Why do all white women want to look like nigresses nowadays? Can't we just have slim slender beautiful white girls?
Why does every white chick want a fat ass like kim k?
I just don't get it, is this the niggerculture Ameribro's warned us about?
Why do all white women want to look like nigresses nowadays? Can't we just have slim slender beautiful white girls?
>why do all
>why does every
Don't go to extremes, Netherlands.
Skinny women with children's bodies are not good.
Nigger asses are not good.
Ideal female forms are like Greek statues - you can see they're fit but have healthy amount of fat, enough to bear children and bring softness to their line, feminine but not child-like.
Fuck this bitch is hot as fuck!! 9.3/10
Isn't Bella half cuban?
>puffy pepperoni nipples
>niggerculture Ameribros warned us about?
Yes, Aquafresh. The Jews took over our pop culture and they're not stopping with us.
Your loss bro. Love me some puffy nipples.
The fat ass thing I won't complain about either, because asses can be even more wonderful than tits at times. But it's definitely a pop culture/media inspired fascination.
justifying being fat.
but puffy nipples are best nipples you dumb mart sharter
White women are obsolete anyway. The future is a pure and submissive Asian Goddess.
And before the degenerates start getting ideas about racemixing... WMAF is the ONLY acceptable interracial couple.
Don't insult my waifu now she is mad
Who is she? It is an important question.
I used to think Bella was ugly, and to be honest her face isn't as attractive as other young female "celebrities", but my fucking god, she has a good body and fucking rocks thigh boots
She is a dutch youtuber
Nothing wrong with a big booty my fellow toothpaste brother. Though Kim K is a horrible example since her ass is injected with silicons and looks like shit. a big squat booty is where its at.
>Why do all white women want to look like nigresses nowadays? Can't we just have slim slender beautiful white girls?
because woman follow fashion idiot.
maybe there are some woman that dresses like the 50's but they are probably loaded with tattoos.
hipsters brought back some of the old fashion back
For our foreign admirrors
Have a rare meme
Whites having niggers bodies?
I don't know about neatherlands but I either see fat white grils being fat or skinny white girls here. And Romania isn't even white we just gypsis here bro...
>whispers SPQR
>must protect my white and roman legacy, let the empires of the west fall to the nigger hoardes, we'll learn from their mistakes and become great again
>pro tip my mother side is pure blood greek with full blown greek features like straigh nose from forehead and father blue/gray eyes and me green with blond hair and neatherdal DNA because of reddish beard.
Also don't come to Romania shit place here , no whites here just gypsies... everybody go germany,england,france for better lifes.
As for murica/england/france/germany maybe there is the trend of mix race is habbening , and slowly white mixed with latinos/niggers/arabs and whites slowly developing niggers features. I know that neatherlands getting large influx of niggers and sandniggers and some woman fall for the BBC bullshit. But those aren't worthy womans bro, let them get blacked , there is no point in breeding with shits that fall for BBC and jewish propaganda.
But really white is white... be tall as fuck neatherdalls don't let your womans fall be strong and tall
Yeah I think you are right bro, but unfortunately the lesser educated fall for the different cultural influences, like for Moroccans or Africans.
It's sad too see them lower their standards.
OP pic is Bella Thorne, some literally who """actress""""
of course shes degenerate she works in Hollywood
Oh hmm my bad then, they look a bit alike that's why I was confused.
Look, this all came from Mtv making Rap and Hip Hop the THING, then it spread and now is firmly rooted in mass media and globally due to a never ending supply of mediocre talent from the black community. It is like the soccer of music.. designed for the poor and takes nothing to participate in.
Mtv was the seed for this shit and it has just grown like a weed for the last 20yrs.
White girls are followers, tween girls in general are followers..they were told blacks were a thing..and just did what they are told.
hey babe, come here and give me sex
>Mtv making Rap and Hip Hop the THING
I knew it... Isn't MTV run by jews?
Of course it is. But it seems so many of you are too young to have seen this all start. I saw it. It was obvious when it began.
Most here today do not remember or even were alive when Mtv was actually a big deal and had huge influence. Shit they helped create the reality TV genre itself. Real World was the 1st ever like it. They then learned that they could put out pure shit and sell it..thus all we have going on today.
BET, WB, BRAVO, E, UPN..etc all spawned from Mtv.
Mtv gave thug culture a stage and they never left it once let on. They aren't stupid, this shit pays the bills for em.
Idk I only date black women
Don't we all want to be royalty?
Having a nice ass dosent make them wanna be a nigger fuckin queer..
Is that Max Verstappens GF?
>Idk I only eat leftovers
>Idk I only watch the movies with a rating of 6/10 or less
>Idk I only walk outside when the weather is shitty
Congrats on settling?
>I've never been outside of my basement
>My only concept of a black girl is a slightly tanned anime caricature and white women threaten me so I'm gonna advocate for what is objectively the least sought-after race/gender combo on the face of the fucking earth
Yeah, I'm in the wrong
I like big butts, and while I am capable of lying, I stand by my original claim.
That was a convoluted insult and I'm not sure what you're getting at. I don't watch anime and there are cute black girls in the world so idk what you want
You have shit taste black women can be really qt
she's just not wearing a bra you idiot. non-cuck countries wear cloth bras or none at all
Oh my god YES
Tip: it's not the African in your photo girl that makes her attractive...
let me guess, only if they're 2/3 white like your pic? fucking racist scum.