Where were you when niggers appropriated punk rock?
>pic very related
Where were you when niggers appropriated punk rock?
>pic very related
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Death Grips did a long time ago.
also fuck these sign captchas, 99% of them don't even work, what's the secret?
My first reaction was "what the fuck is up with those photoshop signs?"
My second reaction was "Meh".
saging this thread.
I find if faintly amusing that their "festival" has a whole list of things you arent allowed to feel. Punks in the 70s and early 80s would have beaten those kids to within an inch of their lives simply for them trying to tell anyone how to feel.
>Punk rock
>be as politically correct and "in" with what's popular as possible
they're not photoshopped you stupid fucking nigger.
Well that's not very fuckin punk.
>punk rock
>niggers appropriated punk rock
Niggers invented rock and roll.
They are basically saying: "(Nu age) girl, make love to me, i am (just another wannabe) peace guy and you are (just another) very special girl."
>Punk festival
>no mohawks
>no pogo
>in a nice part of a city
>political correctness
Fuck, I miss the old school punk...
>a fucking leaf
>punks with a bunch of rules
The scene has fallen so far
I wasn't even born yet, you tasteless fucking cunt.
Punk is dead, didn't you know?
Very fitting, i feel sick looking at that image. Punk is dead, like all white movements.
I'm beginning to think punk was never a real thing
>punk rock
More like cucked rock. I wonder what the Sex Pistols have to say about this.
>being this retarded
Niggers literally invented the best music in the history of humanity, we only perfected it to a degree.
Chuck Berry wants a word with you lad.
I'm pretty sure Elvis Presley and The Beatles were the founders of rock and roll.
hands down best hardcore punk album ever released
comfortably top 3 best punk albums in general
>no no no no no no etc
Elvis was a pioneer along with Berry, I'll give him that. Criminally overrated though.
>The Beatles
In Jr. High
since when the fuck has punk rock been about being politically correct?
At least you aren't looking at EDC Vegas 2016 where the final act was a pretty great back to back to back to back of Brooke's brothers, cyantific, insideinfo and the prototypes. This has so much good in it, yet the crowd did shit and looked like total degenerates
Punk rock died a LONG time ago, it's now just PC bullshit aimed to turn the once-DIY crowd into a bunch of fucking government-worshipping dole suckers.
I'm not sure of the exact moment of death for punk, but let's just say, it was before 2000 rolled around, the 90s were pretty sad for it and probably ushered in the beginning of the end for the genre that helped me stop listening to the radio entirely in 1986.
>complaining about appropriation
it's always been the degenerate blue pill
>not enjoying The Jabbers
Death grips is a meme
>No hatefulness
literally what?
Kids these days. They take one listen to "All you need is love" and think they know all there is to know about a band that literally dominated all of music for a decade (and continue to shine so many years later)
>list of banned thoughts on the main banner
That's so punk rock!
>not a manufactuared counter culture
the antidote to SJW punk
>literally arguing about bread and circuses
Cool it grandpa. I understand that you like some music, but dont be fucking obsesssed weeb about it
manufactured or not those punk kids back in the day were fucking psychopathic methheads. This shit ain't punk, it's like stoner rock
have you heard of Ho99o9 tho?
I'm completely ok with niggers playing punk rock
Punk Rock used to be shocking. Now it is fucking boring. Sid Vicious used to wear a shirt with a swastika on it. They might as well go to Disney World.
Absolutely nothing cool about punk anymore. Being PC and agreeing with everything the government believes in is literally anti-punk.
Really fighting the system maaaannnn! haha we're rebels, not hall-monitors or anything!
Would anyone have believed it if you told them that a punk rock concert in the future would be decorated with angry, sans-serif commands dictating restrictions on thought?
But punk rock was the preparation for nigger culture
>don't be fucking obsessed weeb about it
Who shit in your cornflakes?
true that, can't smoke anywhere near these punk rock concert houses, can't do shit what happened to "it is forbidden to forbid"?
As much as I love punk music, I feel it's one of the things that contributed to SJWs. I don't like much of its lifestyle, it usually attracts druggies and DUDE WEED people. Like Fugazi or Rollins, living clean
I like the record but this is absurd. It's got nothing on Funhouse, No More Heroes, Yes Sir I Will, Plastic Surgery Disasters, etc. I'd put it in the top 25 but that's about it.
>No this, No that
>No Nononononononononononononono
Geeez those guys are worst than dictators!
it has always been an SJW counter-culture movement. Most music is - most studios are dominated by Jews too.
Not much of a coincidence that antifa types look like they just crawled out of a punk festival.
Does anyone remember the days when punk was being anti establishment which meant being as grotesque and offensive as possible which is why they all had swastika and SS tattoos?
>Bad Religion
pretty much this
guess they didn't get far enough in the wiki article to learn about punk's fuck everything and fuck you too attitude
Fuck Chuck Berry. White people invented the guitars that corny nigger played on, why don't you give them some credit, too?
Punk rock=/= rock n roll
I always thought punk was about gradually redefining what is and is not offensive
it's kind of an offensive world we live in and it used to be that was where punk rock came from
EDM isn't too Jewish. The only Jew producers are okay.
Omg just live !
I love how Canadians say good things about niggers. They usually don't have to live with them so they're like whatever
hmm few years ago i went to metal mayhem festival and the only black person in the entire stadium was the singer to a band
was meh
i dont think i'd enjoy op's band
>Punk Rock didn't derive from Rock and Roll
Because a tool without a person to operate the tool isn't something to write home about. You can be oblivious to the history of rock all you want, it doesn't help though.
I love how Brazilian monkeys come into threads absolutely confused as to what's going on and what everyone is talking about.
Those Favela fumes must really be getting to your brain.
Now that's how I remember punks
Seriously......The Beatles were a FUCKING BOY BAND!!!!! They didnt even know each other and were thrown into a studio with Instruments they barely know how to play which is why they only did basic strums the only experience musician was that faggot Ringo.
fuck anyone who likes the Beatles that shit is so mediocre and conformist it makes me cringe. Literally the original band that people liked because Advertisers told them to like it.
t. chink
Hmm we've been where the US is right now and we know how it ends.
Not well.
>No hatefulness
Literally the whole point of punk
Do you huff paint by any chance?
Presley's manager had said "If I could find me a white boy that can sing like a colored boy I'd make a million dollars"
Even the bands that did put out some totally anti-SJW shit eventually caved. NoFX is a great example, from one of the best songs for bitch-slapping liberal do-nothing retards to being totally cucked SJWs themselves:
But hey, at least The Vandals played a Young Republicans event for Reagan, which was probably THE most punk thing that you could do during the 1980s.
Sounds about right.
Dont get me wrong hes great with the song and dance but That motherfucker was obviously a Blues musician in White face.
I'd hate to sound all hippy dippy but rock 'n' roll was invented by both whites and blacks. Country was is just as responsible for the inception of rock 'n' roll as the blues.
No, I'm actually retired and 24 years old.
Revolution 9 and For the Benefit of Mr.Kike was GOAT thought.
>afropunk festival
>oxbow not on the bill
This is really my main problem with this.
Brazilian, 24 and retired. By chance were you in import/exports?
Slow down a Ramones song and it's pre Beatles do-wop rock.
>retarded and 24 years old
I'm s-sorry.
Didn't black people invent crust and punk rock? Then white people got into it in a big way and they moved to hip hop instead.
Punks believe that racism and conservatism is part of the ""govt agenda""
Yes. Why? When BRL/USD was 1.6/1 I had a great time.
huehue np Canada, I'll be the leaf here soon.
Sam Phillips wasn't Elvis' manager. He produced his earliest recordings. That quote is really just Sam trying to make himself look like he had great foresight. He actually expected Carl Perkins to be his best selling artist. Elvis' success was pretty much a fluke.
punk bands are literally the most cucked thing ever, kurt cobain was such a fucking faggot
Cobain would probably suicide again if he saw what his shit became
One of the most influential punk bands is Bad Brains, which consists of black guys. You can't be punk if you don't praise them. Even one of the godfather of punk (keith morris) really idolizes them. It's over lads, punk is friendly to people of all races. Unlike yous
Protip: we on the left have absolutely no fucking respect for your precious "freeze peach" anymore. Fuck your speech, fuck your thoughts, fuck your hate.
Hillary's win is going to be the opening shot. We WILL have sensible hate speech laws in this sick country. We WILL shut down racists on the web and on talk radio. We WILL force the media to give only the facts, and right-wing distortions about President will not go unchallenged.
You really thought we were going to put up with eight more years of sabotage after you nearly ruined Obama? Fuck you. Fuck you a thousand times over.
We are going for broke this time. We are going to CASTRATE the hateful fucking right in this country, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Go ahead, go to the court. They'll be on our side for the next thirty years after Madam President's appointments.
Go ahead, threaten violence. God, please please please please PLEASE do something with your little popguns. Just give us an excuse to take them away for good. Please please please please please!
I honestly can't wait. The next eight years are going to be the most beautiful as every right wing pantshitter is gagged, beaten, and gutted into submission.
Mark my words: half the shit you post on Sup Forums will be a Federal offensive in six years. And there's NOTHING you can do about it. :)
>punk with rules
>You can't be punk if you don't praise them.
Fuck you. All hardcore sucks.
What the fuck. I thought those are just tumblr memes...
Can confirm that's possible. It all happened here and is, in fact, the left agenda.
I don't really mind those rednecks lose their guns, you better take them, civilized person.
>Politically Correct punk
Doesn't that basically neuter what the definition of punk is?
DG isnt punk.
no, kurt cobain was a huge cuck and every one knows it. He was also an edgy faggot
Another boy band....
Appropriated since like before Bad Brainz. Punk went into this whole philosophy thing of trying to define it.
At some point hippy culture mated with it and it became this whole new scene with gender neutral bathrooms and not wanting hate. Punk was never exclusionary so all this shit is useless. They've had blacks, commies, fascists, trannys, makeup and everything under the counter culture umbrella.
I think they were in this whole conservative evil, counter culture good meme and, now, it's hip to be counterculture and a Democrat because they think they're enlightened.
Remember Smut Peddlers? I bet they won't play that shit. Darby from The Germs was a fascist and was well read. He understood that people couldn't rule themselves and wanted to gain influence. Too bad he an hero'ed the day before John Lennon got shot
Are you a blink 182 fan by chance?
Well Philippines, at least you got Duerte.