G-guys... Is this real life?

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is this real? I'm bumping it anyways

No our memes are just leaking into real life. We're Illuminati tier now only with poo and pees.

Source ?

Ok yes... fine I believe in meme magic now.

It was actually reported on msm this morning.


|\|0 8R@K35

.-.. . - .----. ... / -.. .. ... .--. . .-.. / --- -. -.-. . / .- -. -.. / ..-. --- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / .-- .. - .... / - .... .. ... / ..-. .. -.-. - .. --- -. / - .... .- - / -- -.-- / -.. .- -.. -.. -.-- / -.. --- . ... -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... .- - / .... . .----. ... / -.. --- .. -. --. .-.-.- / .... . / -.- -. --- .-- ... / . -..- .- -.-. - .-.. -.-- / .-- .... .- - / .... . .----. ... / -.. --- .. -. --. .-.-.- / -....- -... .- .-. .-. --- -. / ...- --- -. / -.- . -.-

Christ if there's one thing I hate about Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison's cartoons is that he always fucking labels everything. I mean, wow, it's not like people don't know those two guys are Bill and (((Soros))).




>Grim Reaper in the audience.

I kekked.

Yeah but the outline of the colostomy bag is nicely done.

lol ya i like how the buttons on her sleeve are 666 if u didn't notice

It's a cartoonist thing. A lot of them do this

We gotta be careful with this Ben guy though, he's a loose canon, could fly off the handle and take down a lot of us, he leans a little to far for most of us. No discrespect sir, Mr. Ben Garrison sir.

Nice, subtly isn't really his strong suit, but that's good.


Doesn't he know that goys aren't allowed to shut things down?

I'm voting for trump now. I can't support a woman who sharts in marts and lies to America.

Maga Sup Forums, maga

i think you're overestimating people's intelligence, friend
once they stop labeling you'll see a bunch of
>what did he mean by this
>who's soros?

what are we going to meme into reality next? I feel like I can shoot lightnings from my fingertips now

He has to, most people have no idea who he's talking about. Lots of cartoonists do it like the other anons said.

Hillary farting or shitting her pants at the debates.

If this happens, I will legit build a shrine for Kek in my closet.

I'll settle for her falling down because she's too sick to stand.

The excuse to not shut it down now is because it takes a while to.

What was the excuse not to shut it down when she was Secretary of State or even Senator?

i guess he just tweeted out his free speech was censored over this cartoon

I'm praying for a coughing fit that lasts like 4 or 5 minutes and then she has a confused look on her face and runs off the stage holding her ass with both hands.

Yeah, but her new meme name would write itself.

>Hillary Shitton

Wonder if he has any proof, that'd be a big bomb shell.

Pretty sure if she fell and couldn't get up unaided it'd totally kill her chances of winning.

I'm sure he does, that's why he wrote about it. That's kind of his thing. There will be leaks.


Like that fucking ADHD morherfucker wrote that.

His genes are so weak he condemned weak he condemned Barron to the life of an autismo n blamed it on vaccines.

>Trumps a fn sperglord, cunts!

Ha ha ha ha ha!



trumps gonna win

Man this is hilarious, Hillary's team must be so nervous, all the scandals in the news making Hillary an even bigger mess, this is going to be gold. If they have half a brain they talk their way out of the debates somehow, but she's going to deserve everything she gets.

Why? The media would find a way to spin it.

>Brave Hillary Clinton can't handle being in the presence of Trump's racism.

>There will be leaks.

Only if they do a bad job diapering her.

I read her people want her to sit for the debates, not stand.

They can spin it, but a 69-year-old woman flopping on stage is pretty hard to vote for.

>Buttons on her sleeve are 666



I don't give a fuck what you people say about Trump or if you mock him for saying stupid shit or tweets, but when he dates Hillary there is no way she will win when this madman is railing against her with all these facts, I can already see him pulling out papers to have her or the reporter read them out loud it will be glorious.

>Hi I'm Ben Garrison and I label everything in my comics because my audience is dense as pig shit
Come on Benny boy, we can handle thinking a little bit

Your average american would realize she's a fuckin corrupt mess and most likely not vote for either or vote Trump.
Trump could destroy her, ask if she's comfortable then get up and walk towards her all Alpha, not like that omega Gore and talk with his hands real fast, hopefully he wears some shiny blazer buttons and the quick flashes of light make her seize and fall over. Imagine Trump yelling pointing at her, Hillary recoils in horror, he yells get up you fuckin bullshit artist, what are you hiding, GET UP! YOU CAN'T RUN A COUNTRY!!!


I wouldn't be surprised if we find out in the future she was addicted to drugs or had brain damage. Not surprised at all, not one bit.

>W E W L A D
>E W L A D W
>W L A D W E
>L A D W E W
>A D W E W L
>D W E W L A

All that's missing is a few corporate logo tattoos on her lower back.

I don't think what you're trying to do is going to work today.

This, praise kek. We have been on the MEME timeline for a while now.

He just has to keep her on the ropes and let her poor health do the rest. If she bails in the middle of a debate, she's done like dinner.

>brain damage

She's had multiple strokes, that7s a given at this point.

And now (They)ve shut down Ben's website

Yea, he claims they shut it down on him, wonder if there's some truth to it or it just crashed from all the traffic.

>wearing adult diapers
based ben

Holy shit I love that guy


I-is it h-happening?

>catheter in pants

so fucking based

Could you imagine if HRC skips out on the debates and he debates Johnson and stein instead? As long as he beats Johnson he could let Stein look good so that the Bern bots would vote for her and not Hilldabeast.

bill i agree with, but normies don't know who soros is

I think it adds to the angry, bullheaded charm of his dumb cartoons.

Say it with me.

Shut. It. Down.

>"No, sorry, I don't debate with losers okay? And frankly, they're all- and I can't say it enough- they're all a bunch of losers."

please be safe Trump they are sure to try and assassinate you now.

Propaganda 101: appeal to the lowest common denominator

Hiring the Breitbart head was a good move. Trump's speeches and statements hits Hillary in all the right places.

Oh fuck Brock's new bots are malfunctioning

Isn't Trump technically much more rich and corrupt?

Tell me shillAnon how is he corrupt and do you know what corrupt means?

He's rich; he's not corrupt however. He's earned it by sacrificing marriages for his work and kids. Clintons got rich by giving speeches for millions of dollars to special interests. Even if the Clintons did not exist, you still couldn't call him corrupt based on his actions

yes, in wealth that he legally owns and controls. Hilary is arguably in control of far more liquid assets that could not be literally called part of her net worth


This is funny as fuck. The empty auditorium with just the Grim Reaper, Ill Bill, Soros, one female cheerleader, CNN and the NYT and grumpy Muslims. Priceless.

I love that he always has Hillary ready for her orange jumpsuit. kek

Please stop calling everyone a shill, it only encourages the shitposters

t. shitposter

also, note the outline of the catheter and wee bag.

As always though...

So sad Claude Rains isn't alive to play Soros. Imagine it.

This is a bloodbath, the remaining weeks until the election are going to be pure gold.
Bannon the Cannon is delivering.
>pro-tip: invest in asylums, media shills are going to fill them up come Q4.

he's a member of PATE

they do this so people in the future can understand what's being said is more clear.

It's a classic tradition of editorial newspaper cartoonists, m8.

>1 post calling out shill
>plz stop calling everyone a shill
Touche Kangaroo jack



So it begins.

I don't think Trump gets how you "hammer" someone on their weaknesses. You don't just say something really loudly, you have to arm it with information that the media isn't focusing on and portray it in a new light, drudge up material that is the public recently forgot about (not stuff they have already digested) and be on top of information coming through the woodwork before the mainstream media is. Just doubling down on the media attacks and criticisms makes you seem like an under-foot character.

What the heck, I could have sworn that Trump's campaign was doing this in the early days of Manneford being on the team. Guess he was the only one who knew how to run a campaign.

Well, to be fair this is just a twitter tweet right? What are they limited to, 255 characters? Looks like he maxed out this one. But yes he should certainly reinforce this at a later time with concrete evidence.

If he actually busts out documents during the debate?!

>SPECIFICALLY says suspended
>crashed because of traffic

are you a dumb fucking retard? go back to shilling for hillary.

Will Trump name the Jew when he becomes President?

Yea ok shill, try harder next time. I know what he said regardless.

>not corrupt

participating in corruption means you are corrupt. Trump is corrupt.

His side of the bargain tends to be paying for favors, however.

go get'em Trump!

Is this just fantasy?

censorship is getting ridiculous here and most people have no idea.

Literally made this thread last night

Are you new here? Sup Forums loves Trump. Really, it's only shills who say otherwise.

That is monica lewinsky

The new shills are really retarded

>nigged status quo
Holy shit, he's gone too far this time.