British vigilantes

Does any other country do this or is it only Brits who have the balls to stand up and defend their Children

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Brave British lassies aswell.

everyone knows england is the best country with the best people that ever graced gods green earth

Most intelligent people are of that opinion yes.

God save the queen

They come here to defile us but they meet brave patriots instead and flee.

Its 2016

>pee doh

Yes, this is accurate

Do the Dutch people do anything like this?

no idea, there is this dutch reporter that does this kind of stuff, some underground undercover stuff.

some people are sick fucks.


Sick cunts.


Why are Anglo-Celtics the master race?

>His username is nonce hunter

Absolutely based. Hopefully the guy actually does get arrested and put in jail, I have so little faith in our police that it would surprise me if that happens.


>I have so little faith in our police
It's not the Police mate, they just follow the law.

After the whole Rotherham thing, it's difficult to have faith in the police. The law is another problem altogether.


'you dirty nonce cake'

fucking kek

You're a fucking retard.

"Haha, it's so funny when children get raped, haha bantz"

>1400 in Rotherham over 16 years.
>35,000 nigger on white rapes in USA EVERY year.

Hurr durr America strong.

We have alot of vigilantees here in the south actually.

They're just not apt on recording the deed and very good at hiding bodies at this point, y'know?

in Rotherham over 16 years.
,000 nigger on white rapes in USA EVERY year.

1400 reported and hidden by authorities.

And the comparison to rapes in America? How about scaling those numbers to population.

>How about scaling those numbers to population.
That makes it even worse for you.

You never have cover ups in America do you?

Military personnel aren't children.

Oh, and article author? (((Wolf)))

[britbong butthurt intensifies]

You can do all the scaling you want, fact is, we have too many niggers raping white women. No amount of "per capita" bullshit will change that. The only thing that will is how we decide to deal with it.

You picked the wrong time to come online and try to be clever.

You really think America has no kiddy-fiddling gangs in America? . .. .wise up.

>''yas, yoo foken 'a' m8''

Lots of the guys in these videos are arrested and i think alot get prosecuted aswell because its illegal what they are doing and the vigilante guys keep chat logs like in to catch a predator.
and heres a group in the north of England who seem quite scary.

>You really think America has no kiddy-fiddling gangs in America?

OK, you win.

The BBC does have offices over here in several cities.

>The BBC does have offices over here in several cities.

And Hollywood is well known for it's outstanding contribution to Morality?

Give it a rest kids . . .. . you lot just can't see the thread for what it's about and have to shitpost to try and 'prove' something?

Make fun of our country and us losing our Empire, or whatever - but don't make fun of rapes. That's just disgusting and in bad taste.

>Make fun of our country and us losing our Empire

You're not losing your empire, it's just moving in and bringing the wife and

You took 70,000 'refugees' last year mainly from Somalia and Iraq - you are also brining in loads of shitty Syrians.

I won't even mention your Mexican families moving in.

Why do you persist in shooting yourself in the foot?

We'll fix most of those problems this coming election.

BTW, congrats on Brexit.

I don't know about similar actions here in Poland but when a paedophile is caught and put to jail it's basically the end of him. Guards give an info to inmates and then the party starts. They usually will not kill him but if he will go out he will not want to live anymore kek, I spare the details.

>We'll fix most of those problems this coming election.

Take a look at the polls bud

>Take a look at the polls bud

Wait until the debates, remember what happened during Brexit. Trump victory is good for us and the continent.

The polls where never as far apart as they are in the US though

>4 stings in woking in the last month


Trump victory is irrelevant to us. If you think Trump funding right-wing movements in Europe is going to help that much then you're as delusional as the burgers.

Best of Europe, best Normans came to Britannia, best Norda, Germanics, ect

>u dirty little paki wrongun
>Sex case! Sex case! 'ang him! 'ang him!
>the crying/whimpering

my fakking sides

Similar shit here lad, im not sure the guards are technically alowed to but no ones going to complain when a paedo gets his head smashes in

Oh n-yes Nigel. I'm going to the pub with mr.Heath and Rutherford oh hip hip cheerio.