What do you think about chinks eating dogs/cats?
I personally don't like it, but objectively speaking, think it's okay...
what's somewhat disappointing is how they're excessively cruel to the animals
What do you think about chinks eating dogs/cats?
I personally don't like it, but objectively speaking, think it's okay...
what's somewhat disappointing is how they're excessively cruel to the animals
no one cares about this discussion?
guess that's what i get for not making another one of the same 5 topics that constantly gets reposted every day
Persian here, I love cats and dogs, if I see chinese eating it near me, I will bash their mongoloid skull in, subhuman motherfuckers.
Anyone who has a problem with this but also eats meat is a fucking hypocrite
> ITT: Spot the liberal redditors who gets all touchy feely when cats are eaten cause they are cute
Gtfo redditors and back to your /r/aww threads
indians don't tell us to stop eating cows i don't see why we should care about chinese eating some animals that we don't. none of my business
Dogs are our little four-legged kin.
Cats are fags but they're ok i guess.
>it's bad that the Chinese eat the cute animals that I assign anamorphic qualities to.
I wish the Chinese would develop a taste for fur kin.
I like cats but it's w/e, pets to us meat to them. I guess pajeet is unhappy about all of the beef we eat but do we give a fuck?
Indians don't shit up social media with "caturday" garbage, or become "cow-moms" or have "leather kids".
But they do shit in fields.
They can eat what they want, they just don't have to be abusive savages.
Eh, pigs are cute too but I eat a lot of pork. A lot of people love horses, but outside of the Anglosphere they are eaten in large quantities. I question some of the methods used in storing and raising these animals (stupid Chinese corner-cutting). But the basic idea of raising an animal for food is sound in my opinion. There are just cultural differences on which animal should be raised for food, which animal is a good pet, or which animals are both.
Arabs throw homos off of buildings and beat their women into quiet submission, but Liberals want to make Arabs their pets.
Humans are weird. Animals are much smarter. Eat or be eaten.
Eating cats and dogs is inherently wrong. Both cats and dogs were domesticated and raised by humans to serve a purpose along with provide companionship. Only subhuman savages would think otherwise
this now a vegan thread
Pretty much all industrialized meat is savagely abusive. It's a disassembly line that autistic little hitlers design so you can have some shitty ameriburger pumped full of hormones and antibiotics that do nothing but turn male children into fatass homosexuals, and turn girls into future sluts with comically over-developed physical features by the time they are 12, and into raging SJW hambeasts by the time they are 23.
I thought about it for a while, contrasting opinions every time.
At least they get rid of stray dogs and cats. That is all I can say.
The chinese local market prefers their cute animal sourced meat to have the tangy zing of oxidized adrenaline and other stress-induced hormones and lactic acid released into the muscular tissues.
It taste like.......
Most slaughter houses in civilized countries incapacitate a relatively large animal before slaughter. Chinks flay to death a constant stream of small animals.
I will leave Sup Forums if this image is posted one more time.
goats provide companionship to millions of arabs and australians......Yet they both eat quite a bit of goat meat......
The "civilized" world just fucks niggers. But they don't eat them at least.
>All the jews in the german camps just died of dysentary or chlamidia that they just spread to each other....
Go visit a slaughterhouse and tell me how many of those animals didn't feel a thing....
Halal on the other hand is quite humane.
Exactly, subhuman savages.
Cattle was domesticated for eating cuck
how does the old saying goes ? eat what you like and dress what people like, so yeah i don't care if they eat dung as long as they don't serve me some.
At least they try to be humane. In America 2 thirds of slaughter houses are designed by Temple Grandin and should be humane. The other third are probably the Kosher houses.
>comparing violently brutalizing cats and dogs to America quickly killing cattle
ITT: dumbshits who think their opinion is holier than thou
you realize eating any sentient being is the exact same right?
what the fuck is the difference between a dog and a cow? they were both domesticated
you think because you breed chickens for the purpose of culling it gives you the right to make fun of chinks and gooks who eat your household pet?
lol gimmie a break you moral fags
anyone who isn't a full raw vegan in 2016 is pumping their body with hormones and is ethically inferior
get real
dogs were cherished for hunting and protection. cats were cherished for their ability to kill pests like mice
we don't need any in today's society. so a dog is the same meat as a fucking cow
t. zhang
I've almost never had a problem with the ones from hong kong, but the mainland ones are practically all shit.
keep eating your processed foods
If they killed them humanly then I wouldn't have a problem with it, I can't logically see a difference between a pig and a dog in terms of intelligence.
Hate cats.
Fuck 'em.
Dogs on the other hand...
Someone needs to come up with a disease that comes from eating dog and cat meat.
>implying animals are humanely killed in factories
I think it's horrible, they are such nice animals, they will be your best friend.
go to rural china. count the birds.
there's nothing you can do. cultural relativism. they might be disgusted by stuffs that we find normal too. in my country some people eat rabbit and horse testicles
i like cow liver.
I mean, the practice came about during the great Chinese famines, in which they had to eat literally anything to survive, including cats and dogs.
I guess it just kind of caught on, and continued even when times were good.
Maybe this is why Chinese/southeast asian food seems so fucking weird
It's fucked up and degenerate but I don't have the right to stop them in their land.
China: The Land Empathy Forgot
It is horrible, I have a dog and cat.
They are such loving loyal companions, I don't know how anyone could eat one, unless they were starving that is..
Not human. East Asians lack empathy for all living things, including their own.
so many dogs and cats just get killed anyway cause there is simply too many
>unless they were starving that is..
Well they ARE Chinese after all. Still, they should be rounded up and bombarded with radiation.
I can't watch that again.
I've often thought about how this came to be a widespread attitude. Asian cultures in general fascinate me. They itch to be subjugated and seem to actually be comfortable and happy under totalitarian systems, and lack the individualistic spirit commonly found in the West.
Animal rights is blue pilled as fuck.
All great leaders and serial killer in history abused and fucked with animals because the psycho drive causes greatness.
(Aka why hitler a shit)
What this guy said.
the only problem I have is how needlessly cruel and inhumane the Chinese are with their meat animals.
moralfags get the fuck off my board
>What do you think about chinks eating dogs/cats?
While you all whine on the internet like baby China becomes #1 economy and Shaghai looks like city of the future while New York appears a mud hut for primitive african nigger.
psychopathy is actually a brain defect and in most cases results in low IQ and pathological violence
it's what happens to a culture of nobles who long ago domesticated them.
ironically of course eventually the slaves rose up, killed its masters, and hilariously installed an even worse slave, master society(go figure)
Proves they are still savages.
Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.
THIS. I'm so tired of this fucking asianmasculinity fag.