American Union

Why is there an EU or European Union made up of various countries that have no duty to protect america by any treaty and yet there is no American Union????

Why doesnt America invade Canada and Mexico and make them all American? Its not like Canada can defend itself against anything or mexico because their military like their people are a joke.

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Go ahead if you want all of your nice historical landmarks to be destroyed. I also couldn't guarantee the safety of Trump if you were to invade my country

To invade is one thing to hold its conquest is another. Democracies cannot just use the same methods as despotic regimes because they cause internal strife.

>Go ahead if you want all of your nice historical landmarks to be destroyed. I also couldn't guarantee the safety of Trump if you were to invade my country
why would our landmarks be destroyed? canadas landmarks are just as important and their history, noone said anything about destroying it? Your already american you just dont know it yet until....

Although I do wonder what kind of cool flag we could make for the AU if say we made it like an aids quilt using all the flags as one flag kinda thing? that could be cool?

I'm saying that if you were to invade Canada maybe your landmarks would suddenly find themselves more explosive, is all
>To invade is one thing to hold its conquest is another.
Every single country that exists today does so because of conquest. In america we spend all this money to have the best military we say, well if thats true and were not using it for conquest what is the point in having it?

In summary to protect our alies to the north and South being Canada and Mexico, we wouldnt even need to invade them just accept their surrender since their cowards anyways who never won a world war and move on with literally zero casualties and then finally those other countries can be proud to be american.

>I'm saying that if you were to invade Canada maybe your landmarks would suddenly find themselves more explosive, is all
You mean cuz of all the muslims in Canada or something? I dont think it would be a war at all is my point, its not like the US and Canada are enemies so they might as well become like a bunch more states. As in take those territories and now their just US states.

Besides I love mounties their badass, be cool to get those say here in Philadelphia or maybe detroit to clean up crime. Mounties dont take shit which is why Canada is so safe.

>duty to protect america by any treaty
>what is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Mexico isn't a member though, I hope to God we fulfill Polk's dream of controlling the entire southern continent. As things stand now I think Mexico would be better off as a territory like Puerto Rico, than as a state.

I'm saying that, you know, maybe Canadians will target your cultural symbols since we can't beat you militarily. Maybe the Statue of Liberty goes up in flames, maybe Mount Rushmore gets dynamited, who knows?

Total hypothetical of course

>As things stand now I think Mexico would be better off as a territory like Puerto Rico, than as a state.
I never got why some places get to be territories and not states, can you explain this? Maybe we could let Canada be a territory like Puerto Rico until they can actually contribute or something if we took them over?

>Americans actually think they can take over Canada
>They can't even defeat Vietnamese rice farmers

lmao. Do us a favor when you come from us. Wear a diaper. I don't want American shit falling on this beautiful country. Oh my bad. American shit. Why did I write shit twice? hmm.

>Why doesnt America invade Canada and Mexico

We DID invade Mexico. After Winfield Scott captured Mexico City and Santa Anna ran like a coward. He sent word to congress that the capital was ours and the Mexican territory and its peoples were ours to annex. Congress passed on such an idea under the reason being that allowing this new savage race into the country, would threaten the well-being and homogeneity of the country and culture. Instead, we made them sign the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Which basically gave us the whole southwest.

>maybe Canadians will target your cultural symbols since we can't beat you militarily
Why would they do that if we in the US invade Canada? Were not going there to be dicks or blow up your landmarks but to welcome Canadians into being American? I get it that not all canadians would like it at first, but if its all peaceful and we respect your stuff, i dont see who would go and disrespect our stuff since once Canada is taken over then all those landmarks are yours since its all one America. Why would any honest american in former canada do that?

There's an excess of two twin towers in this comic

Only if this scenario was real

Because fuck off and leave us alone is why, if I wanted to be a fucking American I'd immigrate there

>>Americans actually think they can take over Canada
I dont think canada would fight back at all and what would they even fight for to be honest? Your saying they would go all guerilla warfare to not be American when they sort of already are since the only reason canada isnt part of russia or under a nazi flag is because of America anyways if you think about it.
>Wear a diaper. I don't want American shit falling
that would only be in your walmarts....

Why not go further and build a world government?

>The world isnt ready

America IS a Union you fucking moron.

>Because fuck off and leave us alone is why, if I wanted to be a fucking American I'd immigrate there
You pretty much are American though I mean seriously, whats the difference? There isnt much is my point so might as well get conquered. If Canada had the better military then I would say we should let Canada conquer us but since the USA is #1 there is no point in that.

>implying I'd accept having free movement with 300 million Anglos without a fight

Canada is needed like Switzerland is needed and Mexico (and most of SA) is pretty much an American satelite, you don't need to annex it.

>Why not go further and build a world government?
prolly cuz like any corporation too much expansion causes collapse. Besides alot of countries dont like America. Canada and America are friends so it wouldnt matter, also all mexicans love America which is why they come here so its all good in the hood at the end of the day if their all America.

>I dont think canada would fight back at all

You'd be wrong

>what would they even fight for to be honest?

Not being American

> since the only reason canada isnt part of russia or under a nazi flag is because of America

Keep telling yourself that

Don't be such a raging faggot.
The only thing you'll be blowing is your dog.

Why bother? Americas military is more than capable of defending against any traditional foreign invasion that could plausibly happen. Taking over Mexico would be more trouble than its worth, since we'd be taking on their shit economy and cartel problems while not gaining all that much of value. Canada might be nice, but ultimately the possible international response makes it too big a risk.

>>implying I'd accept having free movement with 300 million Anglos without a fight
dont we already have that though? pretty sure I can go to canada anytime I want and have in the past with no problem when under 21 so I dont get your point? can you explain it please?

I remember when I was 17 years old and globalist too. Good times, half life 2 episode 2 came out that year.

>Because fuck off and leave us alone is why
You're a nation with a stale history and no identity. You couldn't even handle a couple of french people blowing things up. You've live your life under the Empire's boot and it wouldn't be much of a change if you joined a stronger empire that's only culturally closer to you. Not to mention, you just so happen to be in the way of true Manifest Destiny.

>cartel problems while not gaining all that much of value
couldnt we make their cartels like the army of mexico since their all like that anyways?

>pakis and Honduras migrants freely migrating
>chinese floodgates opened
no thanks

>what would Canadians even fight for to be honest?
>Not being American
That answer I do not understand in some ways Canada is already more American than America and others not, just some pros and cons nothing that big of a deal really. I dont think canadians would be going apeshit the next day when they wound just wake up and do the same thing the day before except for having the pride in their heart that their now part of the greatest country on earth. Why would they hate that, it just doesnt make any sense.

We have tens of thousands of syrians dying trying to get to America and it would be offered to Canada and you think Canadians would not want to be part of America??? That just seems ridiculous.

No, you're not allowed to stay permanently the way things are now. A North American Union would be a threat to French Canada

>implying I wouldn't be one of those french people blowing things up if you tried to annex my country

>you just so happen to be in the way of true Manifest Destiny.
kek has spoken, I defy any Canadian to speak out against the truth of kek only making the reality that much more realer.

don't we have the pan-american union, A union that isn't a political union but a defense/economic one that ensures a minimum of compatibility between the foreign markets.

Sure, if you want a bunch of poorly trained fucks with little to no discipline as your military, and are willing to pay more than the drug trade currently gives them for it.

already have it, it's called NORAD

>A North American Union would be a threat to French Canada
wtf bro its 2016 your not part of France. With that said noone would see it as a threat to the french. I mean are you kidding me with that line of argument?

a shit ton of the people of my state (Baja) will support to join the US

>Sure, if you want a bunch of poorly trained fucks with little to no discipline as your military, and are willing to pay more than the drug trade currently gives them for it.
well we could train them so its not a loss and legalize their drugs or something which would be pretty awesome?
>implying I wouldn't be one of those french people blowing things up if you tried to annex my country
Why would you be such a dick if America invaded Canada? Its called uniting people while you would want to destroy the dreams of your parents and the children of your country just because of one little thing? I dont think your life would change at all, youd have a better national anthem thats for sure.

What do you think would change so much you would suddenly turn into some violent psycho going around blowing things up scaring everyone?

No American Union?
What about the Organization of American States?

It does not act like the European Union, but it does have its own flag, headquarters, president (Luis Almagro) and charter.
Unlike the European Union each country retains much more of its sovereignty and thus we don't really see the effects of the union to the extent that Europeans see with theirs.

I'm not stupid. I know it would be a plot to colonise Canada and exterminate French Canadians over the long term.

>we just want to colonise and assimilate you frenchies, why are you so mad

>Just annex Canada bro
>Just go to war with China bro
>Just build vaults bro

The United Mexican States (aka Mexico) is comprised of several states. Thinking anyone is going to lump all of that into one state or territory is fucking retarded

>I'm not stupid. I know it would be a plot to colonise Canada and exterminate French Canadians over the long term.
Where are you getting that from? Noone would get rid of the culture? I love star trek, and maybe you do too? Your saying Americans are like the borg or something and just exterminate everything?

Bro you dont have to worry, here in Philly I can go out and get Indian food, chinese, korean, Italian, all that. We dont destroy culture just do your thing is what its all about, you gotta do you.

>we just want to colonise and assimilate you frenchies, why are you so mad
Nowhere was this said in my original post. All I said was that Canada and Mexico would be invaded and become American. Its 2016 not 1500 noone is colonizing ish since ya know were all western.

>The United Mexican States (aka Mexico) is comprised of several states. Thinking anyone is going to lump all of that into one state or territory is fucking retarded
Couldnt we just leave them set up that way as states? Just like leaving the territories in Canada intact and then *poof* their just states. That was what I mean sorry if it came off as making them one state could that would be totally fucktarded. Im thinking if Mexico and Canada did become American tomorrow nothing would really change for them.

>be brink of civil war
>decide to invade closest economic/shared land border allies
>economy implodes, security threats becomes a nightmare hell on earth tier, and country disintegrates over night for a War nobody wants

I know "shatmarters" aren't the brightest, but you got a bad case of stupidity in your hands.

>implying having millions of Americans move here isn't colonisation

I don't even get what the fuck you're going for here

Ah quebec scum I see

Pretty sure that the United States of America is a union, dumbass.

What's that noise outside?

No a whole fucking lot would change, I know what happened to the Acadians in Louisiana

I don't click links from people I troll

Anglo Canada will make sure quebec takes refugees.

You WILL become like France and surrender to islam

>>be brink of civil war
what are you talking about? Is that some kind of Alex Jones ish? Cmon that guy exaggerates, hes fun, and america is not on the brink of a civil war.

>I don't even get what the fuck you're going for here
Noone is moving to Canada, things wouldnt change that much, if Canada became American then people would just stay where they are same with Mexico pretty much. Your just like inventing these invisible boogeymen which arent there. Most americans never leave the state their in until the day they die in alot of places so their not going where you are :P

>Why doesnt America invade Canada

We already tried that. It's called the War of 1812. They kicked our ass and almost burned down the White House for good measure.

Read a book, you underaged smegchugger.

Tiberius did nothing wrong.

>No a whole fucking lot would change, I know what happened to the Acadians in Louisiana
What in the what??? Who the hell are the Acadians? I dont know what your talking about but if it was in the past leave it there and dont live there. Its 2016 you gotta live in the now. My point is nothing would change in Canada if they became American. I would think its awesome a cultural exchange of crepes and burgers. Keep in mind we both love bacon right and thats pretty awesome!!!

That's not true actually

You gave yourself away here

>We already tried that. It's called the War of 1812.
Well like Trump said what we need are Victories and we need to start winning again. Walking into Canada and calling them our brother would be a step in the right direction. That was like a hundred years ago they didnt even have stealth then or seal team six.

Wrong. I kicked your ass.

This time I will help you invade Canada

LOL our shitskins actually move to other provinces (especially Ontario) all the time, and we're the only province that can dictate to the federal government how many immigrants we take

I dont know what your argument is here about the Acadians or what that has to do with it. Seems heavy I will give you that but pretty far fetched. This isnt sci-fi this is reality. If Canada became america nothing would be lost to former canadians so your making a big deal out of nothing.

Dude, go learn your fucking history. The war of 1812 started because British naval ships requested fares from American merchants. Canada was the one who tried to invade Maine, and that's when war was declared.

The US objective was to keep Maine and to get the British navy off our backs. Both were accomplished. Just because we lost a house doesn't mean we got our asses kicked. It was, for all intents and purposes, a stalemate

>100 years ago Louisiana was 1/3 French
>because of colonisation and banning of the language this was reduced to like 3% today
>implying I'm stupid enough to believe this wouldn't happen again

If we invaded canada then and made them americans we wouldnt have this problem today.

>>because of colonisation and banning of the language this was reduced to like 3% today
hmmm well that might be what is written in text books or by those ivory tower types but that isnt reality at all if you go to Lousiana. In the entire country they use a diff commercial law code for example based on france. There is a whole group of people there called cajun and all that who speak french or can maybe I dunno. Again let me say that was forever ago, your living in the past, thats like saying caveman jones had a house there and where is caveman joe and his ideals today?

People adapt and move on its not a big deal. Just think you could look out your window and proudly display the American flag where if you did that today people would think you were crazy.

I'm not an idiot

>I'm not an idiot
I didnt say you were an idiot? You just seem to be living in the past which is lame dont do that to yourself. What are you like the Amish we have here all living in the past before electricity? Even they have cell phones for emergencies.

Nothing would change so if I was you I would begin preaching about American values to friends and maybe neighbors is what Im saying so that everyone is ready for it since it would be cool if were all on the same team I think at least, dont you?

>like dude we totally destroyed French culture and language in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Louisiana, etc. but it's like 2016 and we won't do it, like, again bruh

>>like dude we totally destroyed French culture and language in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Louisiana, etc. but it's like 2016 and we won't do it, like, again bruh
No we didnt destroy anything? There are french cajun places right now in philadelphia and all over the US, we love that ish were not gonna destroy it?
Yea its 2016 and we dont destroy it. Well in any event you cant be angry since it didnt happen yet and wouldnt happen so you would be happy that your culture would be loved by us and is so might as well just be invaded since its the logical thing as a Vulkan would say.

Canada is a country to invade? lol

>Canada is a country to invade? lol
Their next door to America so it wouldnt really be an invasion. We train and supply their military anyways so their already pretty much owned by us since we tell them what to do, only thing is they dont get to be part of us which is lame I think. They might as well just be American so they dont go around always feeling left out ya kno.