Heathcliff uses a parachute

Heathcliff uses a parachute.

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That is so Kafkaesque...

I find this to be in poor taste. First strip following 9/11 and he not only depicted a plane but skyscrapers as well.

Perhaps Gallagher is tapping into his true artistry, to challenge conventions and the establishment which is commendable but Heathcliff is primarily enjoyed by the 60-intensive care crowd who expect something delightfully lighthearted, such as Heathcliff spanking mice or an ape crafting his likeness into a metal behemoth that stalks the landscape like a fever dream come to life.

Gallagher is really knocking them outta the park the past couple days.

You're both digging too deep and not deep enough.

Gallagher is depicting the harsh reality of life: we're just meat, and no matter how much we might try to pretend otherwise, we're born meat and we return to meat when we die.

He's back.

Is there anything Healthcliff can't do?



Each of us inhabits our own little world, and all of us fancies ourselves normal, regular people. Yet ultimately we inhabit an alien world, and are each alien to each other, a truly radical departure from our self-conception.

That's clearly a meatchute


Heathcliff races using a walking globe.

He can't stop being delightful.

What a waste of effort on the OP text.

Heathcliff can't stop the Garbage Ape.


why is the garbage ape an AT-AT? does the garbage ape represent modern pop culture? are the cats us? rejoicing at the garbage brought to us by the modern media giants?

help me gallagher

Gallagher spits in the faces of Disney's lawyers and thawed out Walt's corpse just to kick him in the nuts before freezing him again

This one is actually not as cryptic as some of his other strips. The joke is literally just the juxtaposition of an existing character's face (Garbage Ape) on an AT-AT. Since every strip needs a caption, the birds are saying "nothing can stop the Garbage Ape" since Star Wars is very powerful. The punchline is just "Star Wars". Why are there jubilating cats down below? Because old people don't watch Star Wars, they want to look at funny cat pictures and don't have an internet connection.

Still a very confusing comic.



>forgetting to post that stripe image


