Holy fucking shit!



Other urls found in this thread:


lmao there is 100k people on Sup Forums atm

Where are these stats from?

4chans homepage lmao

how can you see that?

This is all from the one leaf who proxies and the Lithuanian who refreshes every time he gets banned.

But user I thought that pol was one person

No way this must be some kind of meme magic

That's half of what /r/The_Donald brings in.


All I can see is pic related. Where'd you get those stats?

many of them are just normies who probably have never been to pol but have heard about it on their reddit pages and probably think its "a place for nazis" etc etc
they probably just come here for Sup Forums and other hobbyist boards.

Because freedom of speech.

Thanks America.

How the hell was I banned for
not only did i not even post that, that was back in October last year

Read: unique IPs. Phonecunts change IP every hour or so, maybe more often. Do the math.

Meme Magic does not exist, What makes things happen are people. And Sup Forums is now reaching millions of people around the globe. Sup Forums is now an active force of change on a global escale.

This. Phone fag here.

My I.d. Changes often in threads that are up awhile and everytime I clear my cookies/history.

The rest of Sup Forums has a pretty bad opinion of Sup Forums

I'm pretty leftist but I started coming here on the night of the Brexit just to see what the chatter was like. And then there was that string of terrorist attacks in Europe and the attempted coup in Turkey, and I got pretty red-pilled. Being red-pilled is kind of addictive. Having a view of pure cynicism is easy to get suckered into.

But still, everywhere else has a such an aggressively low opinion of this place. We're very hateful here. This is just as much an echochamber as any SJW haven, I think. The truth must lie somewhere in the middle.



Sup Forums.org/advertise

Meme magic does exist. It's the human hivemind. Watch Holographic Disclosure.

>The rest of Sup Forums
Who gives a shit. It's so different it might as well be another website that just shares the interface. And this phenomena is about as old as 2channel.

>Interests: Japanese culture, anime, manga, video games

d e l e t e

You're welcome, friend. We'll murder anyone who tries to stop us.

ask newm00t how they define "unique visitor"

obviously the centre is correct. but we cant have centre while being flooded with immigrants are leftist pieces of shit. so we gotta go right to eventually achieve centre

>I'm pretty leftist

Why would you want to drink negro semen and chop off your tiny but very problematic white penis?

>The truth must lie somewhere in the middle.
that's a compromise fallacy that you need to go fuck yourself with

this post is getting a lot of replies

Is this just for pol or does it include all the subreddits?

Meme magic is just autist speak for propaganda ;)


Make a comeback aussie. We miss you.

>30% of Sup Forums is female
>Sup Forums is only 47% American
>majority are college educated

Shills buddy. OP makes a thread (1 POST BY THIS ID) and changes his ip to agree with himself. If no one agrees, he changes his ip again, and agrees with himself.
It's just poor enforcement of the no proxy rules.


I need a place to get out my daily hate for rampant leftism

Wait a minute... isn't that the number of people on government assistance, according to Romney?

Go to you operating system folder and delete all the files

No they so not change every hour. That's a gross exaggeration. They do change often, but not that often.

What's with all the newfags ITT?

When I phonepost my IP changes every time I change the cell I'm latched to, every time I turn off and on again the internet connection, and so on and so forth. If anything that's an understatement.