Let's discuss fat acceptance in modern society.
Please do not shitpost.
Let's discuss fat acceptance in modern society.
Please do not shitpost.
I'm fat and I accept it.
I do not. I disagree with your lifestyle choices and reserve the right to mock you for them.
This is what happens when losers are put in charge.
No competition and we'll all look like the hamplanet in OPs pic.
No, being fat is unacceptable. The FDA is to blame.
Look at it.
Apart from the obvious disgust factor, apart from the health issues, apart from the fact half the world is starving, apart from the fact grossly obese people's hormones and chemical balances go haywire and they can still vote or have positions of authority- the single biggest problem with fat acceptance is the burden it puts onto these peoples families!
It's just yet another Jew way to destroy family units.
These fatties needs constant care, constant cashflow for the insane amount of junk they eat, the stay single forever draining elderly parents of retirement funds.
It's SELFISH AND EVIL! Bottom line!
It should be eradicated by mandatory cardio
Obesity is degenerate
Home of sexuals BTFO
This, 1000x
Home of sexuals did nothing wrong.
It's because of the munchies
I'm trying to shitpost here, you fucking idiot. Did you forget whose side you're on?
I'm fat myself and I am embarrassed to walk in public I have no idea what kind of a person that is fat would proudly flaunt their body and demand others not consider it disgusting.
That chink has some massive fucking tits
Used to hit the gym every day, lately been depressed and have no motivation for anything beyond looking at pol for 14 hours a day.
Idk man. I go from bed to work to bed and sometimes to the kitchen. I'm not fat but I'm getting chubby, I don't work out any more.
I know I just need to get out there ave say fuck it, get some exercise, but I'm just so tired of everything.
there is no time in human history where being fat has served any advantage. at best it's a harmless anatomical variation, at worst it's a debilitating half-ton fatness that fuses your seeping ass to the decimated couch and your entire existence becomes eating and sleeping. that girl should probably eat healthier food than fried carbohydrates.
that girl should walk at least 3 miles a day or run for 2
they should make a map of how fat people actually are, ideally in terms of girth, height, and mass
They match her massive fucking everything-else
They're just big boned...
it's just easier for these fat women to write an article about why fat isn't a problem than it is to stop shoving junk food down their throats and not exercising. it has nothing to do with anything else. it's just flat out laziness and total lack of self-control. I'm not a believer in god or whatever, but this is what happens when you take religion and strong family values away from a nation. this is just the beginning of the collapse.
Why do asians put weight on better than any other race?
Seriously even that obese sack of shit still looks pretty good compared to other ethnicity of the same weight
Got a magazine idea to pitch...
>that girl should walk at least 3 miles a day or run for 2
running vs walking burn roughly the same calories if you account for distance
the difference is running will obviously be completed quicker
so for example you should reword your sentence into walk for 30 minutes or run for 20 minutes
have a nice day user
That's based off of BMI.
I'm not saying it is, but that could just as easily be measuring the fact that we've been getting insanely buff over the last 20 years.
It's not an effective measurement of obesity.
>Please do not shitpost.
You already posted your pic
came here to add to my ss bbw folder. Disappointed at the content so far.
Got you covered F.A.M
That poor mr. Skeltal
BMI is a terrible indicator of obesity. But it's easy to gather data for it and it can show grand trends within the nation.
Calories in calories out.
Gluttony is a sin for a reason.
>Please do not shitpost.
I bet she makes a huge shitpost in the morning.
I respect your right to mock it.
This is for you.
This, Alaska isn't that fat. Just a lot of red necks with guts but they aren't obese or worthless like that Fatties I saw down south.
We are pleasantly plump at best, not that many people who are full on morbidly obese though.
We need more fat athletes in olympics
You sound like someone who is in denial.
Right back at ya, f.a.m
Obesity literally makes you stupid. The human body was not meant to be constantly eating sugar. It causes imbalances in the brain that harm cognitive functioning. Eating healthy and exercising has the opposite effect on your brain. I don't know where the 'fat nerd and stupid jock' meme came from.
Since when did being fat become the new sexy?
Shut up cuck I don't live in a fat state faggot.
Would smash
I always look at that left leg and how it bows outward.
>home of sexuals
Look at this disgusting shit.
How any self-respecting person can let themselves go this badly is beyond me.
Defensive and in denial all wrapped up in one large package. How an efficient of you.
well I'm thin and bike+walk close to 10 miles/day so I don't really get into any of that stuff. if I were genetically fat, I'd have to care about it, like a diabetic with blood sugar, but instead i have different health problems, so w/e ,nobody is perfect
fat lards who eat sit around eating junk food all day are disgusting and should be sentenced to an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.
A generation of fat moms.
t. Freud
Honestly I would destroy that.
Everyone's favorite HAES trigger...
Thanks qt
You filthy cunt
Here is my counter argument.
Even manlets can slim down.
Just imagine it...
Her lying on her back in a state of putrid bliss. You lifting her smelly gun revealing her gooey hatchet wound ready for you to orally pleasure. Imagine the moment when your mouth makes soft contact with the crotch-snot covered folds deep beneath her thighs and your nose makes contact with the fowl odor from deep inside like a ghost dragon's fire breath.
Why do you have scat porn saved?
Spent 20+ years of my life heavily overweight.
Nobody said anything when I broke 200lbs
Nobody said anything when I broke 300lbs
Finally got my shit together down to about 160lbs. Ever since I dropped below 200lbs everyone around me warned me to not take it too far and get unhealthily skinny. Yet not a fucking peep as I literally nearly killed myself with food.
I wish someone would have mocked me. I wish someone would have ridiculed me into doing something early. I know its my responsibility to take care of my own life but I still would have preferred someone to say something.
I look back on those years like a drug/alcohol addict would, so much lost time.
wtf Maine
too thin imo, should have stopped at ~180lbs
I can smell her thought the internet.
That's very disturbing
>You lifting her smelly gun
You lifting her smelly gunt.
Goddamn. M-Muh dick
>tfw I lost 55 pounds and am no longer obese
feels good man. I would have contributed to this chart at the beginning of the year.
Probably because nobody gives a shit if some fat manchild lives or dies. Can you blame them?
Did you cut out the corn syrup jew?
For people that are so insecure, they post
> no shit posting
Why do you have a bunch of fatties saved, and what does it have to do with politics?
Don't be a hero kangaroo/bro/. Do what you've got to do but don't be a hero with them.
>if I were genetically fat
poor uninformed user
that doesn't exist in over 99.99% of cases
i feel fat but i have a 28 waist, am i anorexic?
is that a problem?
seems weird if it is when fat isnt
I don't know why that made me laugh.
The other crabs didn't want you to get out of the barrel.
>Home of sexual
Waist-to-hip ratio is even easier to obtain and a good indicator for obesity.
Just was thinking the other day how fuck up it is we all blindly accept the new normal that most people are fat. Wtf? I don't buy that vast majority of people now lack self control previous generations had. There is something very wrong going on, maybe the same shit in our environment making women bitches and men women
There is an orchestrated effort pushed through propaganda to get men to accept land whales as human.
This makes me happy. I love seeing the result of people who are driven to improve themselves and make a difficult lifestyle change. It's inspiring
Right, you only save scat ironically.
Wouldn't explain why they cared when I was "getting too skinny". But point well received friendo.
Just counting calories. Easier to do by ditching the corn syrup jew but not required.
Fuck yeah look at those fucking TITTIES! Nothing makes my dick tingle like a fat girl with a nice rack.
Most of the data is self reported. Height and weight are pretty standard measurements for most people but ask someone their waist-to-hip ratio and you'll get poor quality data even if they're not intentionally lying.
That you are the spear head for?
Ask them for height and waist circumference "an inch" below the belly. This will be robust against retards who can't divide or don't know what to divide over what.
There's nothing to discuss. Whatever the average body size is will eventually be seen as normal/healthy etc. The Western world is getting fatter, of course there will be "fat acceptance".
Dude needs to show some self worth and iron his fucking pants
I can't think of any good reason to stop someone from killing themselves with shit tier food but the people who claim that "fat is healthy" should be gassed
mfw I have a latino gf like this, she would be so hot if she lost weight. not sure how to bring this up without her going berko.
The majority of all people are fat now, so of course they want to be accepted. They literally just ate to get on top.
>having the self control to not eat 4000 calories a day
Fucking lol
why would anyone smear chocolate ice cream all over themselves and then have sex....
that is chocolate ice cream.... right pol?
Restricting yourself to 2000 is considerably harder than 4000.
Yes... yes, it is.
No user. I am simply raising awareness of a public health issue. Please leave the poo at walmart.