>Tripled the stock market
>Less that 1.5% of Americans on welfare
>Those are primarily white females
>He wants to help the American people
Obviously the best president we've ever had.
>Tripled the stock market
>Less that 1.5% of Americans on welfare
>Those are primarily white females
>He wants to help the American people
Obviously the best president we've ever had.
Other urls found in this thread:
oops. wrong pic. lel
Zero replies
Get fucked dipshit.
Trippled the cost of health insurance. Its $2000 per month for my family of 4.
I need sources to prove everything I listed wrong, famalam. I've been looking, but more would be good.
Unemployment is less than 5% though user
>He wants to help the American people
>plays golf
>unemployment well over 20%+ but his shit administration falsifies the facts and counts getting let go from a full time job then having to work 3 part time jobs as 2 jobs he created
you're so so so so bad at shilling, you should really quit.
honestly, the more shill threads i see, the more i know hillary is going to lose. you will never be able to make a Sup Forumslack vote for crooked hillary.
trump will win and all you can do is sit and shill on a Tunisian knitting forum and receive literally pennies.
100% of democrats are absolutely pathetic and so obviously cucked.
Nice slide, clyde
I'm waiting for an intellectual response that isn't propaganda, shill...
and gas is under 2$. admit it, you've got it good.
Repubes want oppression...not progress.
>Calls me CTR
>Doesn't read the thread
>Makes claims without sources
I'm trying to prove my post wrong and needed to lure in people with lots of good information.
Is this the only postive that liberals can say about Obama? Unemployment only factors people who are actively looking for jobs and have not given up. Labor Force participation includes all possible workers and it is at it's lowest levels in over 4 decades and the amount of longer term unemployment has also skyrocketed, meanwhile the amount of Americans in poverty has increased in the millions, the amount of new jobs has essentially stagnated and the median income and home ownership for Americans has plummeted.
Stop baiting that poor autistic leaf.
infographs for ants
i fucking hate autism.. i cant fucking stand people who have it.. and how seemingly wide spread it is on the internet.. and how it pollutes every comment section and every chat in every video game you play where players can talk to one another.. its fucking disgusting and makes me fucking angry
I'm working off of this. If you have other information, for the love of Christ, show me and source it so that I can use it.
Use your bifocals old man
>speak at 5 cops' funeral
>take 2 and a half minutes to talk about racism and how cops are racist while not putting any burden on the niggers
Thanks famalam, I can use this.
wow u must be really well versed I the blade.....
>Unemployment only factors in people looking for jobs
>Welfare recipients are a very low percent of Americans, around 1.5%
Now what you said would make the second bit, what I said, not make a whole lot of sense. That's what the guy I'm arguing against claimed.
The census says it's closer to 35%, but I need more sources desu
>He wants to help the American people
Not an arguement
>Tripled the stock market
The President doesn't do this. Just like the President doesn't create jobs only burdens on tax payers.
Almost as many Americans are on welfare, that are working.
Sage this bull shit thread.
Got any citations brah
>shilling for bin laden
OP pls
So if the sun rises in the morning it's because of Obongo. Nice try faggot.
Not only that, the economy would have recovered a hell of a lot faster if the president and congress had done absolutely nothing. An economy will always recover from recession. It's just the natural part of the business cycle. Where obama and congress fucked up is by dragging out the recession with massive amounts of spending, regulation and "quantitative easing" (i.e. just printing money).
yeah, well, americans dont lie
Thanks for the source and the info.
It's not bullshit user, I just needed a sure fire way to lure people with more sources in.
Don't aim for just the low hanging fruit. Beat my other claims.
Mainly working off this
Rocky Rollin
>tripled the stock market
By eroding confidence in government, lowest economic growth since the great depression.
Good job Obongo
I'd really, really appreciate your sourced input on it.
Making any claims without a source in hand gets me shot down.
>Obamacare beginning to collapse
So much for his legacy
I wish one of those cops would have stood up and yelled "FUCK YOU!" in the middle of all. It would have been the .gif of the decade and a great way to end Obama's presidency.
How's it beginning to collapse? Anything specific I can read?
>Tripled the stock market
Presidents don't control the economy. If you actually think this, name something he passed that positively affected the stock market.
>Less than 1.5% welfare
This is literally wrong.
>Destroyed race relations
>Obamacare is a disaster
>Libya is destroyed
>Loss of global respect
>Pays for hostages
>Armed Syrian rebels
Need I go on?
Ok, so how do you fix all of this?
Providers are opting out of providing Obamacare plans because the whole system depended on young healthy people who don't need healthcare buying insurance.
People have figured out that if you are young it is cheaper to pay the tax penalties than to buy health insurance.
>Less that 1.5% of Americans on welfare
you really corrected my record, shill
sage and move along
I know, and I know.
I'm looking for a variety of sources to prove them wrong. I don't want to leave any high ground for the people I'm arguing against.
And yes, please.
Good shit user, thanks.
I like that it gets info directly from providers too, desu
>Tripled the stock market
Explain this. A President doesn't do anything to the stock market. Its because interest rates were so low and investors have been pushing the market up looking for yield. Also Market extremely sold of when he came in.
He's had zero real impact on the stock market. He can't even control interest rates.
He can/has however driven up a huge amount of debt. He will most likely be responsible for a default in the next 4-8 years. But will be running the obama foundation by then.
>Obama care is a disaster
I'm a poor fag who, embarrassing to admit, has to continue living at home into my 30s. Finally get a part time job after 6 years of searching. Last year, my tax refund was reduced by $400 for not having health insurance. Fucking hell. So i go to check out health insurance rates for Washington state. some are around $120/month. Not too bad.
Oops, but I listed my personal income rather than household income. Now my retired parent's income has to be counted as my income since insurance rates are based on household, rather than individual income. $300-400 a month now and I simply cannot afford it.
On the bright side, as long as i keep working hard I can bump myself up to 30 hours a week and be eligible for company benefits which are about $150/month and includes dental coverage.
Obongocare is a fucking mess.
Searching around for ways to both prove and disprove it right now.
So the stock market is responsible for improving by itself? Nothing Obama did had anything to do with it?
Link me anything you've read that can help clarify
I appreciate the story, user. Sorry that's happening to you. Don't worry though, things will hopefully get better soon.
Its stupid because obamacare is supposed to be helping people like you. Instead you are better off taking the penalty than actually having insurance.
What happened to the autistic Obama leaf shill?
he's objectively the best president
Name any time that has been more comfy in history
I think Obama is doing a pretty good job, but the stock market is an illusion
Unemployment rate 5%
That's pretty good user, thanks
Can someone explain quantitative easing?
It seems like a gimmick putting money in the pockets of -- who, exactly?
Obama has added 10 trillion dollars to your outstanding federal debt. Nothing in history even compares to that. Your people will be paying the interest on this debt for generations to come. Veritable Slavery incurred by ignorant fiscal policy.
>Welfare, primarily white females.
Again, that would have happened if a cat were president. That's how business cycles work. Business slows down due to some circumstance, people re-assess their situation and adapt, economy recovers after a period of time.
Quantitative easing = printing more money
funny money
50% of female run households use welfare, is what I came up with off the census for 2015.
Not sure where the white bit comes from.
Slow and steady increase in money production to improve overall market liquidity. Central banks purchase assets and securities from whoever thus increasing their relative prices and lowering their yield while increasing the overall money supply.
This is actually pretty scary
I agree, I'm just grabbing the source I think the guy was using.
Working on finding stuff to disprove that it's Obama's success. Thinking about using Sowell but I'm not far enough in yet.
Thanks, Sven
Rolling down the river
obama is a cuck
you're welcome
>President cannot directly affect stock market
>roughly 35% of Americans currently receiving welfare assistance of some sort in 2016
>60% of welfare recipients "people of color" as per census bureau stats
>"Helping the American people by destroying the middle class, wrecking healthcare, and making us more miserable and divided than ever before"
Please go cut your wrists the long way, OP, and get the job done right.
holy crap, that's a house payment!
>I need sources to prove everything I listed wrong, famalam. I've been looking, but more would be good.
>Tripled the stock market
Through quantitative easing and doubling our debt (at least.) Yellen is saying we need over 4 trillion more in order to not crash. His administration is cooking the books and the next president is going to get handed a grenade.
>Less that 1.5% of Americans on welfare
21.3 Percent of U.S. Population Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
>Those are primarily white females
Primarily females, you're going to have to provide your "white" source.
>He wants to help the American people
$0.02 has been deposited
Source me that 60% stat m8, I'd cherish raising it from 41.6% to 60% in a year kek
My 41.6% blacks-on-welfare stat is from census.gov, and was released on May 28th, 2015.
Let's see
I'll look into that, thanks bby
Yeah, that census link did most of the work when I found it.
Couldn't find a way to substantiate the "white" claim.
>Wants to help America
Nobody would've bitten if I didn't add a little icing
>Tripled the stock market
Stock markets go up and down every 7-8 years user
Labor force participation rate =/= unemployment rate fampai.
Can someone give me their opinion on why paying for hostages is bad? I don't know shit about the situation but if I was a hostage I'd want to just get out of there. Other than the fact that he apparently lied about it
Some of those amuse me. Like oil imports being down so dramatically due to the hydraulic fracturing boom (you know, that thing that liberals hate). And background checks being up, not due to Obama changing anything with the requirements to buy guns, but due to people buying them like crazy since he took office and there being more guns in private citizens hands than ever.
>Nobody would've bitten if I didn't add a little icing
unemployment is measured by ppl LOOKING for jobs. So if you quit searching, you are no longer unemployed.
But user, with a post like that, you are autistic.
>be you, pay for hostages
>hostage takers take more hostages, knowing that you pay for hostages
>rinse and repeat
Yeah, I picked that up off another user. Looking into it in a moment.
400 million is a lot of money, paid to the enemy. An Abrams SEP tank costs around 8.5 million, for reference.
No thanks to Obama. Thank fracking companies for that.
Said no one ever
Thanks everybody, the sources were good and the help was appreciated.
Prepared a pretty solid argument and set of sources to back it up. Ready to fry up some cucks and get my windshield smashed.
If you've got more info, I'd appreciate it, but I'm done writing and preparing for the time being.
Oy vey
>Tripled the stock market
How is this good? This is just asset purchasing by banks that artificially increases their price
On average politicians are too stupid to understand economics and they have to put trust in charlatans who apparently know some secret formula to predict price increases
he was lukewarm at best and extremely dangerous in several devastatingly undemocratic ways, but a welcome respite to bush i guess. the next president probably has nowhere to go but down. jeez thinking about american politics is like puking in your mouth