There may be tyrannical governments that don't protect her rights.
There may be despotic men who don't respect her rights.
But that never changes the fact that she has those rights
A woman's right to determine for herslef whether or not bear children is a natural right
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what about the mans right not to pay for the child?
Property is a human right, therefore its illegal for the government to take away your property for child support.
Yet she needed men to give her the rights she has
there was no civil war
there was no UPRISING of women
there was no GREAT ARMY of women warriors that defeated the male army in battle
we, the men, voted to let them have rights
we can just as easily take them away
It's her body. It's her choice.
Just make sure she doesn't affect the fetus's body in any negative way. That's not her body.
Of course it's her right. If she doesn't want children she has the right not to engage in PIV sex.
>it's not a woman's right to choose for any other species in nature
>most animals rape in order to reproduce
>muh natural rights
White people have this autism where they believe in these things called "rights", but there are no "rights" in nature. You have the right to survive, eat before being eaten, reproduce, then die -- or die trying. Those are your rights you pussy fuck.
By this reasoning, the baby's body inside a woman is not her choice either and I shouldn't have to pay for her birth control, abortion or any other medical conditions.
Yes, but if she got pregnant the father of the child should have the right to make her get an abortion
>muh wittle bitte bebes
>whores! whores!
Hey, if you don't want a child, stop getting fucked all the time.
For fucks sake.
A woman that doesn't reproduce with men from her own country is a woman that enables the destruction of your country. It's not a choice, it's a duty.
And is it a man's natural right to choose (before the child is born) wether or not he'll pay child support?
B-but... T-then we t-think of the childrens!
>what about the mans right not to pay for the child?
You seem confused about the difference between positive and negative rights.
>B-but... T-then we t-think of the childrens!
Hey, I said inb4!
Making everything a right is a long term effort to remove rights.
Lets say she cucks you and after the baby is growing up you do a dna test and find out its not yours. What happens then ?
> (natural rights)
Hi John Locke, just so you know Hobbes is more right than you are.
Okay, just let me know where I sign to waive my paternal obligations. After all, if you're making all the decisions here, decisions which I may not agree with, why should I be forced to support them? I guess you could say if you're not prepared for the consequences then maybe you shouldn't have sex. Wait a second...
Postnatal abortion.
Wait, hold on let me consult my GOP Rape Chart (pic related)
Absolutely. I'm sick of all the bigots on this board. Women randomly spawn babies and its nothing they can help, why should she have to keep a biological process that she didn't take any part in or have knowledge of?
It's my right as a woman to be a cum guzzling whore and murder the consequences, got it? Good.
In what world would any of my rights allow me to kill another human being?
She makes the choice when deciding whether or not to sleep with a man.
I would abort her also
>what about the mans right not to pay for the child?
What is your argument? That men should have the arbitrary authority to force women to abort against their wishes?
See # 2 " despotic men who don't respect her rights"
>Of course it's her right. If she doesn't want children she has the right not to engage in PIV sex.
What if the rubber breaks? Who's fault is it then?
>Lets use a case that happens 0.0000001% of the time as an excuse
>Hi John Locke, just so you know Hobbes is more right than you are.
America was founded on the principles of Mr Locke. What country was founded on the principles of Hobbes? A cartoon strip?
Shapiro pls go
Sorry what?
A right is defined by law, if the law does not exist, you don't have it.
If a person was defined outlaw, out side the protections of the law.
A person could rape, torture, murder, enslave the outlaw. Without penalty from the law.
>In what world would any of my rights allow me to kill another human being?
Life == Breath. It's not a human being until it breathes. That's what God says:
theres nothing wrong with white on white rape.
>Lets use a case that happens 0.0000001% of the time as an excuse
I've had several break on me. Apparently these made-in-China latex ones were designed with a little bit smaller gent in mind
>Women can take life on will
>It's her right
>Must have sexy body
>I want more dicks in my life i don't need shit life i made
>Ah more thingling feeling in my pussy
>I am not ready
>I am studying i dont need baby
>It;s not my foult we had sex it's his... Either abortion or Alimony
>Ah AH more dicks.
There is no other reason women would abort than to have more sex.
That means that in life you take SEX>LIFE
That's fucked up.
Also if she created shit of the life in her body, she should have duty to at least bear it so that it can live.
Baby did not chose to be in the stomach of the filthy whore. Shit who want more dicks.
And if she does not want to upbring child(or father does not want it to) than she can give it into chilldren village/orphanage.
And only and only way abortion should be aloved is (maybe even forced) if baby have some disorder like down syndrome. That's self explanatory.
Baby did not chose to be in whore, and whore still wants dicks, so baby need to die for her pleasure. That's sick both filthy whore and all those who support it.
So why can't women simply be responsible and avoid getting pregnant if they don't want a child?
Don't give me that rape line either, that accounts for only a very tiny fraction of abortions.
I dont know how people come to the conclusion that abortion is moral
no he is right 100%
a woman's right to have babies has nothing to do with child support.
if a woman can't raise a baby on her own already then she shouldn't have any kids
You seem confused about the fact that $110000 over the course of 18 years is chump change
Why does a woman consider it her right to force mans sperm to concieve in her womb? Because it is a natural physical process? Is it not natural, then, to force a woman from seeking artificially inducef abortions from surgery or drugs, because the natural processes following conception are either automatic abortion or carry to term?
>That means that in life you take SEX>LIFE
No that means you've manufactured a false assumption that life begins at sex
>she should have duty to at least bear it so that it can live.
No, it's her choice to bear or not
You understand the right to bear arms. Does this mean the government can force men to hold a weapon?
Yes, that's right conscription.
>And only and only way abortion should be aloved is (maybe even forced) if baby have some disorder like down syndrome.
Governments should never force women to bear or abort children.
>if a woman can't raise a baby on her own already then she shouldn't have any kids
2/3 of women don't get child support already.
>I need to comfort to your arbitrary conditions in order to prove my argument.
Instead of forcing me to debate where life begins, how about you consider that that baby did not chose a fucking filthy whore of a bitch for mother?
If you were that baby you would think othervise.
For it to not have a chance to see light of a sun just because of dick hungry whore.
>But I don;t want to bear it... "Sniff" "Snaff" i made mistakes, so baby will suffer.
No she should have to bear it, and if she does not want it give it to orphanage so it has a chance. No need for alimony, no need for social help. Just give it to someone who values another human being, someone who dedicated his whole life to help kids who have retarded idiotic parents.
>But i am not ready.
Should have thought of that before, there is no excuse.
>Lets' torture ourselves untill we die, because we love down syndrome child.
>after we die let it be on the back of his uncle.
Imagine seing 60 year old mother caring for 30 yearold down syndrome son?
He is still incapable to take care for himself, and she will die as a slave basically.
2,3 or more lives ruined because of natural mistake that could have been prevented.
Apeall to emotion works both ways idiot.
>that baby did not chose a fucking filthy whore of a bitch for mother?
I called it first - the numbskulls who would blame the women's behavior!
>You seem confused about the fact that $110000 over the course of 18 years is chump change
Not at all. $110k is nothing for a father. For a deadbeat, it's probably a nightmare.
No such thing as a right. Rights are a spook.