For our liberal friends

For our liberal friends

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>implying human life is inherently valuable

If it's inside you, it's yours.

>implying it isn't

either way, not the point

I'm using liberal "logic" against them.

they say "my body my choice". well, in that case..

no. it's not your body. a babyhas its own body with its own unique DNA

>Implying it's "someone" yet.


Cockroach lives matter

Do you break down and cry for all the millions of sperm that die every time you jerk off? That must be rough.

Do you break down and cry for all the thousands of children that die every day? That must be rough.

see >implying it's not

sperm isn't a viable living being

a baby in utero is viable, except for abortion

Shhh, I owned you you lost the argument.

It's not a person yet, it's your choice, there's no debate to have, you lost.


No, for liberals you are only human when you are given a birth certificate. That paper will grant you human rights, before that it's fair game and you can kill.

why do republicans hate abortions? theyre a necessary evil and also keep the black population down desu. wed have some 200k more niggers every year without it. the amount of tax money going to an abortion has gotta be lower than the welfare cost over time

"person" is an arbitrary designation, stupid fuck

you didn't own shit except your delusions

>When life begins is a scientific, not a philosophic or theological, question: Life begins when the chromosomes of the sperm fuse with those of the ovum, forming a distinctive DNA complex that controls the new organism’s growth. This growth process continues unless a natural accident interrupts it or it is ended by the sort of deliberate violence Planned Parenthood sells.

Okay, sure. But, you are giving more value to a living being that hasn't proven that it has any positive potential yet, versus the mother whose life may be fucked over because of the lesser living being. In many cases, an unprepared mother is a curse to both the mother and the child. She's doing both of them a favor by aborting. It's sad, yes, but it's not as sad as 2 lives ruined.


black lives matter too

utilitarianism - what you're peddling - is moral bankruptcy

That seems like more of a pro-choice pic.

>have someone else's entire body inside of you
>eject them from your body using available means
>they die
>"NOT your problem"

That's called responsibility, if the mom is not prepared to have babies she should abstain of making sex. With so many contraceptive methods in the market there is no excuse to get pregnant.

>more value to a living being that hasn't proven that it has any positive potential yet

more value than what? there's no conflict in the vast majority of pregnancies.

>versus the mother

no, see this is pathological thinking. I've debated your kind of liberal before - the ones who call babies tumors or cancer or parasites. pregnancy is a normal, healthy biological function that poses little risk to the mother in the vast majority of cases

>Actual percentage of U.S. abortions in "hard cases" are estimated as follows: in cases of rape, 0.3%; in cases of incest, 0.03%; in cases of risk to maternal life, 0.1%; in cases of risk to maternal health, 0.8%; and in cases of fetal health issues, 0.5%. About 98.3% of abortions in the United States are elective

"positive potential" is a feature of all human life in principle. the value of innocent human life is the basis for all social morality

dispense with it and anything is permissible, including murder, genocide, etc. careful

Yep! Not my body, not my problem.

No. seeyou view the baby as a problem to begin with. its hows how upside down liberals are.

and if you consented to the sex then you consented to the pregnancy, since that's how babies are made

it becomes your problem.

when you undermine the value of innocent life, you undermine the value of your own as well.

>umbilical cord is their feeding, breathing, etc. tube
>sever it
>somehow not manslaughter

So I guess you want 7 billion niggers running around then?

>your mom owns my dick

So how is an unborn baby more valuable than a chicken or a cow? I'm assuming you aren't a vegetarian. There's no black and white for murder, you can move that line where ever you want. The issue is that too many republicans are basing their morals on a mostly obsolete book and it turns them into a hypocrite for everyone to see.

No liberal but I don't get the thing with abortion.


The end.

first, human life is more valuable. it's why we have laws against murder, but we kill animals for food.

second, you're posing another false choice. how does eating chicken give you a right to kill your child?

>liberal logic

it's none of your business whether your neighbor kills her 4 year old either, but it's also wrong

and it puts all of society at risk because it undermines the value of human life in general, so it is ultimately your business

If republicans care so much about unborn children, they should force republicans to adopt would-be abortions. I think that'll change their views real quick.

no, I have my own children

if you have consensual sex and you create a child, it is your responsibility, biologically and morally

I'm no liberal but I accept abortion in certain circumstances. Anyway, if progressives and alikes would have their way, abortion would be acceptable during the entire time of the pregnancy. Hell even after the birth would be acceptable to kill a baby. I think it's ironic that they will criticize the nazis for the disregard for human life, when at the same time their concept of human life is based on a fucking paper.

good point

I also support the right to an abortion in the "hard cases"; see

Black lives are worth 3/5 of a normal person. It even said so in the Constitution until the kikes got to it.

>and if you consented to the sex then you consented to the pregnancy
I don't know about this. Consenting to an act that involves multiple potential outcomes doesn't mean one has to choose to do nothing about any of the outcomes that may come from that act.

>>umbilical cord is their feeding, breathing, etc. tube
This is why calling it "someone else's body" doesn't work. It's like a conjoined twin that can't survive on its own; not really its own entity.

>Pussy little virgins complaining about women wanting abortions

Bitch, I don't want any of the women I'm shagging getting knocked up and not having an exit strategy.

I partially agree. I think it's a persons moral responsibility to make sure that they are ready to have children before that actually occurs and having sex responsibly is a part of that. Unfortunately, many teenage boys have a problem keeping their dick in their pants without a condom, and teenage girls may be too dumb to say no. Maybe they're uninformed, who knows. Let's be honest though. More than likely, the guy isn't going to stick around. So you have a single mom with no job living on welfare that going to "do the right thing" and have the child. As someone who knows what it's like to be the child of a single mother working two jobs, I'd rather she just abort.



either way you are responsible. it's not the baby's fault you fucked up

>strawman intensifies

It's tru tho. White lives matter.

Same situation, but I have a different opinion. I'm glad my mom choose to raise me.

the culture is to blame too. women at 18 are biologically ready to have babies. historically that's around the age they would start

these days culture tells Western women, nope, go to uni, then go start a career. people are being misled, biological drives don't stop, and there are inevitable conflicts

it sucks, but at the same time, it's still wrong

>More than likely, the guy isn't going to stick around.

well that's another cultural problem. it used to be if you knocked a bitch up you got married. the culture valued family and stability and responsibility

either way, again, 2 wrongs don't make a right

there are lots of successful people who came from poverty and other difficult circumstances

it's not a valid excuse. we live in one of the most prosperous countries on the planet, in a time when the ability to provide basic necessities has never been easier. for those who are poor, there are myriad government programs as well.

look, in Africa they have much greater poverty, no government safety net, and they're still having babies. same is true for the West historically. that's what healthy societies do.

the West is literally degenerate

>>strawman intensifies
Hardly. Why would anyone in sexual relationships want abortions to be made illegal? If you want to be lumbered with a sprogg for the next 18 years, by all means do so. I'd rather not.

all lives matter

So of you got a random girl pregnant you would rather have to pay child support than just let her go to a clinic??

You pricks don't care when a full grown person dies, why on earth would you give a shit when a fetus dies?

Someone inside my body without consent is rape.

>a sprogg

see, this is what is wrong with modern liberals

you see babies as inherently problematic

healthy mammals procreate, period.

You are too immature to be in a sexual relationship.

Are you secretly a nigger?

3/5 a citizen. It was done to let the South build up their population for political influence while retaining slaves by making them not quite full citizens. 3/5 never meant worth as a human, only as a citizen.

>random girl pregnant

what are you doing getting a random girl pregnant? no, I would take responsibility for my actions. If I bring a child into the world I will take care of it. not just child support either. children need more support than just money

if the sex was consensual then you weren't raped. in the case of actual rape, I support the right to an abortion

>you see babies as inherently problematic
I'm sure they're lovely, but I'd rather not have any just yet, thanks.

>being responsible and not bringing kids into the world that I can't support is immature.

>another strawman

bullshit. innocent human life is valuable regardless

cool argument, faggot

>contraceptives are foolproof

some people are backwards AF man

>I'm sure they're lovely, but I'd rather not have any just yet, thanks.

then don't create one. it's not difficult

I'm fine with abortion for the simple reason that is has kept the nigger population in check

What we should actually do is make abortion mandatory for single mothers. That will solve SO many problems in today's society.

I don't intend to, but if contraceptives fail (or I don't pull out in time) it shouldn't be an 18 year sentence. When/if you get your willy wet, you might understand.

>I'm going to kill a baby because I'm a stupid fuck

backwards indeed

and nobody's forcing you to have sex in the first place

what is the primary purpose of sex? do you think taste is the reason we eat food?

it's the mother's choice to determine if she can realistically support a baby, ideally before it's conceived but just nab it early idgaf


Don't mind me i'm just laughing at all the triggered ITT

see>When/if you get your willy wet, you might understand.


they're not single when the kids are born because all the tyrones don't know how much work is involved yet

>it's the mother's choice to determine if she can realistically support a baby

and if she can't support a baby she doesn't have to create one

Nope, my solution is foolproof. You'll see on the day of the rope. Things will change for the better.

Abortion is a necessary evil.

no fucking shit. her BF can pick up a pack of morning-after pills at CVS for like $20. the less one-night stands are brought to full fruition the better IMO

a subset of {P} is a member of {P}. Fetus is a subset of the woman's body. Therefore, the fetus is a member of the woman's body.

Didn't you anti-choice faggots take set theory?

>it is your responsibility, biologically and morally
It's only my moral and biological responsibility if it's born. Before that, it's as relevant to me as my expended sperm.

That's fine that you don't want to bring kids in the world, so don't make them.


this is what a shill looks like. they often are about blacks

Abortion kills more nogs and spics than pasties, and even then it only really effects the potential offspring of self-hating liberal whites.

Life begins when you're capable of regulating your own body without the use of a host body.

it doesnt matter if the baby is actually your body if it's inside you. By that image's logic it should be perfectly fine if I want to stick my hand in your asshole and start eating whatever falls into you stomach.

weak b8

ww3 soon. degenerate societies are destroyed

lots of very late term abortions to go around

you could say that about anything; rape, murder, genocide, etc.

fact remains, healthy societies maintain moral values and the foundation of human morality is the value of innocent human life

fact remains, the baby in utero has its own unique body and its own unique DNA. being within the woman's body does not mean it IS the woman's body

didn't you liberal idiots take logic 101?


how cute. choice is another dishonest obfuscation

you can "choose" to do a lot of things. you can choose to order a pizza, go to a movie; you can also choose to butcher the next door neighbors. the point is not choice. it is what you're choosing to do - in this case, kill babies

you liberals give yourselves away. you hide because you're ashamed, because you know you're wrong

Question: Do you national socialist really want "social-liberals" to procreate? After all, the socially liberal are really the only kind of whites who get abortions.

It's the truth. A fetus is not alive, it is only a mass of cells with nutrients being pumped into it.

Still my choice to give it up for adoption

>It's only my moral and biological responsibility if it's born

nope. it's a living being and the obligation exists once its life begins. a mother's biological and moral responsibility is to care for that child; that's why she has a uterus in the first place.

>Before that, it's as relevant to me as my expended sperm.

then don't complain when others treat your life similarly cavalierly

This kind of shit is pathetic and the real reason people laugh at republicans.

The abortion debate is a distraction. Keep arguing about unwed mothers and shit while the ultra wealthy & elite laugh at us.

to be fair if it's not even fully formed it's hard to say that an alien lizard looking baby is as much of a human as you or me

People who are anti-abortion are pro nigger. It's mostly shitskins and white trash who get abortions anyway, we don't need any more of them running around.

see false. see also,


>le parasite maymay

modern liberals, ladies and gentlemen

and you morons believe in evolution? same idiots who refuse to reproduce

modern liberalism is an evolutionary dead end

you're not "fully" formed as a child either


1. Killing innocent human beings is immoral
2. From the moment of conception, the fetus is a human being
C. Therefore, abortion is immoral.

This is the entire abortion argument right here. If you can't prove the first or second premise wrong then the moral person is obligated to be pro-life. All these other arguments about rape and choice are just irrelevant bullshit.

Science defines life as an orgasm in the state of development, a human life from the moment of conception is a human organism that is growing. That makes it a human life so unless you have a good reason to support killing innocent life you have to be anti-abortion.

>parasites arent living things

you sure about that

like, really sure

true; still a moral failure

see "choice" here

>muh feels, the thread

you don't have an argument

also, I'm not a Republican

what a waste of a post


>it's a living being and the obligation exists once its life begins
So are fleas and bacteria. I don't have any moral obligation to those.

>a mother's biological and moral responsibility is to care for that child
Except in many other mammals who kill their own children, sometimes with barely any provocation. Only when they're born and somewhat healthy do animals care about their children. Life is tough.

>then don't complain when others treat your life similarly cavalierly

Because a collection of cells is totes the same as a 20 yr old with experience and relationships...