The greatest strategical mistake in the history of the human race?
Britain declaring war on Germany
The greatest strategical mistake in the history of the human race?
Britain declaring war on Germany
That one decision doomed the White race forever.
That's more than a strategical mistake.
Germany declaring war on poland
>inb4 poland was putting german kids in an industrial blender every afternoon
Trying to fight a war on two fronts was a pretty bad idea, senpai.
not conquering all of the caliphate during the crusades and genociding the muslims back then
Churchill getting born
Fuck that zionist piece of shit
Going to war against the Emus
The alliance with Italy was worse desu desu
The Germans have a habit of fucking Europe up.
We bongs don't like this German hegemony.
Fucking Merkel told my country to take more rapefugees.
The reply was "fuck off. No chance"
UK has the strongest military in Europe.
If the Germans kick off again, my country will go brutal.
We're leaving the EU. Partly because of Merkel. But because we don't like other countries making our laws.
Germans seem to have a self destruct mechanism. If Germany pulls any shit again, UK will destroy. Again.
Napoleon could've crowned himself Holy Roman Emperor, reclaimed Constantinople, and ended the Schism
In WW1. We should have allied with Imperial Germany and dominated Europe
Maybe if the kikes weren't killing ethnic germans in Poland then Germany wouldn't have entered the game.
>Britain joins forces with germany
>promised USA territories when win
>US bombs Britain to make sure they don't try that shit ever again.
Idk it would've worked out.
not deciding the German question once and for all.
Hitler didn't expect England to side with the communists. He also didn't expect Churchill to be bought out by the Rothschilds.
Britain/US would have at least delayed interference, Italy whom was trashed by allies in african campaign would have stayed with axis and Hitler wouldn't have had to spread forces among a several borders, all of whom depended on supply lines that were consistently sabotaged by resistance groups.
British confrotation with Nazis ended with a stalemate.
If you really want to talk about great mistakes then Germany declaring war on Soviets and USA is where it's at.
Where the fuck do all you Germanboos come from? All Germany had to do was not chimp out, and Europe would still be the centre of the world today. It wasn't the Jews who sunk the white race, it was the Germans.
Bombing missions over the Atlantic, good luck getting back.
He didn't expect Britain or the US to side with the Bolsheviks. Without the US and Britain sending the Soviets massive shipments of equipment Germany would have defeated the Soviets - and possibly made peace with western Europe and the US.
pic is just a tiny part
Not stopping with Czechoslovakia, or ordering his troops to brutalize the Russian civilians they came across instead of using the civilians hate of Stalin as an advantage.
Not finishing the Anglo question in ancient times
fucking Romans should have exerminated Anglos instead of inviting them
And Brits didn't expect Hitler to side with communists either.
I glad someone said this. Hitlers legacy is the shape of Germany today. A people shamed by their past and basically let Muhammad kill, rob and take over their country unopposed. Its like the BS white shame some cucks over here shrill, but two times worse
Aw, what a cute pupper.
We're a peaceful people mate.
It was really Britain and France who tried to keep Germany down - being afraid of the growing German economic power
It's all pretty simple
Germans were the good guys
>Maybe if the kikes weren't killing ethnic germans in Poland
They were not, please provide proof other than the 50,000 figure stormfags use
yea and i'm sure the Czechs, Poles, Austrians, Belgians, Russians, Fins, etc, wouldn't all agree with that. But I know This is Sup Forums and Hitler's great and the jews are to blame for everything bad or evil.
>tfw when the eternal Anglo messes up your peace project
Hitler not having nukes researched and then completely annihilating the Anglos.
He was too good of a man.
>yea and i'm sure the Czechs, Poles, Austrians, Belgians, Russians, Fins, etc, wouldn't all agree with that.
That wouldn't even have happened if it wasn't for Britain and France keeping Germany down.
It was really just like the situation in the cold war between the US and the Soviets, or present day US vs China (present day Germany)
>poland was putting german kids in an industrial blender every afternoon
>UK has the strongest military in Europe.
doesn't that title belong to France?
Not dismantling Germany after WW1 was the true mistake
It lead to the 2nd German chimpout and all the nazi atrocities that doomed white pride and nationalism forever
Wouldnt have mattered.
Everything was peaceful until the Anglo threw an autistic rage fit and started the war.
Lets fix that mistake and take back the media
I can actually imagine it, some crooked teeth huge eyebrows suited up guy screaming into the Volksempfänger: "Lol, Germany so ebil. I mean its 1939, come on!"
they probably would have ended up fighting them otherwise
...or maybe cutting Germany in two was the problem? (they did it because they knew it would cause problems in the future)
OK, your talking about the treaty of versailles. That I will agree on Woodrow Wilson tried to talk pissed off English and French out of it. but they wanted Germany to suffer as revenge for WW1. The UK and France learned 20 years later were their vengeance got them. If thats what your saying your right.
We're about the same.
...again just to keep Germany down economically
>started the war.
Autism, the post.
Cutting Germany in two (like in 1945) succeeded at preventing future chimpout
Unfortunatly it wasnt done after WW1 and Germany was left untouched and unoccupied (which allowed them to capitalize on their buttpain about losing WW1 and start WW2 for revenge)
>but they wanted Germany to suffer as revenge for WW1
which Germany didn't even start...
they didn't want revenge for ww1, they wanted to stop the economic growth of Germany, like they wanted to stop it before ww1
The famous Austro-German peacekeeping alliance
>they wanted to stop the economic growth of Germany
Like some Americans want to stop the economic growth of China
Nah, your military is smaller, you have very limited force projection (while France's can be estimated as the third best in the world) and, apart from your Navy, you're kinda lacking in the other units.
There are cuts in your army's size planned too.
France is definitely stronger than the UK at the moment, not even talking about both countries' nuclear forces.
Yeah, patriotic real Brits like Sadiq Khan and Lord Rothschild support it.
Fuck these nazis.
Its not like you would have kept your Empire and anything if you had listened to us instead of the jews in WW2, dont believe such lies.
>unironically proud of horrible Anglo war crimes
they said the same before WWII. Then we rigged the system and came out with an army in no time at all.
Both intertwine, the bits and French both lost over 1 million people a piece. Decimating germanys economy was the best way for them to punish germany for that. Germany way not of started WW1 (some Serbian cucks did) but they attacked France and Belgium which brought in the UK, not the other way around. And lets face it, Germany was the most powerful country for the central powers and most aggressive.
Well, we did have an empire from which we used a fuck load of soldiers then. Bit different if it happened again, fampai (not that it ever would)
please provide sources literally the last time I checked America is a super power Britain is a world power and france is a regional power
>Germany way not of started WW1 (some Serbian cucks did)
If some braindead American redneck killed a Russian official and Russia declared war on you as a response, would you consider that America started the war?
This is literally the same thing that happened before ww2, only we're not quite there yet.
Let's talk when Chinas GDP is 2x the US GDP
I could have sworn in the 1960s or something, documents were released that showed Germany always had the intention of expanding its territory in Europe. I believe it also planned to reduce France to a 'third rate power' or something along with that.
I literally can't remember where I saw this though. Maybe it was a dream or something.
nice sameposting, faggot.
>the last time I checked America is a super power Britain is a world power and france is a regional power
If your source is that retarded unsourced table that's never posted outside of Sup Forums, you're a faggot
By official rankings, America is a superpower while France and Britain are both Great Powers
Btw, your fictional ranking doesnt even make sense
France has a blue-water navy and bases all over the world just like Britain
No reason we would be "regional" and you "global"
Senpai, France is a world power same as Britain, albeit a sightly more independent one. They used to be completely independent of American influence, but that went to shit. Regardless, they have more overseas bases as well, I believe.
The "war" between Serbia and Austria was just bantz. No actual reason for the UK to get triggered.
Just wanted to add something. Is that illegal on Sup Forums?
Ok I did not say Serbia started WW1, Jeez people. Austria-Hungary attracted Serbia and then the domino effect of treaties started.
>Great Powers
Don't make me laugh.
UK got triggered after France and Belgium were attacked.
>Maybe it was a dream or something.
...or maybe it was just post ww2 allied propaganda :) Like lampshades...
The British had to defend their people, culture and land from foreign occupation of Germany. If hundreds of thousands of Brits had not died in WWII, who knows, native brits might be a minority in London today.
Oh, wait. They are. And entire city areas have basically been ethnically cleansed of their original inhabitants.
>still a superpower
Don't make me laugh. Go kiss some Saudi Kings' feet.
The UK got triggered when Germany used the Balkans conflict as an excuse to attack Russia, Luxembourg, Belgium and France in a row
I don't know if you have ever been to Paris or Brussels these days, but they are clearly worse off than if the Anglo hadn't "saved" them.
>Regional Power
Wait, when did that happen?
No, It was fucking Mussolini invading Greece and delaying Hitler's invasion of Russia. He ruined everything.
Because the Anglo didnt save them
The Anglo refused to dismantle Germany after WW1, which lead to the 2nd chimpout and nazism, which itself resulted in the white guilt that caused decolonization and acceptance of mass immigration
DId you notice that the "Gleiwitz incident" which was heavily quoted like 15 years ago as a reason for the outbreak of the war is barely mentioned anymore?
Maybe because the only witness to it was a German intelligence officer who defected to the Allied during the war?
Really makes you think...
If I had a time machine I'd go to 1939 and tell Churchill that he loses the war and he can save millions of lives by just leaving it alone
>poor victims attacked by the evil nazis have white guilt
Does not compute.
I can't say that I have been to either. What do you mean by worse off, ethically with the Muslim hoards or do mean something else.
pic related is how victors look like..
>It was really Britain and France who tried to keep Germany down - being afraid of the growing German economic power
The exact opposite. Germany deliberately escalated a local incident into WWI because it was afraid of losing the arms race Germany itself started if the war were to be delayed for a few years. Germany did so on the idiotic assumption that Britain will let them do as they please in Europe (after Germany made its intention to challenge Britain on the seas crystal clear). Which probably counts as the actual greatest strategic folly in history, or at least in recent history.
And the whole reason WWII started was Britain and France showering Germany with concessions instead of nipping any attempts to remilitarize or gain territories in the bud.
>OK, your talking about the treaty of versailles. That I will agree on Woodrow Wilson tried to talk pissed off English and French out of it. but they wanted Germany to suffer as revenge for WW1. The UK and France learned 20 years later were their vengeance got them.
Where their excessive and idiotic mercy got them, you mean. The victorious Allies had the means and the moral right to impose on Germany a treaty as harsh as that of Brest-Litovsk and break its back permanently, thus removing all chances of WWII happening.
Haha. Have fun with your most historic and largest city being run by a Muzzie commie meme-lord. We'll have Trump in a few months, and you'll have some asshole.
Britain declaring war on ww1
Not just Muslims, Paris is asymptotically 0% white.
I don't know the treaty of Versailles wasn't just a slap on the wrist, It destroyed what was left of Germanys economy. It only because of mercy that the rest of the allies passed a blind eye to Germany breaking it my militarizing again.
>not understanding that the chances of WW2 happening positively correalted with the harshness of the treaty
Also, Mr. Slav, you mobolized first in WW1, you were the one escalating the local conflict.
Britain, Japan + nazi germany would btfo 1930s/40s usa senpai
>DId you notice that the "Gleiwitz incident" which was heavily quoted like 15 years ago as a reason for the outbreak of the war is barely mentioned anymore?
>Maybe because the only witness to it was a German intelligence officer who defected to the Allied during the war?
Or maybe because nobody but Goebbels ever quoted it as the reason for the outbreak of the war?
Get your own lies in order, stormfag.
That is solely the fault of the French government. No one else.
"the blood of every englishman is too valuable to spill" - adolf hitler
>We'll have Trump in a few months
Are Trump supporters genuinely this retarded? You know, it's pretty amazing the campaign he's managed to put together and the support he's got, but he's not actually going to get elected. You do realise that right?
And, when Clinton is elected, your slow decline will continue.
>destroying your filthy Kraut enemy is bad
Hello there Trudeau
Stay mad continental scum
you literally took in more shitskins in the last 2 years than we have in our whole country
If the Anglo would them let have a German government their women would look like
You Russians are mad, mad, mad as March hares
made up jerrycuck quote
kill yourself traitor
pic related is the destiny of every traitor to the ANGLO race