How does Sup Forums feel on this amazing day?
How does Sup Forums feel on this amazing day?
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Always nice to see justice served, it rarely happens with false rape accusations.
about time, hope there will be more to follow
But seriously, finally, it seemed that every attention-whore could just say "I was raped" and get a person jailed for no reason.
a drop in the ocean.
wow what shitlord prosecuted her
It's even worse in China, thought it's a 50/50. When you have such a huge population discrepancy women become so rare that they gain absurd power. Tons of women get raped in China (a good 40-50million single men will never have a women and often many act out in desperation, I think 1 in 3 women are at risk of getting assaulted). But there are also crazy ones that than abuse this to falsely accuse men for $$$$
We need more of this.
Occasionally there is justice in this world
Damn, Vitali, you sure know how to be right
They should also make her tell her neighboors she is a liar, and that her lie was accusing a male of rape,like what they do with sex offenders everywhere they move
>...detectives later viewed CCTV covering part of the house...
Did she accuse him of raping her outside or do brits have CCTV watching them in their own homes now?
>9 months in prison
Should be more like 40-50 years but ok.
Nine months? For an attempt at kidnapping + false imprisonment?
it should be equal to what the man would have gotten up to and including being put on the sex offender list
What is the typical sentence for serious fraud on a individual level?
I say, add 9 months to that.
I don't feel like that sentence is remotely adequate.
She was going to ruin someone's whole life.
Punishment should fit the crime.
Rape is horrible, but you can have a functional life after it. You can't with a rape accusation, even after being declared innocent.
The later is worst.
Old news, this happened in 2014.
What about close friends and family, what about people who never gave a fuck and don't know you, what about decent people?
Is it me or is western culture shit?
As someone who has been raped as well as been falsely accused of rape i can tell you being raped was actually a lot worse. Atleast if someone falsely accuses you , you have a chance to defend yourself and your freinds and family can support you.
When you are raped you are all alone, no one hears you scream, no one is there to help you, and half the time people wont believe you that it happened. The mental scars never ever go away from being raped.
I am not sure I follow what you mean. You're referring to rape or rape claims?
>Nobody believes that it happens.
Bullshit, unless you're a guy, which I assume you are because you were also accused.
A rape accusation can easily prevent you from getting a job, college education, acquaintances/romantic partners.
Whoa, wait...Kate Bush is back?
>Bullshit, unless you're a guy, which I assume you are because you were also accused.
You would be incorrect in that assumption. I was raped by a man when i was 14 and no one would believe me that it happened, he was never chaged. I was then later accused of raping my female ex room mate who turned out to be a psychotic psychopath and decided to tell everyone i raped her because i was kicking her out.
хopoшo Ивaн
If she didn't get IRL Rape in jail, it's not a step in any direction. Bitch got off easy on wasting taxpayer dollars, judiciary time for someone else's acquittal.
Well, then again, they take female on female rape less seriously.
But holy shit that's is fucked. You have my sincere sympathy user.
Rape claims. I'm just surprised that there's people who'd hate someone who's innocent.
Why the hell can't you get over rape? I am a male and I was touched by my female babysitter when I was younger. I thought it was weird at the time but that was the extent of it.
You don't see me going around about how I was molested as a child and it ruined my life and now I can't have relationships and on and on while I reach for the next box of tissues.
Why are women so weak?
Yeah no it's fucked. This whole clusterfuck would be easier if we invested in research for proper poligraphs.
>? I am a male and I was touched by my female babysitter when I was young
>unironically comparing being forcefully penetrated by a person you dislike to a hot woman touching a young horny boy who probably wanted it
Oh god i lold so hard. Dont get me wrong, she shouldnt have touched you, but that was just sexual harassment. Rape specifically means penetration in a sexual manner
why penetration specifically?
But after those 9 months she will reintegrate to society with no problems meanwhile a man will be branded for life and his chances of dating a decent women or getting a good job will be next to zero.
>people wont believe you that it happened
Your body knows is being invaded and its much more traumatic. Im not a psychologist but im sure if you look it up they can tell you.
That attitude is the reason 'made to penetrate' is not a crime. You can knock a guy out, jerk him off while he is unconscious and then force him to pay child support for the kid and it is still not considered rape.
You should probably kill yourself.
will Hugh ever get justice?
"men are horny and therefore can't be raped"
Ironclad logic
Last part is harsh though.
>and it is still not considered rape.
thats because the definition of rape quite literally means penetration. Anything else is sexual assault. Im so sorry that it triggers you but words have meanings.
Now i am totally agaisnt sjw;s and feminists getting away with that despicable behavior but you cant just change the meaning of words to fit your agenda. Thats what liberals do.
No, most of the times the definition of rape if gender specific, which is why later versions instead use "forced penetration", because it's derived from the original version that is exclusively male on female.
9 months seems like to light of a sentence. Falsely accusing someone of rape puts their life in actual danger. Even with the court sentencing her, the man she accused will still be burdened by the accusation. The accusation of rape causes irreversible damage to one's social life.
>No, most of the times the definition of rape if gender specific,
thats funny because every online dictionary says the opposite. Im in a game right now so im kinda busy but gimme 20 minutes
Not talking about dictionary definitions, just many legal ones, which are those that actually matter.
>just many legal ones,
>The new Summary definition of Rape is: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or
anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex
organ of another person, without
the consent of the victim.”
>The new Summary definition of Rape is: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or
anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex
organ of another person, without
the consent of the victim.”
>The new Summary definition of Rape is: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or
anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex
organ of another person, without
the consent of the victim.”
Being raped is way worse, because people will turn on you in the same way they would turn on someone falsely accused of rape, AND you suffer the emotional trauma of being raped, pol autists just love to go through mental gymnastics and blame the women every time because they are fat angry sexless autists that can't figure out why no women will touch them
Ah, changed it recently. That was only 4 years ago.
Yes so as of 4 years ago you are incorrect and full of shit.
Makes perfect sence.
Meanwhile, in reality, virtually every media source and campus supports the most absurd cases like mattress girl.
Kek, very well.
Getting accused is worst, get over it.
No, my point was that the current one was derived from that anyway
How delusional are you, the entirety of pol won't believe it's rape no matter what the evidence is, and rapists shouldn't be able to do those things, if you are a beta male who ruins someone's life bc they are garbage they should be killed, fuck you stupid neckbeards anyone in real life would tell you that you are a fucking retard for refusing to believe it's ever the mans fault
The law said niggers weren't people until 1868. The law does not equal reality a lot of times.
It really doesnt matter what its derived from. The current legal definition allows for males to be raped. Why are you still argueing? Are you really that upset you were incorrect?
too true my russian friend.
Lol bc its not the same thing, and it did fuck you up, you have autism and are posting on the racism board on a Chinese cartoon website bc you can't be a regular person
I never said it's never the mans fault, you're saying it's the never the women fault.
That's my point. If the legal definition was fucked then, it's probably fucked now, despite what they are saying.
>That's my point
First your point was that the legal definition (according to you the only one that matters)of raped was fucked because it didnt allow for men to be raped. Now you are moving goalposts and saying the legal defition doesnt matter.
No, I am upset you still are. The point of is that men can be raped by women, you said he was wrong to compare it to rape, I siad he wasn't. That was my point. Arguing over details doesn't change this.
No, I said it use to, and still doesn't include women as rapist.
He wasnt sexually penetrated therefore its not rape. If she had fingered his bum it would have been
>Last part is harsh though.
Where do you think we are?
Papercraft and origami board, why?
Sure, whatever.
From the pdf
I mean there is a reason there are two seperate terms for sexual assault and rape. IT has been proven on multiple occasions that being penetrated is more traumatic to the victim. This is not to say sexual assault isnt bad, its just rape is worse and therefore the distinction.
Yes yes, I have argued with others before and it's pointless. Been too long since I last argued those things, forgot about that problem.
> half the time people wont believe you that it happened.
There is an easy solution to stop this from happening in the future though, stop telling people.
I dunno about you but I'd rather be exonerated of a rape claim than actually be raped.
>stop telling people.
I did. I only tell girlfreinds and random people on Sup Forums now a days
Being so autisitc that thinking being touched and being penetrated is the same. You retarded neckbeard don't seem to understand how human relationship work and I'm glad you're stuck in your mom's basement.
To be fair most men have never been penetrated so its hard for them to have any empathy or sympathy at all. Just have them get someone to shove things up their butthole and they might start to understand better
Maybe if you were exonerated, but keep in mind been then you will lost every aspects of your previous social life, and a lot of employers still wont hire you.
Stay mad.
libel laws are there for a reason. If someone is falsely accusing you of rape you can take them to court. I considered doing it myself but shes a poor druggie with no money and it would be pointless
She should get more than 9months. As least twice as much as the one who she falsely accused would have got. And register her as a sex offender. Plus permanently take away her voting rights.
Never been rape and still get the idea. I prefer to be jerked of without consent than getting a dick up in my ass.
I'm not the number one in empathy but not getting it is really retarded.
She should get longer than nine months.
I'd still rather have to deal with that rare incident and clear it up as soon as they mention it than have somebody take my ass.
It would work for female on female, but not male on female on male, at lease 99% of the times.
>stay mad
I forgot 90% of canadian population is muslim and as such, accept rape as a cultural norm, thanks to your Prime minister.
Canada is the pysical version of tumblr.
I still don't know why those degenerate leaf aren't bad fro this place.
>but not male on female on male
1. Im assuming you mean a man suing a female for falsly accusing him of rape
2. What evidence do you have that this cant work. Accusing someone of rape is a serious thing and if you can prove it was false and that it severely hurt your reputation you can easily sue them. You just need a good lawyer
Sad. Women are like children. It is the duty if her father, brother, husband, son to protect her. Her father should have never let her leave with a random man.
Women complaining about oppresion is like a child who is angry at his parents since his pocket money is less than their weekly wages. Soon the kid starts demanding to be treated like an adult and wants to earn 50% of what his parents earn. Feminism
One down, way to many to go
>Women complaining about oppresion
In western countries? Yes. In the rest of the world? Nope.
Who would want to rape THAT?
>16 months
Sounds very fair and reasonable :^)
holy fuck i read this book as a kid
strange how the world go
>9 mo for ruining a guys life forever
I never get why the men that are falsely accuse never take this shit to civil court.
Surely then you should expect to be cut.
Dude, you really need to stop reading red scare propaganda and lay off the chinese cartoon porn.
People with the fat fetish
Hope she gets raped for real, so she will learn not to mess with that again.