So it's agreed?
So it's agreed?
America should be all the way to the left, canada too
Tbh pajeets try to make a really relevant discussion, but they are constantly being shitposted on
They cant handle the banter though, but put them over Germany. X value don't need to change
USA is fairly good at banter, but that is cancelled out by its inability to handle banter, so I would say it is spot on.
Dunno why Norway is significantly downgraded on contributive discussion, though.
I think we post often enough for a spot
bit offended desu
>>not bottom left
Nice try
Swamp krauts need to be moved nearer to mexico.
the graph should be extended on the bottom left so the leafs actual position fits.
Australia should be more shitposting
Norway is only in its position because of aesthetic
Most posters on Sup Forums can't handle banter at all, the only ones that can are those who are contributive discussion.
Well, thank you. I shall not let you down.
i think we should note that a lot of israeli posters are arabs pretending to be jewish for keks.
india brings in decent bants now and then
Finland should be much further right. Argentina should be slightly more left
> canada can handle banter better than Korea
>britbongs don't get assblasted just as easily as Americans
Straya is accurate. That's about it
>Includes Estonia
>minuscule country of 1.3 milion people
>doesn't include Romania, a country with a population of 20 milion peeps
Heh. Nice graph.
South African posts are the most redpilled ones on Sup Forums
You got to admit. The best banter countries are the ones who's mother tongue is english aswell.
lel this has to be made by a turk
you guys will never advance from centre, bro. That's the burden of the cross.
It used to be Switzerland.
Fuck off
hungary and romania should be further to the left (in presence of eachother)
Somewhere between Canada and Poop in Loop
canadians are the biggest shitposters, I thought this is common knowledge
Gypsies don't need fancy graphs
That just means 1 Estonian is more relevant than 20 Romanians.
Well, that's disappointing. For all my time invested in quality posts here, it seems like a waste of time now.
Better leave this borderline shithole. It's just a waste of time, 2bh.
At least you got Australia right.
also britbanter is crap
You just went past Sweden.
Move us to the top right.
All others straight down from where they are. Japan moves to the right on the strength of nazi samurai haiku poster.
The only time I saw ethiopians was when they bant. There was a thread with like up to five of them banting against each other and Sup Forums. They need to be on the far right.
Canada is way too high. Ausfags and leafs are in competition for shitposting.
I agree. If a fucking rectangle can get a spot, SA surely deserves one
>Move us to the top right.
Americans are the most thin skinned people on this board though, you guys CANNOT handle banter
kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic
>Be me
>Be American
>Handle getting called a retard all the time and other such great insults
>Only get upset when people call the United States shit
We have too much pride in our nation to handle bants aimed at it.
Shit though, you could insult us personally for days on end and not make a scratch.
kaka topic
kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic
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kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic
I swear I am going to spam your shitty thread until 300 posts.
kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic
Fuck off, you fucking leaf.
fuck with me, i dare u
kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic kaka topic
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>Im american and pround
>post under a fucking leaf
sure thing bud
>inb4 i-im only visiting relatives
Very interesting topic! You suck!
no murincans are the most butthurt fags in here
this is why i rep Texas
>handling banter
>Its another these are the countries i get triggered the most by and these are the countries who follow the same circle jerk as me thread
Oh you
Canadas distance to "contributive discussion" is much too small.
Americans are the biggest shitposters on this board.
>not having Canada all the way at the bottom
>israel on contributive discussion side
Ok, I can give these parasites atleast this much to agree that they really are on bantermaster side, but they should be far to the bottom, on shitposting side.
They are just spewing lies and deception, only thing jews know to do.
Our lies and deception are informative, goyim.
Arabs can't be jewish?
t. Muhammed the inbreed
Exactly my point
>Contributive discussion
what jew made this tripe
F-Fucking l-leaf ;_; can't h-handle the b-bantz
I will make a graph about it
that'll show them
Isle of cucks is always mad at something, like an aussie that cant handle banter. Shitposting is big there i guess
Fuck you, leaf.
No, we are not in agreement.
Proof america needs to move further to the left on this graph
Sometimes they have decent bantz but they're also the most butthurt on Sup Forums
I see Indians meme themselves and leafs pretty hard.
I saw one post this picture today.
Graph seems ok to me.
Estonia = 1.3 million people
Romania = 20 million '''people'''
Pretty accurate
What's that flag on the top, by the way?
I think we should note that a lot of non-israeli posters are kikes pretending to be be goys for shekels
We're 60% white, why the fuck do you think we're angry?
>being this butthurt
you subhuman
Hungary should be in the lower right
No, I just realised writing quality posts is completely pointless here.
From now on I will only shitpost. And generally I'll sabotage this board until it gets closed.
I have great respect for SA posters, they are always redpilled, respectful and informative.on the case study their country provides.
Do shitposting right, please.
USA should be dead centre.
Because their posts vary, like a 1/2 of posts are American.
>romania can't handle the bants
>From now on I will only shitpost
There has never been a quality Romanian post.