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/r/Ing the time traveler trump one
Here ya go
>Hilary stumped Trump... Anyone that thinks Trump is gonna win is delusional.
lol I just talking about this last night. To add to this, the wizard community (at least in the UK) would be extremely weak following the war, easy takings for muggle governments that have been spying and studying wizards for years.
Voldemort was the last chance for the wizards to preserve their culture before it is destroyed by the muggles and their ever increasing technology.
The muggles couldn't conquer the wizards in the past but as technology gets better and better they will surpass them. Whether that's 10 years, 20 years, or 200 years in the future.
JK Rolling is delusional
I'm not even really into HP but considering how autistic the fan base is I'm very surprised there isn't more conversation about this
or just a cuck lefty. Very appropriate to the decline of the west.
japan has god tier bantz
Yep, we still have this legend about communists gold. It disappeared after ww2. They say that several ships with gold were going to U.S. to pay for land lease tanks and plains, but they drowned - German Luftwaffe destroyed them
Almost as badass as that guy who fought in ww2 with a longbow and a broadsword
Coming from Japan
Yeeah, this would probably fuck them up.
not Sup Forums
also not Sup Forums
I'm out
you're welcome
top kek
also not Sup Forums
lol poor bastard. He sounds very ill.
Holy fuck.
what was the point of shopping over the flag
Did a swedish poster really just confuse swiss and swedish
I feel something, but im not sure if this is hope or despair.
I have seen enough shit to know that this could be true and it would mean that there is much larger things deeper in the current.
>tfw you just want to go back to "your" time line.
>mfw my reply is the final cap in this
top kek i think ive been here too long
reminding everyone of the day /sg/ helped in the bombing of a terrorist training camp
Silly banter. The capital have chinese governor now, and the living condition have increased dramatically.
this is great
funniest thing i have ever seen, is it Sup Forums?
I was in that thread, but I don't know if the american flag is me or not. There were a few of us making that argument iirc.
speaking of pitbull, just had to put mine down after it killed my other dog.. again
shhh you arent supposed to point that out
Fine, put them on reddit and then stay there
Damn, what breed was the other doggy?
your newfag is showing...
Pit bulls are nigger tier dogs
Should have put it down when you had the chance
>inc its how you raise it
>not all pit bulls
>dindu nuffin
>Pence Prime
I don't want the human race to all look like Mike Pence
super edgy. torturing an infant child resulting in permanent mental damage. very cool. worth the luls.
All you have to do is look at this one image compared to all of the older ones to see not only how shitty Sup Forums gets during an election, how stupid Trump fags are and how this place has really fallen so far until it has become Sup Forums2.0.
At least they'll be white.
>12 Trump-monkeys
whoa nigger
you expect me to read...
Cool story - and definitely makes you reconsider reality and the world around us - but it's clearly fake.
these are always gold
When kek failed us
That was before we realized his presence, though.
excuse me mr time traveler,but i have like so many questions
this is a good one
Thats pretty fucking cool