How does Sup Forums explain Arabs and Nords

So Sup Forums loves to claim that Whites and Asians are superior while Africans, Arabs, and Latinos are inferior. What I don't understand is how Arabs, if they are inferior, managed to take over a good chunk of the known world. They defeated the byzantines and sassanids. They have a golden age with tons of new scienctific advances. How did an inferior race do all this.

On the other hand whites are supposedly superior, yet for almost all of human history Anglos,Nords,Franks, and Germanics were tree worshiping rapists who just hoped the Romans didn't kill them.

How do those on Sup Forums that view Whites as superior and Arabs as inferior justify this.

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> Your question is like:

How did that Vulture have a belly full of Bison? How could a Vulture take down a Bison, it is truly amazing.

There's another factor to take into consideration besides race: culture.
The Persians were the ones who did all that shit but then Muhammad came and fucked their culture up with islam.

this guys got it

>Country that has literally never done anything than lose to england
Calm down potato nigger.

That makes no sense. Persia did better under the muslims than it did at almost any time in it's history. If culture was the complete problem there would have never been an islamic golden age

>Asks for arguments
>Person gives argument
>"Wow haha I almost took you seriously but I've seen your flag so it's irrelevant haha mum pls let me back in"

Christianity:value all life

Islam: behead everyone who isn't a Muslim

Which of these two faiths is more prone to war?

We're not asking about how Europeans defeated the Roman Empire user.

It wasn't really an argument. It implies that muslims only came to power because all their enemies are already dead. That obviously wasn't true.

Christianity: Value all life

Pogroms, witch burnings, killing civilians (including other christians) during crusade etc etc.

Arab isn't a homogenous genetic identity. Arabs of Levant (Syrians and Lebs) are descandant of Phoenicians and Arabs of Mesopotamia are descendant of Assyrians, Babylonians, Sumerians, etc. Coptic Egyptian Arabs are descendant of Ancient Egyptians. Genetic science has had a large influence on studying history because we've determined most areas of the world are still genetically the same as antiquity. There are a few exceptions, like the Turko-Mongol invasion of Central Asia, but as a general rule of thumb 'rape babies' are a meme and the ruling class was swapped out for another ruling class and the rest of the population slowly changed cultural and linguistic identity.

Arabs and Iranians are Caucasoids, they're much the same genetically as Europeans. The Middle East was technoligically and scientifically ahead of Europe arguably until the 13th century and the Ottomans were ahead in some areas right up until the 16th century. European hegemony really became established following the Age of Enlightenment.

A lot of Sup Forums is guilty of looking at the situation today and trying to draw conclusions directly from that. This is what people were doing all through out history. Even in Roman and Greek times they tried to create explanations as to why the Easterners were so far ahead of Northern Europeans and the common belief of the day was that living in cold climates dulled the wits of your brain. pic related.

If you study middle eastern history going back several centuries the situation today makes a lot more sense. If the answer was as simple as genetics then the meme they were naturally less intelligent wouldn't have lasted for as long as it did.

Persia remained an economic and technological powerhouse of the world for roughly 500 years following the conquest by muslims. Islam wasn't the reason it went to shit.

>There's another factor to take into consideration besides race: culture.
you are asking too much from Sup Forums m8
it's even in front of our eyes yet people cling to a pure genetic view of things

the so called superior whites are in this moment the most degenerate, self-destructing and beta race that the world has ever witnessed

and I don't mean this in a leftie way as in it's all in the culture, but the spirit of a folk is one of its most important racial assets, to the point that nowadays you can barely distinguish between a wigger and a nigger besides the materialistic aspect of them

You seem confused, the master race are the Mediterranean whites, the blonde"Aryans" are just a meme.

The arabs are related to the jews(semitic) so they had to be more or less good.

Asians are intelligent, but are fragile and lack ingenuity.

Finally a decent reply.

byzantine only fell because the crusades fucked it over.

>The Byzantines

the Byzantines were the emaciated husk of a once great Empire, literally the leftovers who were broke and barely hanging on since Justinian bankrupted them.

Not really the greatest accomplishment, like beating up an old guy.

i'll explain
we used to be genetically better.
Arabs thanks to islam inbreeded and lowered our iq by about 16% in the last few hundred years.
We could've been more but some faggot said it was a good idea to fuck our cousins.
Thanks oba-i mean muhammed!

>Asians are intelligent, but are fragile and lack ingenuity.
I keep hearing this, but it doesn't make sense. Asians invented modern math. They invented sailing technology that Europeans would use to conquer the New World. They invented mass printing. They invented gunpowder. They invented a ton of shit.

to be fair though, it does seem that there is an important amount of sub-saharan african DNA especially in north-africa and partly in some areas of the middle east that don't seem to be there when looking at ancient times i.e neolithic levantines
some introgression perhaps during the arab slave trade might have happened

The Byzantines being super weak is a meme. They were pretty powerful and remained so for a while after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

The majority of the Islamic Golden Age came from Persians in Khorasan and Transoxiana areas, what is now known as Central Asia (but a part of Greater Iran at that time). Avicenna, Al-Khwārizmī, Rhazes, Al-Biruni, Omar Khayyam, and etc. were all Persians.

Compare the number of Persians to Arabs:

There were good Arab and Turkish scientists, sure, but the Persian scientists far outnumbers them. Also, if anything, the Arabs were influenced by the Persians to stop being sand niggers for only temporary time.

As Ibn Khaldun suggests, it is a remarkable fact that with few exceptions, most Muslim scholars…in the intellectual sciences have been non-Arabs:

>"Thus the founders of grammar were Sibawaih and after him, al-Farisi and Az-Zajjaj. All of them were of Persian descent…they invented rules of (Arabic) grammar…great jurists were Persians… only the Persians engaged in the task of preserving knowledge and writing systematic scholarly works. Thus the truth of the statement of the prophet becomes apparent, 'If learning were suspended in the highest parts of heaven the Persians would attain it"…The intellectual sciences were also the preserve of the Persians, left alone by the Arabs, who did not cultivate them…as was the case with all crafts…This situation continued in the cities as long as the Persians and Persian countries, Iraq, Khorasan and Transoxiana (modern Central Asia), retained their sedentary culture."

Also, even now Iranians/Persians are very educated.

There are over 500 Iranian-American professors teaching and doing research at top-ranked U.S. universities. The same cannot be said for Arabs or North Africans:

The Nobel Prize is kind of biased. There have been a lot of great Iranian scientists, such as the creator of fuzzy sets Lotfi A. Zadeh, inventor of LASIK Gholam A. Peyman, cardiologist pioneer Rashid Massumi, etc. There are many other good Iranian scientists like Nima Arkani-Hamed, Maryam Mirzakhanim, Pardis Sabeti. and Cumrun Vafa that might deserve Nobel Prizes. Even the Director for Solar System Exploration at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is an Iranian American, Firouz Naderi, and the best brain surgeon in Germany is an Iranian by the name of Majid Majidi.

>Arabs thanks to islam inbreeded and lowered our iq by about 16% in the last few hundred years.

Also a meme. Humans for most of their history have inbred. Genetic studies show that 80%+ of all humans that ever lived were the result of second cousins or closer.

They were plenty strong for quite awhile afterwards sure, but it was in steady decline overall. By the 1400s it was just begging to be taken over.

Sub-saharan african DNA in North-Africans and Arabs is pretty low. Especially the further north you go. It wouldn't be enough to cause such a major change.

Impresive history, what fucked the persians over to the stone age?

can you back up your claims?

>Sub-saharan african DNA in North-Africans and Arabs is pretty low.
it's not that low actually m8, in any admixture run north africans especially pick up some serious SSA

The persians already had a history of it. It was the same with the Romans when they conquered Greece. Many Romans saw the greeks as intellectual superiors and would take greeks as slaves to educate their children.

Link on that claim,

>They have a golden age with tons of new scienctific advances. How did an inferior race do all this.

there is a good lecture on youtube explaining exactly why, i just forgot the name of it.
islam halted all scientific and cultural progress of those countries

m8 we still do it a lot TODAY
Also look into that iq thing, we lost quite a bit of it.


You know shit about history. The Byzantine empire was an empty shell of what the Roman empire that preceded it was.

They had almost no gold.

You have to thank motherfucking Poo in the Loos for that - Their constant warring against the west FOR EVER SINCE KNOWN HISTORY weakened both empires to the point the mudslimes took over by simply being there.

Khorasan and Transoxiana were the regions most devastated by the Mongol conquests. The major cities were put to the sword and most of the population fled west. Historians estimate the region was depopulated anywhere between 75-90%. These regions relied on the Persian style of aqueduct called a 'canat', which were complex canal systems that were dug into the mountains and required a lot of maintenance to keep functioning. Without maintenance they went into disrepair and agrarian civilization never really returned. The issue was compounded with the fact that the area had been drying up with steady climate change over the last 2000+ years. We know this because Alexander the Great and his army got around the region travelling a lot of river systems that no longer exist today.

The mongol invasion was in the 1200's and a very similar invasion happened in the 1400's by a Turkic warlord called Tamerlane, who was specifically Genghis Khan and basically did the same stuff.

These Turko-Mongol horselords saw little value in cities and preferred to return land to pastures. They didn't value taxes or artisans, they understood pastures are needed to feed horses which are the critical factor for their society, so it made more sense to them just to kill everyone and destroy everything and return the land to pastures to feed the army of their empire.

This is what percentage of their DNA is sub-saharan. It doesn't really prove what traits they actually inherited.

I mean Europeans have the highest frequency of neanderthal DNA. That doesn't make them retarded though.

> 3.5% for the middle classes and 4.5% for the nobility, though this had declined to under 1% during the 20th century

>80% of humans that ever lived
>not even 5% in the 19th century

I mean Tamerlane was specifically emulating Genghis Khan

Links wikipedia and discovermagazine/2003/

wtf is wrong with you.

chinks never change

I wasn't disagreeing. If inbreeding was really the cause of low IQ ashkenazi would have retard level IQs. Also during the times of the Arab Golden Age cousin marriage was as frequent, if not more frequent, as it is today.

This is today. It doesn't show the percentage for all of human history. Let alone a hundred years ago.

Then what happened

>This is what percentage of their DNA is sub-saharan. It doesn't really prove what traits they actually inherited.
come on m8, don't change the subject, with those high percentages on average an important decrease in racial fitness might have happened, it's something to consider
and it's not something related to SSA either most likely, since African specific paternal and maternal lineages are very common in those areas

Europeans don't have the highest amount of Neanderthal DNA either and it has been steadily decreasing since the upper paleolithic, meaning that the bad traits of it might have just been weeded out by natural selection when natural selection still meant something, unlike nowadays.

>claims that I know nothing about history
>proceeds to claim that it was Indians fighting the romans.
It was persians you dumb fuck. Not the indians.

Europe's entire population was less than 10 million

Aristotle is referring to Middle Easterners. Anatolia and East was considered Asia. They didn't know of Chinese people

that very well may be true but I asked the guy to prove it and his wiki article wasn't relevant.

A combination of cultural decline, instability, and geographical determinism.

oh, ok. Thanks for clarifying.

Aristotle sounds like he would fit in on Sup Forums

pretty sure Asia Minor was under Greek control under his time, and later under Roman rule.

there were far more white people in the Levant and Anatolia at those times

Wikipedia is one of the most accurate sources out there.

What precedes Islam? Yersinia pestis and Total War, you fucking disease.

but what you linked didnt say anything about what I asked you to prove

dont be a faggot

Neanderthals were more intelligent than any species alive today.

The arrogance of civilized peoples was how they got fucked by the Arabs. The Persians and Christians showed little respect to the Arabic invaders, as well European nations used the Arabs as a means to weaken their enemies thinking they could steal the land back.

The golden age was also stolen Byzantine and Iranian works which the Arabs falsely claimed.

Overall I would put them at tier 2, they can play with the big boys but they rarely/never create anything new.

>They have a golden age with tons of new scienctific advances
Everyone says this but never provides evidence.

What the fuck are they talking about? Like, I know it's a lie, but what are they trying to spin as Islamic? Math? Like Archemedes and Pythagoras never existed?

Where are the muslim mathematicians? philosophers? architects?

But it proves that Muslims are inbred retards

to name possibly the most important one, in maths at least

he was a based Persian, though

He would.
If you think about it alot of them would.
I don't think he would comment much.

I get triggered when sandniggers claim that "Islam" "invented" Algebra.

Fucking WE WUZ tier of revisionism.

I get triggered when Islam claims to have invented the concept of Zero.

>gunpowder meme

Stone age men invented the wheel. Next to you drive a mercedez, remeber, that's stone age cultural appropriation

It did though. The other link did.

I guess I should clarify Asia is Anatolia and East. Asians to Greeks were people like Phoenicians, Babylonians and Persians, who they were aware of. A lot of philosophy and maths from these there helped kickstart the Greek Golden Age where they started to really get into this area too

>What precedes Islam?

So are you saying Islam fixed these. That's a complete 180 of what you were saying before.

So did the muslims

No they weren't. They were dumber than modern humans or the african migrants that bred them out.

Romans were Nordic read a book

The Islamic world had a few smart persians in the small time period immediately following Persia's conquest.

What people don't mention is the Islamic Dark Age of 1000-present day.

>tier 2

Nice Dungeons and Dragons set-up


You don't know shit.

Romans inbred

Ah, thank you. This is going to be a good day.

So the propensity to credit Persian achievement to the Arabs is due to poor (American) education? Because I honestly didn't know, and it's not like I wasn't paying attention in school.

I didn't even really conceptualize why Rome fell until very recently. It took hours of my own personal research over years to truly understand. A lot of revelations only came to me after breaking preconceived notions. I assume it's like that for everyone else, except most people aren't at least as bright as me to overcome all the bullshit.

What a world we live in. All I can do is watch.

no they weren't, nobody in the anthropology community thinks neanderthals were smarter than homosapiens.

Muslims were not scientific, they had no data and believe that sperm comes from the torso. Muslims also destroyed 90% of knowledge that they dem unIslamic. Muslims were actually the stupidest.

the fourth Crusades destroy the byzantines Empire not the Muslims

Read a book on why Rome fell. There isn't a single answer for it there were a lot of problems that came together at the same time and historians theorize on which ones had more weight than others

I am speechless to retort at how retarded you are, I simply cannot fathom the prospect of likening you to anything that is a mirror of your stupidity.

I heard they had a superior metabolism. One would think that trait would aid in brain development. Would it not?

> they had no data

what is this even supposed to mean? did you even pass basic science classes in school?

Abbasid Caliphate and Umayyad Caliphate were both ahead of anything in Europe at the time

Didn't muslims destroy the greatest library in the world at that time?

>Anglos,Nords,Franks, and Germanics were tree worshiping rapists who just hoped the Romans didn't kill them.

Romans are white and they convert the others to Christianity when they conquered Europe

It's almost as if we didn't have the entire Atlantic between us and the Brits unlike you Ameritards

Neanderthals were huge. Homosapiens were taller but Neanderthals were really fucking big, bigger muscles and much more athletic

Arabs pretty much owe all of Islam's success to other races. Without Persians, Berbers, Turks, etc, on board, that shit would have never left the peninsula.

Pic related: Ibn Khaldun, accredited Muslim smart-person, who considered Arabs to be backwards savages dragging the rest of Islam down with them.

Right, but I'm simply theorizing that when we bred with Neanderthals, their superior metabolism probably served as a catalyst to develop our minds as a species.

What do you think?

Vikings played a large part in Christianization of Europe.

Do tell what that part was faggot

>What I don't understand is how Arabs, if they are inferior, managed to take over a good chunk of the known world. They defeated the byzantines

If the crusaders had not sacked Constantinople back then, the european borders would still include anatolia today

Who developed Arabic Calligraphy?

It is infinitely beautiful, and I will have respect for those mudbloods if they had any part of it.

I'm honestly just trying to find something to credit them with.


As in they have no evidence retard! All of they "science" were just a bunch of gibberish that didn't mean anything. Roger Bacon was the man that put Europe in the scientific age. Muslims were unscientific that put Europe in the dark ages when they conquered North Africa. Fuck off

Vikings created a huge trading network which allowed Christians to spread Christianity to places way beyond the Christian heartlands.

Civilization itself was founded in the middle east with the likes of Sumer, babylon and others inhabiting the fertile crescent and the people living there now are the same descendants of those before. Its like they spiraled downwards slowly losing their touch for some reason.

I'm almost certain it's impossible to scientifically prove that at this point. We've only just managed to prove with genetic testing that Neanderthals were pretty far ranging in features like us with red hair, blonde hair, fair skin. But these are genes that developed in us independently too

Should have paid debts.

They defeated the Byzantines taking all of the Levant, North Africa and parts of Anatolia before the cruscades were even a thing. One of the main reasons the crusades were launched was because the Byzantines were defeated by the Seljuks and their emperor was even taken prisoner.