What's your 2cents on this subject? I would like to read the Sup Forums community opining on this matter.
It's time to rethink what you have been taught in school
Other urls found in this thread:
species have to show significant sexual segregation in order to be considered a separate species
since everyone race mixes except for abos, i think we can safely conclude that only abos are a different species
i forgot, no burgers allowed
>white Labrador exists
>black Labrador exists
>same race
>white person
>black person
thats hair colour, idiot.
This is an absurd topic, we SHOULD be considered different subspecies.
If you don't think whites are fundamentally different from blacks, you are denying evolution, no excuses.
>doesn't realize the Aryans race mixed with the Mediterraneans, who themselves racemixed with North Africans
aside from totally isolated tribes in the jungle and islands, literally all races have mixed with each other at some point in history. even the new world wasn't immune, with almost all native descendants being related to white settlers or escaped black slaves
abos are the only pure race in the world
fuck da police (until they shoot darkies)
I'm not related to either white settlers nor black slaves. In fact, I'm much more related to the white slaves.
you germanics are fucking pigs and very stupid
White slaves?
No Muslims
I think dog breeds are fundamentally different from each other, but they are not separate subspecies.
A crucial element of a subspecies is that it should be separate and unambiguous. No one is going to confuse a dog with a wolf. On the other hand, people have wildly varying opinions on where the white race ends. This is more characteristic of people arguing about breeds.
Human subspecies are a thing.
West Eurasians(aka Caucasians, roughly speaking), east Asians, Abbos, sub-Saharans are the major subspecies.
People argue about where ALL subspecies end. The fundamental realities at stake here are
1. The fact that human beings are genetically diverse, with differing inherited physical and cognitive abilities.
2. The fact that many of these differences cluster into genetically related groups.
What is ultimately at stake here is people denying evolution and biology because it upsets them to learn that, horror of horrors, some races are smarter or stronger or faster than others, or even just have any noteworthy traits at all, such as being more or less resistant to a disease, or a parasite, or so on.
Well, we're all human, just different breeds of human.
Just like animals. We all evolved on this planet the same way.
I'm currently majoring in Wildlife Management. How fucked am I?
Hominids are different user, we can look different but still be the same species due to the diversity of phenotypes in our DNA.
dog skin color matches its hair color
Skulls are entirely different.
DNA is different..
Nappy Afro is unique.
Entire skeletal proportions are different.
Fuck off.
I like to think of people like dogs
They are all similar and there's many different breeds. The breeds have general characteristics but it's not a "one size fits all" idea sure Labradors may be great swiming but another breed could do just about as well. And just like there's pure dog breeds there's similar to people based on they're race. You can tell someone with almost all black blood in they're family etc. And mixed breeds exist too there's nothing wrong with them they're just different from what some would consider a "pure breed"
>tldr people are like dogs it's not a good thing or a bad thing but calling every human equil might not be very accurate when looking at something like how fast they can run etc.
>some races are smarter or stronger or faster than others
Again, same with breeds. But they are the same subspecies.
Subspecies are not defined with respect to genetic distance or phenotypic difference. What's key is that subspecies should not freely interbreed. So an argument can be made for various isolated tribes being distinct subspecies of man, but when you get to African Americans or Syrian war orphans, tough shit. They interbreed freely and copiously with the host population.
Yet despite that blacks are still genetically identified as Homo Sapiens.
>subspecies: a category in biological classification that ranks immediately below a species and designates a population of a particular geographic region genetically distinguishable from other such populations of the same species and capable of interbreeding successfully with them where its range overlaps theirs
Except you're wrong, you fucking retard.
Despite the diversity in sub-species that can be distinguished through different means, they are all still crows.
One thing I personally found was that scientists are very much reluctant to put humans into sub-species, but they do acknowledge the differences between populations in both phenotype and genotypic variations and can be quite redpilled within reason. Especially those who specialize in molecular biology/genetics.
This is painfully true. Scientists can take a hair from someone blindly and determine their race. They do it all the time in criminal forensics. Race is more than just skin color.
He either means indentured servants (Irish immigrants) or the white slaves in South Africa
For political reasons only
Pathalogical altruism
ligers are infertile, dipshit. the definition of species is animals that can mate and produce fertile offspring.
They did find a Homo Erectus Phenotype in the US recently. So just like everyone else you have an admix too.
One literally gave birth at a zoo. Took me all of 3 seconds to see you are ignorant.
No their DNA is literally more homo sapien than humans outside of Africa.
All humans have a very small amount of Erectus admixture though.
Genetically you have more in common with the black guy in that pic than either of the white people in that picture.
Ligers have to be intentionally bred and they aren't even fertile, dipshit. Anyway, this is a thread about SUBspecies not species in general.
In order for two members of the same species to be members of different subspecies, they need to self segregate sexually. This means that they will not breed with each other in the wild, and will only do so when forced to by researchers. They don't find each other sexually attractive at all and will ignore them in favor of finding a mate in their own subspecies.
Humans aren't like that, as history has clearly shown. Only abos have remained a pure race, because no human on earth finds them attractive.
Racism is bullshit. You can raise a black child in Europe and he can learn all the costumes. Cultural differences on the other are very significant and it's unhealthy to mix them.
I do believe in evolution. What are you gonna do in the next stage when something better comes along? Typically, the bottom species is killed off, I used to think it was the top species as the aggressor but i think it's the bottom one who makes the first move out of butthurt inferiority. I think we are due, bout time to put you monkeys in your place.
You only hear that "one race" bullshit from leftys, because its backed solely by their emotions.
The left uses emotion to win arguments while the right uses pure logic. You can't argue rationally with the left.
All humans are the same species since we just are deviations from the original humans that began in Africa 200,000 years ago(maybe older but thats the oldest fossil we can find). Our species has alot of phenotypical diversity that is completely breaks all of our biological classification methods.
>All humans are the same species since we just are deviations from the original humans that began in Africa 200,000 years ago(maybe older but thats the oldest fossil we can find). Our species has alot of phenotypical diversity that is completely breaks all of our biological classification methods.
there are more than one theory about our evolution you know
no scientist is willing to face backlash from the truth. Also (((they))) won't allow it.
that link says male ligers are sterile and females ligers arnt.
Multiregional only applies to long after the original humans are extinct but we did start in Africa and so did the walking ape genus the Hominids.Neanderthals probably began in North Africa then some of them migrated into Europe, we have no clue if Neanderthals have races just like us or even is Erectus had races like us either.
Dog breeds are mostly unnatural though. They've been artificially bred by human intervention. The same thing observed in nature would absolutely be considered sub species. Hell the dingo is sometimes considered a different sub species and other times considered just another dog.
Different dog breeds have different temperaments and behavioral traits, diseases, life spans, skeletons, etc.
Human races were of a more natural origin in original separation. Definitely a sub species.
Think of humans as dogs, they're all dogs, but the huge genetic differences allow us to categorise them into different breeds (races)
isnt it strange how most of the people arguing back and forth for the superiority or inferiority of races have contributed nothing of value to humanity, while there are niggers and spics and kikes and whites and gooks that have been innovators, warriors, leaders, scientists, astronauts, etc. ?
what kind of stupid fuck would compare human races to dog breeds or sub-species of birds? time and time again its been proven that pretty much all humans share a potential for greatness.
a Chihuahua is never going to have the mental sharpness of a poodle, or the nose of a bloodhound, or the speed of a greyhound, or the strength of a pitbull.
a white can be faster than a black who can be smarter than an asian who can be stronger than an arab
unless you've actually contributed something to society, you have no business trying to argue for the supposed inferior or superior inherited genes.
not a single thing you've said is an argument for the non-existence of sub-species
>unless you've actually contributed something to society, you have no business trying to argue for the supposed inferior or superior inherited genes.
not an argument
nor was it intended to be one. the argument is more towards what the actual significance of an existence of sub-species of humans would be.
as far as human devolopement goes there are far more significant characteristics than race like income, core values, religion
They don't though. Subsaharan africans do not have neanderthal dna.
What the fuck, it looks like someone shooped a cheetah head onto a Lion.
fuck man, do you want to bring the CTR shills here?
Except what you're saying is not supported by science.
Fuck, why don't people actually read on this shit. And don't just google "is there human races" or similar bullshit, garbage media opinions all day.
If race doesn't matter, why are (((they))) pushing so hard with the meme that it doesn't exist?
that fact that race isn't a main factor, which is something I agree with, doesn't deny its significance, both practical but also simply anthropological and also political, since going by what passes as sub-species in the animal world, there is really no reason to not apply said taxonomical classification to humans as well
Im not sure the Neanderthal DNA means anything though, humans outside of Europe got their intelligence from selections during the Ice Age.
-Bingham found a mass grave and they tought that it belonged to females
13:02 literally says that
-The incan RACE had different traits than africans and euros
Without race those remains would still be considered as skeletons from virgin women
It means we haven't raced mixed with them.
Fucking read up on it. It's clear science. Blacks are NOT the same as whites. Arabs are NOT the same as blacks. Asians are NOT the same as alborines, etc. There are clear markers that show different subraces in humans.
This isn't really up for debate. Raced mixed countries are the worst in everything.
Ie. India, somalia, pakistan, brazil, etc.
Totally the same thing and comparable.
Same species many differences.
What are you even taking about. Don't answer, because I wont.
I'm just done. I don't have the patient to educate every fucking clown every week on this topic.
read the links I posted or shut the fuck up.
Blacks are the same species no matter how much you go OH NOOO they aint got Neanderthal genes, only a small percent of Eurasian DNA is Neanderthal so its a nonfactor(like the white DNA in an american nigger).
just because there's a spectrum between orange and red doesn't mean those colors can't be defined.
Imagine this is proven in a real scenario
>blacks are considered evolutionally "inferior"
>soon blacks are vying for separate benefits for "muh fuckin disabilities nigga"
>welfare gives evolution benefits to blacks everywhere, less privilege equals more money, etc.
>i didnt click the picture before posting
Fuck off
There are no clear defnintion of a race or a specie
Humans focus alot on facial variation so the faces of Abos and blacks are possible through natural selection, the skin coloration and others are as well so they are the same species. Unless you show me something that is outside of human variation then its the same species.
Same species many differences is the human animal.
I just linked you a paper that says we don't know whether we should call human races or species.
As long as we can interbreed as casually as we can then we are the same species.
What do you even mean by this? There are clearly things white people have that blacks do not. How do you distinguish between whats human and whats not?
meaning if one have it and the other don't then does that count? because we have that.
And that not how this works. At all. I'm done. You just ignore everything I post you and spew on. I won't answer again.
Besides that, anthropologists can tell the race of someone with a high level of accuracy by just looking at their skull shape.
Those people who claim that pigmentation is the only difference are fucking morons.
Even if you remove the skin entirely as well as all muscle and other tissue, race can still be determined.
And even if you are completely mixed breed, it is still possible to trace your genetic lineage of your various ancestors to very specific geographic areas.
>retards thinking that scientists that have worked in the field for many years studying animals are wrong
>think they are right because 'i can see it' and 'they aren't as smart'.
That's how i feel, scientific evidence outweighs pol tier arguments on intelligence and skin colour.
NO. that's not how you seperate species, you clown. A lion and a tiger can have a child. They are different species. Those children can also have children. So no. Bye for the fucking last time, you retard.
>we can't classify humans differently because that would be bad
Humans cant be generalized besides our skeletal shape we are a very diverse species.
that's usually a good golden rule for it but it's only a necessary condition, not a sufficient one in the literature
>appeal to authority
>humans study humans totally aren't influenced by politics
>taxonomical classifications at the species/subspecies level are totally monolithic and blank/white
weak shitpost
That's not what I'm saying. If you read the comment line youd get it.
What I'm saying is that we maybe shouldn't even call it different races, but species. Blacks on specie and whites another.
I sometimes wonder if all of this affirmative action and government assistance is actually a secret acknowledgement that blacks are inferior and is the only way for things to be truly "equal"
fuck idiot. I've sent you numerous links that prove we can do just fucking that.
Fuck off, please. You're an annoying retard.
Of course they know we're not equal. The most hardcore knows that we are different, but don't want us to treat each other differently.
And you're right, that's exactly what it is. And it's so backwards and illogical I want to puke.
From a cultural and aesthetic perspective, it seems obvious that there are many human races, however the idea of race doesn't really stand up to genetics. Animal subspicies usually have a great deal of genetic dissimilarity, but the fact is that humans are a fairly new species in evolutionary history. Unlike animals, we have not had time to speciate. All humans are much much more genetically similar than animal subspecies. There is no real biological basis for race, despite the obvious aesthetic differences.
hardcore liberal or lefty
Humans cant be generalized meaning the species as a whole you fucking retard.
Who told you that? bbc news?
Read these two or forever shut your cockhole. I mean it.
even a simple PCA highlights human subgroups m8, it's very clear
Again you're extremly unclear and I don't know why you're bringing it up. Fuck im done. Last time I answer you idiot. I promise that, no matter how retarded the next thing you spew is.
Listen retard there is no default description for what is human beyond our basic skeletal framework thats what I mean. Humans are a diverse species there are just too many differences to generalize the entire species but human can be grouped though. Your post keep on insisting that african blacks are another species but you are wrong they are human.
>species have to show significant sexual segregation in order to be considered a separate species
t. non-biologist
eh. you look at a lion and they all look the same. you look at a tiger and they all look the same. humans don't have the same homogeneity. every single one is unique with some having similar characteristics. usually the characteristics are based on the region their ancestors were from. eskimos are short and stout to retain body heat. africans are tall, dark and skinny due to the heat of the sun. if the human race was confined to one area of the world we would probably be identical. that said, cultural differences certainly exist but i wouldn't classify that as sub-specie.
> there is no default description for what is human beyond our basic skeletal framework
Now I know you are just going off of feelings and haven't actually looked anything up.
Use your brain user when you think of human what do you see a white person, but a white person doesnt describe all of humanity neither does a black person so the species can only be generalized if you took the base traits of all the races and thats the skeletal framework you fucking retard.
Indeed, Africans are actually the most pure homo sapiens of all. Homo sapiens is also very dumb. That's why more successful populations of humans have some neanderthal genes in them. Neanderthals were smarter than humans but less reproductively successful because they were basically autistic and eventually were interbred into non-existence by sex-crazed homo sapiens.
Even if races exist, every country in Europe has people that identify as white but have significant evolutionary differences, a man from Scandinavia and a man from Sicily have different preferences over climate and environment, I Mean if Scandinavia and Sicily are both white besides evolutionary differences what is the criteria for a white person and how far down into the globe can we still call someone white, till the Mediterranean? North Africa?
>Hey, guyz. I'll be talking out of my ass for the rest of the thread.
well technically I think it's confirmed some archaic DNA introgression from some unknown hominids is present in sub-Saharan Africans as well, but it's only indirect evidence
the fact is that the only sequenced ancient DNA we have is from Eurasian species like Neanderthals and Denisovans, we don't have ancient DNA from Africa to check, yet
>a nord is the same as an Italian
>Norwegian education
Don't you remember that song by Loverboy?
stop being a fucking nigger lover you obnoxious liberal.
>a nord is the same as an aboriginal
>Norwegian education
If different human races would interbreed naturally then all the Jewish race mixing propaganda wouldn't be necessary. Checkmate faggotron.