It's that time again Sup Forumsacks
Omegle Sup Forums questions thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I think somebody tried asking something...
I'm starting to think we're converting them Sup Forums.
We must redpill the normies with confirmation bias.
N shiet
That's fucked up bro
Sometimes you wonder if half of the normies even have any brains at all.
I still think this was one of you cunts.
look mom! i made a friend
Don't know if this was a miscer, a ledditor, or a Sup Forumslack
how will i recover?
Utterly BTFO.
So how do I do this?
I dont see an option to discuss a question.
spy question, nigger
I consider this R9K tier you gotta be more subtle with the pilling mate.
this isn't about subtlety this is about memeing
You can ask a question or answer them.
Excellent work user.
I just gained a lot of respect for Redditors, they suck but at least they actually attempt to read the question unlike most normies.
A subtle meme is more powerful than an overt one. The Masons knew this,
Somebody asked a question about cuckoldry. I know it was one of you fuckers. I didn't save the chat.
But I had a really great conversation with some woman who believed cucking was okay and knew some people who did it. I think she reflected on my points, and we ended the conversation politely. Bretty gud.
Can't handle the redpill.
not really dude
theres a lot of shit like dmaa and ephedrine pretty much any stimulant mimics adrenaline and targets the same receptors
nice try tho
You get used to it after a while, expect 10-20 disconnects before a good conversation.
good chat bro
kek lads
i'm winding up this cuck who is complaining about trump being evil racist
>hey bb wan sum fuk
lol desperate faggot
good chat
Good conversation right here:
Pic 1/2
Pic 2/2
>Stranger has disconnected
Every time. Which one of you faggots was this?
>Voting for Ben Garrison
>Literally just throwing your vote to DESIGNATED TRASH BIN
Saw that one too. People disconnect at the best ones
Really makes one ponder.
I was Stranger 2
Still not had a single bite with:
Did you know Goebbels was talking about Jewish propaganda when he wrote "a lie told enough times becomes truth"? How does it feel to know you were taught this fact out of context?
I guess it's too much red pill for a question title.
kek im just looking for /pol people
Keep it simple for the people on omegle.
Please tell me both were Sup Forumsacks
The lad that asked the question probably quit before my ruse became apparent.
Not you, but a good redpill.
Hi user :^)
no, red is bluepilled af
swallowed the narrative, swallowed the guilt, can't name a single reason or fact
not really Sup Forums tier but this was a pretty swell chat
He also disconnected the second after the "listen i'm no expert in history...". Stranger 1 probably would have tried to redpill him otherwise
>tfw have had several interesting conversations but none have been posted in thread
Whoa dudes
fixed it for yah buddy
Same. I very autistically proved 2D waifus are an objective reality, and it wasn't posted. Wtf
What were the questions? I'm posting new ones whenever I get one.
I see nothing wrong here
i got that one we actually discussed it
i am getting this allot
Stranger 1 is a class A cuck
bring this thread sliding shit tier thread to Sup Forums
ay fuk u mane
Not sure what happened here
ay fuk u mane
lmao you faggot that was me
>i was shitposting with a fucking leaf
I feel dirty, I need to sleep.
30 year old leaf am i right?
Come on dad, it's not incest if the shitposts don't touch
I was told to harass you.
by whom?
your a cuck
Excellent work user
you're a cuck man sorry to say
>1 posts by this id
This poo thought he was gonna fap
kek great question user
This one was good, well played user.
It's more fun to pretend to be a normie with the other guy being pol and pulling out jew memes at the last second.
Kek'd out loud fuck me.
*adjusts grille in mouth. fucking kek!
oh my god this is a whole new species of cuck
Weird how some people ignore the topic.