ITT shit liberals say

ITT shit liberals say

>Make Donald Drumpf again! xDDD

>would you like fries with that?



>if trump wins im moving to Canada

>shart mart

Educate youself

> Being called a cuck is actually a compliment

If you quit, you won't be a loser, you will be a legend.

Based Southern bantz

>I'd like a mocha frappe muchacho Grande Light on the cream 2 sugar Capalini Frettachini Specialini , stirred not shaken and whipped

Thank you, Texas.

i swear to god i dont think i've heard these 4 words more often than this year

> just let people live how they want and be happy man

>_____ is awful
>it's not my job to educate you!

>I am neither male nor female

Ow! Not so hard!

I fucking hate that cuck Oliver.

Leftist establishment is so scared, and shilling so hard, that they've gotten this desperate because they know Trump is going to win.

ITT Uneducated and Dumb Conservashits say:

"Gas the Kikes"
"Fucking Cuck."

>White people have no culture!
>Our culture is too white!

Spoken like a true cuck.

It's just a silly 200 year old piece of paper.

>I don't need a job
>John Oliver is well informed and has good opinions.


everyone's a feminist

>you're on the wrong side of history

>I love being spanked. My girlfriend wears the pants in our relationship and spanks me when she deems it necessary.

>don't judge

>"Maybe sucking capitalist cock is a blue pill"

Ha, real dumb, r-right Sup Forums?

Again, really.
These people don't fucking understand the definition of cuck like desu it hurts.

For every minute I've been here, it feels like I'm less and less accepted in this world cause of my black skin.

This is why I joined Black Lives Matter, because they do matter.


>no please
>you're crazy

>I need communism because my $100,000 degree taught me I am the proletariat

You don't call this bait, do you?

>It's NOT a mental illness!!!!1

systemic X
institutionalized X

I wish my parents were proud of me.

Tell that to your kin in africa. Maybe they'll stop slaughtering each other for a microsecond.

>Make love, not war guise!
>W-why does it burn when I pee?

> the thread is literally "shit leftists say"
This is his submission. He's not even black,

I honestly don't understand Trump supporters (not that I've ever tried).


it's more like,
>do you have a mobile order for X yet? I sent it 2 minutes ago

>my pronoun is ____

>all bodies are beautiful
>the people, united, will never be divided
>we really should model a post-capitalist society
>the PC term is "first nationer"/"asian new year"/"person of color"/"undocumented immigrant"

Nice trips. That really does sound like something a liberal would say.

based texas

You think i would come to your badly organized board to troll or something?

>course not you're getting paid to shill
Truth is, I'm entitled to be a communist. Where ever I go.

I really hope they don't.

>Trump is a bigot and so are all of his supporters

Hmm it seems like your stupid lord and savior you pray to is starting to love me now

Praise kek!

Tell that to the orange faced idiot you love so much
maybe he'll just stop running when he sees how cancerous his fanbase is.

>its not edgy autismo
>its just communism

This user is fucking God-tier on shit liberals say

did i win?
Thank you all for actively participating in my impersonation of a communist shill, everyone.

you all thought that i was a bait or shill but I'm actually a NEET and I was doing "shit lberals say"!!!!!!

>Hillary has worked tirelessly for charity for all of mankind!

t. (((Schlomo))) who has been flooding this place today.

>Haha Reddit liberals are so lame XD

"Im not fucking angry! Youre just full of shit, thats nowhere on the news!"

>user's friend, 19, struggling to swallow the redpill

You were doing so good until the end..

fucking kyke, gas the cucks

your opinions have no right to deviate from reasonable limits on freedom of expression that may harm or discriminate against others. We will be your conservashit iron fist draped with a velvet glove.

>if you're for equality, then you're a feminist

Yeah the republican party freed the slaves, but they were liberal back then and democrats were wayyy conservative. Today the parties have switched and its the republicans who are racist. Dont believe me? Google it!

>dusts off gender studies degree
There is a lack of women representation in the STEM field.


Woman detected

Read the OP again kangaroo nigger

Maybe bitches should study it in college then.

Gender is a social construct

I'm calling you a woman because of your sentence structure. Besides, you're making an irrelevant point.

This is the type of autist who makes Trump Generals and spams it with AWOOOOO

>has to have a seat of power to be racist
>morals are relative
>one race the human race
>corporate power structure
>hate speech
>Blacks wuz kangz
>Obama was good president
>feel the bern
>socialism has never really been tried

this is some horror movie shit here

omg please nooooo

>I'm voting for the lesser of two evils.

You just sexually assaulted me! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

i felt something die inside me :'(

black friend

>Like, ugh, how can you be gay and not want to go to the pride parade?

>I'm dead inside

As a note I actualy got this one from a cunt co-woerker

>on Sup Forums


Yeah, what of it?

>white genocide exists but muh pure Asian waifus and sex robots
>mgtow but we need to continue the white race
>against homosexuality but support the biggest fucking faggot milo

>everything the right-wing says is rooted in fear and anger!
>we're the party of logic and reasoning!

>You're an idiot.

>You're too dumb to get what I'm talking about.

>It's so obvious! You're a moron for not agreeing with me


>he's literally Hitler

>Deport immigrants? We're all immigrants!

>hillary has the woman vote



>My feelings are facts that can be measured and cannot be refuted!

Protip: we on the left have absolutely no fucking respect for your precious "freeze peach" anymore. Fuck your speech, fuck your thoughts, fuck your hate.

Hillary's win is going to be the opening shot. We WILL have sensible hate speech laws in this sick country. We WILL shut down racists on the web and on talk radio. We WILL force the media to give only the facts, and right-wing distortions about President will not go unchallenged.

You really thought we were going to put up with eight more years of sabotage after you nearly ruined Obama? Fuck you. Fuck you a thousand times over.

We are going for broke this time. We are going to CASTRATE the hateful fucking right in this country, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Go ahead, go to the court. They'll be on our side for the next thirty years after Madam President's appointments.

Go ahead, threaten violence. God, please please please please PLEASE do something with your little popguns. Just give us an excuse to take them away for good. Please please please please please!

I honestly can't wait. The next eight years are going to be the most beautiful as every right wing pantshitter is gagged, beaten, and gutted into submission.

Mark my words: half the shit you post on Sup Forums will be a Federal offensive in six years. And there's NOTHING you can do about it. :)




kek bring it faggot




Texas strikes again


