Is this a right-wing safe space?

Is this a right-wing safe space?

Some what. I don't mind the shills too much.

Yes, as a leftist I only get memes, insults, strawmen and ad homs based on extremist liberal stereotypes by right wingers.

Very little honest debate.

Not really, more like a leftwing hostile place.

I stopped engaging in honest debate here about 3 years ago. Even back then, it was hard to find a discussion worth having. It's impossible now.

So you're here because?


I like arguing for fun, memes are cool too

no. we just call each other cuck while waiting for habbenings.

No its a Bangladeshi carpet weaving forum

no its a left wing safe space

its not about debate. its about taking sides.

>tfw black
>feel like I'm being turned into a fetish
>I might be okay with this

Sup Forums is full of socialists and atheists who think they're right-wing because they say nigger a lot.

Shut up, cuck.

No because you don't get banned for being a libshit. Do you even know what that term means faggot?

>Sup Forums
>safe space

>Sup Forums

No, you don't get banned for being a liberal like you do on other sites for arguing conservative points.

Sup Forums isn't a safespace, just look at all the shit posting and liberal whining that isn't banned here.

It's funny though, liberals are so ignorant they don't even know what a safe space is and they created them.

You don't get banned. Not a safe space retard.

more like a natsoc safe space. Or really, an anti left safe space


I get banned all the time.

shut up nigger.

It's not a safe space, it's a cage full of monkeys flinging shit and screaming at each other


There's nothing to discuss when it comes to right wing ideas.
Left wing ideas like communism have either proven to be crap, or a just utopian fantasy and the discussion always goes that same
>someone says pro communist stuff
>some asks how it would work
>reply with vague ideas and quotes of Marx,
>get called out for not being specific in how it would work
>"this is just a right wing hate speech hugbox!"

This is the main reason Sup Forums hates left wing stuff, because it hasn't worked when tried and no one has come up with serious solutions to its massive flaws yet is expected to suffer a "serious discussion"


The reason liberals get shit on here is because they always shitpost and run

it is an internet hate machine

fuck off retard, sage

>a place that doesn't coddle me like every single other form of media I've been exposed to
>must just be nazis

Nopers, all are welcome to input. Reddit's The Donald board is an example of a right wing safe space.

It's not a safe space if you're not getting banned you fucking retard. Kill yourself please.

>Shitpost and run

I've gotten banned midway through arguments more times than I can count.

it's not a safe space though, free thought is not allowed without getting ridiculed and reported

safe space is the wrong word, reddit is an active safe space as contrarian opinions will be downvoted and removed. Here they'd just be ignored

So I guess echo chamber more like

No, It's the opposite. A hurt box.

Anyone have the screencap of an OP explaining this?

This is the furthest thing from a safe space, you can post whatever opinion you want without fear of being banned.

No, leftists are allowed to post here, that doesn't mean they will be treated politely. If you wish for a safe space plebbit isn't hard to find.

And that's why you guys are dumb and will never grow and change.

You people are so ignorant and resistant to learning that you don't need to ban people in order to maintain a hugbox.

You just are so irritating and dumb that they leave.

Sir, I believe you've written _gas chamber_ wrong.

Sup Forums is anything but a safe space. This place will rot you from the inside out.



>you're all just stupid and dumb!
Quality post, really showing them how much they are missing out on deep left wing intellectual discussion right here

And then: "lol Sup Forums has no real arguments just memes haha try responding without a meme Xd" Seriously I see honest civil arguments plenty of the time I dont understand this constant claim that theres no real arguments.

I wish.

It's hard to find actual rightwing stuff between all the leftwing sliding and Sup Forums-tard shitposting.

They come in with one of their talking points that we've all heard repeated a million time as if it's something profound, we mistake it for the bait it is, then meme back.

>its not about debate it's about taking sides
>implying this board isn't just a right wing hugbox where leftist ideas are not honestly discussed

You need some perspective.

Happens to me to, it's hard to get into a vehement discussion without accidentally breaking a rule or two

The people I'm talking about are the ones who post threads with strawman arguments, accusations, or just blatant fishing for replies and then sit back and suck up the (You)s

Everyone is guilty of this mind you, but from what I've seen, this accounts for about 80% of leftist threads

Even the right wing people here are viciously attacked and ridiculed. Lefties just have it worse

As another user said: "this is a hurt box"

I could honestly post something 100% factual like: "Once Upon A Time is a tv show in the US" and I'll still get ripped a new one.

Ffs just kys already


This board is overrun with shills constantly, and /leftypol/ comes here for its weekly ass whooping too.

The problem is that once you embrace the power of Fascism and decide that you care about your people, leftist arguments simply melt like butter to a hot knife.

It would be a safe space if we only allowed people with similar opinions here, and we do not do that.

Sup Forums is is not a safe space.
Sup Forums is a war zone.

It's just that we're the only ones who know how to fight, and not even paid shills can debate against the truth. It's great.

Have you ever honestly tried or have you always just come in as you are doing now, acted haughty and superior, declared everyone except you an idiot, and then complain when all people do is call you a faggot?

Ecco-chamber would be a more appropriate term, OP. A "safe-space" implies that you can't use words that might hurt someone's feels.

Why do you think you deserve honest debate? You don't engage in it yourself

Some fag I'm arguing with just said that nobody has said they want to kill Trump, nobody has called him a cunt, nobody has said they want to kill white people etc and that it's all been directed at Hillary and blacks because racism.

I can't find my compilation photos of all the tweets and articles that say exactly that. Can anyone help, please?

An echo chamber implies you only ever hear your own opinions parroted back at you (hence "echo"). This is not the case either. All we do is argue, from all kinds of perspectives.

>its not about debate it's about taking sides
Lefties confirmed for being unable to understand sarcasm and humour

If you want a discussion, then start one right here. Stop calling this place a hugbox when all you've done so far in this thread is bitch and moan

Yeah I do, but the topic of this thread is whether it's a right wing safe space.


This is definitely a statist ecco-chamber, as there is no difference between "liberals" or "conservatives", is all one big socialist party of shit. Gimme because I [insert cause], muh oppression, muh genocide, muh me me me. Left, Right, it's all a load of bull shit for people who are unable to take responsibility for their own lives so they demand a government to take action for them.

An actual safe space would have banned you ages ago, now go back to ribbit cuccboi

Ok, do it right now. Make a thread about a left wing topic and link it. Don't meme.

Actually argue your case as well. Don't just make the thread and run.

However the entire point of the right wing is that there is no safe space, and free speech is always valid, hard work is what divides the men from the boys. The ironic thing is not the memes, that is fair right wing free speech, it is that most of the people on pol are neets. That is the ironic thing, as right wing people usually think a bullet is the best way to deal with a neet.

And to provide a relevant example, I'd like to point out that OP has only made one post

This is not a safe space. I basically live in a dystopian world and even here, on an anonymous imageboard designed for bi-metal origami I can't have peace with all this shitposting.

That's because this place is Sup Forums and those people are probably not leftists, but just actual shitposters.

Part of being a safespace isn't just curation with bans, but putting out the public image that you're a safespace for a thing. This place definitely has that public image. It wards off most lefties because they want to stay in their own safespaces.

It's also coincidentily why you have a lot of people who come here and say "I got transformed into a right nationalist and I was a democrat, omg redpill!"

Most of those people weren't even really leftists to begin with, and they're used to their own safespaces. There's few actual right wingers who brave left wing discussion boards, just as there's few actual left wingers like me who brave right wing discussion boards.

Honestly, the danger of places like Sup Forums and tumblr are that they make the average smuck believe that they can be political geniuses by doing a little reading from one perspective. A political landscape flooded on both sides by said smucks makes it impossible to actually talk about issues. The lefties may have started it online, but you guys have dived in whole hog and to another level here on Sup Forums.

>almost every thread is shillary bait
What do you think?

It's because most people here in reality and economically centre-left, they are only right when on social issues

Natsoc is the closet thing to that, but still not really

No, you can argue anything you want, as much as you want.


no, Sup Forums is the 1st Amendment in action

Sup Forums is predominantly conservative because we're right

leftists need "safe spaces" and echo chambers precisely because their bullshit does not hold up under scrutiny

you're being dishonest

It is objectively not a safespace. The only way to make it into one is to change the definition from "a place where you are protected from dissenting opinions" to something else. You are in NO way protected from dissenting opinions on Sup Forums, as anyone who has been here for more than six hours can assert.

You may choose one: Sup Forums is a containment board, stop coming on to the rest of Sup Forums, OR Sup Forums is an echo chamber, lol you guys are too afraid to come out and confront other opinions.

You centrists always talk a big game, about how we're all ignorant but I've never seen any of you back it up.

You would think with all your knowledge that you say we don't have that you could easily destroy our arguments completely from first principles, backed up by fat stacks of evidence. Yet I have never seen it happen.

Why is this?

Because of a couple of reasons.

One, most evidentiary findings are partisan in some way, and though you can't shake facts too hard away from the truth, you can present them in certain ways that are built to

Two, there's a lot less actual centrists than you think. Most people are centrists not because they occupy a third position, but because they are genuinely apathetic to the issues themselves. There's a lot who act like they're so above it all, but they're really just trying to hide a dangerously inept view of the world.

Three, arguing around here is always hard. You basically have to be lucky to actually find someone willing to engage in something of a good discussion. Most of the time you're shouted down, ignored, or reported, or all three.

Fuck, it's painful to watch discussion on trade in this country both before Trump and after Trump. As a free trade reformer, hearing the shitty, uneducated and completely maladroit position the Trump campaign takes makes my work all the more harder. He's going to wreck any criticism of free trade for years because partisans picked it up and did the same thing as free trade proponents have done for years, stick their fingers in their ears and refuse any counterargument.

>You basically have to be lucky to actually find someone willing to engage in something of a good discussion.

Let me guess, you've been frequenting Trump threads right?

Since the election started our traffic has tripled.

Guess where all the retarded newfags hang out?

Sup Forumsharbour and moot's faggotry didn't help either.

No, I've been here since /n/.

And that's the problem, Trump threads may be thinning out recently, but for a long while there, they were half the board.

And threads that aren't Trump tend to turn into Trump threads or, at least, Trump policy threads very quickly when you say anything related to Trump policies. I can't talk about Trade here anymore.

Lefties are just shocked that there's people out there who disagree with them

>Three, arguing around here is always hard. You basically have to be lucky to actually find someone willing to engage in something of a good discussion. Most of the time you're shouted down, ignored, or reported, or all three.

Most of us have the decency to argue for our points, and against others. It's just that recently most claims have been along the lines of "Drumpf btfo" and other shit. We also like to see most facts being cited, and preferably from as unbiased source, which most liberal supporters simply don't provide

Can't talk about fucking anything anymore.

It's trump said this, hillary said that interspersed with some cuckold and other shitposters.

I can't wait for this to be over so I can get my damn board back...

>I can't wait for this to be over so I can get my damn board back...

You and me both. That's my complaint.

Bullshit, that is so rare it's almost impossible to find. What you generally find is a slate of dubious sources built up over pastas that anyone arguing against their validity gets pushback on. And whenever I provide sources, they're either ignored entirely or they ask for more until the thread 404s.

Not a safe space, just an echo chamber/ circlejerk

Not even right wing, just edge

>alt right fetishizes niggers

How on earth did you come to this conclusion

No, there are many opinions on Sup Forums.

>dismisses truth as "edge"
See that was a Reddit tier response. I suggest you get the fuck off Sup Forums immediately. Sheltered Reddit cucks wouldn't last 5 seconds on my board without getting triggered by our free speech, nigger.

>Most of those people weren't even really leftists to begin with
>There's few actual right wingers
>there's few actual left wingers like me
There's a reason you don't get the debate here you claim to crave. You btfo of yourself with fallacies, like your 'no true scotsman', before anyone can "actually talk" with you. Make an argument anytime.

No, it's an anti safe space. No one is safe around here.

No, let me show you:

1. Hitler was a Jew who killed millions of his own kind because he did not get into art school;
2. Nobody is religious anymore because it is 2016;
3. The family institution should disappear as to free women from their patriarchal burden;
4. Life is meaningless so get hammered, take drugs, fuck everything that moves and experiment a lot;
5. White people's turn is over. White males must accept accept the superiority of Native Americans, Africans and Middle Easterners and surrender their women and children.

See, I am allowed to say this here. It's not a safe space.

Basically what this German said.
This isn't like your precious reddit, OP. You can't downvote somebody you dislike.
People here are free to post whatever they like and there isn't anything we can do to stop it.
The very fact that /leftypol/ exists goes to prove you wrong, OP.
Most users here are right wing, yes, but this is no safe space.


>b-b-b-b-b-but a lot of people would respond to my post and disagree with me if i said those things
And they're free to do that

partially, not nearly as much as it is claimed, there is constant infighting and shit flinging as the umbrella term "right" is very divided and we don't really agree on too many thing

"Safe space" means moderation, censorship, and protection from opposition. None of that is present here. However, it can be argued that most other boards, Sup Forumsmblr especially ,are safe spaces.

>honest debate
Is that like "common sense" gun control, or "social" justice?



Yes. It's mostly just right-wing shills calling anyone not helping in with the right-wing shilling, a liberal shill. Echo chamber to the max. Safe space to the max. It's pathetic.

I've debated you at least twice. Stop forcing le Strawman meme on here. You don't even know what it means.

No, I make sure to keep opinions here nice and diverse

Sup Forums is a safespace because a bunch of people will gang up on you and just attack you if you say anything that questions the right-wing narrative. They no longer even try to win arguments anymore. Once they have established that you are a liberal, they have already decided that they have won the argument so now they can just post memes until the liberal goes away.

The reason for all these reddit fags posting their out dated caricaturas of the right is because of that film. They'll all be alt right by the end of the month. I remember this stage.

If it is, it's not a very good one. Mudslimes, CTR and Commies infest the place like Turks.

Can you give some examples of times were you have lost an argument even though it was right on pol? Am I just meant to take your word, how do I know you are not just retarded?
Also that's how the rest of the web acts when confronted by anything remotely right wing. Why should Sup Forums be any different?