Do you believe in God?
Do you believe in God?
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I believe in Second post, best post.
No there is no such thing.
Which god? But anyway I don't believe in whichever god you're referring to
I believe in a higher power/entity, but i dont believe in the bible
Tip as much as you want
why would I believe in something that has no evidence of existing?
>"Sup Forums is a place for serious discussion"
Yes, I have seen her.
Yes I believe in Jesus Christ.
>Jesus is my bro
Yes, just not your "god"
It's not a matter of belief, it's a matter of acknowledging reality.
I acknowledge God's existence, yes.
Buncha slack jawed faggots
Hitler did, unlike the founders of our country
Sure. Apparently, he's now hired as a gardener
If God is not real then who created the universe? Things don't just create themselves out of thin air
Cosmic perspective.
Absolutely and forever
If God is real then who created God? Things don't just create themselves out of thin air
God is not a thing
Mental gymnastics threads are always my favorite
Was that really so difficult to admit?
God is not a thing
I think you should look up the definition of "thing" in the dictionary; you are clearly lacking basic literary knowledge.
Yes, and you edgy atheists are part of the problem.
Are you going to be obtuse and try to argue semantics like a fucking leftist, or are you going to tell me where God came from?
Yeah I do. Its not because I want to. I just know he exists and its kinda hard to deal with.
God loves you anyway, user.
God came from the digits above
praise him
I hope so.
Now you're implying that I know where God came from. What kind of shit loaded question is that? No human can possibly hold that kind of knowledge. You might as well inquire a human as to what the state of the universe was before it was created (or already existed and then imploded upon and created itself which, ironically, requires just as much if not more faith than believing that God existed for eternity).
You only get one try at life. Be somebody that God would be proud of.
i prefer worship of the state thank you very much
I'm trying but study the Bible as I might. I am having troubles. Still I'll admit I am having progress. I can see my prayers being answered but I have no idea if that means God loves me or if I am redeemed. If you understand.
Keep at it. Nobody is perfect, but God will always love you if you don't throw it away.
Degenerate statist scum, how many children have you raped and murdered and recorded for your deepweb snuff porn film business? You fucking cocksucking faggot, kek will vanquish you.
IHVH was created after the primordial worlds and the edomite demon kings
I will. I'm hoping to learn to love again and have a change of heart.
If you figure out how to love again, let us know.
I don't know why that is funny but I figure if anyone can do it.. God can.
Fun is proof that God loves us.
>pic related
>No human can possibly hold that kind of knowledge.
A common refrain in the annals of history, and yet how many times has it been proven true?
I actually think that people need to start believing in god in the current year
Spend time with family and appreciate the good times while it lasts, enjoy life
One day we WILL have to fight back for our people and our countries
I strongly believe that good will also triumph over evil, the evil may be dominating at this point in time but when good men are pushed back into a corner, they will eventually fight back
My brain really can't even process that. I was in very bad shape before I finally found God. However I am healing and I'm assuming that means I'm doing the right thing. I've done my best to be as repentant as possible. I still make mistakes but I think its my attitude of repentance that matters. As long as I want to do what is right in Gods eyes right and don't become complacent in sin?
Well I take comfort in the passage that says with God all things are possible.
I believe in the possibility. The idea fascinates and terrifies me at the same time. No one can know for sure until after death, though.
no digits granted<
Prove me wrong then, tell me where God came from.
>that has no evidence of existing
There is no evidence of Him not existing either.
You have to forgive yourself before you can forgive others.
Religion is man made. But God should inspire you to be the best person you can be before it's time.
Ouch. I guess that is what is wrong. So the formula is forgive my self, forgive others and ask God for forgiveness.. I skipped my self.
We are all sinners. The rest is up to me or you.
Thanks for talking to me. I mean it. God bless you and goodnight. I will ask God for help with forgiving my self and moving on.
no worries bro.
It's always the best to walk among the fallen. I'm a piece of shit myself.
not an argument
God is the light
I would love to meet one of those things.
>why a pyramid with wings?
>why a pink noodly chimp thing?
>well played, interdimensional traveller.
Then we'd solve crimes together.
No. God may give off light but so do his angels and the fallen angels.
Don't give in to the fallen angels.
I already did once. I learned my lesson.
Same. Good way to learn the lesson.
literally not an argument.
I believe that a higher power designed and created the universe, and is now a passive observer. When it comes to an afterlife, I'm agnostic. I still go to church every week, because Christians are welcoming and being part of your community is a great feeling.
I suppose. I am still wary from my own experience and I am just glad to be over it.
Make your own christian nation and kill the heathens in risk.
Absolutely. God is real and omnimalevolent. Only a divine hand could craft a hell this flawlessly perditious.
I'm pretty wary as well
But whatever is true or not true, now I know for sure which side I'm on.
Then why is the universe mostly dark?
He is a consuming fire. Whatever our imaginations of hell are. Its really just being burned by His righteousness being above ours.
Yeah. Keep praying for help. God is way more faithful than we are.
I found this pastebin really helpful. I'll leave you with it. I've really got to go now. Cya.
I'm pretty sure it was
You said
>There's no evidence of god existing
And he said
>There's no evidence of him not existing
Are all atheist clinically retarded?
my local church? I moved to the city a couple years ago, how do I find a church, join it, and meet people/girls??
literally is an argument
Choose literally any Christian church and tell them you're a nonbeliever trying to find the love of Jesus Christ. You'll be accepted with open arms.
I came to the realisation that some great minds simply operate better under a software like " Christianity ".
It might just be their biological makeup - they won't deal with the meaning of life very much, but they'll reap all the mental and emotional health benefits out of it - and use their brain power for something else.
Sure such cases are rare, but if there are such cases you could understand them by talking with such people - and then I would simply not make fun of religion.
I've been thinking about this for a long time
I have just the strangest suspicion that there isn't one god, there is two
that once there was nothing but a void with these two fantastical and epic creative forces suddenly crashed together and when they did this, the universe was created
in this universe from a microscopic level to a universal one things are either this or that, God B or God 2
>if I called them God A or God 1 people would always be arguing about who has the better deity
>also rhymes with "me" and "you"
I think while we're here, we're either part of one God or part of the other, everybody is either God B or God 2, experiencing the universe subjectively through every living thing, and that what we're supposed to do is educate our Self (people with whom we share a God) and love the Other (people whom are of the other God)
What this does is to make every interaction we share with another human being on this planet a cosmologically significant event, and instead of teaching us to worship "God," it teaches us to worship Each Other
The Universe is basically just a load of awkward flirting and cosmic footsie
thinking like this helps keep my life in perspective, and out of what is otherwise just chaos and noise comes a strange kind of beauty
when I view the universe like this, every little thing makes sense
even the bad things
when seen as a step in the intricate convoluted dance that is our combined universe, even hate has a place and a purpose
it's still love
what do you think, Sup Forums?
>the first two letters of my ID are my initials
oh fuck me this has to stop happening
I'm an abo and I take comfort in God because he is loving and greater than the racist whites. It's all vanity and sin.
the truth is no one knows for sure and belief systems are just that -- beliefs.
you cant argue against other people's "faith" and you cant really argue that your own faith is more valid than others (without some serious mental gymnastics and flaws)
until we know everything (which we cant) the religious and non religious will always be in eternal conflict
meanwhile im over here making money, fucking bitches on tinder, lifting, and eating well
just follow the golden rule in general, and it's really not that hard to live a good life.
literally just go to school, get a good job, court a girl, have some kids, have a few hobbies and then die happy
^if you cant follow that formula, for whatever reason/excuse, then find youre own way or just die like the stupid cuck you are
I highly recommend this:
>fucking bitches on tinder
>following the golden rule
I'd watch that
Yes but I am a shit Christian and a heathen. I hope God can forgive me.
>Any ruler of THIS universe
I see you're already far down the wrong path, friend.
I hold to the God of Abraham.
>made in his image
>humans suck
top kek
God is ridiculous if protniggers are right
You sound like a boring case of normie.
No I don't believe in God.
I do however believe in Christian values.
Old Testament God was filled with anger and testosterone.
Protestant God blames you for things he did
>Do you believe in God?
I believe in the Personal God
Is this a real quote by Hitler? Pretty damn redpilled if so.
Makes sense, ultimately. I've long since conceded that the kikes are absolutely right and their demonic sandnigger war god really is the god of the universe. Few other deities in human history so accurately match the obviously fucked up state of the universe. Only the god of the kikes would possibly allow something as abominable as kikes to exist in the first place.
yeah I often think about this too
what the old testament is asking of you is to unconditionally love the vengeful and psychotic baby-raping beast who is responsible for your life, which is pretty difficult seeing as it's so fucking awful
it's kind of funny desu