>8 year old brit killed in grenade attack
>suspected somali gangsters
>"While Sweden is generally a peaceful, safe country with low crime rates, police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. In recent years, there have been grenade attacks, shootings and incidents of car arson."
>"The issue has been one of the main topics of Sweden’s political debate this summer, as cars have been set alight in the neighbourhoods on an almost nightly basis."
can i get the lowdown from a swede/gothenburger; whats going on here, how bad is the gang violence, how long has it gone on for, who is to blame?
Other urls found in this thread:
the migrants need better housing and more employment opportunities to deter crime
the blood is on the hands of the swedish government who fails to protect their most vulnerable citizens
>grenade attacks
shit even us burgers don't have those
>While Sweden is generally a peaceful, safe country with low crime rates,
>low crime rates
fear us!
There will be more
Last time I checked grenades weren't part of normal gang warfare, why isn't Sweden called a warzone yet?
>tfw no grenades
no just countless shootings
i know right-uk.reuters.com
and thats turkey lul
are you somali? whats going on in there? nightly car burnings wtf ru just cold?
whast the story sven is this guy right
I have to live in Ghettoburg most of the time due to studies. There is large parts of the city where non-ar*abs can't enter without having some paki yelling or shooting at you. The immigrants are constantly shooting each other but it is mostly contained to these areas. They are also joining ISIS in masses.
However, there is other parts of the city where it is relatively immigrant-free and has low crime levels. I live in one of these areas and I don't get out if I don't have to.
The city has been run by corrupt socialists since the stone age, so the local politicians won't fix shit.
Some libshit here said that "the socioeconomic situation" was worse among immigrants here than it is of niggers in the US. Don't be surprised if the BLM-terrorists brings them out in the near future though.
The grenades seems to have come here in the recent times. It used to be just guns.
In Swedish areas, crimes are still low. It's among immigrants all the crimes are.
I hope Donald Trump gets rid of you somehow when he is elected president.
>implying grenade attacks is something new
>tfw no grenades to cleanse negro suburbs
Got into a fight with a guy with a knife in a usually safe place in gothenburg. shit happens i guess
>grenade attacks
>in swedan
whats next? car bombs?
you always find a way to top yourself swedan
Are these gangs at least fighting over drug markets or something?
No. Just fighting for the sake of fighting, they are
bored I suppose.
Lived in Stockholm all of my life, I've never even had my bike stolen.
It doens't affect white areas much
Import Somalis and reenact mogadishu, such realistic larping must be tremendously enriching. Just remember that its traditional to drag the pilots body around naked for a few days after you gun it down with rpg fire, gotta get the rituals down pat Sven.
Actually in Swedish law they consider anything involving gunpowder to be a grenade, it was probably just a firecracker or snap cap
It's so exciting walking downtown these days!
I don't think you'd die from having a fire cracker thrown in your window
Yusuf Warsame.Brit. ok
cause one of those can blow out the windows and rip a child to shreds?
no way canada
these guys cant build grenades
bought from eastern europe surely
no thats false.
>actually replying
never change, sweden
Sweden used to be know for the depression and good clean living.
Now it's know for its depression and crime. Way to import crime, Swedes.
how far does this go back?
is it really just slum areas?
whats swedens criminal culture like? (as in swedes, not migrants)
There are immigrants coming out of the ghettos and stealing bikes here in Gothenburg, so you got to keep it locked at all times.
We thought that letting socialist stockholmers run things would solve anything.
They are burning their own cars all the times. Large concrete walls needs to be erected around the immigrant areas over here to contain the muslim problem, just like you have done.
shit dude, that law wouldn't even surprise me
>socialist stockholmers
y-you mean the least leftist population in the country? Granted we vote for cucks, but at least they aren't socialist cucks
there is not a single non-socialist party with over 2% national voting support
>Swedes have gotten so bored of peace they've imported problems
For fucksake, be like Japan and make up fantasy worlds to get your fix
ffs, they are even shitty at being shitty
>whats swedens criminal culture like? (as in swedes, not migrants)
There are a number of swedes that are full time criminals. It is not like in Japan. But they usually only did bank robberies and drug dealing and the only people they would hurt were policemen and each other. Robbing and raping in the streets was unheard of before the immigrants came.
He's actually right
However it's not fixable because we already took in too many and on top of that we segregated them
swedes are disgusting
why do they take joy in their own destruction ? africa is disease and poverty ridden... how could a swede hear this and think it's good ?
damn you i was being completely sarcastic
I was an exchange student in Darlana in 2007/2008. I was talking to a few of my old friends there the other day about the immigrants. They all live in Stockholm now and said I was stupid for thinking no go zones exist and that immigrants are bad.
I remember going to Borlange to buy weed one time with them and we had to keep the guys on the outside of their neighborhood area because white people couldn't walk safely through the area.
They knew no go zones existed in 2007 but now claim there isnt and immigrants are a good thing.
Are sweds seriously that brainwashed? They called me a fucking racist for even questioning the immigrant policies of Sweden.
What the fuck are you talking about? All the socialist problems like multiculturalism and feminism originates in Stockholm.
Are you fighting back yet our are you all just going to die?
I imagine your media wouldn't report it because it would raise morale
>However it's not fixable because we already took in too many and on top of that we segregated them
Have you considered genocide?
>had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods
Yes, it's totally being poor that makes you throw grenades at people. Totally.
where you supposed to put them? just let them roam in middle class neighbourhoods until they are lynched
are refugees being chucked into these slums? thats the worst social planning iv ever heard sweden
Yes, murder is totally justified when you're poor.
Stealing a loaf of bread? Sure.
Murder? Never.
>im poor! its so annoying!
>(buys grenade)
They need to deal with the media first
It'd be one thing to attack a rapefugee shelter and get called evil nazis on the evening news, it'd be another to eliminate the media and speak for themselves
Destroying propaganda stations (radio, TV, newspapers) is considered an important aspect of modern warfare, particularly asymmetrical warfare
Course the cucks of sweden will just grumble and never save themselves
Fuck em
Immigration has been drastically reduced but honestly it's already too late
SD numbers are looking good but the election is in late 2018 and I doubt they'll be able to do a complete 180
>low crime rates
>rape isn't a crime
>I guess it's not if she likes it
>don't send ahmend back to IRAQ after he raped he had such a hard life
>"Ahmed" Can I get your facebook? ,we should keep in touch, that was a good rape
I am part of a ethnic swede "gang" of friends, we are about 30 people, one guy from the balkans.
Live in Södertälje, south of Stockholm. We deal drugs, ecstasy, coke, mdma, anything we get our hands on really. When we get invited to parties we bring drugs, people buy, sometimes we are home and people call, we make deliveries etc.
I can perhaps answer some questions
>"While Sweden is generally a peaceful, safe country
you have no right to talk mr 60%, calling us cucks. fucking ignorant idiot.
What the shit guys, Ya'll talk shit about us for all our guns but I've never even heard about someone getting a grenade lobbed into their window.
> Mr. 60%
The immigrant problems does not affect most people personally, me included. But most of the people it has affected has become nationalists. But then they are a group of libshits that has their heads so far up their communist anuses that they can't recognize the problems even when they see them with their own eyes. As you were an exchange student, I guess you had to deal with a lot of that kind of people. And most of the media is North Korea-tier by the way so that won't help.
Are you trying to say that your media isn't a propaganda machine?
Our media is far more objective than yours but i'm sure you believe all the articles you've read on pol from some shitty leftist website
Leftist here complain that our actually is too objective for their purposes
America isn't inherently white like Sweden is supposed to be
>223,553,265 white americans
>9 million swedes
We're gonna be fine, we're growing overall
You're not
may the boy rest in peace. minor happening tho.
Someone tossed that little nigga a fistful of cultural enrichment
>In ten years time it will look like africa throughout europe
>that europe will be better than it is now
How do they fucking make this connection I'll never ever understand.
Africans, especially the refugee kind have been responsible for the worst crimewave in my city for decades.
Its totally fucked.
>Are you trying to say that your media isn't a propaganda machine?
Overall yeah, but at least we have the illusion of choice
Yours is 24/7 FAAAAR left shilling
>Our media is far more objective than yours
Had to go outside and laugh for a bit
You can get grenades here for the price of a ice cream, lel (mostly old Serbian grenades).
Does "cannot take banter" stand for "They BTFO America so hard I cannot cope with it " ??
Serious question. Because I see "Fucking leafs" thrown around so much by Americans with this whole shart debacle.
>Africa's fucked, lets throw money at them and take refugees from their numerous wars and famines
>Africa's great we need to be more like them
>these dont inherently contradict each other
Not to forget all forgeries, fraud and scamming the social welfare system much like migrants also do.
We are doing exactly what you are proposing right now. The media is losing credibility among more people every day and there are even some MSM that are questioning the "muh ebil nazis" narrative nowadays. A while ago, there was a Swedish farmer that shot some immigrants that were trespassing on his property, so hopefully it's only a matter of time before we can go full 1488 on them.
Interesting, I did not know that existed, thanks for the red pill. Just don't hurt any fellow swede and you are alright with me. Do you get in a lot of fight with paki gangs?
swedens media is better without question
need i go on
How much for a grenade?
How often do you watch swedish news? Probably never in your life
Retarded burgers like you are the reason i hate americans
Despite everyone being against sd the official news have never been biased toward them. Meanwhile you have fox, cnn and others who are completely biased.
that's just the start of the ultimate solution towards the eternal anglo
"The youngster was named in reports as Yuusuf Warsame, a pupil at Nelson Mandela primary school in Sparkhill, Birmingham."
Quintessential my old bean
You want to know why you don't hear about the Somali scum doing this shit in Merica?
Because they know that we'd fuck them up, as we aren't pussies.
Unlike Eurocucks
>swede still unfamiliar w/ concept of multiculturalism
>retard confirmed
So why are the niggers cucking you daily?
Have you even read Aftonbladet or watched SVT once? They are total shills for communism at all times.
>the official news have never been biased toward them
The MSM lies about SD all the time.
>Nelson Mandela primary school
>in UK
Even that hasn't happened here.
How are they cucking us?
By fucking our whore women?
They sure as fuck aren't rioting in white neighborhoods.
I live close to Sweden worst gheettooo, its awful at times, shootings, drugs etc, the local population doesnt get bothered, the thing with "whites" getting harassed etc is also bullshit, ive seen alot of students in those areas because of cheap housing, like those leftist flamboyant gay boys that luuv "multiculturalism", but thats day time. On a weekend night it can get messy, because theres like 3 police cars in a area with over 50k people and one car has to escort another so the first one isnt unattended.
Alot of issues, yes, can they be fixed? Ofcourse, why arent they being fixed?
Because of fucking socialists and marxist fags, that argue as if Sweden was USA with "race" and shit. They take american theories and apply them over arabs and end up with a unlogical bullshit clusterfuck, people that are considered white in USA become niggers in Sweden because they are discriminated etc.
Sweden offers free school, to everyone, did you fail school? No problem just retry, you get all kinds of welfare, hospital, people are fucking retarded here, they dont help themselves then whine like fucking babies...
One day I wish Swedish welfare/gov goes to shit so all the leftists crybabies starve to death
Flags don't equil race
Grenades are used by the immigrant gangs in southern Sweden, almost non-existant here closer to Stockholm. I don't really know the price of them
You can get a pistol here for about 5k though
We never hurt anyone without a reason, and the immigrant gangs stay out of our way there is no real "street" violence here, but lets say we get invited to a huge party and all of us come and so does some other lowlifes there can be the occasional fight. Here in Södertälje there is still remnants of Södertälje nätverket and they control the immigrants quite well, they have close ties to the local football clubs.
The only time we get into fights are when there is no other way, or when we are out for revenge. One of us was robbed recently when he was on his way home after dropping of some ecstasy at a party, two guys waited for him outside his house in the bushes all dressed in black one guy with a gun - so yes in that case we would be violent once we know who they are.
And they aren't throwing grenades in white neighbourhoods
5k SEK*
oh yes they do you fucking skinny nu male, i live in minneapolis i know ALL ABOUT you fucking swedes your all fucking liberal even though you haven't lived in europe for generations it's you swedish and norwegian assholes who ruined this fucking state because of muh muh liberalism, you american swedes are worse
>american swedes
No such thing
Kill this man!
Yes but those shootings are nigger on nigger. I fail to see the problem.
You're apathy and ignorance will be the death of your country.
of course they shill for communism they serve the target market and try to satisfy the swedes lust for being told what to do and how to think
americas media system is cancer on the world, solely exists as social control these days
you need to read this you racist
its your fault they behave this way
it always was
I've been so fascinated with Sweden's descent into full blown cuckoldry. Why is it happening? Why do they feel the need to repent? Germany makes sense to me because they're still being pussies about the holocaust, but Sweden just isn't adding up for me.
The American you responded to at the bottom was being sarcastic. Whenever anyone in the US brings up black crimes the liberals turn the ghetto nigs into the victims. They blame it on poverty even though you almost never hear of drive by shootings in trailer parks unlike the section 8 ghettos where it happens on a weekly basis.