise it doesn't count as white.

So both of your grandmas offered themselved to swarthy semi-niggers. Nice master race and proud heritage here.

Decended by the glorious House of Komnenos, Emperors of the true Roman Empire in the East, you are just an uncivilised mix of uncultured latin and frankobarbarian, with some nordic mercenary in the mix. I am the master race, not you pleb.

sounds like you're compensating for something Pierre, did your sister get smashed by a Senegalese dick

>master race
>literally half/half of two of the greatest pinnacles of Western Civilization
>capable of doing great things
>great things like: philosophy, science, politics, economics
>instead instead decides to shitpost and brag on an english japanese anime website

I knew you'd say that... Semi niggers who have been on the continent for even longer than the first mutation of blond hair ? Fucking mongoloid

You got me there... But if it's any consolation, I only shitpost once every 3 month. Let's attribute it to random natural occurence.

>tfw 1/4 Italian 1/4 French and 1/2 English

Literally can't get more master race than this

Underrated post