Okay, guys. I have a relative who's very concerned about BodyBuilding Forum's Misc section ("The Misc"). Usually, The Misc is fairly conservative politically, and is totally pro-Trump. Lately, however, The Misc has been totally pro-Hillary. Do you know anything about this? CORRECT THE RECORD may have compromised it. He's real demoralized and shit. I told him CORRECT THE RECORD attacked Le Reddit and Sup Forums, too. WHAT CAN WE DO POL.
Correct the Record @ BodyBuilding Forum Misc
fuck off
post scooby
It may not be CTR, there are numerous left wing groups/companies that target popular websties and post propaganda on a number of topics.
They wised up an realized Trump is retarded.
>mixing politics and living a healthy lifestyle
Not a good mixerino.
Tell him to go on /fit/ instead
Misc is for normies
Just spam them with gore or lolis, or the biggest bomb: reality.
They can't handle any of the above.
Just keep talking shit until they change. You aren't locked in there with them, they are locked in there with you.
Spam with janoy
you can fuck off you shill
thats what you can do
I'm a member of those forums
It's loaded with shills who pretend to be conservatives that have switched to Clinton
Their usernames are: GreatOldOne, NoLiberals, SearsBrah, Jro9999, Moksha16, EctoCanuck, RougeProdigy
I've heard the the GreatOldOne (Goo) like numerous times. Heard the mods pretty much keep shit in "order" - with an iron hand.
Just do what misc does best and fuck with them or ask for their stats, if they're CTR they will probably bullshit some stats like that one post about that fat girl and the 4 minute mile
this desu
Who /aware/ here??
ctr shills are in misc
You phaggots still do this? I haven't been on the misc since that wheelchair faggot banned me 5 or 6 years ago.
dukeusmc best mod