How can someone be so cucked?
Someone on my fb just posted this
Other urls found in this thread:
Chemicals in the water, causing lobotomies.
What do the whales have to do with this fag being ashamed of himself?
didn't know Germany killed feminists.
Idk, should I ask him?
rly makes u think
They obviously died having gay sex, both their dicks are out.
Then why doesn't he kill himself?
Being serious if he's so ashamed of being middle class why not donate all his money to medicine son fontiere? He's now working class.
Something something, it's white men's fault that there's such pollution in the water and we should all take responsibility for it and not the corporations but Muslims shouldn't take responsibility for terror attacks because terror has no religion.
>German concerned about sperms killed by plastic
Must have never used a condom
Call him as Pozzcuckold. DO it. Now.
If whales are stupid enough to eat garbage, they deserved to die.
>You wouldn't eat a car?
>Embarrassed of being middle class
NATURAL SELECTION, lefty bitchscums
why the fuck are sperm whales eating cars and plastic?
Stupid fucking whales shouldn't have been eating our garbage.
I'm embarrassed that I'm associated with this sissified generation. They used to throw faggots like this off a cliff at birth and be done with it. Now they are ALLOWED to live only by the graciousness of the WHITE man.
Show him this thread.
There are whales in Germany?
Why don't these people just kill themselves?
Just because that faggot is a cuck, doesn't mean we can't protect the animals God gave to us
Just mock him
>White people are the worst all we do is destroy and kill
>Whites should just all kill ourselves all we do is bring suffering to real people (with brown skin)
If they're being ridiculous, the only true response is being more ridiculous
if he wants to lose his middle class status, my wife's son wants a new pair of those nike sneakers. i got him a pair of white new balances like i wear and he threw them at me because he said they weren't what the cool kids are wearing.
W.T Snax strikes again!
He cant keep getting away with this.
I'm all those things :)
Stupid whales
Well we try putting them in nice parks with all the free food they could want, nice clean water, but liberals get asshurt about that, too.
I repeat: dumb fucking animals shouldn't have eaten garbage. I don't feel bad for my cat when it eats my wife's yarn and has to shit yarn for hours on end. Same concept.
The weird self hatred many whites possess due to jew media brainwashing is sickening. I hope all jews are repelled from western countries soon in a shocking and brutal act.
Lmao that was exactly my same thought.
Espacialy such this big ones.
It's china's fault! They're not white.
Yeah, millions of them now
Funny part is every third world sandeater would kill to be in his 'white male straight middle-class' place.
""""""Humans"""""" like him should be deported to Erythrea to repent their sins. With 4k cameras filming his gangrape for the sake of lulz.
So wait it's straight white middle class male's fault for whales eating plastic and dumping car parts in the ocean?
>embarassed by being middle class
>not giving away his money so he can be proud lower class
Hes gay
I would do that, but I'm not white (or at least what Sup Forums considers white)
He's not really embarrassed of anything. He just wants others to be. It's the same motivation that makes Bible-thumpers want to accuse people of sin. It's also what drives tattle-tales, hall monitors, and teachers' pets. It's probably an evolved tendency to identify deviants in the herd.
>Jeden Winter machen sich Pottwale auf der Suche nach Nahrung auf den Weg aus der Arktis in den Süden. Die nun gestrandeten Tiere haben sich dabei wohl verirrt. Irgendwann könnten sie falsch abgebogen und dabei in die Nordsee geraten sein. Das Meer hier ist viel zu flach für die riesigen Säuger. Ihr Ortungssystem versagt und sie finden nicht zurück in den Ozean. Schließlich überhitzen sie, verhungern oder sie stranden und verenden an der Küste.
So they were basically already as good as dead when they accidentally swam into the North Sea
Idk I guess everything bad these days is because of whitey
This faggot would never criticize chinks for shark fin soup, or their multiple endangered species penis "remedies."
Whites are the ONLY race that gives a fuck about animals. Japanese seem to like dog movies though.
They're all women and children, Hans. Just look at the BBC coverage of it. Even if they look "male" they could identify as female anyway.
It'll be even more effective, cause if he says anything back, just call him a white male.
The only reason why these people do this is because they get praise from other liberal degenerates for hating themselves.
If there was a stigma for people who have white guilt then this behavior would quickly disappear.
Tell him that's ironic since middle class white people recycle more than any other demographic by far.
What the fuck is this video from
pretty sure it's from an episode of Oz, the most realistic show about life in american prison ever.
the molecular jew
thats what "cuck" is for
That is a seriously malnourished 12 year old girl.
Europe needs to do more for these people.
Just comment with genuine curiosity and ask him why he feels so guilty to be those things. He'll comment back then other people will mame him so you won't have to.
Kek, good one Aus.
>if the straight white intellectual male didnt invent cars, two useless animals wouldnt have died in the ocean
>eating cars
why are whales so retarded?
I really don't know what to say to his goofy ass so I haven't said shit
>if the straight white male didn't keep them in check, chinks would have killed every whale on earth by now to grind them up into boner bills
The cucks should just kill themselves. What's the point of being so pathetic?
The solution of course is to feed whales muslims.
Leftist Cucks are usually defeatist cowards who cannot accept the notion that sometimes shit happens, people win and people lose, and a billion other things, hence they have no pride in their own race or even species, just ask a Leftist if Humans are the most intelligent animals, they'll just make up some bullshit on how animal A can do something just as good as humans or that we just "don't understand them", or some other bullshit.
the worst shit you'll read is at the very most bottom link, you'll see a leftists cucked mind at it's finest form, trigger alert kek
> pic unrelated, bait
Hating niggers is a logical result of dealing with niggers.
>As smart as Humans
>They know they eat Squid but eat Plastic and garbage instead.
WTH I hate Sperm Whales now.
Why is it our job? Obviously they're inferior and fucking retards if they're eating garbage. If it was some poor bunny rabbit out in the wild getting eaten alive with it's inside being torn to shreds you fags wouldn't give a shit because it's just "mother nature". Well, this is just mother nature too because we're also animals. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Also consider this picture. It's Haiti which is 100% negroid and I don't see any faggot getting all upset about niggers dumping their garbage all over the place
I want to try this
sorry cant help you
good news, you are not
good news, you're a fagget
give your house and money away
good news, you are sub
Fucked up about the whales though.
Pollution in the water? Prob China or India desu. Pretty sure whites pollute the least in the industrialized world.
This. Liberals think the nice black guy down the street is a representative of niggers...they also have never lived in or visited the Midwest or south.
This is wonderful. My magickal aims actually occur. This calls for an evolution of my talent to apply in the the third act.
I would be ashamed too if I was just middle class. Poorfags, when will they learn.
Taking it one step further it's funny to think there are still people who worship animals as gods
I hear Alex Jones water filters catch even dirty molecules. Is there anything that man can't do?
Why does being straight kill more whales? Most whale deaths aren't caused by swallowing used condoms
The garbage in the ocean is a problem, but the Fukoff radiation is killing ocean life. Killing.
He doesn't know shit what it means to feel embarrassed. Just ask his mother and father to know what it means
>greentexting links
you do that on purpose don't you, you damned, filthy kike!!!
here yah go, bro:
I mean I don't know...why are you such a cuck who uses facebook?
As far as that post...why are you friends with him? Why aren't you ministering to him?
You are the one who will be held accountable.
If he actually feels ashamed to be middle class yet goes skiing, hes clearly just a bad person doing things he considers bad.
Nothing to be proud of here.
He should be eating bugs like everyone else and giving his money away so everyone can eat bugs, like a good useful idiot.
It is your obligation to do so. Also to post results.
I got some stuff on my Facebook too.
YES, report back STAT
If anything this guy should be blaming the Chinese
If you came across a stranded whale on a deserted beach
would you fuck it?
Estrogen in the water supply from the use of birth control
you would be gay not to.
I thought Germany doesn't have water, where did the whales come from?
Hmm.. gives new meaning to the word, "blowhole".
he wasn't president then...