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This isn't a fucking D&C shill kike JIDF comment but honestly at this point who fucking cares. The male populations in the west have turned into docile little puppies and at this point only taking away the mac n cheese bites brought to you by Doritos and precious video games would get them to even consider altering their steady diet of self abasement and desire to immolate themselves for the shitskin cock.
Do we have any actual concrete proof that Hillary Clinton committed treason? YES it's obvious she fucking has, anyone with even half a brain cell left can see that. The thing is western males have been earmarked for death, and trained to only find satisfaction in the next like, swipe or other escape from reality. This fucking satanic cunt and her foreign usurpers and goons, are literally laughing all the way to the bank.
Watch and cackle as the Eurasian union is formed before our very eyes. ISIS will be taken out, along with the Kurds (even in the Qandil), Russia, China, Turkey et al; align themselves against the west, as the west is too busy to notice between twitching from gender neutral kindergarten bathrooms and sex ed training for shitskin parasites on how to cock the unprotected lambs while the males who are supposed to be rising up and fighting spread there cheeks for the digital pestilence.
THIS will be the leak that will finally take down Clinton!
(said increasingly nervous man for the 300th time)
>Do we have any actual concrete proof that Hillary Clinton committed treason? YES it's obvious she fucking has, anyone with even half a brain cell left can see that.
Then where is it?
Just one more month until Assange-tober surprise!
Who /Comfy/?
who are you projecting against yourself?
there are 2 more behind it.
slow & steady
There isn't anything bad there either. Whoops, did I ruin the surprise?
>this will be the end of Hillary's campaign, says increasingly nervous and irrelevant swedish blogger
Can we just arrest Assange already? The only thing people care about now is who he raped. He has released nothing of importance. He might as well open up his insurance files now and spread them. Literally no one cares.
>nb4 CTR/shill/bait replies
No one is being paid to post on fucking Sup Forums you retards.
its been proven that she has lied to congress which is 5 years mandatory, since the fbi wont go after her Congress is now
even more respect for Rand Paul now
Comey leaking info to Assange directly
Holy fuck my fucking face when
>dat plausable deniability
>believing kikeleaks
Why doesn't he release it now? Makes it look like the man has nothing.
Fucking wish it would just be over with, I want to be able to read the headlines of Hillary falling over dead once she realizes she's lost all chance of even pretending to still be in the race.
thank you for Correcting the Record
>b-b-but a bunch of hillarys interns made unprofesional jokes in email chains
you're right. this new 'bombshell' wikileaks releases every two days now with absolutely fucking nothing in them is destroying their credibility.
Nothing will happen to her
It's better to release them near election day so that it's fresh in the minds of voters. Americans have extremely short attention spans.
Nice try Paco.
hi CTR ;)
ps there's proof she committed perjury
.5 Shekels have been deposited in your account.
>tfw still waiting for the leaks that will destroy her campaign
Shes going to jail CTR
get over it
daaammnnnn, show me that booty yeaww
how do you even recover deleted emails?
Playing the long con, this could be grounds for impeachment
You check the Recycle Bin dumpass
there's been more than sufficient evidence out already to demolish her 100 times over, this shit is way bigger than watergate
the masses just don't give a shit anymore
I agree, there's a good chance if she gets into office and right away charges are pressed by NY Attorney and FBI. We'll be stuck with Kaine the spanish speaking cuck, but better than that shit bag. Who am I kidding, that bitch won't last the debates, she's going to show America what a sick decrepit bitch she is.
The Russians give them to you
At the debates
It'd fucking ruin her
He really hates Clinton (the DNC, really); which is telling, as he's a leftist/moderate.
Here have 0.02$
Is the "nervous man" meme the reason why clinton bought the onion and had them shut down?
The files weren't completely destroyed. An HDD simply deletes the reference to the file in the directory. The file still exists, but without proper tools, no one can find the address of the file.
She was hacked while she had them on her unsecured server
Someone "gifted" them to the FBI
Someone tried to kill him this weekend, apparently. Hillary's getting nervous.
What would happen if she got sick and passed before inauguration? Would Tim Cooke be president?
Well, Chaim, deleting stuff doesn't usually actually remove it from your hard drive; it effectively tells the computer it's OK to overwrite that section of the respective storage device. Software can recover that information pretty easily. Hell, Lexar gave me a program that can when I bought an SD card.
Shills running so much damage control.
How many posts in this thread will you guys make.
from the Sup Forums jackass who macro'd the statement to G5 back in April
Holy shit
Is this why Clinton has gone missing from the campaign trail?
Prepping her legal team? Fleeing to tropical island?
The emails literally have done no damage to her except that one time Comey called her out.
Most Americans are sick of the email coverage
I hope her poopy diapers are brought up as it is an essential topic when discussing her.
She's probably a mess with all this bad news, she knows something is going to stick and she has to debate Trump. Her mental health is probably not all that great at the moment, if it ever were anyways.
Problem with that is... More often then not the HDD is going to overwrite shit the first chance it gets not to mention they recovered all the missing emails which should be impossible assuming they didn't just turn it off after pressing the delete key
Do you blow your load the first thirty seconds when you fuck?
He's going to release them in October, and anyone with a good head on their shoulders would do the same.
Generally, because they never released the classified/secret stuff.
1 4 9 0 0
>french flag
>ignores the 8/10 bottle-blonde sl00t and enhances the goat bum
Clinton shills are freaking out.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are tired of hearing about her damn emails.
Yea yea, see what youre doing there. No damage, nothing to see here, slide it baby, slide. The emails have done damage and will continue to do so, she's a wreck lately and it will only be worse as time passes. She's not getting any better you know, I mean just look at her.
>Dude Nihilisms LMAO
gtfo faggot
i accidently my 9000 pepes how recovered?
>purposely delete 15,000 emails prior to an FBI hearing
>nothing bad
If there was nothing there there would be no point in creating more suspicion by deleting them.
K jeb
You speak for no one, this is gonna be good, I want more, and more.
Can somebody tell me what this is about?
Can he just release them already.
Jesus christ it's like the boy who cried wolf.
It's not like trump even needs this to win.
Speak for yourself you fucking fag.
Me and that Romanian poster here will cave your fucking empty head in, then go back to shitposting like men.
You're a terminal poofter cunt
>>muh sides
I'm not. She literally coordinated with the DNC to sabotage the primary. I'm done with those cheating, money-grubbing, power-mad A-holes. So, yes, I want to know what else she's been up to.
>Tim Cooke
What? Don't you mean
We all know nothing will come of this
cool story brah
Based Bill, if Hillary wins, she'll stop receiving corporate and foreign donations for CF. You got that guys?
>if I misuse memes, they won't notice I'm a shill!
Thank you for Correcting the Record
>emails are stored on a server
>that server has a physical harddrive
>harddrives don't actually delete things when you hit delete, instead they just tell you they've been deleted and the space is allocated as 'free' until something else comes along to be written in that space
It's the same way the recover CP on a drive after people try to delete it. Essentially you have to delete shit, fill the drive, then delete again and even that may not get it all.
She's having dinner with 1000 donators.
Do you even Cher, brah?
This reads like poetry not sure if its true or not, not everyone is a nu and people are waking up by the day.
>DELETE THIS!!! The media might finally expect me to give a press conference!!! *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*
bump for #Hillary4Prison becoming real KEK WILLS IT
>government workers in charge of being thorough.
DBAN is free...
Goat fucking... how... halal of you.
>but honestly at this point who fucking cares.
You guys realize that there can literally be a full manifesto written by Hillary documenting every assassination she orchestrated and the MSM would still go on full damage control for her by not reporting it, right? Normies wouldn't even know about it, or figure it doesn't matter because it's not on the TV.
>*plops a poopy in diaper*
Will you look at that, I actually got dubs.
Kek wills it brother. Hillary belongs in prison!
>The memetic force of the ignorant masses giving weight to the idea that she'll win because people inherently hate change.
I pray for this to not be true, that humanity will be different for once.
Let's do this.
>No one is being paid to post on fucking Sup Forums you retards.
First you find a chink or a poo-in-loo who speaks unaccented English, then you pay him 60 bucks a day to spend 12+ mountain dew-fueled hours a day recovering each file in the BIOS individually using autistic wizardry that I don't understand or care to learn about
Source: this is how I got 500gb of shemale porn out of an old HDD that I could no longer access/boot from
You sound like a little bitch projecting your cuck life.
Can't rearrange the Assange.
this omg
>recovering each file in the BIOS
At $20 an hour, who is so stupid they would post on Sup Forums without being paid?
the black pill is such a cop out
I wonder when the next assassination attempt will be.
I bet we see an up tick in the number of suicides of those close to the Clintons in the next week or so
>20$ an hour
wtf I'm a #ShillforHill now
Wow, sliding much?