No matter if you are black, hispanic, or shitskinned YOU are a nigger and will always be worthless. Dont fucking step in Missouri because I will find you and snap your worthless neck you dumb nigger.
No matter if you are black, hispanic, or shitskinned YOU are a nigger and will always be worthless...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hispanic as in white Iberian or Hispanic as in brown dirty mestizo
be specific you kike
All of them. If you are bot pale white you are not part of the masterrace. Nigger genes not allowed
Iberians are the master race
Incorrect. Also japs and chinks too. Whites only.
you don't even know what an Iberian is nigger
If it aint white it aint right you fucking niggerlover
Iberian is white you retard
There are loads of those here already, get to work!
t. Missourian
lol, iberians are from europe.
What if I visibly show a 4leaf clover card around me while being a half white hispanic?
holyy shit wew
t. Increasingly angry martsharter
The white race is superior because it finds more interesting places to shart. This is an intriguing genetic development.
lol way to avoid the argument, malta isnt even large enough or wealthy enough to become a city state. stay mad.
wtf I hate myself now
holy shit thats gross
All kidding aside, why do you consider non-white races to be of less worth than the white race? I'm a white male, but I don't understand your logic. I see all races as equal. Perhaps you can change my mind?
Americans admit sharting in walmart
Cry me a river buger faggot.
>Pic related are the Racial stats on argentina according to the INDEC (our national records organism)
>40.117.096 total pop.
>955.032 Injuns
>149.493 Niggers.
We are whiter than you fucking burgers. Now go take a lap.
This obviously a false flag, don't even bother.
what about Ashton Eaton?
t. Tyrone
So the overwhelming majority of humanity Aren't right...and the "people" with negative birth rates are right...kek