University/College Thread

Where do you go to school Sup Forums?

You guys claim to be so smart and so "redpilled," let's see where you go then?

I doubt there are any elite university attenders like the Ivies or Stanford on here

Other urls found in this thread:

I am not american but does law school count as a high enough education?

It's something I guess

Stanford, obviously

i didn't go to school because i'm smart.
Enjoy your 200k debt while i make 38.50 an hour6 years out of HS lol

>Going to Ivy Leagues for STEM

UW Madison Comp Sci reporting in.

But you won't be able to work when you are 35 because of all the injuries you will have

Nice job

Oxford graduate here. Working as a programmer for huge mega corporation. 400k pounds annual about 700k in US bucks. And I'm just 22 years old. Feelsgood man.

Colleges for the most part are indoctrination camps full of people with massive debt
Why even attend?

w e w edgy

I dropped out.
It made me legitimately depressed. It's high school 2.0.
Everyone was retarded, bluepilled as fuck and had no interest in actually learning, despite going to an institution of higher learning. And it was a fairly prestigious place. Not like Jimmy Crack Corn County Community College or something.
And this was even before the tumblr/SJW ideologies killed college. So I can't imagine how soul destroying it is now.

I dropped out and got a meme job. On the plus side, I have no debt and I'm actually happy. Also ironically I'm probably making more money than if I actually followed through with the degree I was going for.
I don't regret it. At least not yet.

Wow, very dissapointing Sup Forums!!

Why would a redpilled go to college? Do you know what red pill is faggot?

Stanford engineering grad here, making $300k currently, looking for a new job though because I need to get out of Commiefornia.

>not going to college to build up connections and then become very wealthy and influential to actually change the world how you want
>instead shitpost from your basement like an autist

University of Western Australia here
Medical Science + Neuroscience

BS in Biotechnology - University of Central Florida
MS in Biotechnology - University of Central Florida
PhD in Biomedical Engineering - John Hopkins University

Ask someone who works with Monsanto and DARPA anything

I go to UC Berkeley. I'm a math major

Don't fall for the Epic recruiting bro. They use up you kids and throw you away like flashlight batteries.

Doing mandatory online "training" right now. What is this degeneracy?


Noice. I'm an incoming freshman at UC Berkeley. I fell for the CompSci meme. ;_;

>$300k per year
>can't get out of commiefuckistan
Jesus H. Christ man, what the fuck man? Is it THAT expensive?

All this shit about how women can't give consent if they are intoxicated, while a man who is drunk is always committing rape. NOWHERE is it suggested that women refrain from drinking alcohol if they don't want to make decisions they will regret.

Whats monsanto and darpa?

I'm doing maths at Cambridge

Jews did 9/11?

Auburn University
Finance Major with minor in accounting

I live in France, so I went to ENPC.

Btw why Yale has a kikemblem ?
I thought Harvard was the kikehaupthochschule.

Everyone here is on the Trump train.

NYU aka the jewiest school in the USA

University of Birmingham

Wanted to apply to Oxford until I went to an open day and realised how cunty and obnoxious the lecturers/other applicants were

Redpills can go to college. We just graduate with no debt.

nice job man

Colleges are a pain to get through. You should go to a community college for two years then transfer into a good program at a decent undergrad school for your majors, then use really good grades and extra-cirriculars to apply to a good graduate program at a really good school.

I go to Dartmouth....any other felllow Dartie/Ivy anons here?

> No debt.

Good job lad, really.

> Mfw you will be graduate with 8k debt. T_T

forgot picture

Pepperdine. I'm guessing you go to some pitiful state school

frenchie, most americans have ten times that, go fuck yourself dude.

My uni were NCAA baseball champions this year

Hey same, it's terrible but also not so bad

>I went to an Ivy League school
>It was really hard
That's cute.

"yeah I didn't really know him...he was into that..."yale"...thing."

"you know..."

"closet homosexual"

I go to a small Catholic private University

It isn't ranked because private universities don't appear in the rankings in Spain, but it's pretty expensive (so it should be good?)

the only school that I have any respect for as "ivy league" is the University of Chicago because it's hard as fuck. All those other universities are meme universities they exist on ethos alone.

ctrl+f ohio

what is it like there?

East Carolina University
Majoring in Mechanical Design. Graduating on time next spring, class of 2017.

is it true that your company is a monster?

you can "dilute" the affirmation of the truth with "they could be better" if its too ahrd to admit they do shady shit

I have a very high-quality and nearly useless education but I want more. Don;t want to waste money on a masters, don't know what to commit to a PhD


>tfw Queen's Belfst is full of fenians

Coastal Carolina University anyone?

Majoring in Hospitality Management

Checking in

Oh shoot,
do you guys use b@?

It's like the college version of Sup Forums, and I think NYU has its own board, but it's not that active. I know Dartmouth and Columbia uses it a lot.

Anyone can sign up with a .edu e-mail address and join the global board which anyone from any university can use

Global has been getting colonized by Sup Forums posters from Dartmouth, idk if you guys are into that

just got accepted in uni of exeter for law, needed AAB but somehow managed to get in with ABB

Is the uni any good ? what can i expect ? i hear its quite and comfy


>University of Chicago

fucking nigga pls

I study law in Brasilia's national university

Dunno if it should be good or not.

Because here, the expensive ones are shit and the free ones are okay, moar, the Ipayforyoustudies ones are god tier.

Depends of your country sempai.

But if it's catholic it shoud be good.

dropped out
I'm a fry cook at wendy's now make 135K a year and fuck 9's and 10's with my 10 inch dick enjoy the college meme

Who Bobcat here?

Study at MIPT University in Moscow. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technics, actually it is a Russian analog of your MIT. Want to continue my education in the USA after getting a bachelor's degree tho.

bro I used to go to conferences there, the students literally did homework while hosting

>Ohio State Suckeyes

let me know if any of you guys sign up

well, it's the only university in Spain where they have the degree I'm studying, so I didn't have a lot of options

I study History and Political science. It's a relatively well known university, though I think it doesn't perform that well in international rankings.

It's alright. Full of rabid leftists. Pretty good to make connections.

University doesn't cost much here, thankfully. And with money that my parents saved up since I was born and the occasional teaching job I can manage living expenses just fine, even if living here is fucking expensive.

I just tried to and apparently my email isn't valid even though I'm a current student and I entered it correctly. So fuck it.

I've done something similar but I'm happy I dropped out 2 years ago, started doing a lot of stuff with music and I got two bands that have just been signed, set to record albums in the winter.

Getting paid a decent amount for each gig.

Feels good to get paid for a passion

b-baruch college?

Going to the best university in my country for my field's master program.

Monsanto is a huge biotech firm working with genetically modified organisms. DAPRA is the Department of Defense' research arm


thanks bro

No, it's not. All the research done here is either botany, genetics or entomology. The company specializes in crop/farming optimization so of course it does genetic modification and produces pesticides, because that's what makes the perfect farm of "tomorrow"

until this May, I went to Rhodes College (Chodes Lollege), in Memphis.

I liked it, but as a science major, I wish I had gone to a state school.


Fuck you faggots you always break your shit.

t. Telecom engineering

Hmmm...that is very strange because there are kids from NYU who post on b@ now, some today too


Yo what genre? link songs pls.

>Worked at Epic
>Surrounded by faggots and SJW hipsters
>Hated my life

Now I make a ton of money.

>not having your parents pay for your education

it's like you guys aren't even trying.

I'm not telling any of you faggots, don't want any of you knowing who I am

Dartmouth grad from a few years back reporting in. Went to Wall Street, at a hedge fund now making $450K. Make the right career choices straight out of Dartmouth and life can work out very nicely.

what? you get student debt in france?

But the genres are folk and the other band is soft rock

Rice university

i facilitate the importation of cocaine

Not really but my engineering school is like 2.5k a year.

Bachelors Nursing- Deakin University
Bachelors Nursing with Professional Honors- University of Tasmania (just an honors year)
Post Graduate Certificate in Neuroscience Nursing- University of Tasmania

The in Tasmania were wholly online and full paid scholarships from work, no campus attendance required. At Deakin I didn't really pay any attention to anything that wasn't nursing related, just went to classes then went home (I live local to some of Deakin's campus', 10 min drive at the most).
My professors or lecturers worked as part time nurses. Though this was all from 2009-2011 so it might be different these days.
I'm still paying back my HECS/HELP debt for the Bachelors from Deakin. But I live at home so I'm not struggling. I still don't know why people do useless degrees like arts, gender studies and expect a job to magically fall on them when they finish. I had to go to at least 15 different hospitals before I secured a graduate position.

> please kill me

oh you poor bastard

Americans, what can you tell me of these universities? Do you know any of them?

>Emerson College
>Fordham University
>American University
>Johnson & Wales University
>University of Oklahoma


nice school slogan, cuck

Come back to Sup Forums after you've finished kikeversity, kiddo.

yes, I attend one of them


Had the fucking time of my life, now I get paid 62K/yr to monkey around in ArcGIS. I think it was worth it, m9...

They're all shit. The only good schools are rice, Columbia and Notre Dame

so? is it considered a good uni?

san diego state university

not giving away my undergrad