Nuclear energy has no solution to their waste problem. Politicians claim that they can store it safely, but in reality they are shortening the life of the Earth and increasing the rate of autism.

Solar is clean, and doesn't require the population to be educated to use. Battery technology is fantastic. There is literally no excuse for not having solar panels.

Other urls found in this thread:

Question. What will you do with all the non recyclable cells when they stop working as they should withing 15 years?

Huh? A 3rd gen reactor could use the old waste, essentially making it a renewable resource. This was in the early 90's.
Fucking shit posting aussies

Nuclear fuel can be safely 'buried' at the bottom of the ocean for little cost. This is, in fact, how the USSR disposed of much of their nuclear waste.

Of course, people against nuclear energy largely don't even understand what it - or radiation - even are.

Incorrect beliefs range from "all radiation causes cancer" to "nuclear reactors blow up like nuclear bombs"

The actual fact is that nuclear power is the single safest form of power generation we have access to; yes, even safer than solar.

Solar power won't take us to the stars, kid. Nuclear power will.

Only cucks want solar.

>copypasta bait

OP's actually a troll who spams this every other day, so you ought to sage when or if responding.

Hippies/Greens are so stuck in 1968 that they think nuclear power technology hasn't evolved either.

They even use arguments like "look at Fukushima" which was built guess when... in 1967.

>not using solar sails
They don't exist. Solar does.
I believe they can be turned into works of art.

Wrong, MSR reactors (Salt fluoride) do that lol

Solar panels work at a loss actually.
You spend more energy building them that what you get with their service life.

It'll create more jobs.

Then you are not producing energy, you are spending energy.

lol solar. nuclear energy is literally a million times more dense. solar will never be able to compete, there is literally not enough materials to power nations on solar alone. you might as well build every street out of gold, it would probably be cheaper too.

nuclear is the only way to give modern societies the power that they demand.

Plenty of sunlight.

Hey guys, whats going on in this thread?

>>not using solar sails

Actually, that would be one of the worst ways to travel if you could even get it to work.

The most efficient way of space travel (at the moment) is to drop nukes and detonate them.
You can reach 95% of light speed from that momentum alone.
See Orion Class Starship

nuclear is redpilled as fuck

solar is for liberal fags


Shitty idea. Humans aren't designed for space, FYI.

>I believe they can be turned into works of art.

>aliens discover our barren planet 2000 years from now
>look at all this trash, what is this, do you suppose?
>it says here they created "art" from their decaying civilization rather than save it
>what a bunch of self serving fucking gay faggots. let's blow this joint, ive got spacehookers arriving in 30 milliblarks and i still haven't picked up martian cocaine.

The electric jew you tried to stop.


We should put all nuclear waste on Africa,
two problems solved at the same time.

it'll enrich their land

Africa is prime solar real estate. Permafrost would be a better storage solution.

Not an argument.

>Solar is clean
nice meme

this thread shows an increased rate of autism.

>Battery technology is fantasti
What the fuck is this?

Battery technology fucking sucks, it's the bottleneck that's holding up everything.
Open the back of your Ipad, you'll find that 90% of the space is taken up by batteries, one tiny corner is reserved for the CPU.

Our limited battery technology is why electric cars suck. It's why we can't have nanomachines, or an efficient solar power grid that doesn't cut out at night.

Looks like too much microwave usage has made your brain mush.

Not an argument.

>Humans aren't designed for space, FYI.
top kek backpedalling already

>implying solar isn't nuclear

We have all the free energy we need in our upper atmosphere.

Git gud, fagboat.

I have nothing against any power as long as it is environmental and safe. But when solar energy is hardly efficient enough for sunny countries how could it be sufficient for this dark and cloudy country?

So far nuclear energy has proved to be pretty efficient, environmental compared to oil, coal or solar and it has had the least accidents and loss of lives.

You know they have found a way to make ridiculously efficient power generators from used nuclear material right?

No, of fucking course you don't because you're an ignorant piece of shit.

I hope you get Zika, you fuck faced mudskin.

Nuclear is GOAT

I take back my previous post if by "works of art" you mean "all of africa is a frozen crystal piece of art"

you lovable genius

Got any super cool pics or diagrams of how reactors work?

Fucking magnets man.

>store radioactive source under water
>water absorbs radiation
>water becomes radioactive itself and spreads
>readiation eats through the earth core
>millions die in china
This is what solarcucks believe.

Nope. Solar Energy pollutes more than nuclear, and that is objective fact. Photovalic Panels are made out of rare earth elements mined at enormous environmental cost in China, and battery technology is garbage.

There is not a single legitimate reason to use Solar. You would have to use the exact same panels for thirty years before you saved enough electricity and reduced pollution enough to make up for the damage their creation caused. Bad news: None of them have a reliable 30 year lifespan.

Nuclear energy on the other hand has dozens of highly practical waste solutions devised by actual scientists and engineers. The French have not encountered a single major issue with their storage facilities.

Nuclear is the environmentally friendly option. Solar is the option that lets low-information leftist scum feel good about themselves.

Chinese are the master race when they can still be the 1-2. most numerous people after all that radiation massacre.

Explain, unlimited energy fag

Molten salt reactors and the gen reactors recycle used uranium rods were talking about waste from 60 year old reactors where the rods are stored on top of the plant which isnfucking retarded.

if you threw someone into those barrels, how long do you reckon it would take for them to die of cancer?

Energy free from the sun is the only way. Nuclear energy should be considered a crime.

Does it fuck with your head knowing that solar energy comes as the result of nuclear energy?

That's an oil-shill lie

Solar panels recoup initial energy investment within 1-5 years (depends on the panel), and last for 30+ years

I think radiation poisoning would get them in few weeks if those barrels leak.

No, you can only reach ~12% of lightspeed. Please review the atomic rockets website regarding this engine.

The best storage solution - after the fuel's been completely re-used as much as possible - is literally the bottom of the ocean.

We could crack open the nuclear rectors and collect the visible to ir part of the radiation with solar panels.
Would be a nice compromise solution.

I subscribe to the electric sun theory. The sun derives its awesome power electrically from its surroundings, not via nuclear fusion. I suggest looking at the electric universe theory.

(((Solar energy)))


Yes, actually

Who have the most advanced/newest nuclear power plant in the world?

The barrels are full of barely radioactive garments and tools. Things like gloves that were used to handle uranium ore, etc.

You could probably sleep overnight on top of them and still not exceed a yearly dose of background exposure. It would probably take a few weeks for the exposure to build up and do something harmful, but we've never really studied the effects of low radiation exposure over long periods of time.

Meltdowns are guaranteed to eventually happen somewhere.

We do

>solar cells
Just use mirrors aimed at a specific point mah niggah

Modern reactors can not melt down

Oh powerplant, Canada

>we're going to kill an inanimate rock by moving its radioactive material around a little
This is what the green party actually believes.

We have sun shining almost every day only for 3 months. What energy will we choose?

Fun fact: The budged Germany allocated on illegal immigrants until 2020 (93 billion) could be used to rebuild and reresearch ITER 13 times.

Solar, and you will have trucks deliver batteries from areas that are better suited for solar production. Solar is in the business of creating jobs.

>Nuclear energy has no solution to their waste problem.
Fast neutron breeder reactors can consume 99% of nuclear fuel material, over a light water reactor (or heavy water reactor) 0.03%.

>Politicians claim that they can store it safely, but in reality they are shortening the life of the Earth and increasing the rate of autism.
A salt dome is a perfect location to store material for millions of years, safely beyond any meaningful area of human use.

>Solar is clean, and doesn't require the population to be educated to use. Battery technology is fantastic. There is literally no excuse for not having solar panels.

Solar is much dirtier than nuclear due to the massive amounts of production materials required per energy output. Moving the pollution to China doesn't remove it.
Battery tech is shit, costing at the best between $0.65 and $1.20 / kWh for the cheapest over the life span of the battery. ( grid power costs between $0.03 and $0.30 per kilowatt hour with most power being in the 10 cent range).

>They don't exist.
yes they do you dumb fuck

Space mirrors.

Have you ever seen it in real life or touched it, spastic? Wikipedia isn't reliable.


>humans are designed

>and you will have trucks deliver batteries from areas that are better suited for solar production.

Overland power transmission at 375kV is a meme right?

and if it's cloudy? you lose all your generation lol

solar cells still work when it's cloudy, even with snow on them

i live in one

>if I haven't seen or touched it it doesn't exist

Doesn't surprise me that it's atheists that want to play god and split atoms.

375kV create one hellish electric field in their sourroundings. Better use clean trucks and heavy metal matteries.


Seriously though, why exactly are we pumping the tar sands for oil? We could build and fire up 10 of those fucking things and have a shitload extra to sell to the US.


Very unsightly, and causes cancer for people living near it.

I can't tell if you guys are shit posting, or just legit retarded sometimes.

Really? Are you fuckin' kidding?

Doesn't surprise me that it's theists that want to reject God's bounty.

>Seriously though, why exactly are we pumping the tar sands for oil?
Because liquid fuel is more valuable than electrical power or thermal energy in a fixed location.

Why didn't Ontario work on a reactor production program and supply heavy water reactors to the world?

Because they wanted to make cars.

An even better question is why Dude Weed Man isn't supporting LFTRs and factory level production of small modular reactors.

That's because he's a fucking snowboard instructor, and like green man like my pot I won't legalize because like the UN man.

>Politicians claim that they can store it safely
what of all the spent reactor rods that we are already burying underground at an alarming rate with devastating local consequences?

Ever watched those trucker shows on TV retard? They drive everywhere. Besides, it wouldn't cost that much to just put down rails and switch out the truck tiers for those railway tiers. I'm sure there are plenty of pre-existing railway to use.

>it's impossible to believe in G-d and evolution
Again, again, I say unto thee, "wew."

Just dump them in the sea, salt water (or even regular water for that matter) is pretty good at blocking radiation.

What is a thorium reactor?

Maybe anti gravity and a nuclear gravity reactor could push and pull spaceships to nearby planets. Its a start.

Except that it's expensive as fuck. And clouds. Try solar power in Seattle.

>Nuclear energy has no solution to their waste problem.
We do have a solution for it. It's called Yucca Mountain. Unfortunately, Nevada's reps and Congress stopped funding it because they're fucking retards who thought it was evil to store all nuclear waste under a geologically stable desert mountain. So now, it's all just kept in cement casks on site at the plants.

I'm not exactly sure. Some meme Sup Forums was trying to spread about Thor being able to bring down thunder with enough meme magic.

Also can't be really that devastating. You dig a hole to get the uranium, throw 90% of it away because it's not fissionable and get a huge hole to dump the 10% back in.

>what of all the spent reactor rods that we are already burying underground at an alarming rate with devastating local consequences?

All those terrifying consequences.

Are you 14 yo?

It's funny, I work for a solar company. We install on the west and east coast.

East coast systems, on on average, require far more panels to reach a similar offset as a west coast system if initial power bills are similar.

East coast systems are huge. Averaging 14kw/hr. West coast averages 6kw/hr systems.

That's about a 20 panel difference. Which means more money.

>I'm not exactly sure. Some meme Sup Forums was trying to spread about Thor being able to bring down thunder with enough meme magic.
What's the standard battery capacity that gets fitted to a solar system?

Or do they just use solar in the day and then jump on the grid at peak demand?