>Japanese women are pure meme
Japanese women are pure meme
you're a meme
they aren't but those are koreans
Do you ever see them protest naked in feminist demonstration? Do you ever see them squatting on national television? Do you ever see them make sex surgeries? Do you ever see them be on welfare, abort or cheat?
No, that all happens in America.
In Japan girls will only start talking a lot to boys on daily basis after age of 18, because we have gender specific schools being the norm.
Now excuse me while I take shit in a hightech toilet while you reduce yourself to pooping in the pants in Wall Mart.
Fucking weeb.
>leaf finally glad there's an anti american forced meme
I don't want a pure, I want a filthy whore.
me otl
I actually saw a Jap girl walking to the bus stop in Vancouver this morning in one if those blue and white sailoresque school uniforms. Nearly crashed my car doing a double take.
fuck off Mohammed
I don't know why I have such a boner for Japanese Butts and calves
An actual German would remember his old allegiances, Achmed.
>ameritards still can't handle the bantz
japanese sluts
>giggle and play lewd pranks on their fellow female classmates
american sluts
>smoke weed and get drunk, suck off a couple of guys at a party
literally not even hyperbole.
How does it feel to know that with your style of """bantz""" you will never ever reach meme levels worthy of Korea like here? All you do is basic insults like a 12 year old ad nauseum. There is no progression, it's just boring.
Side note: Australians are the most wise posters on the board.
Deal with it leafkid
Japan - Was driving through the city to the golf course the other day early in the morning. School girls everywhere. That shit is dangerous.
stopped reading there
You didn't even bother recoloring the hands in the third and fourth panels to match the skin tone of the father in the first panel. If you're going to post this in every thread, at least put some effort into it.
>that weird hand antler gesture she does after the first skirt flip
What is this called, and why is it hilarious?
Can someone explain all the buttons? My OCD is acting up.
I get the force of the spray but I think there is there a recline button? Like literally recline shitting wtf?
I don't know if I can handle the levels of irony if I say DUDE
compared to what bitches here do, they're the purest angels on earth
I wonder how much he paid you to shill for america
my guess is 0.05 shekels
>Asking women
>In a honor based society
>When they lost their virginity
Nice unsourced chart. If it were really true Japan wouldn't have a birth-rate crisis.
Is this from a movie or are they actual schoolgirls? They look qt as fuck compared to the jagged tooth monstrosities i'm used to seeing in schoolgirl pix.
qt knows how to take a dick
Does anyone have that image that compares the 2 types of Japanese people?
The ones that have white features vs the ugly looking fuckers
>compared to what bitches here do, they're the purest angels on earth
>130 IQ
>job from goldman sachs
at least their whores are smart
I literally saw couples having sex in the middle of hallways back in highschool days
portugal is degenerate as fuck. bitches as young as 13 were giving blowjobs for fucks sake
>Teenagers aren't allowed to mess about
Protip: they're not robots
Maybe it's because you went to school in Cerco or Lisbon.
>All these rustled leaves not accepting and learn, but instead defend their childish behavior.
Which is why you guys will never be Australia tier. You three bring shame on Canada
you should see the shit they do in ghetto middle schools in the us.
lol a few months ago I was at the airport to pick up my dad and literally hundreds a japanese school girls walking out of the terminal in formation acting kawaii af. They were probably around 14-18 y/o.
I nearly came.
santarem, the ones people call "tios" and "tias"? they're the worse. How a school full of rich kids from families with name was so degenerate is beyond me
The only true response
>Honor based culture
Get real
Anything goes in Japan if you keep it behind closed doors
it's not a meme, women from rich alpha countries don't have to prostitute themselves like women from third world shitholes
stop dude
Koreans can always choreography.
>wearing spats under her skirt
>not pure
Jesus Mohammed, calm youraelf.
>bitches as young as 13 were giving blowjobs for fucks sake
That happens in every country
I knew something was off.
Those girls are way too hot to be Japanese students.
>butthurt burger mods
Holy shit, how fragile are your egos
japs are cute but the children of a white and asian are literal mongrels.
Yeah, it's really smart to destroy your ability to transition into any other line of work.
Good thing her beauty will last forever, right?
Japanese woman are pure if their skin is white.
>turkroach slav rape baby
The weird leg moves and cute little jump.
They're like chihuahuas.
Jesus that is some cringe
>Sup Forums and /jp/ will defend this
roaches aren't white
>mfw "hightech" toilets
I just see this as stupid teenagers acting foolish. It's definitely nothing compared to what the slatterns in America do.
red button is power, then ass spray, light ass spray, vag spray, and seat warmer.
Buttons at the top are Large/Small (force of water).
dunno what the three to the right are.
Turkey is white you dumb fuck.
This girl is white. Constantinople was white. Turkey is Caucasian.
Your Meme Sanches' cousin from Amadora, aren't you?
The "worst" thing that ever happened in my school during the 6 years I spent there were 13-16 year olds smoking weed and a 17 year old girl got pregnant.
fuck, you are*
turkey isn't white and anzu is a roach rapebaby from some greek women the roaches kidnapped
Take it from a swede, they're not
No, we dont like the roach on Sup Forums
>i never saw it so it must not happen
keep believing that
if you like this girl, you are a pedo
No, they're not. Constantinople has not been white since the roaches razed it in 1453.
I would fuck it for bragging rights
Why must you spam thread with this tranny?
>slavic rape baby
>representative of the roach population
In the anime Nana she really wants an abortion and almost gets one. Heck the doctor suggested it to her too.
They're so cute in those uniforms and look so joyful. I want badly.
I thought leaf was supposed to be happy with Trudo and gays?
Believe whatever you want. I thought it was normal until I got to college. There, I met true degeneracy.
aww a leaf angel
>turkey is white
Turkey its time to turn off your vpn
Turks are literally turks
They don't have a dick though, I'm sorry Cuckm8.
Can somebody make more gifs of this?
Shut up random irrelevant country nobody cares about
Is the "bide" for the lady literally just "Bidet"? How is that different than the hard and soft ass sprays?
Ok Indonesia
I have one of those toilets at home, good shit
>keeps your ass warm at winter
>keeps your ass clean with one of 3 sprays of your choice
>can even dry your ass if you need it
>opens and closes on its own
>flushes on its own
Thanks for this nippon
Do you even 建前?
>not even calling the romanian a gypo
What are you doing on pol you newfag
98% of japanese babies are born to married couples
In the west it's like 60%
Absolutely destroyed
Here I need to donate this (You) because that gif made me lmao