Ask a paid CTR shill anything

Ask a paid CTR shill anything

Prove it

how much are you paid?

paystub or gtfo


Do all CTR guys use Canadian proxies?

Would you consider yourself a "power bottom"?

Is Hillary protecting Haiti from the Dominicans?

>would you?

Can't risk compromising my identity, we sign NDAs and the organization is very skilled in the use of stenography to identify leaks

$22/hour +/- $3

If anyone wouldn't Renamon I'd question their sexuality

w-where do I sign up

Use.a software called anonymouth, faggot

Where do I sign up?

I'm broke.

No, the majority of proxies and VPNs we are provided with have geolocation metadata located in the states.

However, the only people who are given access to USA IPs are the really skilled and top-tier shills, and they mostly spend their time on more reputable websites (reddit, huffington post, politico, CNN, quora, facebook, etc)

I'm bisexual but no, I'm a top

Yiff in hell furfag

Seriously I'm broke and know how to Photoshop

Hook a nigga up

The Sturmabteilung (SA; German pronunciation: [ˈʃtʊɐ̯mʔapˌtaJlʊŋ]; literally Storm Department) functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party (NSDAP).

It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Their primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties...

hitlery 2016,are you proud of yourself ?

Nigga you gay

>$22/hour +/- $3
Are you doing it only for the shekels or you believe in what are you doing?

Interesting, thank you!

At this point

What does it matter

Would you lick Hillarys crusty vagina for 1000$


That kinda think will get you detained in your country


Where do I sign up?

You need an undergraduate degree in the humanities and work experience in marketing/PR. I can't vouch for you if you don't have that. Otherwise you'd have to apply directly and hope that you pass screening.


seriously how did you start

I need a job man

What does CTR stand for?

>$22 an hour
Holy shit I guess I'll #Shill4Hill now

6 years in marketing, it sucked but I have experience

Please vouch for me, I'm hungry

what ? a copied text from a wikipedia article ? i don't think so ..

Post your LinkedIn or give me a dummy email address where you can send it to me.

Can we do a pay for meme type deal?


I didn't even think stenographers existed anymore.

Post application link, you chink. I want gibsmedat so I can continue to shitpost like I usually do but get paid for it by some idiot governmental group.

Crash Team Racing

>I'm bisexual

No such thing. You're just a pole smoker in denial.

Be careful

>tfw no degree and flunked out of college
>tfw going deeper and deeper in debt this year

When you guys are talking amongst yourselves, do Hillary's murders ever come up?

How Hillary just has people killed allvthe time, reporters, people set to testify, witnesses, even children?

Are you guys just totally desensitized, totally sociopathic? Or what?

You don't care about what kind of country your kids will grow up in? You don't care about WW3?

What good is money gonna be after nukes fly?

I won't post it on here but gimme a min and I'll post an email.

I'm poor and sick, need that money.

Have you tried not spending money you don't have?

Don't have kids.

Hillary didn't murder Seth Rich for the DNC leaks to Wikileaks.

Please pay me now.

Tell us about how much your bosses rage at you about Sup Forums.

I was paying it off regularly until my job cut all my hours

Also in no way whatsoever does Hillary have brain damage and wear adult diapers.

It's that simple.

Is Trump a decoy?

No, just a dog off his leash

When is Biden replacing Hillary for "health reasons"?

That sounds like made up bullshit.
>the organisation is very skilled at identifying timestamps
>I can't write with my left hand to mess up my writing

8 years

Nice job m8, you must get all that pussy with all that power. How does it feel kissing ass to a globalist cunt that loves to destroy western civilization? never mind, you're a bisexual untermensch.

What time is it over there?

Will Donald pay me for some dank maymays?

Dumb fuck doesn't even know the difference between stenography and steganography and neither one makes any fucking sense, he's just using big words to try to seem "i am very smart".

Tebow time

Biden and Hillary will probably both be dead in 8 years, liar and moron detected, ignored.

The thing with memes is that they have to be original and organic. The creator needs heart, have you heard about cuck Garry made a 30 thousand payment for fresh memes.

Do you like this picture?

He doesn't blow through money like liberals do.

Could be

Photoshop is sloppy

I don't actually believe that horsecawk is in their faces

Dank memes are worth their weight in gold

Clinton the Rapist.

Flea market has tons of Trump stuff but it's all made in China.

Yuge flag is only 8 bucks

were you told today to intencify, that's why we were flooded by the american shart in mart?

That's why he will fail.

>the organization is very skilled in the use of stenography to identify leaks

No they aren't they are pretty much technologically illiterate

>$22/hour +/- $3

Bullshit only managerial and above make this money, shit posters are paid by post

>No, the majority of proxies and VPNs we are provided with have geolocation metadata located in the states.

yeah no...since CTR is routinely breaking campaign law almost all of their proxies are outside the US, though the FEC knows this and is doing little about it

Kill yourself faggot we already have the CTR dox you aren't fooling anyone but newfags

[email protected]

4 years marketing experience in London/NYC
Moving back to the US next week
humanities degree

Hit me up pham...

shut up, you stupid Leaf
