How many USA posters here are Hispanics?
How many USA posters here are Hispanics?
Other urls found in this thread:
roughly 60%
Those guys aren't even hispanic
They are mestizos
America needs to bring back the spanish caste system
>mfw Amerispics ignore this thread
speaks Spanish>Hispanic
hispanic is not a race
no but it's a linguistic group
I know Spanish but I'm white, does that count?
I know Spanish too, but it's not our native language
Well Spain conquered half the world
That's like labeling niggers "Scottish" then going "FUCKING SCOTTISH PEOPLE"
Pure-blooded Anglo-Saxon reporting.
what if you were raised speaking spanish and english because you have a tiny bit of mexican blood in you?
>The one drop rule
You're not white.
>tiny bit of mexican blood in you
it's just a common term and in this case it clearly denotes Latino immigrants to USA, mostly Mexicans
Say Mestizo or just say latino or mexican
You don't think there's anybody in america who just has simple pure non mestizo spanish blood?
I mean, it'd make you sound a tad more educated
>southern states where half the population is black or hispanic always vote republican
>north-eastern states which are 95% white always vote democrat
we truly are the most cucked and suicidal race in human history
im only an 8th ;_;
why did my grandma have to have kids with a dirty mexican pedo
>How many USA posters here are Hispanics?
What percentage of US citizens are hispanics who can afford internet? There is your answer.
im native/white idk if thats hispanic
it's just colloquial term, we're on Sup Forums, what is this, I have to mind my pronouns now?
1/4 Tejano here
Whaddap foo's
>America is 62% white officially
>"White" includes arabs, turks, cechens and some spics
Am I hispanic?
It's like half.
Chechens are white though, it's just that they tribal niggers
You're a bit off bro. First, spics and nigs don't vote at high numbers. Second, the reason white's act cucked is because they forget fear. Living among white people means living in a stable society free of fear and danger. States that have high spic/nig populations tend to vote republican because they realize that spics are 70% garbage and blacks are 90% garbage.
Remember the saying "a Conservative is just a liberal that was mugged". Not to be taken completely literally.
ok let's call half niggers half irishmen the main celtics now!
Yep. Hispanic refers to anyone with heritage from Hispanoamerica
Hispanic - Spain
Latino - Latin America
We only call beanie beaners "Hispanic" due to their 1 drop of spanish rape blood
I'm 50% mestizo and 50% sandnigger
Mfw how fucked am i?
In your country, is there rampant blatant corruption that everyone knows about but does nothing, and is there serious drug cartel that operate in the open?
If the answer is yes, then yes, you are hispanic.
If no, you might still be hispanic anyway.
I get your point and you're right but I just used a term, I know that Spaniards are totally different from Mexicans, for fucks sake I live in Europe dude
it's actually the other way, Turks are us, most of Turks are converts who adopted Turkish language
plenty of them still know where their family is from, before we expelled them in 19th/20th century
>for fucks sake I live in Europe dude
Then don't act like you know shit in America.
America doesn't use the Spanish caste system, they just lump many different races under "Hispanic" while indian rape babies commit crime and brown up the entire word.
literal spic
But I'm of pure Mexican heritage
too many....
Not one, but they consider me to be one cause I have dark hair, eyes, and speak Spanish flawlessly....
>mfw actually pure blooded Italian
>mfw applied to a "latino" scholarship and just said I was Cuban
Technically Hispanic refers to anyone with cultural ties to Spain. Latino includes Brazilian too, which I guess is confusing for a lot of people.
Nah i wont ignore it
Spics are probably the #2 frequent posters behind whites, then chinks, then niggers
And for the record I don't look like pic related
Rule of thumb
Any Hispanic that's browner than an italian is basically an indian
Here come the pure spics and mestizos trying to claim they are white.
>all hispanics are of latin american descent
wew lad
Mediterraneans are the hairy niggers of europe as well as slav shits. Nordic master race is best race.
after 1945 Slavs are the masterrace faggot, Hitler said so
Hispanic-spanish speaking
Latino- latin derived/romance language (spanish, portuguese, french, italian, romanian) speakers
So by that logic:
Hispanic american- anyone from the american continet that comes from an spanish speaking area or descends from its people
Latin american-anyone from the continet that speaks a romance language or descends from said people.
>White male
What the fuck
>nordic master race is best race
No, we arent
Pick one.
Jajajajajajaja SPIC SPIC SPIC SPIC
>tfw Sudaca master race
How does it feel to be the Mexicans of Latin America? and yes, I meant it like that.
White Hispanic here from a poor immigant' senpai.
We hate those thugs too but it's the Drug trade + American appetite for narcotics that fuels crime.
Most Hispanics are conservative.
Their one destructive bias is wanting illegals to be legal. It's a cultural problem. People come from lawless countries that inculcate a pick-and-choose approach to laws because so many of them are unfair in their intent or enforcement. They may be under financial distress and come here because they heard from friends how easy it is to cross the border.
Hispanics have the potential to be allies in the incoming culture war ignited from mass immigration from the mid east if conservatives court them. Otherwise they may be lost to Democrats.
I'm sure that some illegals abuse american welfare, etc but most I know are very self-reliant -- other than sending their kids to schools.
This comes from pride but also from a pragmatic point of view in order to avoid detection.
I am against illegal immigration because it is bad for children growing up in that situation and because it is bad for working class americans.
This is why I like Trump -- can't vote, though.
US hispanic here. I look like none of the above.
Guess im white hispanic.
Sup Forums is full of Mexicans hiding under the Stars and Stripes. You can tell right away because they are automatically triggered by our flag. Mexicans hate us for some reason (we don't even interact with them), while your average sharting murican usually doesn't even know where we are located.
I've outed several of them.
First they bash you in English but after you push a few buttons the Mexican Spanish comes pouring out.
I am.
I'm voting for Trump, and so is my entire family. Fuck socialism, that shit killed half my family.
50% but look like the whitest person you will ever meet
>Their one destructive bias is wanting illegals to be legal. It's a cultural problem. People come from lawless countries that inculcate a pick-and-choose approach to laws because so many of them are unfair in their intent or enforcement. They may be under financial distress and come here because they heard from friends how easy it is to cross the border.
This shit right here. This is the problem with letting in too many hispanics, eventually it'll just turn into LatAm with a little more snow and seasons n sheiit (in4 south pole)
It's not just 'muh spics, muh shitskins" it's the culture, the worldview, the zeitgeist.
>I'm sure that some illegals abuse american welfare, etc but most I know are very self-reliant
Nope. illegals use so much welfare it's not even funny, and even legal immigrants are using it.
>Making it easier for us to throw your spic ass out
How generous! See on the other side of the wall, Paco.
I have literally never met a Mexican with a negative opinion of Argentina. They worship you for being white and Latino.
t. Irish who lived in spic colony called Little Village in Chicago for 2 years
Because you are a sudaca and even worse still, a white sudaca. You are to Mexicans as Aryans are to Jews: polar opposites, yin-yang, not even somewhat similar.
You are their poison, their dread, everything they wish to be but never will be.
The would make you an hispanophone.
french speaker = francophone
english speaker = anglophone
Your a homophone.
Depends. People from the capital and northerners seem to have no problem with Argies. It's the cholo/chicano/WE WUZ crowd and the more injun-blood ones that hate/envy sudacas and argies in particular.
That's interesting.
Guess I never met the friendly ones.
Maybe I'm just unlucky in that regard.
hispanophone... spanish speaker
hispanic... spanish descent (full or mostly), Spanish surname, Spanish derived culture.
Latino... word adopted for those who come from Latin American cultures but aren't of ethnic Spanish heritage or identify with Spanish heritage.
You don't even need to leave Arg to find this mentality, the north-west provinces are infestation with resentful people who would exploit every opportunity they have to screw you over, even if it means sabotaging their own future.
No just Italian
let me guess: the more injun blood, the worse it gets?
fucking all of them
t. white man
>Guess I never met the friendly ones.
Are you talking IRL or on the internet? Because I never had any other latin american be unfriendly with me IRL.
Anyone defending spics is a spic.
spreading the "hard working" meme etc.
Who here actually has ancestors in Spain and/or are from there? I'm not talking about shit skinned Mexicans either, so you guys can fuck off.
They literally do work really hard tho, at least the manual laborers. Then again i did say "literally" as in "labor" I.E. they're probably on welfare and probably illegal anyway and as a result become a net loss to citizens.
But yeah, I'm sure that many do work hard; not that it matters.
Please tell me you're from Florida.
BORICUA! Funk off you square ass lazy basement ninjas and filthy Arabs!
English / French , New Englander here.
Is sudaca to South Americans as nigger is to niggers? If so I have some ammunition for when I play dota
Count me in familia
I'm half.
My old man is from Spain but he left because it's all monkey eurotrash like the entirety of that shit continent kek.
Me, I'm half Spanish, not latin American trash.
I'm tejano. Everyone in this thread is inferior
Meh, not really. Peruvians/Colombians/Bolivians might get offended, not too sure about the rest. I don't even know if Brazilians know about the word, so just keep calling them pardos
I'm half-Italian half-Spanish from Galicia.
My entire Spanish family line are redheads which is pretty rare. Galician Celts.
I have dark auburn hair, I was called "fosforito" (little matchstick) when I was a kid.
Man fuck Chechens.
Way too fucking many.
Latin. I have green eyes, white skin and pink nipples though.
Sicilian + Mexican. Supposedly my Mexican grandmother only has European blood, but whatever, I still check every brown box I can on applications.
Latin American
Native American
and if humans originated in Africa...
African American.
Oh, and Caucasian.
About half are. I included.
>Literally outing yourself as a gallego
>Also a ginger
Hey, at least you're white.
all the ones shilling or shillary
build wall taco bowl
HOHO sucks to suck doesn't it galicia fag
me, i'm not mexican
b-b-but they are white
Hispanic enough
Got any cute sisters?
One of these things is not like the others!
One of these things just doesn't belong!
Nothing wrong with gallegos tbqh famalam.
Funny, here in Argentina we have "gallego jokes" which are the equivalent to American "polish jokes".
But I never minded them... just banter.
Nah, just a younger brother, sorry to dissapoint.