The Shia are secretly anti-Muslims

The fact Shia worship a Christian-Zoroastrian kebab remover makes me think they're practicing a faux-Islam:

Read this, it's very interesting.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran mesolithic hunter

No Ahmed.

>he managed to assassinate Umar in the Hijri year 23 (644–645).
>In 2010, controversy was caused when the International Union for Muslim Scholars called for Nahavandi's tomb to be destroyed

1400 years hasn't eased Arab butthurt over him taking out #2 and nearly a dozen of his best men with a knife.

Pirouz Navahandi aka the Caliph remover.

That's a open secret... It's like saying Hillary is crooked.

The whole Shia Islam is based on hating every single person that Prophet Muhammed called his friends except one of his nephews. Islam itself is supposed to be super monotheistic, the most monotheistic religion humanity have access to, but shia introduce lots of other people to worship. Saints, magical imams and all sorts of things.

It's not exactly news.

Persian here, Piruz Nahavandi is my favourite Persian historic figure. I killed two Iranian muslims the last time I was in Iran and I will kill more muslims in Europe once shit goes down here and after that back to Iran and kill more Iranian muslims. I already have connections and a spot with Dutch racist/nationalist movements, had to earn their trust at first though.

Why is the guy in your pic white and germanic?
I have literally no idea who that is supposed to represent.

>that's what qualifies as germanic to Americans
fuck, you guys really are lost

Ancient Persians were European looking Aryan people.

In my baby pictures I had light brown hair and very white skin, as I grew older, my hair got darker, but skin is still light. This shows later influences of my genes, most Iranians today are somewhat mongrelized, but there are still pure Persian Aryans that look European, but they are a minority. Iran needs genetic and ideological purification and eugenics, then it would become a top tier country once again. 30% of the population needs to be exterminated, Islam needs to be exterminated.

He's not Germanic, but a lot of Iranians do look like him. Pic is of Mohammad-Ali Ramin, the guy who advised Ahmadinejad's controversial anti-Holocaust remarks.

>butthurt Sunni detected

Not you again. You're crazy and need to learn to chill. You give Iranians a bad name. If you want to help this world, go become a scientist or doctor. Ideology is more important than race. Islam tends to be toxic though, true, but the Shia are a bit better and you shouldn't kill them. We have to stop Wahhabism and Salafism first, and then we can reform our regime.

Forgot the pic.

Ancient Persians were several groups and some looked whiter some looked browner. No one gave a fuck about that in past. And Arabs never really settled in big numbers in Iran. Modern Iranians look more or less the same they looked in past.
>Islam needs to be exterminated
Islam was not a particularly radical change to Persian culture, and Shia Islam is rather different from Sunni Islam.
And about weird customs and other shit, for example in Zoroastrianism marrying your kin was seen as holy. No this is not a meme, this is a historical fact. And many other things, if you're Iranian read about your culture and history, you have a lot to read.

>No this is not a meme, this is a historical fact.
Yeah, Kartir Hangirpe encouraged it. Just adding mores substantiation to what you're saying.

Also, Kartir Hangirpe was a monster who killed Mani, a great Gnostic Christian saint.

Honestly, I'd argue Mani is more important to our ethos than Zarathustra. No joke.

No, there are enough Persians who become doctors or scientists, there aren't enough Persians who take revenge. My life was greatly influenced by Islam in a negative way and you want to me look past that like a cuck? No, I am fueled by hatred and the only time in my life when I felt true bliss and happiness is when I stabbed those two Iranian muslims to death, a cleric and a IRGC goon. The spirits of me ancestors who were raped and tortured in the name of Allah are a flame of hatred that burns within me and will never fade, I will kill and destroy Islam as much as I can, be it for the sake of Europe and Europeans in Europe or for the sake of Iranians and Iran in Iran, anywhere, anytime, at each opportunity, I am ready to destroy the darkness of Islam.

Ahura rising!

No, think in a more complex way. We can use your anger more constructively but not like this. Are you aware the USA, EU, KSA, and Israel have increased their support of People's Mujaheddin of Iran (MEK)? People's Mujaheddin of Iran are Islamic Marxist terrorists who the West and their allies are supporting now because they would price oil in the way KSA demands it. They gassed our own people during the Iran-Iraq War.

I hate the regime, but you are not thinking about this! Listen, if the regime is weakened right now, the People's Mujaheddin of Iran will take power while being backed by the USA! However... if you want to make a difference.. maybe you should direct that anger to the leader of People's Mujaheddin of Iran... >_>

You're just a pawn of the Eternal Anglos and Zionists. The fact you killed our own people makes you a disgrace to Cyrus and all of our brethrens. You ought to go do sepukku or have a life-changing experience, for you have failed all that it means to be Persian unless.. you stop People's Mujaheddin of Iran... Research it because, while the regime sucks, the damage will be irreversible if the People's Mujaheddin of Iran get power and they being financed by your true enemy -- Saudi Arabia, KSA.

I am going to delete this message, but you can redeem yourself by... getting the right people.

>this is what qualifies as germanic to americans
Shit, I meant to say Russian. Tell me this isn't the spitting image of Tsar Nicholas II
>we wuz
Well that particular painting of Rumi strikes me as more of a Semite or a Greek. I wouldn't think of that as Germanic looking.
Does this mean Jesus was white too?
Still not Germanic looking, but maybe I'm just being pedantic.

Lmfao, fuck off Islamic Republic of Iran shill. MEK and you lot are both subhumans, I would gladly exterminate every single Iranian muslim in Iran with my own hands, even family members. They eaither leave that cancerous semitic death cult that was forced uppon their ancestors, or they will die.

Every. Single. Iranian. Muslim. Should. Be. Exterminated.

If I reproduce in the future and my offspring convert to Islam, I will be the first on who tries to kill them.

Just a quick thought. Is it more likely that the minority of whites in modern Iran are the true Persians or that they are just descendants of European immigrants?

Yeah Zoroastrian clergy was really bent on raping every minority in empire at times, though obviously emperors were usually far more tolerant.

There was not enough European immigration to justify the amount of white European looking Persians in Iran, they are a minority, but still a relevant minority at that.

also, the lighter Iranians are the, less islamic they tend to be (unless they are within the IRGC elite group and in it for power and money), the more brownish/arab/non-Persian looking an Iranian is, the more Islamic they tend to be. This is genetic and spiritual subconsciousness coming in to effect.

>In addition to his military skills, Pirūz was apparently a skilled carpenter and artisan.
Nigga sound like Jesus part 2

Is there any genetic testing for proof of this?
This feels very
>we wuz

True Zoroastrianism was never meant to be an organized religion, the clergy corrupted the teachings of Zarathustra. Zoroastrianism is a philosophical outlook on reality and life, not doctrine and nonsensical rituals.

Like all ancient gods, Ahura Mazda reperesents an ideal and a certain behavioral elements, wisdom, choice, freedom, improvement, the progressive and constructive mindset.

>MEK and you lot are both subhumans,
I do not condoned murder. It is wrong...

Buuuut... I hate the Islamic Regime and MEK, like you, but you see.... if MEK gets power, we are irreversibly fucked ... SOOO

Why don't you deal with that first?

MEK are Islamic MARXISTS. Repeat that that with me:


They are being backed by KSA and the West. If you are able to get armed forces and topple the regime, wouldn't that just make it easier for the MEK to just walk in and take power, considering they are being armed by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the West?

Wouldn't make it sense to "deal" with the MEK first?

Just a thought:


No, there isn't, because the IRGC is a theocratic cancer that is opposed to truth and freedom. Travel to Iran and see for yourself what kind of people live there, you are going to see a lot of different people.

Sure. Pure persian

No, we will deal with both of you. You have no idea what is coming to Iran, mosques being burned and clerics and islamists being impaled in the streets will be a reality in the near future. MEK has no future in Iran.

I hate Islam too, but when Islam is combined with Marxism we get something even more toxic and heinous... SOOOOO deal with them first.

Llalala poo in the loo poo poo

Repeat after me

Which is the number one priority to get rid of first? Consider if you topple the Islamic Republic, the MEK will just walk in and take advantage of the chaos. They will be backed by the West, Saudi Arabia, and Israel too.


They would


Which is the number one priority atm?


>MEK has no future in Iran.
You have to deal with that first in order to prevent it because they have been receiving heavy funding from the West, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

Into the trash MEK goes first in order to prevent the possibility of them taking advantage of the chaos of mosques being burned and clerics and islamists being destroyed.


What we are working towards in Iran, is not the "toppling the IRI" (that will be just a side-effect), but the eradication of Islam from the foundation of Iranian way of life and culture and an Aryan renaissance. No Islamic movement will rule Iran after we are finished, because we will aim to eradicate ISLAM from Iran, the enemy of Iran has always been and always will be ISLAM.

We can't see inside of the burqa

Maybe it's just the stache
I'm not going to travel to Iran. Do you have some good photos of large groups in Iran?

You don't get me. MEK doesn't even operate within Iran. Even if you go to Iran and purge all of Islam, the MEK will receive backing from the West, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Then they will be given arms and waltz in to take power. You should take care of them FIRST and THEN go purge Iran of all vestiges of Islam.

I am pure Aryan like you. I hate Islam too.



Probably, but obviously Sassanid emperors had to cooperate with clergy which was very powerful. It was about power, not really some religious motives.
Still Sassanid Persia was a pretty tolerant society in general.

>assanid Persia was a pretty tolerant society in general.
Tell that to the Mazdakites.

*tips turban

srsly tho "the quran is the miracle!" is some of the lamest shit i ever heard. at least the shia imams are wizards and shit.

Mazdakites were literally 6th century communists.

You are confused, Iranians don't wear burqa.

MEK is irrelevant, they are not the primary enemy. Listen you brown arab rape baby, I have an IQ of 133, I am enlightened and linked with the Aryan spirit and mindset of my ancestors. I am not going to be tricked by you or any other Islamic Republic shill/agent to work in favour of your interests. If you were near me, I would bea the shit ouf of you, tie you up, cut your balls and dick off, cook them infront of you and force you eat them, you muslim piece of shit. After that I would impale you like on of the greatest humans that has ever lived, Vlad the Impaler, and after you have suffered enough, I would burn you with the rightous fire of Ahura Mazda.

I am smarter than you, I am superior to your people and movement, I am superior to your conman of a prophet, I am superior to your fake impotent Allah, I only live to hate and destroy your kind and your ideology and I will die doing that.

Hate is one of the most beautiful emotions and I love my hatred of you and Islam.

>Mazdakites were literally 6th century communists.
Much like the MEK who are receiving a lot of funding from Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the West.

They are


that gassed our own people, and if the regime were to become unstable, the West, Israel, and KSA would back them as they take power.

Soooo... in order to reform the regime, these guys have to go first into the loo. One has to poo them into the loo.

And our friend here can't get his priorities straight.


>Islamic Marxism

Does the aut-right just combine ideologies it doesn't like whenever it wants to paint le grand threat to Western Civilization?

Because these two things are pretty incompatible. I suppose socialism itself could exist alongside Islamic ideologies (it doesn't anywhere on Earth of course) but Marxism is the specific philosophy developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. One of this philosophy's major accomplishments is its reworking of the Hegialian dialectic, removing its theological components so as to arrive at what Marx calls dialectical materialism.

You literally can't believe in God and be a dialectical materialist, which means you can't be Islamic and also a Marxist.

Will answer questions if you actually want to learn things about the Western tradition you allegedly care so much about.

I think I am more of a Manichaeist.

Also, I don't like the regime. Wtf is wrong with you. I am not even Muslim. I eat bacon and burn the Koran, what else can I do to prove I'm not Muslim?

Islamic Marxism"'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran

Islamic Marxism"'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran

Kill muslims with me and then I will have my proof.

Start off with the MEK, you idiot. I'm telling you what's the best path LOGISTICALLY, imbecile. If I was against what you were doing, I would be defending the IRI WHICH I HAVE NOT DONE. I do not support them at all.

Also, don't burn the mosques. Just build statues of Zarathustra and Mani within them. Some of them are beautiful and can be renovated easily.

Also, the best path to improve Iran is accepting some Russification, idiot. Accept an influx of Orthodox Christians into Iran and strengthen ties with Putin. There is no way in hell we can make Iran Zoroastrian again, but we can most certainly Christianize it.

HONESTLY: I DESERVE TO BE KING, NOT YOU. I would do a better job because I think in a more nuanced complex way, but both of our goals involve removing kebab. Our approaches are different. You are ignoring geopolitical realities.

Our crusade against Islam must ultimately culminate in the destruction of Mecca.



There's no faux-islam, there are two islams.

On one side the peaceful Shia, and on the other side the intolerant, proselyte, warmongering Sunni that must be eradicated if the world want to know peace.

But nice try Ahmed.

>There's no faux-islam
Shia Twelvers is not faux-islam, and it's still retarded, but Yarsanism is faux-islam for sure. Alawite is to some extent also. Qarmatians were to some extent also.




ahmadiyya aswell?

Did you even read that?

>a Wikipedia article

According to this "source," "leftist members hijacked the Muslim group and switched into a Marxist platform."

"Hijack" and "switch" are very different words than "co-exist." Apparently this is just a small Marxist revolutionary cell comprised of Iranians.

And even if a group claimed to espouse Marxist and Islamic viewpoints, it would be absurd as saying, "There is no God, But Peace Be Upon Him." Marxism is incompatible with any idealist philosophy, and all religions are idealist.

>Ancient Persians were several groups and some looked whiter some looked browner.
you guys are so ignorant and stupid
it hurts

They started off as being Marxists against the Shah and they combined elements of Islamism within their worldview too. The Wiki article has gone through a lot of modifications. I recommend reading a book on them: they are very toxic and they gassed our own people during the Iran-Iraq War.

Gosh, Pol threads about Iran are always ruined by this Dominican asshole and this Dutch-Iranian blood-thirsty faggot.

What you are citing are sects. It's like saying the Jehovah witness or the Westboro Baptist Church are Christians.

i just say that iran people today are mixed and not related to ancient iranians

look pic related, history says he was of pure iranian stock

look at his features and you wont find many people in iran looking like him and his features

Some of my cousins look exactly like him, no joke, and I think this shit is more complicated than your Dominican brain can make sense of. Now fuck off.

Iran was always heterogeneous like India. Some regions are light, some less so.

What elements of "Islamism" did they incorporate? Because Marxism is a materialist philosophy - very much a product of its 19th century empiricist origins.

Marx and Engels were both fervent atheists, and the only longlasting Marxist regimes in history (the USSR and the PRC) were dogmatically irreligious.

So I'm more than skeptical about a Marxist group with theological underpinnings, since Marxism is a rigorously anti-theological system of thought.

Yep, I only have some areas of my beard being bronze/red hairs, the rest is black.

Modern Iranians are mongrelized, the degree of how much they are mongrelized varies.

Iran needs eugenics and eradication of Islam.

Iranians like me who have IQ and some aryan heritage, should only be allowed to have 2 offsprings, without state funding.

Iranians of PURE PERSIAN ARYAN descent should be FORCED to have 4+ offspring and all of them funded by the state.

Brown/non-Persian Iranians shouldn't be allowed to reproduce at all, they leave Iran and reproduce outside of Iran if they wish.

>Some regions are light, some less so
again, bullshit
>Some of my cousins look exactly like him, no joke
in aghanistan you can find some pashtun and tajiks with features like him but most are mixed with arabs and other people

also pic related prove you wrong

persians were just an iranian group, there were many like parthians, medians, arachosians, etc

Yes, some of your cousins look exactly like him and you don't because Iranians are mongrelized people, the degree varies within people and families.

It can be fixed by selective breeding and eugenics.

Stop being an emotional retard and a selfish bastard, think about the betterment of your people and nation, accept your mongrelized reality and seek to improve the next generation.

the only thing you need is christianity and stop being an US puppet

We've had this debate OVER AND OVER again. Each time you got your ass beat. I'm getting tired of this. Why don't you look at this Sassanid mosaic of a Persian women.

We were never Nordic, you fucking imbecile. Go kill yourself, subhuman monkey. I am tired of you butting in every single topic on Iran.

>look at this painting and tell me why it doesn't look like the real people
If the artist was white, he made your pic white.

If strong Christianity, yes, then it can work, but not weak cuck Christianity that sucks zionist cock or adopts babies from Africa.

Iran has Christians, I honestly don't mind Iranian Christians or Jews, I just hate Islam and Iranian muslims.

Look here:
Iranians have always been heteregenous. Some have red hair, some have black hair, etc.

Also, I probably look light than you, Danish-Iranian faggot. I don't give a shit though. It's the brain that matters, stuff like degrees of brain folding and gyrification of the lobes, degree of fractional ansitrophy of the white matter tracts (that is how myleinated they are), grey matter density in frontal lobe, and so forth. In the future, people will get brain scans and be bragging about how powerful their brains relative to each other.

that make zero sense
>We were never Nordic, you fucking imbecile
i never said that, i just said that your people arent the same people as ancient iranians

you are all mixed
>Each time you got your ass beat
i dont remember any time

she could be elamite
look another mosaic

From Bishapur, made by the hands of actual Sassanid who probably knew their appearance better than others.

As you can see, we have always been heterogeneous in appearance. The brain is more important and the brain is subject to experience-dependent plasticity.

What is your IQ? I have light skin and IQ of 133, but I am still mongrelized. (light brown hair when baby/boy) Black hair, brown eyes = non-Persian influences.

You and I are not the same as our great ancestors, we have some of their genes, we need to purify our blood with eugenics and genetic modification and selective breeding.

I don't give a fuck if your feelings are hurt or if you are in denial about this, you know it is the truth, deep down you know it is truth. Focus on the future, stop being selfish.

>but not weak cuck Christianity
there isnt any like that
>Iranians have always been heteregenous.
what do you mean with that?
they could have black hair and eyes but didnt look like the people today in iran, sorry

Why the fuck would Sassanids make a picture of Elamite in one of the biggest cultural centers in their empire? That Bishapur place was a center for elites, fucking faggot.

You can't think worth two shits. You keep getting your ass handed to you in debates.

The fact is, Indo-Iranian migrators were just ONE out of many other traveling tribes.

>you are all mixed
So are Europeans! They all have dark-skinned mesolithic hunter-gatherers if you look far back enough.

All Europeans have dark-skinned mesolithic hunters in their ancestry.

Don't debate me subhuman monkey. mesolithic hunter

>As you can see, we have always been heterogeneous in appearance
still they didnt look like the people in iran today you stupid mixed faggot

It's amazing how people with so little accomplishments in life actually think that "race" is a stable biological category and not an invention of 18th century colonizers who sought to provide moral cover for the militant subjugation of people for their resources.

Race doesn't have an empirical existence. It's an illusion conjured up by your bourgeois overlords, you poor, confused bootlicking cuckolds.

>inb4 WE WUZ
You are an individual organism with no meaningful connection to anyone who lived before you, regardless of their phenotypic similarities.

>they could have black hair and eyes but didnt look like the people today in iran, sorry

Fuck off Subhuman monkey.

Also, be sure you read this:

Okay, imagine this.
Was the painting made with the man as a model?
If not, the artist had to go by records of his appearance.
If there aren't many records, the artist will have to use his imagination.
If the artist is white and left to his imagination, he will probably paint another white man.
This is why Jesus is painted as a white man.

>All Europeans have dark-skinned mesolithic hunters in their ancestry.
what the fuck is that and what the fuck is european?
>So are Europeans!
but your people are mixed with arabs and some mongoloids

>said the halfnigger

that pic dont make any sense
a fucking arab can do that

he look mixed with arab too
>be sure you read this
>Was the painting made with the man as a model?
he met him, he went to the safavid empire and met him there

it was in 1512 or something

>what the fuck is that and what the fuck is european?
Check the Google links you imbecile. Practically all scholars agree. Europeans are a mix of Neolithic Anatolian Farmers, Mesolithic Dark Skinned blue eyed hunters, and Proto-Indo-Europeans from Southern Russia.

>but your people are mixed with arabs and some mongoloids
We never mixed with the Arabs much. This is a fact. We do not cluster closely with Arabs in autosomal DNA plots. Also, mongoloids mixed more in Central Asia.

But yeah, people have always been mixing. I don't give a shit. But I'm glad not to be mixed with Sub-Saharan African though. NOW that's bad to be mixed with.

Tell me about the spenta

I'm as McWhite as they come. You literally cannot get more Western European than Ireland.

The idea that the phenotypic makeup of wandering Celts thousands of years ago has any bearing on my life or my potential is absurd. Anyone who really believes this is desperately trying to explain away their own personal failures.

So what is it you're so ashamed of? No job? No qt gf? It isn't your penis, is it?

Well then you have something there.
>muh dick
Not an argument.

The state of the brain is more important, but ultimately it decays, and with it your whole world shatters:

Stuff like degrees of brain folding and gyrification of the lobes, degree of fractional ansitrophy of the white matter tracts (that is how myleinated they are), grey matter density in frontal lobe, and so forth.

>Qarmatians were to some extent also.
I thought they were quasi-Gnostics? And besides they BTFO Mecca and called the Muslims superstitious and said Muhhamad was a camel driver. Then they slaughtered everybody and threw them on the zamzam well and stole the black rock for years, broke it, and used it as a urinal

I have a job, study at uni and have normal penis size and an IQ of 133. If you think race and genetics are irrelvant, then you have no basic understanding of biology, let alone a proper one.

What is your IQ?

>fractional ansitrophy
fractional anisotropy*

>American Education

Don't listen to him

God speed you honorary Aryan. All Islam must be purged from the earth.

>If you think race and genetics are irrelvant,
they are relevant but they are more about tilting. Just because you have genes that allow for a flourishing of the intellect does not by necessity mean it will happen. Stuff like experience-dependent plasticity and so forth must also be taken into account.

For example, look at this Neuroscientist who had a history of murderers and serial killers in his family. He had a brain scan while doing an experiment, and saw his brain (on the macroscopic level) functions like a psychopath. However, he turned out fine due to proper upbringing because it's the mesoscopic scale that matters more:
>Fallon's being tongue-in-cheek — sort of. He doesn't believe his fate or anyone else's is entirely determined by genes. They merely tip you in one direction or another.

Don't listen to this guy. Already there are people here shilling for MEK. The West does not want to see us progress. We need to topple our regime while still saying fuck you to the West. We must continue building relations with Russia rather than the West, trust me on this.

As long as the West keeps investing in Gulf Arab countries, you cannot trust them. They are Machiavellian. Their leaders are the antithesis to everything Zarathustra stood for. We must become closer to Russia and accept a little bit of Russification.

>he thinks IQ is a scientifically verifiable system of measurement!

Literally made up by a psychologist with no basis in neuroscience in 1912. IQ "tests" are moneymaking schemes based on the scientific illiteracy of the public (including you, apparently).

I think you must have some pathological neurosis that compels you to compare yourself with others in the hope of filling in some gap. You're probably ashamed of your penis or you had a contentious relation with your father. Or both, lol.

We all know that Islam is Muhammed worship masked as worship of one god only. Why was Muhammed allowed extra wives to satisfy his sexual perversions, and outlawed adoption do he could fuck his daughter in law. The Koran is rantings of a madman who thought he was god and the Hadith disgusting smut.

Remember, one of our closest brethren, the Ossetians, are in Russia. A bit of Russification is good. We must strengthen the Eurasian Economic Union and cannot afford letting ourselves be cucked by the West anymore.

The Land of Turan can also reunite with Iran. You are an imbecile not thinking about this stuff thoroughly. I am fit to be king, not you, fucking idiot.

Fuck off Muslim shill

Kill Yourself