We want entry into the union. Fuck the queen fuck the commonwealth

we want entry into the union. Fuck the queen fuck the commonwealth.


Kill yourself Anglocuck

Fuck off we're ful

no, leaf

Québécois cunt.

No snow spics allowed.

Absolutely not. All cucks there

very good looking borders if I might say so my self

Fuck off, We the People are full!

We don't even want you so I doubt America does.

Assassinate Trudeau and we will talk.

Y'all had your chance 250 years ago. We'd have considered it 4 years ago, but now far too many cucks.

A pity, I was looking forward to NORAD, the 51st state.

We will take all your land but we don't want Quebec, Toronto or Vancouver.

Go away.

We don't want your meager worth in taxes, and we don't want you having any representation in out government. No.

your with us forever now canada

Just because you're miserable doesn't mean your buddy fits mean anything cuckboy
We aren't Anglo and never were

You're gonna have to start sharting in marts if you want in, bud

Milk? In bags? Need I say more?

I meant the OP. Canadian Anglos are the descendants of the Loyalists so they always want someone to be their master, hence all the "ANNEX US PLEASE" Anglocuck shitposts


Yeah no yeah no yeah nooo

nobody likes you canada


Get rid of the chinks, dot heads, dune coons and niggles and we'll talk.

As if we don't have enough autistic liberals. You can have that land and your prime minister, if we want y'all, we will annex you

Alberta only.

Why is everyone on Sup Forums so against Canada? I mean like seriously Canadians are brotier we should accept them

Canadians tend to be friendly to your face, but snide, terrible people behind your back. Somewhat like southerners, but on an entirely different level, and lacking the chutzpa that the south has in spades.

I say this as both a Canadian and a southerner.

You're not allowed to vote. Ever.

This is quite true, I try to be as friendly as humanly possible when talking face-to-face but shit talk everyone behind their backs

This is the main reason why Canadians are colossal cunts on Sup Forums. We need to unload hatred somewhere.

>canada joins the union
>instantly gain a fuckload of liberal voters

Yea na go fuck yourself cunt

Hey there mark, didn't know you browser Sup Forums

On the other hand we could use some of that Canadian oil...