Is this how white people actually spend their summer vacation?
Is it wrong of me to be jelly as fuck? As a non-white, I will never have a beautiful white girlfriend or the same level of wealth as the most privileged whites.
Is this how white people actually spend their summer vacation?
Is it wrong of me to be jelly as fuck? As a non-white, I will never have a beautiful white girlfriend or the same level of wealth as the most privileged whites.
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>As a non-white, I will never have a beautiful white girlfriend
literally go anywhere in western Europe, shitskin dick is in high demand among their women
It doesn't matter about wealth.
You can be a rich non-white and never obtain the same level of happiness as a 'poor' White man at peace.
As if it's any different in burgerland?
Don't be that kind of pussy, yank.
nah mine usually take place in Thailand and the girls are usually much younger or have dicks.
>Is it wrong of me to be jelly as fuck
Yes. This shit looks good on cam, but imagine actully doing this. You would be like "wtf am i doing here? why did i just waste loads of money and time to go to this shitty beach? i just want to go home and play video games"
Don't worry I'm white and neither will I.
Whats a summer vacation? Are you telling me people have enough money that they just spend it on months long periods of lesiure in exotic places that I will only experience via TV and travel magazine covers?
I mean media tells me its a thing that happens but I have never actually met somebody who goes "so there we were our 3rd week in bermuda and im like honey, lets go see paris before we go home." Or whatever the fuck it is you rich city bitches talk about.
Im convinced its just advertising, but im just some blue collar guy in Montana so what would I know. For us a big trip is crossing the state line into idaho, which is like a more lame mormon and potato filled version if montana.
At least you'll never provide for a slut like op pic
>that sample
kid lib did it better lads
>You will never marry Alexis Ren
Why live bros?
haha okay sure keep deluding yourself
Nigga kys, you are a discrace to blm. I wish momma never birtha you.
Get out of my country, dogshit!
Damn. where is that beach??
That white chick looked normal / annoying as fuck though.
Props to these dudes for having fun.
>brown eyes
>dyed blonde hair
You should KYS.
wew lad
What is that noise? Couldn't watch it to the end.
accurate ID
It's all advertising/"modeling" you dolts. In fact one of their friends came out and with a tell-all about how the kid abused the dumb slag.
>As a non-white, I will never have a beautiful white girlfriend
Literally the exact opposite is true. White women only date shitskins these days.
Unless you mean you are east asian. Then you are really fucked.
She's a model and he's a professional surfer, and they both have a ton of sponsorships and appear in commercials.
they're mini celebrities.
The point of these videos is to make you associate the good time with the mediocre music.
>As a non-white, I will never have a beautiful white girlfriend
True, but there are plenty of white-trash coalburners out there who are hungry for non-white dick.
Kill yourself shitposter
no, we're not all trust fund hippies who travel around the third world because its "Exotic"
>Female shill detected
Tits or GTFO
These are professionally produced ads.
2/10, leave your basement once in a while
That bitch is fat af
Going to the beach is fucking boring and stupid. It always sounds great on paper, but once you actually arrive there the reality sets in...
>crowded as fuck
>hot as balls
>gross suntan lotion
>sand gets in your food and drink
>nothing to do except bake in the sun or float around in the water
>salt water in your hair and stuck to your skin
>stupid rules that are anti-fun, like no alcohol
Any time spent on a beach longer than enough needed for a couple of quick photos is a gigantic waste of time IMO. I have no idea how people spend day in and day out just sitting at the beach. I go to Hawaii for about three months out of the year for work and I can proudly say I have absolutely zero interest in hanging out at their beaches aside from pretty views that make commuting to where I need to go a little more tolerable and scenic.
>never been on a vacation before
What's it like? I asked a person who was in my college club and they said they went to like 4 different countries... I've never even left the Southern part of America.
>tfw don't live in Montana
Life is suffering
yea the niggers can have her.
I sunburn so easily. I'm so white that other white people call me out for being white
This. It's shit. Why even bother?
haha i was shitposting on Sup Forums for most of mine
if you like hotels, airplanes, and tourist traps, I guess its alright. Otherwise, don't fall for the vacation meme
You should at least try to visit outside the south,the rest of the country is really miles better
.t Atlanta fag who's been to several states outside the south and the U.K
no, this is how very rich people spend their summer vacations
is this seriously what you think the average white person does all day?
heres a pic of an actual day in the life
He is a nigger bro. Do not encourage him to leave his ghetto.
>>crowded as fuck
Private Beach
>>hot as balls
There's an ocean for that
Get out more
>>gross suntan lotion
Stop being a ginger
>>sand gets in your food and drink
Why are you eating in the sand?
>>nothing to do except bake in the sun or float around in the water
Surfing, diving, kayaking, boating, etc
>>salt water in your hair and stuck to your skin
>>stupid rules that are anti-fun, like no alcohol
Muh drugs.
You landlocked fuckers are the worst.
Well he's on here so he's probably not as bad of a dindu compared to his brothers, but it's still nice to see that the south really has nothing to offer
>crowded as fuck
you're going to the wrong beaches
There are white people starving to death homeless in America right now you retard
And on top of that, Reddshitters make fun of them
>says the jew
I love all of these "white people like" memes because its true. And most of it is flattering like "oooooh white people have disposable income and 2 story houses" how is that supposed to get under my skin?
I have been there bro, it is shit.
Its not fuckhead
It's to make niggers raging mad at you so that you die when the power goes out.
Gonna need to defend yourself with the 2nd soon
the only state that matters is in the south
We have literally no industry or jobs man
100% service/tourism because apparently logging is mean, mining is pollution, drilling for oil is a nono, and ranching has only ever enough to keep a few families with a shit load of land fed.
We have billions in natural resources that we arent allowed to touch so its literally just a few hundred thousand broke as fuck hicks in a pretty area.
I'm gonna be real honest. I've been a nerd all my life. I studied hard and worked jobs in college, and I am now studying hard in medical school. I wasn't exactly poor growing up and I had all the basics, but I never got to experience luxuries that other people I saw taking for granted. I am now taking on a lot of debt via student loans, which I hope to pay off by living extremely frugally following graduation. I am, according to Sup Forums, a shitskin manlet. I have never had a girl interested in me.
When I see someone who lives a life like this, I wonder why I have to struggle for a life that won't even be 1/1000th as good as theirs. I love what I do and that I help people, but for people like those in OP's video, they know nothing of sacrifice. All they know is hedonism, selfishness, happiness, and ultimately, ignorance of anything outside of their world of pleasure and comfort.
This is the ideal normie holiday.
>Gonna need to defend yourself with the 2nd soon
obviously. Why do you think the "Milwaukee uprising" didn't go into the suburbs like they said they would? They would be shot dead
I had the same view until I did a postdoc in Germany for 3 years. I'm not rich; barely middle class. It's relatively cheap traveling within Europe. I saw more than I had ever imagined I would see in my lifetime. It was the best decision I've ever made.
I have family in Jamaica and lived in Miami for three years. Nice assumption though. Including Hawaii for work, Ive been surrounded by prime oceanside beaches for about half my life now.
For what its worth I was also born and raised in Chicago and the beach along Lake Michigan is more or less as legit as any oceanside beach, minus the salt water.
Theyre all the same in the end- boring and uncomfortable.
>It doesn't matter about wealth.
It sure af does matter in 'Murika.
Nothing average about this goddess, fedoraboi
Keep thinking you're doing good.
When you're shoulder deep in a fat woman's ass smelling her necrotic skin, think of all those bills you have to catch up on before you can begin enjoying life.
Don't become an hero too fast.
>this is what Americans actually believe
most women are disgusted by niggers and shit skins. Only subhuman trash fuck outside their race
Disgusting piggu.
I guess neets gonna neet.
Proper logging practices make forestry the ultimate renewable industry. Fucking retard liberals don't understand that just cutting down all the trees and leaving fields is something 3rd world huetards and niggers do.
>riding a pwc without a life vest
that's a paddlin
>looks like the dance floor at any high end club
>not average
I guess I should hang out at walmart more and see what you're used to.
that doesn't really matter as long as mixed race couples keep getting shoehorned into everything
That video is full of fake shit.
California's on fire because they banned controlled burning.
Hooray liberals.
>trust fund hippies
Class Warfare resentment detected
>not savoring the feeling of sticky salt on your skin
fucking landlubbers
The comments are more degenerate than the video...
What part about traveling for my job did you not understand? I also took that photo myself.
This is just a video of some idiot doing backflips into the water in various locations for 5 minutes. This made me want to be dead.
Even blacks don't like blacks. Christ.
not poor, and certainly not a Marxist. I just think "Traveling the world" is bullshit
>crowded as fuck
>gross suntan lotion
>stupid rules
Go to a beach some time that is not
a short bus ride to a nearby ghetto, user.
that music makes me want to be dead
It's easy to make judgements on other people when you never leave your air conditioned apartment.
It takes more than looks to properly rate somebody. The whores at clubs are generally vain and narcissistic. While decent looking, their internal flaws bring their ratings down a few notches.
I grew up totally impoverished. I had to join the marines and go to war a couple times just to get my college funded.
I guess I cant complain on the lady part, I get laid maybe once a year so im more well off in those regards, but you know what always pissed me off?
Some rich as fuck asshole pointing at your poverty and going "chin up loser, im rich as fuck and im not happy, money isnt everything you know!"
How the fuck would they know, theyve never been without it. There has never been a moment in thier life where they cannot just wave thier wallet at something and make everything okay again.
You know what, I aint a commie, in order for capitalism to work somebody has to have more than somebody else, but holy fuck could we keep the hedonism and smugness levels to a reasonable level?
That man has pretty good taste in gas station beer, may the nation bless him
*industries instead of other people
especially when you know nothing about them
>you will never make sweet passionate love on the beach with your girlfriend
>you will never watch the sunset with your gf and fall asleep together
>you will never know what love feels like
>but you will be just in time to know what virtual reality waifus feel like
I guess I'm neutral with these feels.
So...basically, nowhere on the US mainland then?
I recently tranistioned out of the military. I am starting a life for myself, but right now my position is "better off than my parents ever were because I make 20k a year instead of the 15k that they did.
"Not that expensive" is a relative term.
wow they must have spent $1000 flying there
wow they spent $400 skydiving from a hot air baloon
then they spent $500 at a hotel and jumped into a pool
then they spent $300 sky diving again
then they hired some jet skis for $200
and got someone with a boat to take them somewhere for free
you totally can't afford that OP
>"Traveling the world" is bullshit
L0L maybe get out of the 'hood some time
I spent all of last Friday afternoon holding up a hambeast's leg while she was delivering a baby because she was too fat and lazy to hold it back herself. I've seen things, user.
However, seeing that baby come out healthy, and having the mom thank me and the dad shake my hand and her entire family and the L&D nurse sing my praises to my resident made it worth it. We are all humans, and showing compassion and empathy for others regardless of their situation is never a bad thing. That keeps me motivated to press on.
So as a logger you're saying it's a good thing they don't do controlled burns anymore?
I'm confused here broski.
>implying I'm black
>be in college
>have group project with white girl who has a bf
>she shows me a song called "fuck white people" and tell me she listens to german death metal
I have no clue what the hell white women are on these days.
>no large wildfires before
>they banned controlled burning
>model is really a good person, not anything like all the model/wannabe models at a club
Nigger what?
And by banning it here it just moves to south america and 3rd world countries anyways.
The smug greenies feel better because THIER trees arent getting cut down, then sit at thier mahogany desk in a rubber wood chair in thier teak wood trimmed house and wonder why a million hectares of the amazon just disappeared in the last decade.
>not shit skin
Dude, most Arabs I know are whiter than you. Deal with it.
How the fuck are you only making 20k out of the military?
Did you sweep floors till you were kicked out for drugs?
Fuck, I've been wanting to get outside for the last couple of weeks but it keeps fucking raining and the weather is shit. Where are the people in the video? It looks beautiful as fuck. Why is the water so blue? God damn.
I wasted this summer hardcore. I need a jetski too. Fuck.