CNN mocks people looking for evidence ONLINE, because a lot of lies are online! The idea that 911 was an inside job was online!
Sure a lot of Clinton supporters think 911 was an inside job but what does that matter?! ONLINE!
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Sup Forums BTFO
Unqualified people provide no evidence to what is obviously declining health.
Ohh I forget, you're probably a fat faggot who demands pillows to prop yourself up for a 5 minute interview and would demand stools for sitting at your debates as well
You have to look on-line because CNN sure as shit isn't going to tell you anything.
Hillary is literally ill. Even her girlfriend, Huma, says it.
Good thing CNN is unbiased and doesn't push any agenda.
>hurt hurt if it's on the internet it's not true
This lad is why Clinton loses.
If you guys actually remember, every allegation against Clinton has been called a "conspiracy theory" by the media and her team.
Hilariously every one of these conspiracy theories turned out to be true. Most notably when those rumors of slick willy's fun time in the office before they were actually confirmed.
(She's not)
Does anyome watch this shit anymore?
Did CNN just start doing that live on air fact checking faggotry?
Well then, I guess my record has been corrected.
Some people do, but they've fallen behind MSNBC in ratings as of late. Probably has something to do with being rabid Hillary cheerleaders.
You need to try the fuck again.
Thank you senpai
>no one should get their news on the internet unless it's from trusted left-leaning sources!
this is how desperate they sound
>tfw all of this came from a gif of hillary looking at balloons
They're going out of business once Trump wins.
The MSM has destroyed itself totally. They've burned all their credibility in their vain attempt to stop Trump.
How do they spin Hillary jerking uncontrollably in public?
Sorry OP I don't watch racist news stations.
>searching the internet and drawing conclusions? those fucking goys how dare they question our carefully constructed narrative
Their pundits rely on Twitter to stay relevant.'s very easy to crush the media right now...
was just a meme friend she's hip
all the cool kids have absence seizures from too much visual input
They bring up that stupid woman who says "you guys she didn't have a seizure I was there!" And her whole argument hinges on the fact that she took photos after which means she is fine because apparently the only seizures that exist are the ones that put you into a coma.
what if she's actually completely healthy, and she's going to come out in October doing rallies with a ton of energy and stuff. Like this is all part of a master play in a 12 dimensional chess game?
Kind of off topic but.
My ex passed a blood clot thorough her heart, damaging a valve, that ended up lodging in her lungs.
She had that EXACT same light cough Hillary's got now.
She had spells where she was lightheaded & dizzy and tried all the time . And constantly short of breath.
The blood thinners also contributed to her weakness and occasional disorientation.
Thanks WebMDanon.
But seriously, you're probably right.
Seems to me she's awfully interested in Provigil for a healthy person...
Can't belive I googled WebMdanon.
>Having one fucking iota of credibility now
I figured even normies were over their shit when they had to apologize for characterizing that negress calling on people to burn down white suburbs as a "call for peace" a few weeks ago
Can we boycott them to the severity of Gawker?
>clinton news network