gonna rewatch demolition man tonight.
Enjoy living in your eternal prison, user
This is literally the plot of Black Mirror's White Christmas.
>Auto] 9
That episode was horrifying.
Why extend their lives though?
It seems as cruel as it is wasteful.
Once biotech can indefinitely extend lifespans, it could also cure criminality.
1,000 years in 8.5 hours? I would be getting locked up on purpose. If they let me have tons of books and musical instruments and stuff, I could get 1,000+ years of experience with whatever craft I chose in a single day.
This can literally lead to hell, even if God doesn't exist. This is scary shit.
Thousand years of getting enriched in an all nigger prison, it is a simulation after all, they could come up with all kinds of cruel shit.
But why?
I really don't get it
I doubt they will facilitate to your needs. Its prison afterall not your own private resort
Think of how many prison degrees you could earn. I am being totally serious. You could learn 20 languages. People are thinking about using this tech for prisons? Are they stupid? Its like a real life groundhogs day.
>Biotechnology could let us extend convicts' lives 'indefinitely'
Because fuck you, that's why.
Yep, that's cruel and unusual.
>Making someone live in torment for 1000 years in their mind
Can't help but think that afterwards they'd be insane, or their minds would just be mush.
I'm reminded of William F Buckley's final depressing interview where he says he's ready to die.
i'd rather die
which i guess is the point
>We're looking to make this society changing tech real.
>Let's punish criminals even more as the first use.
Fucking Europe. No wonder you're a shit hole. You deserve the hordes
>wasting money to make criminals """"""""""suffer"""""""""" longer
jesus fuck
It would drive someone insane. Total psychological torture. Not to mention that as you get older, time seems to go by faster as it's technically shorter relative to how long you've already been alive. If you'd been "alive" in a cell for over a thousand years, the rest of your life would just pass you by in the blink of an eye.
>upload baby rapist's mind to computer
>force him to live 1000 years in 8 hours
>his will is so strong that it overrides the computer's and lets him rewrite his surroundings
>get to rape babies for 1000 years
At least he went home to a jap wife
In the united states, well behaved criminals have to be provided educational materials of their choice.
Repeat after me : the death penalty is inhumane.
>after all that get bored want someone to talk to
>will overrides computer
>Toddlers will now give Hitler speeches because you like those so much
>1000 years to practice piano
Yes please.
I think 15 million merits was worse, mostly because it's pretty much exactly how life is at the moment.
And now.
I have the constitution
oh a procrastinateur i see
is best you have keyboard beside your computer
so you can simultaniously play and shitpost
>Train hard for 1000 years
>Become super saiyan
That is not depressing. Old people are supposed to die. It is not sad it is life. You can mourn them, there is nothing wrong with that. However it is the natural state of man to be born live then die. I plan on dying one day and so I work hard every day to ensure I have made a life that my family will remember and hopefully emulate. William F. Buckley definitely did that.
>Thinks death penalty is inhumane
>Researching ways to put prisoners into basically hell
Never change Europe
Get locked up in Norway and come out with God King tier knowledge.
the so-called criminal "justice" system
white people
ps. guess what: when you die, you're going to hell i personally gaurntee peet
This is the best context they could think of to use this technology in?
Not superfast learning, planning, designing or anything like that?
Instead this creepy sadistic writer had to imagine some guy locked up in a mental prison for hundreds of years
This is how I know it's written by a Jew
sure - it gives them more time to repent and get right with God
This is so old shit, there's a whole episode from OZ about this idea and it's from 2000
Hanz is getting closer.
Wake me up!
God help us all.
It should be illegal to conduct this kind of research.
This. It's fucking terrifying.
Imagine being locked up for thousands of years in some digital he'll for a crime you didn't commit?
This is exactly what I thought. I never liked that song at the end of it but the guys mind being trapped in a shitty kitchen listening to it over and over for a thousand years...
This is some new level sadistic shit.
These people are trying to prolong your suffering. They wouldn't provide you with shit to do. They'd leave you to go mad over 1000 years of solitude and return you to the world as a brainless democrat.
Yeah seriously if that is even real. How about we cure cancer instead of inventing hell on earth guys sheesh
Is that how it works? So from our perspective it would look like a guy turning the pages super fast in a comical fashion like it's Benny Hill?
I think it would work the other way around. Everything would slow down for the convict. Just like in Dredd. He would be reading one book for a hundred years.
Yeah, I saw that Outer Limits episode.
Immortal slaves that you are paid to house and care for can be quite lucrative. Use your head, dumb goy.
>That episode of Star Trek DS9 where O'Brien is given the memories of twenty years in prison and he goes insane
In the realm of stupid ideas this must sound great.
Programmer here, got a great laugh out of this user.
> Creating a being or group that can live indefinitely on a planet with finite resources.
The fuck?
The show hits people in different ways.
The Entire History Of You hit me the hardest because I can see myself in his shoes... If that technology existed I'd avoid it because I know I'd destroy myself with it.
Wouldn't this fall under the scope of cruel and unusual punishment in the USA and this in the UK?
Fucking why? The point of prison is to remove criminals from society, not to punish them.
No, I imagine it would seem like normal to the criminal. If everything was going in slow-mo, then so would the criminals thought processes, rendering the whole exercise pointless.
>15 million merits
But a Meme for how long?
Ds9 was hilarious, every other episode was O'Brien getting tortured half to death or fucked with on an existential level
>asking "could we" instead of "should we"
That's why the future looks bleak and humankind is ultimately doomed. Ethics aside, we are jump at any and every lead to make human existence obsolescent.
Time distortion of the human mind is possible, humans already experience time distortion with certain drugs. It's not far fetched or science fiction it is actually possible which is why it's a bit worrying.
Hell, Star Trek did numerous episodes depicting scenarios just like this.
Also, lol, "humane" leftists
i literally hope that AM escapes the prison they made for him, and he proceeds to eradicate all humanity EXCEPT for the jews and torture them for all eternity inside his twisted mechanical guts.
Virtual 1000 year long jail terms are LITERALLY satanic punishment handed down by people who think they're GOD.
Technically a lot of things are renewable, but this torture is not worth any sin. The people who fabricate these ideas should be barred from any and all scientific research.
Because it was the jews that tortured people, right Hans?
I bet you don't even practice piano at all. What makes you think you'd enjoy it non-stop for 1000 years
> Dr Rebecca Roach
> Philosophy Ethics (including medical ethics, issues relating to technology and punishment)
> Ethics
>uploading minds to a digital realm
Sounds legit
>lets increase the costs even further
What if we are really trapped in that prison and Sup Forums is how we communicate with the other inmates?
Hah, that's a joke. Our prison industrial complex is a joke.
>The person at your cyber reality monitor is supposed to wait only 5 minutes to check and see if you've earned education/recreational privileges
>dozes off for 4 hours
>its been 356 years your time
the idea is both hilarious and horrifying
>me american
>get biotech
>grab burger
>get shot
>1,000 years of pure american-ness
If you look at communist Russia yes, the Zionists did a number on those locked up in Gulags.
That's what I was thinking, it's worrying that cretins like that study medical ethics.
oh goody, doing this kind of science for sadistic purposes could get the right wing on board
This is why ethics should be compulsory at universities.
Else researchers will just brainlessly implement this sort of stuff.
Compulsory education is inherently immoral.
We get it canada, shut the fuck up.
Why pin it to the right? The left are just as guilty for inhumane practices of torture.
It was in an earlier episode of the outer limits
Why don't you come down and say that to my face old man?
>Literally "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream"
Dear God, no.
Bring back the fucking guillotine, bring back the hangings like when there were Kings and Lords, but not this.
I am legit ready to go back in medieval times rather than this sordid future where ethical philosophers are happy to torture men.
Makes sense.
Are we Cardassians now?
This is in the fucking field of ethics, m8. That's the craziest shit. Women's rights was a mistake.
>prisons are overpopulated, what do?
>lol who cares let's make all prisoners live eternally xDDDD
You have to wonder how astonishingly stupid and unscientific these retards are when they claim you can "upload the mind" to a digital realm. The physical brain is the mind. If you upload it somewhere else, you're just making a digital copy that is completely irrelevant to the original brain. You can't simply move the consciousness back and forth like it's a physical object.
>be me
>Hilary wins
>heh trump'll lead a race war heh heh
>Call someone a faggot online
>two hours later
>at burger shop
>buying my grease
>Cops swarm in
>I plop in shop
>I am brought to prison
>ha ha atleast im not KEKED like Britons with several thousand Muslims
>go to jail for hate crime
>technology makes it feel like ive been in prison for hundreds of years
>two hours later
>get out
>the stress has eroded my mind
>shart in pants
>cant get mental help because failed socialist policies
It may slow your perception of time, but not your ability to absorb information
I wonder, they do it under a leftist political system makes them a left winger?
Who the fuck thinks of these things, Ive seen fucked up shit but for some reason this takes the fucking cake
I imagine the people who come out of this would so mentally deranged that they would literally kill every single loving being in sight. I know I would
A thousand years wide
>the only person to bring this up
Youre alright sometimes, dad. Miles becoming the Star Trek punching bag was pretty shitty though.
This may not be so bad..
>get sentenced to thousand years
>make a tulpa or whatever they're called before getting plugged in
>spend a millennia with waifu
>It's cheaper to throw a bunch of convicts in the 1000 year simulation together
>9 hours later they wake up and have their own language, caste system and multiple new religions
>he doesn't know how to enter a state of mind which does not perceive time